Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
a6m5 nice find on the green tip ammo.

Here is a video I just finished watching about shooting Aguila minishell ammo with semi-auto shotguns. What I have not looked into yet is if there an Opsul or equivalent adapter available for semi-auto shotguns.

Awhile back I saw this video about shooting minishells with a DP12 and thought I'd give it a try.

However, below is a video showing exactly what I experienced while trying to run minishells through a DP12.

Brett is your Tavor the SAR or X95? A friend of mine has a X95 with a Geissele trigger. I haven't fired a Tavor with the oem trigger pack but I have not heard good things about it. My buddy let me run a fee magazines through his X95 with the Geissele trigger and now I find myself wanting a X95 with that same trigger :lol:.
Brett is your Tavor the SAR or X95? A friend of mine has a X95 with a Geissele trigger. I haven't fired a Tavor with the oem trigger pack but I have not heard good things about it. My buddy let me run a fee magazines through his X95 with the Geissele trigger and now I find myself wanting a X95 with that same trigger :lol:.

Mine is a SAR. The factory trigger pack is not terrible, but leaves much to be desired. I have not tried dry firing it with the factory trigger pack and Geissele trigger bow, but would guess that it improves the feel quite a bit. I would say the Geissele trigger bow is as worthwhile as an upgrade as the trigger pack.
@Xavier2342 Cool videos. 👍 I may never try out the minishells, but that DP12 seems like a lot of fun. I like the one pump = two shots.
$0.25 per round on brass is tough to beat.
Yeah, I didn't really need any ammo, but I try to buy them when they are cheap.
Yes and yes. I have a Geissele trigger pack and trigger bow in my Tavor. Both are fantastic. In my AR build, I have a LaRue trigger. It is also great. I probably would have a Geissele in the AR build also, but LaRue had/has their MBT on a great sale.
Was it pretty easy to swap out the trigger? Notice much difference accuracy-wise, etc.? I've only known stock triggers(Bushmaster 308 + M&P Sport II), so I'm kinda curious.
may never try out the minishells, but that DP12 seems like a lot of fun. I like the one pump = two shots.
I shot one of those. Fairly nice gun, but the 2 shot, one pump thing confused me. Also, the one I shot had a very quick trigger (which actually terrified me a bit). I'd say try it first before purchasing one.
I shot one of those. Fairly nice gun, but the 2 shot, one pump thing confused me. Also, the one I shot had a very quick trigger (which actually terrified me a bit). I'd say try it first before purchasing one.
How does two shot thing work? Single trigger/two pull, or two triggers?
Was it pretty easy to swap out the trigger? Notice much difference accuracy-wise, etc.? I've only known stock triggers(Bushmaster 308 + M&P Sport II), so I'm kinda curious.

On the Tavor or AR? The trigger pack on the Tavor is super easy to swap out. Swapping the trigger involves involves: pushing two pins out, pulling the bolt hold open down and out of the way, letting the factory pack drop out, and then repeating those steps backwards. The trigger bow was a little more difficult as it involves tearing pretty much the entire rifle apart to get to the bow.

Replacing an AR trigger can be super easy to mildly easy depending on which one is chosen. The LaRue MBT is easy. Line up the trigger to the lower hole in the receiver and push one of the two trigger pins through the receiver. Line up the hammer to the second hole in the receiver and push the second trigger pin through the receiver. Both of those have to be done while aligning the springs and that is not too bad. There are other AR triggers that are drop in packs and only require pushing the pins through the receiver.

As long as I do my part, they should improve accuracy because of the better feel and consistency. I do not always do the best job of doing my part though. I need more practice.
@Xavier2342 Cool videos. 👍 I may never try out the minishells, but that DP12 seems like a lot of fun. I like the one pump = two shots.

Without a doubt the DP12 is a fun gun and I'd even venture to say that it is the most fun shotgun I've ever fired. The gun is heavy but that is what soaks up so much of the recoil. Ammo capacity and recoil management in mind, I think you could easily go through several boxes of 00-Buck and not have a sore shoulder. Put a red dot sight on this thing and you're in business.

Edit: I'm still waiting for an opportunity to shot an AA12. I'll never own one but maybe I'll get to shoot one at a gun expo of some sort in the future.
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As long as I do my part, they should improve accuracy because of the better feel and consistency. I do not always do the best job of doing my part though. I need more practice.
I've shot lot more since beginning of 2018 & it's made noticeable difference in how well I shoot + familiarity with my guns. Good trigger swap makes sense, but in my case, I also need to find areas to shoot longer range, as I don't have anywhere where I can shoot from around 50 yards or more. :ouch:
Edit: I'm still waiting for an opportunity to shot an AA12. I'll never own one but maybe I'll get to shoot one at a gun expo of some sort in the future.
AA12's so bad ass.... and I'm lot more interested in DP12 after seeing the propaganda video. I'm going to have to read up more about it. Right now, DP12 > Semi-auto.

