Real Guns

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@a6m5 I went back and re-read your previous post and man that is awesome that you were able to land a few shots at 50 yards. Now I'm looking forward to going to range and challenging myself to land shots at that distance.

.40 S&W recoil haters now have numbers to backup their claims. I've never shot one. :lol:

This is a bit tricky... They do have a point when you take the human factor out of the equation and use a Ransom rest. However, the same can't be said when you add the human factor i.e. having the same person shoot three similar sized guns offered by the same manufacture in different calibers.

Nowadays I prefer to shoot 9mm but my very first handgun was a .40S&W. Back then I preferred this caliber simply because it was easier to find .40S&W as opposed to 9mm and oddly enough .45ACP. Things have changed and the only .40S&W I can see myself purchasing is a Chiappa Rhino 60DS.

My next mission: Barrel swap on my Bushmaster Blackout upper.

#blackout upper.jpg

I actually started posting an ad, etc., trying to sell my Blackout upper last night. I even added in there how I'd take trades, including an 5.56 upper. Duh. Only thing different on my Blackout upper from 5.56 is the barrel. I don't have to sell it, I can just swap the barrel out. Time to watch some videos on the subject. Never even shopped for one before. :crazy:
@a6m5 I went back and re-read your previous post and man that is awesome that you were able to land a few shots at 50 yards. Now I'm looking forward to going to range and challenging myself to land shots at that distance.
Yeah, I didn't know if I was going to hit anything, but I went back to that post just now too & that's 7 out of 8 on the car floormat box itself(3 inside the 6" circle). That's kind of result I wanted with the Glock 19. I'll keep you posted if I can actually repeat those results next time with the Kimber(ran out of ammo last time), I hope you do real well. 👍

On Glocks, I've decided to try one more thing before I give up on it: Adjustable sights. Just like on my Kimber. I want to find out if I dial the sights in, it may actually improve my grouping as well, since I would no longer be messing around with various grips, trigger control, etc. In theory, I'll be able to focus more on consistency.
Nowadays I prefer to shoot 9mm but my very first handgun was a .40S&W. Back then I preferred this caliber simply because it was easier to find .40S&W as opposed to 9mm and oddly enough .45ACP. Things have changed and the only .40S&W I can see myself purchasing is a Chiappa Rhino 60DS.
I've seen the picture before. Is this like a target shooter? Cool, but very different looking revolver. :eek:
@a6m5 please remind me again, why are you trying to getting rid of your .300BLK upper? Also, the Chiappa Rhino is just another take o Revolvers. Instead of the barrel being up top like a traditional Revolver. The barrel on the Rhino is lower to help manage recoil. This is a gun I've wanted for years but haven't gotten serious about purchasing one just yet.
@a6m5 please remind me again, why are you trying to getting rid of your .300BLK upper?
I lost interest + I want to go all 5.56/.223 with no distraction. When I'm done spending money on that, I want to revive my .308 program(Bushmaster 308).

As it stands, I want to try to buy a 5.56 barrel, also gas tube. My Blackout upper has pistol length system, but I found that it's impossible to find 16"+ length barrel compatible with pistol length gas system. :crazy:
Also, the Chiappa Rhino is just another take o Revolvers. Instead of the barrel being up top like a traditional Revolver. The barrel on the Rhino is lower to help manage recoil. This is a gun I've wanted for years but haven't gotten serious about purchasing one just yet.
I did not realize that. Very interesting concept. 👍👍
I lost interest + I want to go all 5.56/.223 with no distraction. When I'm done spending money on that, I want to revive my .308 program(Bushmaster 308).

As it stands, I want to try to buy a 5.56 barrel, also gas tube. My Blackout upper has pistol length system, but I found that it's impossible to find 16"+ length barrel compatible with pistol length gas system. :crazy:

You are also better off without a pistol length gas system on 5.56 if you can go with a longer gas system, either mid-length on a 16" or shorter or rifle if 18" or longer. If you plan on swapping the barrel yourself and unless you have some tools, then you will likely need tools to do the swap.

