racing incident opinion

  • Thread starter eykxas
Hi everyone !

Yesterday, in a lobby an incident has occurred and I need your opinion about this.

There was three cars in a hairpin turn. This is the racing lines of the three cars (approximately) :


The green car is slightly ahead of the red and purple. The red car has the most aggressive line and try to overtake the two others. As you can see, the crash is inevitable. one of the three cars should have braked. But which ? not sure where to start with this.

You say the green car is slightly ahead of the two others, but in the picture, using the dots as reference, that's not the case. Are you saying green is ahead at the start of the lines?
Green is giving enough space on the inside for the other two cars.

Red and purple should brake, because they can’t continue on their trajectories without hitting the green car. not sure where to start with this.

You say the green car is slightly ahead of the two others, but in the picture, using the dots as reference, that's not the case. Are you saying green is ahead at the start of the lines?
Visually the red is ahead, but for the GT7, it’s the green.
Cannot judge exactly without a video, but I've been in countless 3 wide situations and I'm always the first one to brake. You can't really trust other people to drive clean so I always take responsibility to protect myself first. Survive the corner and live to fight another day.
Hi everyone !

Yesterday, in a lobby an incident has occurred and I need your opinion about this.

There was three cars in a hairpin turn. This is the racing lines of the three cars (approximately) :

View attachment 1289936

The green car is slightly ahead of the red and purple. The red car has the most aggressive line and try to overtake the two others. As you can see, the crash is inevitable. one of the three cars should have braked. But which ?
They should all have braked. It's a hairpin afterall.
Honestly I will hold back until I see the replay. From the trajectory on this graphic it looks like the Green wasn't going to make the corner due to their position.
Some questions:
1.) Who ran into who at the end of the braking zone after turning in?
2.) Did the red or purple car turn down on the green car, or did the green car collect one or both of the others after initiating turn in?
3.) Who had over overlap over who before turning in for the corner?

The entry of this corner and who did what will dictate who is at fault, and you can pretty much disregard whatever happened on the exit if the entry was where the incident occurred. Now, lets assume all 3 went in cleanly missing each other and not having contact on the switch overs, came to be side by side in the corner and holding their lines in the corner, then the red car would be at fault for not leaving a car's width on exit...assuming the incident in question is in reference to the exit of this corner. Alot to consider and certainly more info is needed.

Just saw your photo posted below...disregard the above. I was looking at the incident in reverse as if they were approcing a right hand corner rather than left.

Now, based on what I see, the red car seems to have slowed the car to hold and maintain his tight inside line and he appears to have had the lead/sufficient overlap to own that line. From the angle shown, the middle car (purple) turned down into red car's line/space, initiating contact which subsequently bounced purple car out onto the green car. I would say, assuming the red car held his line and didn't fade outward, this would be the purple car's fault for turning down onto the red car which bounced him out onto the green car...again, the purple car's fault for initiating the entire incident. Had the purple car loosened up his line and afforded the room to the red car on his inside, contact could have been avoided with all involved. Verdict: Purple car's fault...or just incidental contact for a 3 wide situation with those twitchy open wheel cars.
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It’s a little hard to explain without a clip.

at the end of the turn, the purple touch slightly the red then bounce to the green. Then the green crash.

Green claims that Red is at fault, has a bad line and should have slowed down.


(right is green on the plan, middle purple and left red)
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It’s a little hard to explain without a clip.

Without a clip to give any context its impossible for anyone to give any meaningful feedback. It's guesswork with a drawing and a screenshot as to who, if anyone, was at fault.
It’s a little hard to explain without a clip.

at the end of the turn, the purple touch slightly the red then bounce to the green. Then the green crash.

Green claims that Red is at fault, has a bad line and should have slowed down.

View attachment 1289967

(right is green on the plan, middle purple and left red)
Looks to me like right takes the "u" line, middle the "v" line and left tries to kill them both.

But as @watto79 posted: without context in form of a video it's just guesstimating
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A single image at point of almost-impact is meaningless.

From the picture it looks like the guy on the right is not aiming to leave two cars' width on the inside despite there being two cars there already, but we have no idea if the guy on the left has just steamed into a space that wasn't there in the first place...
From my point of view, purple is at fault. Not only will his line push him in to red, the other two cars are ahead of him. Green looks to have left more than enough space, but if purple steers right to avoid red, he then would have hit the left rear of green. Purple should have backed out and he would have either picked up the slip stream or red and green could have collided and he would have skated through.
It’s a little hard to explain without a clip.

at the end of the turn, the purple touch slightly the red then bounce to the green. Then the green crash.

Green claims that Red is at fault, has a bad line and should have slowed down.

View attachment 1289967

(right is green on the plan, middle purple and left red)
Like others have said, this is difficult to judge without more context. Video would be very helpful for the entire incident.

That being said ...

The "Green" car (right most in picture) is ahead but has left room on the inside for an overtake.

The "Red" car (left most in picture) and "Purple" car (middle in picture) are both fighting for the same gap that the Green car has left open.

It appears from this image that the Red car is ahead of Purple into the turn but has too sharp of an approach line, overtake will probably fail.

The Purple car has a much better angle to make the overtake work, but Red car is in the way and should brake to avoid contact.

Therefore, just from the current information provided, I'd have to say Purple car is at fault.
All need to brake/lift to keep their trajectories even when exiting the corner, exteror/interior/middle.
The problem with the drawing is that all want to get to the exterior when exit but only green can
Hi everyone !

Yesterday, in a lobby an incident has occurred and I need your opinion about this.

There was three cars in a hairpin turn. This is the racing lines of the three cars (approximately) :

View attachment 1289936

The green car is slightly ahead of the red and purple. The red car has the most aggressive line and try to overtake the two others. As you can see, the crash is inevitable. one of the three cars should have braked. But which ?

It’s a little hard to explain without a clip.

at the end of the turn, the purple touch slightly the red then bounce to the green. Then the green crash.

Green claims that Red is at fault, has a bad line and should have slowed down.

View attachment 1289967

(right is green on the plan, middle purple and left red)
Assuming all info provided, red totally dive bombed and is at fault. Green has the right of way and is pulling a defensive line per description and going slow in to presumably hold both behind and then get a fast exit in the lead as normal in racing. Both purple and red had to brake and have more respect leaving distance or risk causing a collision as they did.
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In a perfect world, Green should hold his/her line to the outside of the corner. Purple should maintain his/her line in the middle and Red should brake and hold the inside. Momentum throughout the turn will determine who leads from there and everyone should come out unscathed.
Furthermore, I assumed that the turn goes right, as the OP never assessed the direction. I can now see it was the other way round, so yes, pictures are useless!
I don't think the issue here is about braking but the throttle on the exit.

If they all give normal throttle (100%) to maximize track width they are going to crash as the predicted lines.

If they manage the throttle taking it consideration they have to leave space for the other cars, they all can exit side to side without contact.
This is the clip.

You have the three point of view.

Gran Turismo 7_20230925191857

i think this is just lack of awareness of the cars around, you (i assume) and he shouldnt go for the apex, just keep your middle and exterior line, and Jean should stick to the interior.
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Purple only, green should actually speed up. Red has the only valid racing line. If green speeds up it will be carried to the outside curb where it should be. Neither can see purple.
Those are BAC Monos, which have little down force and even less visibility. If you've not pulled up so your front bumpers are even before the braking zone begins, you are to yield to the driver you're trying to catch.
Red and purple have another problem: they're likely to take damage on both sides of the car if there's a collision.

In an online game, purple and green would ghost and nothing would happen out of the ordinary.