I didn't believe/get excited over the Q4 2009 pamphlet, because as always, I'm prepared for the worse. Plus, I listened to wise members.
Something more you want to say? The game wasn't delayed, as far as we know. End of discussion.
Yes, there is something more that needs to be said on this and this will be about the 3rd time I've posted on it.
fact that GT5
was delayed is as plain as 1+1+2=4.
The only reason it was not
officially announced is because the suits at Sony didn't have the guts, honesty, or leadership to declare their decision openly. Instead they chose to dump it on Kaz and let him deal with it. Wow talk about having to take one for the team.
E3, Kaz announces he will not answer any questions aout GT5.
What ? ( this is one of, if not
the most anticipated Sony titles to be expected to release after 4 years ??????) Thats 1.
Gt on PSP is announced to be released in October. Thats 2.
Study Kaz's presentation on this at E3.
It is the most forced, contorted, pressured demeaner I think I have ever seen. The man looked like someone was holding a gun to his head. He could barely force a weak smile and that was only at the end. Thats the other 1.
1+1+2=4 or in other words = delay of GT5.
Thats my take and I'm sticking to it.
Edit: One more thing about this that I believe proves this point.
GT on PSP commercials playing on NASCAR races. Those knuckleheads at Sony actually believe they are going to sell us this crap when it obviously caused the delay in GT5? I don't know of anything they could have done that would infuriate me any more.