Real life GT4 maps

  • Thread starter Lightsped
i can confirm taht 90% of the Hong kong map is correct, inclduing shop names etc. i can even recognise where i bought my current pair of shoes and where i can buy CDs etc
Should I be pointing out at this juncture than Hong Kong isn't IN North America?
Geez, as soon as I quit looking in North America, there it was!!!! :D

Actually, I've been playing on for a couple of days, and looking up store names on Google that I could read in my replays. The Great Eagle Hotel is what nailed it for me.

The course starts east-bound on Salisbury Road, at the New World Centre. At the water, you make the hard right onto a promenade, which I'm not sure is meant to carry traffic at all. This is what made the course hard to find initially, as there were no roads on the map with this shape. After a couple of kinks on the promenade, you go north back to Salisbury road (Sinopec bldg) and turn left. Right onto Kowloon Park Drive (at the YMCA) and the hairpin at the end puts you on Canton Road, southbound. Left onto Haiphong road, go under Kowloon Park Drive, then right onto Nathan Road, the bright neon stretch. Left onto Middle Road for a block, then a right, then left again onto the start/finish straight on Salisbury.

The roughness of the line on this course is not my driving line (I have gold on this test), it's the poor quality of my freehand mouse work.
Holy thread revival! I will contribute, if nobody minds.

Hong Kong

GT4 version


Credits to AMG. for the fantastic track map.

Real version


I think I got it pretty accurate, the basics are there at minimum. However, it would seem (to me at least) that the road is actually narrow in GT4 compared to its real life counterpart. I will see if I can find some more.

EDIT: Found another one. This time...

George V Paris

GT4 version


Credits to AMG. for the fantastic track map.

Real version


The track was very difficult to trace here, mainly because of the names of the roads. Same as before: pretty accurate, basics are there.

EDIT: Last one of the bunch, just a few streets away...

Opera Paris

GT4 version


Credits to AMG. for the fantastic track map.

Real version


That's all for me. I hope it's of use for some of you.
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Awesome mate! Good job.

Well, i tried to find Seoul. I don't know if its been done before on google maps, but i just tried it for myself anyway... its pretty fun to try and finding it (although i hope its completely accurate).



with track line

EDIT: The Temple part doesn't make much sense, but i don't know any other route.