Red Bull Stratos !!!!

  • Thread starter moonman79
Leave it to Wind to stand in the way of human progress. We needed you to discover new worlds, and are thankful for it. But those days are over, and this is how you treat us? Where is Captain Planet when we need him?
That was the only gust of wind in 10 hours straight and they aborted the mission in a split second. They didn't even wait a minute before giving the mission the finger.

:banghead: 🤬
From the Redbull Stratos Facebook-page:
“Meteorologist Don Day has confirmed that a Thursday launch will not be possible. The next weather window opens on Sunday October 14th at 6:30 AM MDT.”

I would totally want to be in his shoes. They don't have to tell me twice to jump.

Jumping from Kilo meters and breaking the sound barrier while falling to the earth might sound cool but with all the things that can go wrong I'd rather let him jump :lol:
Jumping from Kilo meters and breaking the sound barrier while falling to the earth might sound cool but with all the things that can go wrong I'd rather let him jump :lol:

I'm with you, on that. - Danish TV, spoke with a guy, who actually was jealous on Felix... He might be crazy, but I guess - it'll give some of a rush.
It appears to be delayed again. Currently 1 hour 38 minutes left until the stream is live.