Rapture Day on Oct 21,2011 (Harold Camping)

  • Thread starter PHCharls
I wonder what Camping's excuse will be when the regularly-scheduled apocalypse doesn't happen? Probably something along the lines of "God saw the legions of the faithful and took mercy on humankind so that more souls could be saved" or some such nonsense.
12:26 AM here in Pittsburgh.

No weirdness yet, give it a few more hours... when nothing happens!
I find it amazing how many people out there that actually buy(literally) into this crap. Well, maybe not. There are some :crazy: people out there.

Nothing weird in Ohio. Waiting...............................
I believe he said it would happen as it strikes 6 pm in each time zone, so if Australia is still here, I think were good. :D
Aaaaand ... Rapture!


Okay, try again.

Ready ... set ... Rapture!

Hmmm. Still nothing.

Three - two - one - Rapture!



Well, I've got nothing.



It was worth a try.
Well I for one am glad it's not happened, it's my birthday on the 30th and I'm not putting on any extra spreads for demons or anything. It's invite only.
Oh no! I already gave away all my money and items, and now it's not coming? I believed in this guy, I really did, how could he be wrong? There must be some mistake here! :(

I could mutter something about a classic 90's anime...but I'm not going to. Camping doesn't need to be in a nursing home, he needs to be put in a psychiatric ward IMHO. I'm not a Christian, but guys like him give Christianity a bad name.
I could mutter something about a classic 90's anime...but I'm not going to.

Then I'll quote classic 90's Western Animation: He's an eediot.
I'm 18 and I've already survived the world ending (however that could happen without the sun burning out) a few thousand times, get real.
Well the only thing that may happen today is that we get hit by a Class-M Solar flare.There is a 60% chance of this happening.

I don't really believe in his mumbo jumbo,but just thought I would share what actually may happen today.
Cant wait to see what his excuse is for this
Well, his excuse the last time around was that they misinterpreted 'earthquake' as meaning an actual earthquake (an honest mistake), when they should have interpreted it as meaning people would be shaken with fear at the promise of the end of days. They also claimed that God had been impressed by the efforts of the faithful and so had decided to spare the rest of humankind the agony of the final judgement, instead preferring a quiet judgement period. Furthermore, they suspected that this was a deliberate ploy by God to sort out the truly faithful from the unbelievers; when the Rapture did not come on May 21st, only the faithful would continue to believe, whilst the unbelievers would abandon their beleifs.

That's the problem with these people. Even when they're proven to be undeniably wrong, they take it as evidence that they are right.
*shakes head*
Like I said - in the face of undeinable evidence that they are wrong, they will twist it in such a way that it proves them right. It's like the old medieval witch 'test': a woman accused of witchcraft was thrown into a body of water. If she floated, she was 'proven' to be a witch, taken out of the water and burned at the stake. If she sank, she was 'proven' to be innocent, in which case she drowned. No doubt the test was created in such a way that the accused woman would die either way, thus removing her from the community and preventing her from being a threat in the future.
Oh look at me, the world is going to end in 20 minutes, wheres my 50 million dollars for providing you with useless information?
If the rapture does indeed occur for some odd reason, is there an option of ascending to heaven with our clothes on?

If I don't like being nude in public, chances are I won't like being nude in front of Angels and the head honcho.
And yet, he failed again. :rolleyes:

If there is a God and the whole idea of heaven and hell hypothetically works, by deduction, I'd guess he'll be camping in hell for being a false prophet.