Not wanting to mess with another caliber is why I have not picked up a Blackout upper or go down the .308 route. You could also just hold onto the Blackout upper, get another 5.56 upper, and come back to Blackout at a later date.
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You are also better off without a pistol length gas system on 5.56 if you can go with a longer gas system, either mid-length on a 16" or shorter or rifle if 18" or longer. If you plan on swapping the barrel yourself and unless you have some tools, then you will likely need tools to do the swap.
Yeah, there definitely was lot more involved than I initially thought. After little research, I might not even save whole lot of money by swapping just barrels. :crazy:
Not wanting to mess with another caliber is why I have not picked up a Blackout upper or go down the .308 route. You could also just hold onto the Blackout upper, get another 5.56 upper, and come back to Blackout at a later date.
You are smart to go with the patient approach. 👍

For me, I could use the money to put towards what I’m currently prioritizing(5.56, handgun, etc), it’s also taking up space with the ammo & all.
Yeah, there definitely was lot more involved than I initially thought. After little research, I might not even save whole lot of money by swapping just barrels. :crazy:

By the time you get a vice, vice block, and a couple torque wrenches, you are out a decent chunk of money. That is why I had someone else build the upper from the parts I bought. However, I am questioning that because the flash hider seems to only have been hand tightened. Fortunately, I still have not shot the thing and may just buy the tools.

You are smart to go with the patient approach. 👍

For me, I could use the money to put towards what I’m currently prioritizing(5.56, handgun, etc), it’s also taking up space with the ammo & all.

I am happy with having just .22 LR, 9mm, 5.56x45mm, and 12 Gauge. Those cover all of my needs for the time being. At some point, I would like to add something in .308, but I am also not rushing to it either. I also do not go shooting often enough to realistically justify buying more.
a6m5 what are you going to do with the 5.56 upper assembly you currently have on your M&P15? What are you trying to achieve with the new upper assembly?
By the time you get a vice, vice block, and a couple torque wrenches, you are out a decent chunk of money. That is why I had someone else build the upper from the parts I bought. However, I am questioning that because the flash hider seems to only have been hand tightened. Fortunately, I still have not shot the thing and may just buy the tools.
Mixed signals!(I'm starting to go little back & forth as well).
I am happy with having just .22 LR, 9mm, 5.56x45mm, and 12 Gauge. Those cover all of my needs for the time being. At some point, I would like to add something in .308, but I am also not rushing to it either. I also do not go shooting often enough to realistically justify buying more.
Rimfire, handgun caliber, rifle caliber & shotgun. I'd say you got your bases covered, too. 👍 Maybe when the hobby picks up for you in the future. Or get into hunting.
a6m5 what are you going to do with the 5.56 upper assembly you currently have on your M&P15? What are you trying to achieve with the new upper assembly?
I'd like to have at least two upper, hopefully another lower in the future(basically 2 of upper & 2 of lower). I don't really have a goal for the new upper, except I kinda wanted free floating setup with long picatinny rail running on the metal handguard? Bushmaster Blackout upper's pretty much what I wanted in the upper, except the Blackout part.
Mixed signals!(I'm starting to go little back & forth as well).

Yeah. Mostly because I have a few ideas for other uppers I would like to have.

Rimfire, handgun caliber, rifle caliber & shotgun. I'd say you got your bases covered, too. 👍 Maybe when the hobby picks up for you in the future. Or get into hunting.

Yep. That was the thought process behind the selections.
a6m5 I was browsing and came across this deal. PSA 18" rifle length 1/7 twist 223 Wylde upper assembly. It also includes the Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8x24 scope and mount for $499.

Today I got everything together, already love my little Glock 17. And in the RONI its just plain awesome, handles so well and its really turns the G17 into a nice little PDW style gun. I'm super happy! :dopey:

Also the folding stock is very nice, folded down it makes the gun so short its not even chest width across (not even including shoulders) and you could shoot it like a pistol that way.



