Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Flip-up caps included, along with a killflash I think.
I hope your caps are better than my Burris caps. Jeebus christ.


This bastard of rear cap keeps coming loose & today, it just fell off in the middle of the field. Took me 3, 4 minutes just to find it. I put rifle in the bag, it comes off. I take rifle out, it comes off. I handle rifle, it comes off. Is there any solution to this? I might just start putting ziploc bag over the scope & call it good. Definitely no longer using the supplied flip up caps. :banghead:

P.S. Zero improvement with Glock 19 today. It doesn't help the sights cover up much of the target. :crazy:
P.P.S. Got lost up in the mountain again. I seem to take every wrong turns possible. At one point, I was on a narrow gravel road at high elevation. On the side was super steep cliff & I can only see the sky ahead over the horizon on the road like I'm on a 🤬 airplane. I'd have taken a picture, except I was trying not to die. :nervous::lol:


I'm pretty sure that road was supposed to be closed. I was taking a detour from road that had road closure sign, but I'm certain route I took was far worse than the road they actually closed. On the way home, had to dodge two cars who would've side swiped me on the freeway, both within 30 seconds. Some days are like this.

Who'd have thought shooting guns were safer & more relaxing than the drive home. :lol:
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I hope your caps are better than my Burris caps. Jeebus christ.
This bastard of rear cap keeps coming loose & today, it just fell off in the middle of the field. Took me 3, 4 minutes just to find it. I put rifle in the bag, it comes off. I take rifle out, it comes off. I handle rifle, it comes off. Is there any solution to this? I might just start putting ziploc bag over the scope & call it good. Definitely no longer using the supplied flip up caps. :banghead:

Yeah there is a solution to that, I'm no stranger to this annoying problem - wrap electric tape around the scope until the scope cover fits snuggly on the scope. You can make it sit really damn tight on the scope with that method, and the electric tape does not damage the scope when removed. That should fix it - unless the difference in diameter between scope and cover is super huge.

I've heard that the Holosun covers are just fine tho. :dopey:

Earlier today I went to the range and was finally able to rent the Sig Sauer M17 (P320). I tried renting this gun last a few weeks ago but it had already been rented to another customer. My intentions were to see how how this gun compares to the Beretta M9A3, FN 509 Tactical and Glock G19 MOS all of which were guns I previously rented. To me this gun is a no frills, get down to business type of firearm. The gun shot very well as long as I did my part as the shooter. I only a box of 50 rounds at approximately 7 yards. Of the 50 rounds I fired, only 5 or so shots were outside of the 9 ring. While shooting this gun I would 5 live rounds followed by 5 dry fires. If I moved the gun while trying firing it, I would do another set of dry firing before live firing. Here are my gripes about this firearm... I wish the grip texture was more aggressive. I also wish the pistol grip was a longer but the gun does feel a little more comfortable when the magazine is inserted. Another thing I disliked was the slide release being too close to the safety lever. However, what is nice about the safety lever is push up to engage the safety, push down to disengage. If you wanted to, you could actually rest your thumb on the safety lever like a 1911. For comparison purposes (slide release lever location), I took a picture of my XDM 9 next to the M17. Overall I thought it was a decent firearm. One thing I forgot to mention is that I really like that it is optics ready. Would I purchase this firearm for myself? No... However, it is a firearm I would recommend to someone who is in the market for a full-size handgun. How does the M17 compare to the other firearms I mentioned earlier?

1. FN 509 Tactical
2. Sig Sauer M17
3. Glock G19 MOS
4. Beretta M9A3



I'm waiting for an opportunity to shoot the Glock G19X. I've held this firearm in my hand and really liked it. But I suspect that I will may potentially like this firearm more than the FN 509 Tactical once I get a chance to shoot it.

While range I also shot my CZ Scorpion. This time I only fired 50 round, 5 at 7 yards, 10 or so at 10-15 yards and the rest at 25 yards. All of these shots were taken at the head of the silhouette target, all the shots above the target were from previous range users. a6m5 and Michael88 you guys are going to enjoy your Roni setups especially once you guys sight them in with a red dot sight.

