Real-time tyres now?

Watching a few videos of the TGS build of GT5 I noticed another possible improvement; the tyres in the previous GT games (including GT5P) were usually textures while playing. But now I think they actually are the real rims rotating.

What do you think?
If you base this with regards to the car bumping into the barrier, with the front wheels stationary and the back wheels spinning: that's similar to GT5p.
If you base this with regards to the car bumping into the barrier, with the front wheels stationary and the back wheels spinning: that's similar to GT5p.
No he means the fluid and progressive movement of the rims like we saw in GTHD Concept
What I mean is, if you watched in GT4, the rims were merely low-resolution textures. And in GT5P, the rims were still textures, and the rims of a moving wheel was a separate texture. They weren't 3D modeled as they showed in the showrooms. But in the new videos they appeared to remain the 3D models during gameplay.
to say it in German: "ist mir doch LATTE....ich will endlich das verfluchte spiel haben"
translated: "I don't care at all...I wanna get the fu**ing game finally"...for gods sake...PLEASE! (sorry for cursing...but I was so sure the holy grail would come to earth dez 09....)

ok ok...more serious: nice feature for replays...but I have to say they really should focus on more important stuff (I know this is my opinion...) like damage, weather, day/night change and......a QUICK RELEASE DATE!!!
maybe YOU should focus on posting something worth while^

I think the wheels are a flat image of a blurred wheel rotating past a certain speed, below that speed they look 3d
umm i think they are 3d it's problem with 30 fps replays in my opinion or lod

If the wheels go any faster than that video they downgrade slightly, you can see it at 0:37-0:38 just before the fade, faster than that and they downgrade more.