SniperRed3 1,046 Nottingham Sep 20, 2014 #124 Is there a place where I can find fliters and brushes for this?
G.T.Ace 10,270 Bonn GTAce Sep 20, 2014 #125 SniperRed3 Is there a place where I can find fliters and brushes for this? Click to expand... DeviantArt, or just search on Google.
SniperRed3 Is there a place where I can find fliters and brushes for this? Click to expand... DeviantArt, or just search on Google.
Nato_777 Moderately Super Premium 8,187 Kaikoura, NZ Nato777 Nov 13, 2014 #126 Just found these three old rain edits I had started way back on a usb stick I had laying around, I'm not real happy with them but thought I would post them here anyway...
Just found these three old rain edits I had started way back on a usb stick I had laying around, I'm not real happy with them but thought I would post them here anyway...
Mattpro 293 Argentina Furikai-Revoir Dec 27, 2014 #129 Is my First "Realistic Rain" Edit, Thanks for watch it. Original edit
The Chosen One 938 Somewhere in the Northeast AllFizzledOut TakeALLTheNames Mar 31, 2015 #142 When GT7 comes out, I don't think photoshop will be necessary for shots like these
MeteorzApple 168 Nord blackghost59 MrSuiciideSheep Apr 1, 2015 #143 and, a picture for fun ! (It's Gran Turismo 6)
MSTER232 6,598 United Kingdom MSTER232 PS3 =/= Xbox 360 May 10, 2015 #149 MeteorzApple and, a picture for fun ! (It's Gran Turismo 6) Click to expand... The editing makes it look a lot like DriveClub 👍 .
MeteorzApple and, a picture for fun ! (It's Gran Turismo 6) Click to expand... The editing makes it look a lot like DriveClub 👍 .