Edit: I learned how to use stripper clips today. God bless the stripper clips. P.S. This video was the best.

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a6m5 I will admit that the video was a bit of a propaganda video but it was the only one I can recall them showing how the gun was manufactured. Hickok45, Vickers Tactical and GY6Videos all have some good videos about the DP12 if you have the time.

Although it is nice to have more space to shoot, 50 yards isn't bad at all. Especially if you are able to shoot against a hill or some sort of hard barrier and not having to worry about shooting next to strangers. Are there any public gun ranges within an hour of where you live that will allow you to shoot at least 100 yards?

With 50 yards of uninterrupted space you could run some drills like these for fun.

Also, my brother-in-law made a few of these a few years ago and this is what we use in the desert along with a few steel targets.

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Edit: Bought this 10" steel target(3/8" thick) on eBay for $26 & change. I don't know nothing about paint, but applied one coat of primer. After this pic, I sprayed a coat of orange, but it didn't work out very good. Maybe it needs another coat of primer, or the paint, I don't know.


a6m5 I will admit that the video was a bit of a propaganda video but it was the only one I can recall them showing how the gun was manufactured. Hickok45, Vickers Tactical and GY6Videos all have some good videos about the DP12 if you have the time.
I call it propaganda, but it was a good sell though. I really liked it. 👍
Although it is nice to have more space to shoot, 50 yards isn't bad at all. Especially if you are able to shoot against a hill or some sort of hard barrier and not having to worry about shooting next to strangers. Are there any public gun ranges within an hour of where you live that will allow you to shoot at least 100 yards?
There is, but I haven't been there in probably like 3 years. It's about $18 to get in & it's kinda funny, that's about how much gas costs to go shoot up in the mountains, round trip. I know that if I take my boots with me, and if I wasn't lazy about fighting & walking through 100, 200 yards of tall brushes, I could lay a target at that kind of range. Hills provide natural & supersized backstop, so we do have that going for us. I have to try convincing my friends next time.
With 50 yards of uninterrupted space you could run some drills like these for fun.
I kind of do that, although right now, it just consist of going from gun lowered position to quick acquisition of the target to fire. Sometimes, I try to move spots to shoot from. More demanding & disciplined drill like those in the videos would definitely improve my skills more, I just have to be careful not to be like that doctor from World War Z.....

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I've been wanting to go shoot, but 1) None of my friends been up for it. 2) It's been snowing up where I shoot.

I'm still painting that steel target from my post above. I'm not gonna lie, it looks pretty bad. Bright orange isn't remotely close to what I had hoped for, but we are just gonna shoot the crap out of it with (mostly).22LR anyway.

I received three AR15 magazines from Botach today. One aluminum gray, one black & also one of them 40 round Pmags.

Finally, last week, 1,000 round green tip ammo arrived & I bought cheap Chinese ammo can from Walmart for it? Google made me chuckle:

google ammo can.JPG

Immediate delivery of exact answer. I've never stored loose ammo in a can before. It's beautiful amirite. :drool::lol:
Yeah, just have not had enough time available to make it out to the range. Between work and life, I have not done a great job of finding time for myself, which includes trips to the gun range.

I know that feeling all too well. Something I've been doing in an effort to make time for myself is setting calendar reminders in my phone a week or two in advance. My wife and I also share our calendars through Google to avoid scheduling conflicts. It has worked for us the past 4 or so years, but every once in awhile I can't make it to the range or some other activity for myself due to time constraints.

I've been wanting to go shoot, but 1) None of my friends been up for it. 2) It's been snowing up where I shoot.

I'm still painting that steel target from my post above. I'm not gonna lie, it looks pretty bad. Bright orange isn't remotely close to what I had hoped for, but we are just gonna shoot the crap out of it with (mostly).22LR anyway.

I received three AR15 magazines from Botach today. One aluminum gray, one black & also one of them 40 round Pmags.

Finally, last week, 1,000 round green tip ammo arrived & I bought cheap Chinese ammo can from Walmart for it? Google made me chuckle:

View attachment 804125
Immediate delivery of exact answer. I've never stored loose ammo in a can before. It's beautiful amirite. :drool::lol:

Don't be too concerned about the target looking pretty, you're going to be shooting at it. Personally I paint my targets to make them easier to find at further distances or to better identify where my shot(s) landed.

