Red Hot Chili Peppers Back In The StudioMusic 

  • Thread starter Alex.

It'll take a while to get used to this.
Oh, boy. Flea's always been a scary-looking bloke, but he probably comes off best in this picture. Kiedis looks like a 1970s B-grade porn star with that 'stache, and Chad Smith looks like a tradie in denial about his age. Josh Klinghoffer doesn't look like he belongs there at all.
I quite like that track, be interesting to see how the album sounds as Klinghoffer has a very different sound.

Don't think that band shot is that bad. Chad has always looked like that, Kiedis has gone through a different look in each album and Flea is Flea. Klinghoffer doesn't quite fit, but then you look at that picture and all you see is Frusciante, so inevitable, really.

The track is catchy, with a hauntingly funky bassline and great texturing guitars. Apparently Brendan's Death Song is the best song on the album, so we have something to look forward to.
After meeting Anthony and Flea on said holiday I've found this brand new pic of John, he looks terrible :nervous:


And good on them. It's been a while since they've released anything. They've also put out good stuff. Stadium Arcadium was 5 years ago, and I can't wait for this one.
Hey guys I hate to do this because it makes think different about the Chili Peppers, or at least Anthony, but Anthony Kiedis watched that Justin Bieber movie and he cried twice. So... Look it up if you don't believe me.
Yeah I was quite annoyed that AK had sunk to such levels. Thankfully it was only about some teenage girls crying though. Also, John looking much better, checkout dat girlfriend :D Oh, and method man :lol:
John looks like a major hipster.

You know, after hearing their new single on the radio a few times, I must say that the song is really growing on me! I'm eager to hear the rest of the album now.
I just bought the album today.

The first thing you'll notice is that John Frusciante is gone. The second thing you'll notice is that the band isn't simply marking time until he gets back, they way they were on One Hot Minute. And the third thing you'll notice is that Frusciante's replacement, Josh Klinghoffer, isn't trying to ape Frusciante's style.

If anything I'm With You is One Hot Minute revisited - but sharper, smarter and without any trace of of of the self-indulgence that plagued bot One Hot Minute and Stadium Arcadium. The band admitted they considered breaking up when Frusciante left, but I'm With You demonstrates that they made the right choice in pressing on. It's really addressing all the unfinished business the band has had for the past few years. Brandon's Death Song is a particular highlight; it feels like Kiedis was chanelling the same kind of vibe as he did when he wrote Under the Bridge.

Overall, I'd say it's probably the third-best album the Chillies have produced, behind Californication and Blood Sugar Sex Magik, and tied with By the Way.
For me the order is:

Blood Sugar Sex Magik
By The Way
Stadium Arcadium
I'm With You
Mother's Milk
Uplift Mofo Party Plan
Freaky Styley
One Hot Minute
The Red Hot Chili Peppers

I absolutely loved Stadium Arcadium and still do to this day, I must have some kind of RHCP tunnel vision but I like at least 20 songs out of 28. I'm With You for me has been very refreshing in a strange kind of way. Often enough in the last 3 albums the themes have been less day to day emotions and more cryptic lyrics through extremely strong emotions most of us don't experience that frequently. There isn't too much Psychedelia this time around; Personally I used to listen to something like slow cheetah through headphones before I slept, and the ghostly haunting backwards guitar outro would blow me away, SA was an album I truly felt connected to.

"miles and miles of netherworld I roam, desecration is the smile on my face, Slow Cheetah come before my forests".

I'm With You is very down to earth in my view compared to the above lyrics from previous albums and for that I respect it, it's a nice change and an enjoyable listen. Josh is being Josh in Josh's shoes. I think the end product suffers a bit though, it feels like Kiedis is trying to over-compensate for John's backing vocals not being there.
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Mother's Milk and Uplift will always be my top 2, though I don't really tend to have a favourite, all been good albums imo, producing very different sounds, even the often criticised One Hot Minute, which I think has some very strong songs on it, even if it has some weaker ones than perhaps other albums had. Earlier was funkier and a bit more raw, which is why I like it.

Only heard raindance maggie so far (which I like), but the above two posts are encouraging. Will have to get my hands on it this week.
A girl I used to know once said to me:

"I love the chili's stuff, it's funky, and cool, but the one thing that always does my head in about them is that they sing about crap. None of their lyrics make sense."

It is true that they have some seriously deep meanings hidden in their lyrics sometimes, and different people relate to them in their own ways.

I had to do a write up on a song's lyrics for English at school, a long, long time ago, in a galaxy... nevermind, and I chose 'Under the bridge'.

Interestingly enough, my interpretation of Anthony's words involved a drug addict having far too much of something under a bridge downtown. I was 12 or 13 at the time, so that's more than 20 years ago now, and I wonder how I would interpret the song these days.....

You'll notice that I started the post by stating that I used to know that girl.

That's the problem when you can only hear music, but not feel it, you end up a little like her. [/wesley snipes]

--------LANGUAGE WARNING--------

I am excited to hear the new album, yet I will always have a tinge of sadness knowing that John isn't in there, cos that's like taking Freddie Mercury out of Queen and expecting the band to be as successful. IMO, it just won't be the same.

That having been said, they are a band I have been listening to since I was aware of my ears, and I will certainly without doubt fall in love with some of the trax.

I was in Cyprus on a holiday in 2006, and my then girlfriend had bought me Stadium Arcadium for the trip.

I had kept it wrapped in it's cellophane until about 2 weex in, when I found myself with nothing to do one Sunday.
I decided on a road trip, looked at a map, and planned to drive from one side of the island to the other, for lunch.
I unwrapped the album, put in Jupiter, I think, and drove across to Paphos with it blasting.
I remember the CD finished as I pulled into the beach area (Cyprus is tiny).
I had had the best journey, as NO-ONE was on the road, it being lunchtime on a Sunday, and I did Mars on the way back, after having lunch, then stripping off, going for a swim in the sea, and placing a towel on the driver's seat to drive home.
Even now, some 5 years later, if I put it on, I still recall sitting there in my shorts, baking in the heat, hanging out of the car window without a care in the world, and remember which sights I was seeing as the songs waft from the speakers......

Sorry that was a bit profound.....

EDIT: I have got hold of it today, and I like it a lot.
I have had it on in the cars, and although it hasn't been back to back all day, I haven't listened to anything else, and I am not bored of any of it yet. There are some highlights already, and some harmonies I love, but the only one I've skipped all day is Adventures of Raindance Maggie, as I've heard that before.
Two thumbs up 👍👍

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Is anyone else really digging Josh's backing vocals? Especially on Did I Let You Know:

And Flea playing the piano.👍
Yeah that one is a standout track for me along with Brendan's death song, of course...

Anthony and Chad are on Radio 1 here in the UK as I type, doing a 3 hour pre-recorded special.... being candid in interview, and playing old and new trax, and finishing with an entire gig of 'I'm with you' and a touching docu type thing with family members and so on.

Enjoying the insight provided so far, and of course, the music....

This is still available to watch in HD, though I'm not sure whether it is available to anyone outside of the UK..... You could try BBCIplayer.....

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