Really Radical Racing - RetiredPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr


Still here.
Really Radical Racing
Featuring a couple of Radical cars from PC2


The SR3-R, while having fairly low horsepower, is a proper little track day racer. It's very lively and runs on slicks so that it's cornering speeds are somewhat fast. It's also quite a forgiving car to drive so should hopefully provide for some close and fun races.

The RXC Turbo is actually a road car but it's still very quick around a track. It runs on (sticky) road tyres so is slightly more tricky than the SR3-R but it's not too difficult and will give a slightly different experience.

Each meeting will comprise of 2 races in the Radical SR3-R. The first race will be 15 minutes the second 20 minutes.
The first race will have a 10 minute qualification session. The grid for the 2nd race will be a manually formed reverse grid based on the results from race one. See below.

Race 1 will have a 10 minute qualification period - to allow for longer car re-familiarisation and any technical problems to be hopefully sorted out.
Race 2 will have a manually formed reverse grid* based on the results from the previous race.
* Single file rolling start. On green drivers are to stay on line and then pull off in race order. One formation lap at approximately 60mph/100kph. Pole sitter to decide when to 'go' towards the end of the lap before passing the start/finish line.

Following the SR3-R races there will be a 20 minute race using the Radical RXC Turbo. This will have a 10 minute qualification period beforehand. If time allows this race might be extended to 25 minutes - if so I might include a pitstop.

All of the tracks on the list include 2 variants. The first is the the shorter and will be used for the SR3-R. The second is longer and will be used for the RXC. This will give a little more variety to the meeting and also suit the RXC better.

The weather conditions will probably be fine. This might be subject to change after we've got used to the cars.

With 15 minute race and 1 less quall/practice it should hopefully be a slightly shorter meeting than recently. We've been running over and I know Napalm has to get to bed. :)
If it's too short I can always add a little more time.

ABS and TC allowed if needed.
Standing starts.
Damage will be Visual only.
Penalties - ON
Track limits - OFF (subject to track)
Drive Through Penalties - Off
Pit Exit Penalty - On

Tyre wear and fuel - ON
Mechanical damage - ON
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** If anyone want's to use a specific livery let me know and Ill add in in here.
I'll probably go with the 2 shown in the picture in the first post.


Scoring - There will be 2 championships, one for each car.
  • First place 16 points with one less for each following place. That means first always gets the same, even if not everyone turns up.
  • 1 point for the fastest lap across the first two races (so that one person doesn't get 2 FL points and tons of points for two wins)
  • 1 point for the fastest lap in the RXC race.
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Looks interesting and that's another pair of cars I have never driven 👍

I am in of course although I may have to miss the inaugural (will be away next monday)
I'm in but will miss a couple of races (23rd and 30th May). Let us know when you have decided on Monday's track.
With 15 minute race and 1 less quall/practice it should hopefully be a slightly shorter meeting than recently. We've been running over and I know Napalm has to get to bed. :)
If it's too short I can always add a little more time.

I am OK with longer races. When I need to get up early on TUE, I will quit earlier.
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Let us know when you have decided on Monday's track.
Will do. I might run a non scoring full length test meeting just to see if the timings work and it all runs smoothly. But I'll post it up to confirm.
Just adding I liked the rolling reverse grid line up we did a while back
I quite like a formation lap as well, it adds a bit of tension. It works best on longer races though since it eats into the timing somewhat. I've got an idea for a longer race series where I might introduce it again. In fact it might work quite well.
I am OK with longer races. When I need to get up early on TUE, I will quit earlier.
OK Napalm. I might run with the 15, 20 and 25 minute races then on Monday and see what time we finish.
See message to Simon above, the next series will probably have longer races.
Very tempting! I'm not sure if I'll be able to take part, but I'll try! If the participant list fills up in the meantime, I'll sit this one out and may sub in if and when needed/possible! I'll be keeping an eye on the thread in any case! 👍
Sounds good as always Paul.

I will put my name down as a reserve for now. Still having issues with my hip and not sure what I should/shouldn't be doing with it, until I've had a scan and proper diagnosis. Hoping that I will be able to race again before the two month duration of this series is complete, so that I may catch some races further down the line (assuming there's space).
Still having issues with my hip
Sorry to hear that Joe. Get yourself sorted and jump back in when you can.

My left hip has been playing up recently, can't get comfortable in bed and it seizes up if I've been sitting for a while. Perhaps there's a hip covid going around. :)

And the track list? Well I wrote them down in any old order as they came into my head. But looking at them they are not in a bad sequence at all, so we'll go with them. Although I might remove one of the later ones (because there's 9).

So for Monday race, that will be held at Donington National
After a bit of late Saturday night testing I've had a rethink on the track list and have now changed a few. It's mainly because of this note that I have now added to the main post.
All of the tracks on the list include 2 variants. The first is the the shorter and will be used for the SR3-R. The second is longer and will be used for the RXC. This will give a little more variety to the meeting and also suit the RXC better.
I'm hoping this will add some more interest plus as mentioned the RXC is better on the longer versions.

So Monday's meeting will still be at Donington its just that the GP layout will now be used for the RXC.

** Also note that the track limits will be enabled at Donington. This is mainly because of the chicane which can be abused! **

Hope to see you there. :)
There's a few drivers absent today, Mario, Napalm and Half (who's unwell), Max (who's concentrating on his motoX for the summer), so I'm thinking of postponing the series start by one week. We will still race with the Radicals tonight but it'll just be test races for fun. How does Brands Hatch sound? Indy and GP.

We might as well start properly next week with hopefully more on track.
Hi Paul, I began to really enjoy driving the road car by the end of yesterday's meeting, and I'm very much looking forward to the series.

Can I have No31, and Spice Yellow please :)
Can I have No31, and Spice Yellow please
I expect that you probably can. I'll add it up top.

The RXC is really quite nice to drive but it does take a little adapting to when jumping into it straight after throwing the SR3 around....

So therefore I'm going to increase the length of qualifying in the RXC to 10 minutes (instead of 5), it'll hopefully allow for everyone's brain to switch over to the different handling. :)

The race will be 20 minutes (or 25 if time allows)

Edit: Because of the many missing drivers we held a test meeting yesterday. It went quite well. The series proper should start next Monday.
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It was very interesting event yesterday.

The cars are very different. I adapted quickly to the lighter one, however the heavy is a completely different story! Has more power, but the handling is much much harder. My impression is that you have to drive it very smoooooothly.
I was doing the opposite, and using it's massive engine in 1st and 2nd gear to correct my drive within the corners to prevent it from spinning. I was mildly successful, but my driving was pretty much all over the place, that's why I said it looked like a jet fighter. :D

Need to adapt my driving style to make sure I stay competitive with the heavier car.

Looks fun, looking forward to the series👍
Managed 30 minutes earlier today to try the cars. Never made it to the Turbo, was too busy spinning with the track day car ... I think I did about 3 laps without crashing :crazy:
I think my internet connection issues are resolved, so you can count me in for this round too!

If there's no problem, I'll take the #829 SR-3 and Cobra Blue RXC!
Results from Donington. There are a few new features so feel free to point out is you spot mistakes.

Race 1:
RAce 1.jpg

Race 2:
Race 2.jpg

Fastest Laps for SR3 races:

Standings for SR3:

Race 3:
Race 3.jpg

Standings for RXC:
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