That looks really good @Michael88 Congrats. 👍 I hope you have a lot of fun with it!
a6m5 I was browsing and came across this deal. PSA 18" rifle length 1/7 twist 223 Wylde upper assembly. It also includes the Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8x24 scope and mount for $499.

I totally had to google “Wylde”. I’ve seen it advertised around, I thought it was some specialty round like Valkyrie. :lol:

I’d be in market for something like this if I didn’t have that Bushmaster upper right now, with hundreds of Blackout ammo. :lol:

Have you heard much about these PSA AR components? I read Anderson reviews one time, and it seemed to be a real hit & miss.
a6m5 I was browsing and came across this deal. PSA 18" rifle length 1/7 twist 223 Wylde upper assembly. It also includes the Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8x24 scope and mount for $499.


Man, THATS a deal! A really good budget scope and an upper with a fluted semi weight barrel.

That looks really good @Michael88 Congrats. 👍 I hope you have a lot of fun with it!

Thank you! Roni & Glock owners unite! :dopey:
a6m5 I had to lookup 223 Wylde as well when I first came across this deal. As for PSA AR component, I've heard that their quality is much better than the past. As you and @Brett were talking about AR components I couldn't but to think about two buddies of mine who have built multiple ARs using Aero Precision and PSA components. Bear in mind that these are guys who own some pretty high-end but still enjoy budget friendly ARs. Michael88 I agree, the scope and mount alone are worth $399 on OpticsPlanet. Also, congrats on finally getting your Micro Roni setup together. Both you and a6m5 setups that would be fun to engage multiple steel targets with.
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Edit: I was checking out my beautiful AR-15 wallpaper & took notice of blank dust cover.... Never thought I'd install a custom dust cover, but I got curious, Googled & found this. Couldn't pass it up for $16.99, shipped.


Check it out!
Thank you! Roni & Glock owners unite! :dopey:
Your long gun reviews & reports are always so good. I can't wait to read your impression on the Glock. 👍
a6m5 I had to lookup 223 Wylde as well when I first came across this deal. As for PSA AR component, I've heard that their quality is much better than the past. As you and @Brett were talking about AR components I couldn't but to think about two buddies of mine who have built multiple ARs using Aero Precision and PSA components. Bear in mind that these are guys who own some pretty high-end but still enjoy budget friendly ARs
Thanks for the info. 👍 Yeah, I've definitely caught the AR bug. I mean, you can customize these rifles for looks, function, or performance. I totally understand why AR-15s sell so well these days.
From the evidence presented in this video, a6m5 might be onto something :D
Least of my worries are the performance at 100. :lol: Besides, it doesn't look like my 1911 could digest +P ammo anyway. As long as it's accurate at 25 yards or more, I'll be very happy. :P
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a6m5 there is a reason why AR15's have been nicknamed Legos for adults. You can customize the heck out of them and just when you think you've seen it all, Magpul, Midwest Industries, etc. prove you wrong.

For me the reason why I haven't caught the AR bug is simply because I collect .223/5.56 brass. I started doing this years ago when ammo was scarce and I started purchasing reloading supplies. Years later, even though ammo is plentiful, .223/5.56 and .40S&W are the two calibers I try to avoid shooting. Unless it's steel cased ammo, all I'll think about while shooting them is collecting brass. This has been a curse and a blessing at the same time because to some extent it has encouraged me to try other firearm platforms and different calibers. Especially guns that have absolutely no problems with shooting steel cased ammo. The only other brass I collect is .357MAG but I do this for a fellow local gun group member because he reloads this caliber.
just when you think you've seen it all, Magpul, Midwest Industries, etc. prove you wrong.
So far this has proved very true to me!
This has been a curse and a blessing at the same time
:lol:👍 I’m sure you have your reasons, but that is no way to live shoot! j/k Me, for my personal stock, I just try to stock up when I see good prices & hope for the best. After that Sandyhook tragedy, I was very surprised to see ammo shelves at stores clear of all popular calibers. I totally understand the sentiment to stockpile ammo(not to mention new ammo law in California :crazy:).