Omnis I like that ACSS reticle. I recently purchased a 1-6X Primary Arms scope with an illuminated ACSS reticle. I like the reticle but wish I had the horse shoe like the reticle you have.
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Explains the Deja-Vu feeling I had when I replied to your question. :scared:
That cap slides right over the focus dial. :ouch: I'm going to try playing with inside of the retaining ring.
dry fires
I forgot this again. :ouch: Nice writeup & pics by the way. 👍

Since I'm so bad with Glock I have to ask: Those of you who've shot Sig, etc. Do you feel that you are better with other handguns? Not that I've shot them back-to-back, but I know I'm more confident with my other pistols(USP & 1911 in .45ACP). I've never been a fan of the Glock trigger & Gen 3 grips. Gen 4 grip fixed the grip feel for me, but the trigger still feels the same.

Don't get me wrong, I love Glock for its bullet-proof reliability. It's just annoying how hard it is to shoot for me personally. I however have no plan to get rid of it, and definitely believe like @Xavier2342 said, it'll be super enjoyable with Micro Roni. 👍

Edit: I totally forgot to add. Since the aluminum handguards are so damn expensive, I've decided to make-do with the M-Lok QD mount for now(for my sling). Just ordered one on Amazon.

a6m5 to answer your question I find that I shoot my XDM 9 better than I can shoot any other 9mm handguns I've ever fired. If we're going to throw gun caliber out of the window then I shoot a Ruger Mark IV best :D. Have you considered getting a laser bore sighter to check your sight alignment? Also, how heavy is trigger on your Glock? Is it the standard 5.5 lbs or heavier? How many rounds do you have through your Glock? Lastly, what distance are you firing at? For me 7-10 yards is my sweet spot. I don't really feel comfortable shooting a handgun past 20 yards but I need to practice.
I do not have enough experience to comment on a Glock. I only have enough experience with a Walther PPQ, H&K VP9, CZ 75 SP-01, Ruger Mark IV Target, Ruger Mark IV 22/45, Sig P226, and a Springfield XDS. I know a common complaint with Glocks are the factory sights and how not great they are.
The blacked out rear sight and fiber optic front sight on my CZ-75 is a nice combination. I do not like the blacked out front and rear sights on my Ruger Mark IV 22/45. The front sight needs to have some contrast.
My Glock came with aftermarket front sight, which has red circle on it. It however blocks the bullseye on the target completely. Thanks for the input fellas. I appreciate it. 👍
a6m5 to answer your question I find that I shoot my XDM 9 better than I can shoot any other 9mm handguns I've ever fired. If we're going to throw gun caliber out of the window then I shoot a Ruger Mark IV best :D. Have you considered getting a laser bore sighter to check your sight alignment?
That's the thing. It is inconsistent. Yesterday, I shot from just over 10 yards. Target I was using was 8" circle with 4 rings & bullseye on it. I can get about the third in the inner ring. Rest, maybe 50% on target & other half on lower left of the outer ring. I'm shooting them one after another, not taking 5 seconds between shots or anything, but I'd like to be able to put all on 8" circle from this kind of distance. I've never done testing like this with the .45's & maybe it's time. P.S. I'm not very good with my Ruger SR22... Then again, I almost never shoot the thing. Maybe I should start. :D
Also, how heavy is trigger on your Glock? Is it the standard 5.5 lbs or heavier? How many rounds do you have through your Glock? Lastly, what distance are you firing at? For me 7-10 yards is my sweet spot. I don't really feel comfortable shooting a handgun past 20 yards but I need to practice.
It's the factory trigger & I don't really like to play with the triggers on this gun. I'd rather find a gun I can rely on, stock.

