Reasons GT5 was "pushed back" to 2010?

  • Thread starter Leadfoot53
United States
I have a feeling that GT5 had some reason for the push back to 2010 besides Forza, if that was even a factor. I decided to make this post to list potential reasons for the push back.

1. Porsche license may expire in 2010 and PD wants it.
2. NASCAR license expires in 2010, and PD could not find a way to get around it (ironically EA holds the NASCAR license).
3. Major glitch in the game required more time.

Any of you guys have any guesses?
GT5 was never pushed back at all, they never gave us a release date or said that it would be out in 2009.
The game isnt done.
Yamauchi said "we could launch the game everytime if you just want to race, that is done, but everything around the pure racing isnt ready yet", or something like that.
I still think it's highly possible that GT5 has been pushed back so long because of low install base of PS3's and they want to make sure GT5 sells as many copies as possible. I think game sales so far have been very disappointing on the PS3 when compared to X360 and it is only now that we are seeing some games that are sold on both systems selling more on PS3.
Sony nor PD every issued an official press release announcing the release date of GT5 so "officially" it has never been delayed. Honestly I think it is actually taking this long to just complete the game.
1. Porsche license may expire in 2010 and PD wants it.

I doubt that, cause They would have to start adding Porsches seconds after the license expires, so they would only have months to test, record, and render all the Porsches they want included. Unless they've been secretly working on it already. Plus GT5 was never actually delayed, since a release date was never given.
I hope its for Porsche and weather/day-night cycles. All this thread is doing is getting my hopes up. Reality is, it's just not completely ready.
I think they're looking at the final details, and to give us the best game possible. Frankly, i don't mind waiting. No point rushing it out only to have flaws that will disappoint us all.
GT5 was never pushed back at all, they never gave us a release date or said that it would be out in 2009.

Sony nor PD every issued an official press release announcing the release date of GT5 so "officially" it has never been delayed. Honestly I think it is actually taking this long to just complete the game.

Plus GT5 was never actually delayed, since a release date was never given.

I doubt that, cause They would have to start adding Porsches seconds after the license expires, so they would only have months to test, record, and render all the Porsches they want included. Unless they've been secretly working on it already. Plus GT5 was never actually delayed, since a release date was never given.

PD has been testing cars that were out of their license range a long time ago. On several old movies you could see Kaz driving Ferraris and Lambos. So i don't really doubt that they would not have the data pertaining Porsches and such ready yet.

Besides, Porsches are halfway made since they have already the RUF models done, from there to a stock Porsche there's not much needed to be done...
I have a feeling that GT5 had some reason for the push back to 2010 besides Forza, if that was even a factor. I decided to make this post to list potential reasons for the push back.

1. Porsche license may expire in 2010 and PD wants it.
2. NASCAR license expires in 2010, and PD could not find a way to get around it (ironically EA holds the NASCAR license).
3. Major glitch in the game required more time.

Any of you guys have any guesses?

Really.....Are you serious man? maybe we should do a poll too? Come on guys!
Most things that will stem from this will just be random speculation which is quite frankly pointless on many levels. The important things to take from this are the fact it wasn't officially delayed, and that the game isn't finished the way they'd want it, so they're not releasing it. Until someone knows why, and has a good source, this thread is kind of pointless in itself.
I doubt that, cause They would have to start adding Porsches seconds after the license expires, so they would only have months to test, record, and render all the Porsches they want included. Unless they've been secretly working on it already. Plus GT5 was never actually delayed, since a release date was never given.

They've probably been working on some Porsches for GT5. It's not illegal, so long as they have the Porsche license when the game ships, or they remove the Porsches from the game before it ships should they fail to acquire the license.
They've probably been working on some Porsches for GT5. It's not illegal, so long as they have the Porsche license when the game ships, or they remove the Porsches from the game before it ships should they fail to acquire the license.

If they do take it out last minute, I can see some Porsche related stuff that might have been forgotten getting left behind. Kinda similar to the GT2 glitch after PD took out Drag racing last minute.
I still blame SONY Japan's decision to push GTPSP out first. That had to be a huge boat anchor.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. People being bored and making pointless, useless threads about things we either:

A: Already know or..

B: Just don't care about.

Seriously, there was no official release date until TGS when they said March 2010 for Japan. Thats only 5 months. So it hasnt really been "Pushed back" at all.
com on, this is old stuff. you should know that GT5 never had a relase date until TGS. stupid people just assumed that it would come out in time for winter. GT5 is a massive game, even more massive than forza 3.
It was never pushed back? Welll I dunno... there was never an official release date, so it was never delayed but pushed back? Well I guess it's up to how you look at it but here's a little perpsective:

As for why? I think it was a double whammy... negative response to damage news lead it off and the ability to use the time it would take to impliment better damage allowed for simultaneous work on other features that would be seen as lacking considering the competition if not improved.

Basically I think PD was surprised at response to what they did announce and are now struggling to put some other quality stuff in. Basically the "I will take anything GT labled and be happy about it" crowd wasn't as big or strong as they thought and now they need to put some work into it last minute. That's my take anyway.
GT PSP, held back GT5 some what, but i think they were ready to release it this xmas, but after all the complaints about the damage system from that demo i think they decided to make it better and wait abit longer until releasing it.
While I agree with Dragonistic that thread like these are kind of pointless, I don't buy this "it was never pushed back" argument. If taking this long to release GT5 was part of some type of masterplan, I'd say they put someone else in charge.
I personally hope that P.D. is taking their time to improve the online aspect of GT5. While GT5P has been the only "full"(if you can call it that) online racing game I've really played, it was deeply disappointing. I am expecting a lot more from GT5.

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