A girl I used to know once said to me:
"I love the chili's stuff, it's funky, and cool, but the one thing that always does my head in about them is that they sing about crap. None of their lyrics make sense."
It is true that they have some seriously deep meanings hidden in their lyrics sometimes, and different people relate to them in their own ways.
I had to do a write up on a song's lyrics for English at school, a long, long time ago, in a galaxy... nevermind, and I chose 'Under the bridge'.
Interestingly enough, my interpretation of Anthony's words involved a drug addict having far too much of something under a bridge downtown. I was 12 or 13 at the time, so that's more than 20 years ago now, and I wonder how I would interpret the song these days.....
You'll notice that I started the post by stating that I used to know that girl.
That's the problem when you can only hear music, but not feel it, you end up a little like her. [/wesley snipes]
--------LANGUAGE WARNING--------
I am excited to hear the new album, yet I will always have a tinge of sadness knowing that John isn't in there, cos that's like taking Freddie Mercury out of Queen and expecting the band to be as successful. IMO, it just won't be the same.
That having been said, they are a band I have been listening to since I was aware of my ears, and I will certainly without doubt fall in love with some of the trax.
I was in Cyprus on a holiday in 2006, and my then girlfriend had bought me Stadium Arcadium for the trip.
I had kept it wrapped in it's cellophane until about 2 weex in, when I found myself with nothing to do one Sunday.
I decided on a road trip, looked at a map, and planned to drive from one side of the island to the other, for lunch.
I unwrapped the album, put in Jupiter, I think, and drove across to Paphos with it blasting.
I remember the CD finished as I pulled into the beach area (Cyprus is tiny).
I had had the best journey, as NO-ONE was on the road, it being lunchtime on a Sunday, and I did Mars on the way back, after having lunch, then stripping off, going for a swim in the sea, and placing a towel on the driver's seat to drive home.
Even now, some 5 years later, if I put it on, I still recall sitting there in my shorts, baking in the heat, hanging out of the car window without a care in the world, and remember which sights I was seeing as the songs waft from the speakers......
Sorry that was a bit profound.....
EDIT: I have got hold of it today, and I like it a lot.
I have had it on in the cars, and although it hasn't been back to back all day, I haven't listened to anything else, and I am not bored of any of it yet. There are some highlights already, and some harmonies I love, but the only one I've skipped all day is Adventures of Raindance Maggie, as I've heard that before.
Two thumbs up 👍👍