Maybe I'm too ambitious to start at 10 yards? Maybe I should work on dry fire training & move in couple more yards at least at the start with this gun.
I do not have enough experience to comment on a Glock. I only have enough experience with a Walther PPQ, H&K VP9, CZ 75 SP-01, Ruger Mark IV Target, Ruger Mark IV 22/45, Sig P226, and a Springfield XDS. I know a common complaint with Glocks are the factory sights and how not great they are.
Couldn't help, but to wonder if red dot sight would've helped. :crazy:
This gun I prefer to keep stock, unless there's something particular you can recommend. :D
The blacked out rear sight and fiber optic front sight on my CZ-75 is a nice combination. I do not like the blacked out front and rear sights on my Ruger Mark IV 22/45. The front sight needs to have some contrast.
My Kimber was that way & I painted the front sight red. It really helped me with that gun.
My Ruger Mark IV 22/45 now has a red dot on it, but I have yet to shoot it with the red dot on it. I really, really need to make a trip to the range.
@a6m5 I was going to recommend looking into a lighter connector to lighten your trigger pull. I don't have one but it seems to be one of the most common modifications I see a lot of people do to their Glocks. For $30 you can't beat the benefits of having a lighter trigger without requiring an extensive amount of gunsmithing. Also, I don't think 10 yards is too ambitious, think about it from a self defense perspective. Start at whatever distance you feel comfortable and become proficient. A new goal I have for myself is to get comfortable with shooting at 25 yards. Any further than that will just be for fun. The reason why 25 yards is so significant to me is because of what I have seen in 3-gun competitions.

Edit: I made a change to my original post because I just read about the maximum effective range of 9mm through the average size handgun. 100 yards with a pistol, no not me. I'll leave that to Hickok45 and Larry
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@a6m5 I was going to recommend looking into a lighter connector to lighten your trigger pull. I don't have one but it seems to be one of the most common modifications I see a lot of people do to their Glocks. For $30 you can't beat the benefits of having a lighter trigger without requiring an extensive amount of gunsmithing.
I love light trigger, but man, I also love how reliable & durable this gun is. I’d probably still stick to stock. :lol:
Also, I don't think 10 yards is too ambitious, think about it from a self defense perspective. Start at whatever distance you feel comfortable and become proficient.
My goal is pinpoint accuracy. :lol: Is it even possible? 20, 25 yards, consistently hit say 8” circle?
A new goal I have for myself is to get comfortable with shooting at 25 yards. Any further than that will just be for fun. The reason why 25 yards is so significant to me is because of what I have seen in 3-gun competitions.
Very cool. Keep us updated on the progress. I know I’d be interested. 👍
Edit: I made a change to my original post because I just read about the maximum effective range of 9mm through the average size handgun. 100 yards with a pistol, no not me. I'll leave that to Hickok45 and Larry
I woud miss the broad side of barn at 100 yards. :(
My Ruger Mark IV 22/45 now has a red dot on it, but I have yet to shoot it with the red dot on it. I really, really need to make a trip to the range.
It has to be night & day compared to iron sights.
You can get a lighter Glock trigger and not have any issues with reliability.
And durability? Granted, I am absolutely ignorant on the design & operation of Glock triggers, or triggers in general. I just can't help, but be little skeptical without seeing some unreasonable side-by-side, long term torture test or something like that. Little paranoia's probably good on self-defense gun, right? Right? :dopey:
Had I been to the range since putting it on, then I would agree. :lol:
My performance is so poor with iron sights. Especially on handguns. Definitely need to work in this department. :ouch:
And durability? Granted, I am absolutely ignorant on the design & operation of Glock triggers, or triggers in general. I just can't help, but be little skeptical without seeing some unreasonable side-by-side, long term torture test or something like that. Little paranoia's probably good on self-defense gun, right? Right? :dopey:

My performance is so poor with iron sights. Especially on handguns. Definitely need to work in this department. :ouch:

Here is a great reference for replacement Glock iron sights: Glock iron sights.
I got my Micro Roni today, but one main bummer was how mine doesn't accommodate large strap on the grip of my Gen 4 Glock 19. Right now, I'm thinking I'll have to train to shoot Glock 19 without the strap, as I don't really want to install & takeoff strap everytime I shoot with or without Micro Roni.

