Rate the vehicle above you (READ THE OP)

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8/10. Beautiful truck. 4/10 if it has a Chevy engine.

Olds- 8/10 Nice to see a stock muscle car. Love the Oldsmobile 442, wonderful machine. Wheels are that classic design, love the chrome, and a nice shade of blue.

Lister Jaguar Knobbly '13
(Made using remade 50's parts)

Olds- 8/10 Nice to see a stock muscle car. Love the Oldsmobile 442, wonderful machine. Wheels are that classic design, love the chrome, and a nice shade of blue.

I believe that one is just a normal Cutlass.
9.9/10. The P1 is an epic car, but it misses the carisma, and the sound of the F1.


BMW M5 (E34) My favorite M5, and 5-Series.
8/10 There, I like the M5s in general, but my favourite was the model above. Points up for the lights and alloys, points off slightly for the car still looking a little too boxy for my liking.

But I have to mention that P1... I'd normally give it 9/10, but because it's got the whole CARS look, it's automatically a 15/10 :D


Ford Focus RS
Ferrari- Fast version of an already speedy car. I usually love track version Ferraris, but the headlights ruin that one. 7.4/10

Jaguar XF 3.0 Diesel Premium Luxury '14