That Google search was a good You consider looking into the "Fat 50" ammo can 👍.
I needed couple of new Kimber magazines today(8rd, fullsize). These are less than 10rd, so I could buy them from eBay. So much easier & probably cheaper, too. :dopey:
Don't be too concerned about the target looking pretty, you're going to be shooting at it. Personally I paint my targets to make them easier to find at further distances or to better identify where my shot(s) landed.
Yeah, that's what I figured. I also picked out the color, so I can spot it easier. 👍
That Google search was a good You consider looking into the "Fat 50" ammo can 👍.
I don't get it.....

I, I get it.


I laughed because figuring out how many boxes of ammo I can fit in an ammo can is something I use to rack my brain over. Those Fat 50's are awesome and if you can find them locally for $20 brand new then you're in business.
I was ordering couple of Kimber(1911) mags today. Nice thing about those mags, they have limited capacity of 1911, so I can buy them right on eBay. :lol: *eBay has 10rd magazine policy. I've seen 33rd Glock mags listed as a 10rd mag on there. :lol:
I laughed because figuring out how many boxes of ammo I can fit in an ammo can is something I use to rack my brain over. Those Fat 50's are awesome and if you can find them locally for $20 brand new then you're in business.
When I'm taking just one ammo can to a plinking session, there's been times when I wished there was bit more room in it. Fat 50 might be the answer. :lol:
I think it's enough to get the point across, but man, he could have laid that windshield in realistic angle(not standing upright) & it would've been an A+ test results. :D
A rare video of special Russian guns (such as SR-3 Vikhr, PSS, AS Val, VSS and more) being fired and disassembled/assembled).
Made by Battlestate Games, the developers of Escape from Tarkov, on their trip to TsNIITochMash (the research institute that develops special firearms of that kind) to record sounds for the game.

English subs included (click on the subs icon).
a6m5 I agree

Rage Racer I did not know anything about those guns or the game they're featured in, thank you for sharing that video because I enjoy learning about firearms. I saw a little bit of Mikhail Kalashnikov in every one of those rifles that were disassembled and reassembled 👍.
They definitely seemed like they had fun shooting the video. Those are some unique firearms. Never seen anything like those. :eek:
The most interesting one is that shiny "pimp gun" - the PSS silent pistol, developed for KGB in the '80s for covert operations. It uses a special cartridge, SP-4 (7.62x42) with a piston inside. The piston, pushed by detonation of the propelling charge, throws the bullet away (effective range 25m) and locks the gases inside the shell, so they don't produce much sound. No need for suppressor. As you can hear on the video, a falling shell sounds louder than the shot.

@Xavier2342 the game is a hardcore first-person shooter that features realistic gun specs, sounds, functionality and customization. If Call of Duty is the NFS about guns, EFT is Project CARS or Assetto Corsa. There's a thread on GTP about it.

The devs were recording disassembly/reassembly because the game allows you to collect/buy parts of a gun (barrel, upper, reciever, grips, etc) and assemble them into a fully functional weapon.

@a6m5 Yup, they aren't what you can see every day even in Russia. There are hardly any videos of them shooting on YouTube.
However, I have seen the AS Val and VSS Vintorez in real life. And one of my friends even fired them.


^ there's even a "pimp gun" PSS on the left, to the right of the green knife.

Recently, Molot Arms launched a civilian version of VSS, called "Vintorez 2.0", with 10 rounds magaizne, no full-auto mode, longer barrel and suppressor being just an imitation. There's even a smooth-bore version chambered for .366 TKM that doesn't require 5 years vetting for rifles.

This past weekend I was able to shoot at the new (to the public) 300 yard range at one of our local shooting facilities. While there my buddy and I were given the opportunity to shoot a few firearms we've never heard of. I can't remember the names of the firearms but in the second picture you'll see two F-Class rifles chambered in 6.5 BR. Both of these guns were: heavy, ridiculously accurate and very expensive. Another gun we got to shoot was a FN SPR .308 with a Surefire sound suppressor and high-end Vortex Optics scope. Something I never knew was just how much recoil sound suppressors absorbed. While shooting at 300+ yards, the first thing you'd hear was the gas escaping the sound suppressor then you'd hear the thud from the round hitting the steel target down range. In the past I've wanted a sound suppressor for home defense, now I just want one period. To top things off the owner of the FN SPR let us shoot his .300 Win Mag with the very same Surefire sound suppressor :drool:. This was by far the best range visit I've ever had. I always tell people that you meet the nicest people at the gum range and this weekend was a prime example. On the way home from the range I thought to myself "Today I didn't even have to use my AK. I got to say it was a good day" (Ice Cube,1993). I say this jokingly because I only brought 60 rounds of ammo for my PTR91, 20 for the Mosin Nagant and 60 rounds for the AK in case I got bored. My AK never left the gun case and not a single box of its ammo was opened.


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