Couple of people I know are shooting steel cased .223's. I know we had this discussion in this thread previously, but what's your take on steel cased ammo in something like ARs?
@a6m5, In all honesty I should shoot my AR15 more often. It is the platform I feel most comfortable and would most likely be my first choice if SHTF. I agree with you 100% on stocking ammo and this is something I'm working on. I always want to be in a position of being able to replenish what I use.

In regards to shooting steel cased ammo through an AR15... When I first began to look into purchasing an AR15, just about everything I read online and watched on Youtube discourage using steel cased ammo. I don't know if I posted this article before but here is a study Lucky Gunner did on the subject. Now in my opinion for my very own AR15, I have absolutely no problem shooting steel case. A few years ago I had a failure to eject (FTE) that got stuck in the chamber. It was so bad that I had to separate the upper assembly from the lower assembly then use a cleaning rod to pushing the stuck casing. To remedy that problem I installed a stronger extractor spring and I haven't experienced another FTE ever since. Do I recommend others use steel cased ammo for their AR15? I usually share this article and let people make their own decision. But my AR15, steel cased ammo for fun and brass cased ammo for serious business i.e. home/property defense.

Brass vs. Steel Cased Ammo - An Epic Torture Test
Michael88 so does this mean another series of background checks if you want to purchase this gun as soon as possible?
Nah, that's just for applying for the license, I wont have to do any bureaucratic stuff till the end of my days. With licenses background checks are unnecessary anyway, if I commit certain kinds of crimes that have to do with physical violence or reckless behavior or drugs, I will automatically be deemed no longer fit to own firearms, my license will be revoked and my guns taken by the police.
I don't know if I posted this article before but here is a study Lucky Gunner did on the subject.
You might have....? I’m sorry if you had. I certainly wasn’t aware of the results now, but article does seem familiar. :boggled: Thanks for linking it. I’ve yet to finish reading, but did watch the summary video. I’ve never bought from those guys, but much respect to their group for their passion towards not just guns & business, but also for the community. 👍👍
Now in my opinion for my very own AR15, I have absolutely no problem shooting steel case. A few years ago I had a failure to eject (FTE) that got stuck in the chamber. It was so bad that I had to separate the upper assembly from the lower assembly then use a cleaning rod to pushing the stuck casing. To remedy that problem I installed a stronger extractor spring and I haven't experienced another FTE ever since. Do I recommend others use steel cased ammo for their AR15? I usually share this article and let people make their own decision. But my AR15, steel cased ammo for fun and brass cased ammo for serious business i.e. home/property defense
Nice take. 👍 I switched to brass few years ago, and more I think about it, I’m sure I have read the Lucky Gunner article before. :lol:

It’s just that this came up again because one of my buddies who’s really into guns were shooting steel cases & it surprised me somewhat. Thanks again for the link!
Man, just learned that my gun store has a Rock Island TAC Ultra FS 1911 in .45. :drool: :drool: :drool:
I really have to check it out next week, something tells me I wont leave the store without it.
Adjustable rear sights & accessory rail, it’s the 1911 I’m looking for!

I want to say that RIA 1911s are put together in Philippines? Not a knock on them, but I’d have preferred American made(Filipinos are supposedly experienced 1911 builders). I guess it depends on how they shoot & quality.

I think one of the guys who’s supposed to go shooting with me is bringing in an RIA 1911? If he shows, he says he’s cool with me shooting it. 👍
a6m5 Lucky Gunner has some pretty cool articles and Youtube content. I'm not 100% sure if I've posted a link to that article before, regardless I have no problem sharing the article once again.

