After a nearly two-year hiatus, I am excited to announce that the GTP Cool Wall is back in business!!! First off, a special thanks to
@Wiegert for allowing me to revive and curate the Wall. This is something I had wanted to do for quite a long time, and now it's finally a reality.
The format, rules, and requirements of the "old" Cool Wall will mostly stay the same, though there will be a few changes made:
-First, and foremost, the way in which cars are to be nominated has changed dramatically, and for the better! Members will
no longer have to research a car's specs, pictures, and additional info to make a nomination. I will take care of all of that! All one needs to do in order to correctly make a nomination is list the make, model, and if necessary, the year/generation name in their nomination. As curator, I will find the car's specs and pictures, to save the community time and effort. For the "additional information" section of the nomination, I will not include any information pertaining to the car, unless the nominator includes any in their nomination, to avoid bias. I know it may seem ridiculous for me to want to do more work for the CW, but I figured that if I did not require members to do research about the car they wish to nominate, there would naturally be more nominations in the queue!
Sample nomination, under the new format: 1999-2002 Nissan Skyline GT-R (though don't nominate this car. as it has already been nominated). That's all the information that is required.
-Second, members are allowed to nominate up to
two different cars at once, instead of one, like before, and this would be allowed indefinitely. I am allowing this in hopes to boost the number of nominations in the queue.
-Third, polls will now stay open for ten days, as opposed to seven, so that less-active members have an extended period of time to vote and comment in Cool Wall threads.
-This is not a change I am implementing for sure, but I have thought about it. I may allow race cars to be nominated once again, but as this is a controversial topic, I do not want to upset the community by allowing this, without their feedback. Here is the thread where y'all can vote whether or not race cars should be allowed to be nominated:
Concept cars, however, will remain un-allowed for nomination.
-Finally, I will consult with the staff and hopefully have them sticky this thread (not sure why it isn't stickied already), so that if nominations are running low, this thread wouldn't be buried at the bottom of the page, or even the 2nd page.
Per usual, if you have any questions, suggestions, clarifications, or concerns, feel free to let me know in this thread!
Nominations are open, effective immediately. As aforementioned, up to two cars are now able to be nominated, and no research is needed! The first poll will go up next Tuesday (8/20), and like before, a thread will go up every two days. If the number of cars in the queue becomes excessive, a poll will go up daily instead. I am very optimistic about the future of the Cool Wall, and I'm hoping it'll reach the success it had years ago!