Rap: Music or not?Music 

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Born and raised in the hood, Lived and breathed rap music since it blew up in the 80's and into my mid teens I left it all behind. I did not have a choice because that was the life my family and peers from school showed me as a kid. Now I pretty much only listen to deathmetal and I play the guitar. So I don't listen to any modern rap.... and I just HATE when people who do listen to rap write off everything else. You know how may times I meet a girl and she complains about my music? That's why I date white women :(.......
While rap certainly takes skill to pull off well (and by "well" I mean something else than the majority of the mainstream rap) I still don't like it and wouldn't consider it music but "audible art" or something like that. Poetry with a backing rhythm isn't far off. Music in my opinion needs rhythm, instruments and a melody - if one of them is missing it's something else. Rap often doesn't have a "proper" melody, if it does I actually wouldn't call it rap anymore.

Then again, it's not a problem to me that rap is made, a lot of people like it so let them have their enjoyment. What is a problem is that it's hard not to hear it just about everywhere these days and it's usually the mainstream crap that is being played. :ouch:
The first music genre that took my attention was rap, and I've listened to it a lot... well what really makes me enjoy it are the beats, those low frequencies... but I totally agree that some songs are overly repetitive and related to abusive themes, which makes the whole music type get some dislikes...
Your forgetting [/quote] tags.
We still have Drake but the members here are talking about hiphop.Can we consider RATM has some influence in rap?
Your forgetting
We still have Drake but the members here are talking about hiphop.Can we consider RATM has some influence in rap?[/QUOTE]

I did that but it quotes what I say and the quote tag is not under it only above it to quote what someone else said
That discounts every single artist in the world then, since every song goes through post production. Also, a rapper's voice is NOT made by a computer. It comes from the same place as every other singer.

Hmm, I beg to differ. For one, a Singer sings, doesn't just talk, and granted rappers sing occasionally but don't usually, and my cousin likes rap. I don't know many of the rappers names, but I do know one, 'lil wayne', and I frequently heard his voice sounding like it went through autuotune 10 times because it sounded so electronic.

Edit: I don't know what's happening. Its not quoting right. Ill try again later
I think the tags have to be [*quote] person you want to quote[/*quote]
Take out the * from the tags and you get
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The [ /quote] tags you put in your other post are screwing everything up because you're quoting them. ;) Edit your posts so that one has a space in it and it shouldn't do anything.
The [ /quote] tags you put in your other post are screwing everything up because you're quoting them. ;) Edit your posts so that one has a space in it and it shouldn't do anything.

But one of the tags didn't shot up when I started the message so I copied the one on top...
Absolutely not even worth the conversation. You can have farm animals making noises in a song which counts as music. I guess it's what people perceive to be music. Rap and Hip Hop should never be 'not music' in my opinion.
That discounts every single artist in the world then, since every song goes through post production. Also, a rapper's voice is NOT made by a computer. It comes from the same place as every other singer.

Now hang on a second here. My cousin likes rap and he made me listen to some. I don't remember many rappers names but I do remember, 'lil wayne', and I remember his voice sounds like a computer more times than not. Granted, Rappers do occasionally sing, but not often. When they are singing, they are not rapping. So when you say a rappers voice comes from the same place a singers does, you are right, but only if referring to when they sing, not rap. Singing and talking sound and are different for a reason.

I know a lot of tap has meaningful lyrics, but so does a lot of rock, country, etc... And with rock and country, instruments are being played and people are singing 99% of the time.
Crap like Lil' Wayne is far from good music, but when there is good stuff like this:

I wouldn't even consider music like this the same genre, and it's unfair to group it with the likes of Lil Wayne/Drake/etc.
Crap like Lil' Wayne is far from good music, but when there is good stuff like this:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl9W3u5qfms">YouTube Link</a>

I wouldn't even consider music like this the same genre, and it's unfair to group it with the likes of Lil Wayne/Drake/etc.

Yes but lil Wayne is rap¡
has anyone checked a guy called Sam Adams - Letter to the lost?
he sounds a bit like Eminem!

another one is Grieves...this guy has a LOT of great tracks...just youtube him!
There is a lot of rap that I would consider music but you have to go back to the late 80s and 90s for it. The vast majority of the rappers today are horrible and rap only about women, money, and drugs. Some of the rappers that are actually good are 2pac, Biggie, Rakim, Nas, Run-DMC, Wu Tang Clan.
I'm sure half of you kids don't even know why real rap is. You all think rapping is about drugs, money, sex and them rapping about it.. It's not you should listen to tribe called quest the oldest and first rap group, listen to J Cole a new rapper that is educated and speaks mind. Listen to Tupac one of the best that ever spoke into the mic. Don't say rap isn't music it's saving peoples lives and people relate to it. Call screamo not music.
I'm sure half of you kids don't even know why real rap is. You all think rapping is about drugs, money, sex and them rapping about it.. It's not you should listen to tribe called quest the oldest and first rap group, listen to J Cole a new rapper that is educated and speaks mind. Listen to Tupac one of the best that ever spoke into the mic. Don't say rap isn't music it's saving peoples lives and people relate to it. Call screamo not music.

Give me hiphop, not rap.
I'm sure half of you kids don't even know why real rap is. You all think rapping is about drugs, money, sex and them rapping about it.. It's not you should listen to tribe called quest the oldest and first rap group, listen to J Cole a new rapper that is educated and speaks mind. Listen to Tupac one of the best that ever spoke into the mic. Don't say rap isn't music it's saving peoples lives and people relate to it. Call screamo not music.

Good point only screamo is music. There are instruments that aren't sampled.
I never understood what is so great about Jay-Z, his flow is boring.
Rap is music, you don't have to like it or appreciate it. As with all music, some songs are deeper in meaning than others.
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