Those Rock Island 1911s are pretty nice. I really like single stack 9mm version of the one Michael88 posted a pic of.
Those Rock Island 1911s are pretty nice. I really like single stack 9mm version of the one Michael88 posted a pic of.
Boy, when I read 17 rounds, I was almost there. I ended up in Buds looking up prices & noticed couple of reviews mentioning extractor issues. Normally, if gun maker can't put out perfectly functioning guns from the start, I wouldn't waste my time trying to make it work..... This is a very cool gun though. :drool: Gah. Their .45's still in the running until I read something similar about it, but yeah, I personally can't do the 9mm. 17 rounds though! :crazy:

Edit: Their .45ACP High Capacity interests me a lot(13rd). Also the 10mm(16rd).


*Never mind, just noticed 10mm has no rail. :P .45 does.

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Well, it followed me home. :D Cant say nothing about the extractor, since I have put zero rounds through it yet, and have not stumbled upon this issue anywhere in the web when I was doing my research. What I can say though is, I already LOOOOVE it. :dopey:

I had no idea I was a 1911 guy until now, the mechanical parts all glide like clockwork lubed with butter, there is basically no slide wobble, the sights are very good for me - love the front sight fiber optic -, the trigger is as good as I can imagine a trigger to be and I love the solid feel of an all steel gun in my hands.

I also like the full length frame, the store had really tricked out 1911's in the 3000 bucks range but they had the shorter length frame - I definitely prefer the full length one, it pleases my eyes.

@Michael88 congrats on the new purchase. You're about to have one heck of a time at the range with two recent aquisitions. Looking forward to your review of this 1911.
Thank you, I'll visit the shooting range very soon, really can't wait. :drool: Also I have no freaking idea how good or bad of a shot I'm with handguns. I mean I know the basics and all but I have basically zero handgun practice. I'm a rifleman, not a pistolero...yet.

Funny thing happened, when I disassembled the RIA 1911 it draw blood! Mine!
When I grabbed the slide to move it back to the disassembly position my pointer finger got between the cocked hammer and the slide, I somehow pressed the trigger and BAM, the hammer smashed my finger so badly it popped open and bled quite a bit. Later I did bench presses and when I did 350lbs the blood pressure climbed so high blood squirted out of my finger all over my training shirt and barbell. I looked like a goner, lol. :lol:

But now I have lubed all the moving parts and slide with engine fat and boy, its so much smoother now. I didn't expect to find the insides of the gun to be BONE DRY. Quite a shock for a lubaholic like me! Only clean, lubed guns are happy guns. (Unless its a Glock, Glocks are pigs LOL)
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Cant say nothing about the extractor, since I have put zero rounds through it yet, and have not stumbled upon this issue anywhere in the web when I was doing my research.
I am hoping the .45 reviews are clean. This is a good sign!
What I can say though is, I already LOOOOVE it. :dopey:
Thank you, I'll visit the shooting range very soon, really can't wait. :drool: Also I have no freaking idea how good or bad of a shot I'm with handguns. I mean I know the basics and all but I have basically zero handgun practice. I'm a rifleman, not a pistolero...yet.
This has been a bigger surprise than Donald Trump getting elected as the President of U.S. Michael, the super long gun guy..... With two handguns. Within weeks...... and SUPER STOKED. :nervous::lol: Like @Xavier2342 I also can't wait to read your take on the 1911. 👍

I still plan on buying one nice gun later this year, and the idea's bounced around from one kind of shotgun, another kind of shotgun, another AR-15, nicer AR-15 Upper, but after my experience with the good ole Kimber 1911 two weeks ago, I'm seriously considering another 1911(Kimber is really beatup). Two guns that interests me the most is the one you got, the 8-round model & also the high-cap 13 round model. Standard 8-round will no doubt have that nice thin grip, but for 13 round capacity, if I could shoot it well enough, I'd love to sacrifice to traditional 1911 grip for a fat one. How do you like the rear adjustable sights? Adjustable sights currently is a must for me.

Edit: You didn't put idiot scratch on your gun, did you, when you took it apart? :P


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