*Edited for safety.
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I recommend getting those thumb rests you can clip onto the side picatinny rails of your RONI. With those installed you get a MUCH better, stronger grip with your support hand.
I'm glad I got them, they only cost a couple bucks and make one hell of a difference.


Here is my RONI so far, got my Holosun Aimpoint clone. When i got it I was confused that I could not change the brightness setting of the dot, took me a while to realize that it had no battery in it and it was running solely on solar power - indoors! :D I'm glad I went with the solar panel Holo, its such a neat feature, it produces a usable dot till half an hour after sunset, and it does produce a very bright dot in artificial light indoors as well. Very neat sight.

Also funny thing is even though I am 6'1'' I love the short stock - As powerlifter I have a very large chest and shoulders and I got a very short neck, meaning when I shoulder a rifle even a short stock is going to feel long for me. :P I love short stocks.

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@a6m5 that Eotech looks huge on your Micro All jokes aside, are you able to full co-witness or 1/3 co-witness with your MBUS sights? Also what size backstrap do you currently have on your Glock?

@Michael88 how long does it take your Holosun red dot sight to recharge?
how long does it take your Holosun red dot sight to recharge?

Not sure what you mean - it does not recharge, it uses the energy collected by the solar cells directly, there is no energy stored. If there is a battery installed the sight will use either the battery or the solar cells depending on which is producing more power at the moment.
Not sure what you mean - it does not recharge, it uses the energy collected by the solar cells directly, there is no energy stored. If there is a battery installed the sight will use either the battery or the solar cells depending on which is producing more power at the moment.

Sorry for the confusion, initially I thought it was strictly a solar powered red dot without a backup battery.
View attachment 830700

Earlier today I went to the range and was finally able to rent the Sig Sauer M17 (P320). I tried renting this gun last a few weeks ago but it had already been rented to another customer. My intentions were to see how how this gun compares to the Beretta M9A3, FN 509 Tactical and Glock G19 MOS all of which were guns I previously rented. To me this gun is a no frills, get down to business type of firearm. The gun shot very well as long as I did my part as the shooter. I only a box of 50 rounds at approximately 7 yards. Of the 50 rounds I fired, only 5 or so shots were outside of the 9 ring. While shooting this gun I would 5 live rounds followed by 5 dry fires. If I moved the gun while trying firing it, I would do another set of dry firing before live firing. Here are my gripes about this firearm... I wish the grip texture was more aggressive. I also wish the pistol grip was a longer but the gun does feel a little more comfortable when the magazine is inserted. Another thing I disliked was the slide release being too close to the safety lever. However, what is nice about the safety lever is push up to engage the safety, push down to disengage. If you wanted to, you could actually rest your thumb on the safety lever like a 1911. For comparison purposes (slide release lever location), I took a picture of my XDM 9 next to the M17. Overall I thought it was a decent firearm. One thing I forgot to mention is that I really like that it is optics ready. Would I purchase this firearm for myself? No... However, it is a firearm I would recommend to someone who is in the market for a full-size handgun. How does the M17 compare to the other firearms I mentioned earlier?

1. FN 509 Tactical
2. Sig Sauer M17
3. Glock G19 MOS
4. Beretta M9A3

View attachment 830701
View attachment 830699

I'm waiting for an opportunity to shoot the Glock G19X. I've held this firearm in my hand and really liked it. But I suspect that I will may potentially like this firearm more than the FN 509 Tactical once I get a chance to shoot it.

While range I also shot my CZ Scorpion. This time I only fired 50 round, 5 at 7 yards, 10 or so at 10-15 yards and the rest at 25 yards. All of these shots were taken at the head of the silhouette target, all the shots above the target were from previous range users. a6m5 and Michael88 you guys are going to enjoy your Roni setups especially once you guys sight them in with a red dot sight.

Omnis I like that ACSS reticle. I recently purchased a 1-6X Primary Arms scope with an illuminated ACSS reticle. I like the reticle but wish I had the horse shoe like the reticle you have.

Mine is the acss raptor 1-6. Do you have the Griffin or the OG reticle? Griffin is still awesome but too hard for me to see at 1x power on the FFP scope. In fact it may be a SFP only reticle.
I recommend getting those thumb rests you can clip onto the side picatinny rails of your RONI. With those installed you get a MUCH better, stronger grip with your support hand.
I'm glad I got them, they only cost a couple bucks and make one hell of a difference.
Yeah, I saw those online. It feels perfect now, but I'll definitely be looking for deal on one of those. 👍
Also funny thing is even though I am 6'1'' I love the short stock - As powerlifter I have a very large chest and shoulders and I got a very short neck, meaning when I shoulder a rifle even a short stock is going to feel long for me. :P I love short stocks.
Good looking stock, too. American gun law's so frustrating with the brace vs. stock on pistols. :dunce:
@a6m5 that Eotech looks huge on your Micro
Big in Japan amirite..... I really like it. This thing looks like something out of anime, or sci fi. I hope it shoots as well as it looks. I'm hoping I can do that this weekend. 👍
All jokes aside, are you able to full co-witness or 1/3 co-witness with your MBUS sights? Also what size backstrap do you currently have on your Glock?
I can cowitness, and I knew that from the identical setup I had on Bushmaster Blackout upper(MBUS/EOTech on one long picatinny). Currently, the back strap is off, but I had the biggest one Gen 4 G19 shipped out with. Unfortunately, Micro Roni didn't have a workaround with the large back strap installed. Rear door would hit the beavertail & will not close. I'd be surprised if it worked with any size strap put on.
Your QD attachment, it's a CAA product, right? Store I bought from, they site said it will accept standard QD if you took some material off. Holosun red dot looks really good. 👍
Your QD attachment, it's a CAA product, right? Store I bought from, they site said it will accept standard QD if you took some material off. Holosun red dot looks really good. 👍
Thanks, yeah, I ordered the QD sling swivel with it. Not sure if its a proprietary piece tho, I have no other QD stud to compare it to. The slign I made myself BTW; I have a couple 1'' straps and buckles as repair kit for my mountain climbing backpacks, but I can also build a custom sling out of them. Works really well. :D

I am VERY happy with the Holosun so far. And the caps are super tight. :P
Mine is the acss raptor 1-6. Do you have the Griffin or the OG reticle? Griffin is still awesome but too hard for me to see at 1x power on the FFP scope. In fact it may be a SFP only reticle.


I believe it might be the OG ACSS reticle. There is a picture of the reticle on the lower corner of the bottom box. I'm currently out of town and this is the only pic I have of the box.
I am VERY happy with the Holosun so far. And the caps are super tight. :P
Jokes on you, my EOTech has no cap! :D

Vertical grips are no-no's on a pistol if I remember correctly.
That was my impression also, but Botach website read it’s NFA if you used the spare magazine well(it’s inside the vertical grip). Maybe vertical grip isn’t a vertical grip if it’s hugging the receiver? Standard Non-NFA triangular grip mounts exactly like the vertical grip, just different angle.
Vertical grips are no-no's on a pistol if I remember correctly.

I believe so but maybe CAA has a written letter from the ATF to clarify this. I say this because SB Tactical has letters from the ATF posted on their site in regards to their braces. What about the Magpul XTM Hand Stop?

That was my impression also, but Botach website read it’s NFA if you used the spare magazine well(it’s inside the vertical grip). Maybe vertical grip isn’t a vertical grip if it’s hugging the receiver? Standard Non-NFA triangular grip mounts exactly like the vertical grip, just different angle.

To me that seems a bit confusing. What about the Kriss Vector in pistol form? It still has a vertical body that could possibly be used as a vertical grip.

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