redbull gear settings

  • Thread starter alboy71
looking for a good gear settings for the x1 redbull, got good car set up but strugglering with the gears a bit, please help. lol
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Would be nice.


PS3 running homebrew without being JB, jokes! That's what you expected? Why the "are you serious" comment? You never tried it so what exactly do you know about if it works well or not?

The real question is;

Are YOU serious?!?

It's already set the speed record for the M3 CSL.....
I´m serious most of the time. ;)

Where and what´s your speed record?


So why ask the question to begin with?

208mph 5 min on gears, if that.

Speed records don't really mean anything when it comes to a track with turns.
It doesn't even mean anything in the drag scene. It's how fast and effectively you can get to that speed that matters most.

Besides, Assassin, if you obtained that 'record' with the program you linked, then technically the record doesn't belong to you, because you didn't create it.
The credit would go to the creator.
Speed records don't really mean anything when it comes to a track with turns.
It doesn't even mean anything in the drag scene. It's how fast and effectively you can get to that speed that matters most.

Besides, Assassin, if you obtained that 'record' with the program you linked, then technically the record doesn't belong to you, because you didn't create it.
The credit would go to the creator.

Not debating the record (if you want to tag it to the creator, fine. I'm not all about e-fame as some people seam to be, I award the speed to the car ;) that is simply the fastest a CSL will go no drafting in GT5 ), Im debating if the calc works. The record shows it's potential in one aspect, you will have to try it for yourself to see for yourself how well it works elsewhere.

You are right though it's not about top speed its about speed around the track. with the calc set the speed you want and it will accelerate to that speed as fast as the engine can. Tune it to specific Tracks easy, too bad it's only been released in beta form IM positive it's only gotten better & more advanced, the creator is banned though so we may never know for sure.
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So I tested this with a exactly 500 HP CSL.

208 mph with FC Tranny , default Gear Settings and Top Speed set to 230.

Maybe different Suspension settings and/or without a Wing , you can reach a higher speed. ;)

Maybe without a wing, but still 208mph with that wing is as fast as the CSL will go. Gear calc did it in 5 min. Seems to do it's job as good as any Tuner........

What exactly is your point?
My point is:
You don´t need a gear calc to reach 208 with the wing.
The top speed setting took me 10secs. Only the Cr. I spend for this hurt me and my purse.

My point is:
You don´t need a gear calc to reach 208 with the wing.
The top speed setting took me 10secs. Only the Cr. I spend for this hurt me and my purse.


Your point is just a dig, no you don't need a calc IF you know what your doing, but for those like the OP who ASKED for it, I posted a link to a calc. Hitting top speed of a given car is only 1 of it's abilities. PLEASE put up a gear set you think it can't out tune, put your tuning where your mouth is... Keep in mind I don't care if you can tune a gear box, this board is not all about you. I was talking to the op when I posted the link, not to you. So unless you have anything HELFUL to add, "seriously" nobody cares about your abilities, no point to you running around preaching about them.
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the creator is banned though so we may never know for sure.

Maybe there's a way that you could possibly get in touch with him. I know it's a long shot, but maybe you can take over the project for him and keep it going? Wouldn't that be wonderful!?:mischievous:

Your point is just a dig, no you don't need a calc IF you know what your doing, but for those like the OP who ASKED for it, I posted a link to a calc. Hitting top speed of a given car is only 1 of it's abilities. PLEASE put up a gear set you think it can't out tune, put your tuning where your mouth is... Keep in mind I don't care if you can tune a gear box, this board is not all about you. I was talking to the op when I posted the link, not to you. So unless you have anything HELFUL to add, "seriously" nobody cares about your abilities, no point to you running around preaching about them.
Awfully defensive for a program that isn't even yours. ;)
You never know, anything is possible

I don't like people putting down helpful stuff with nothing better to put on the table. That's all. Had I made any other reference to help and it get put down for nothing I'd do the same.
I found his comments very helpful.
A: He saved me the time
B: He saved my internet bandwidth
C: He saved my hard drive space
D: He let me know how to reach 208mph in 10 seconds without some program that clearly doesn't do anything more than the default Top Speed Auto-Set can already do
E: He saved me in game credits, by biting the bullet and buying/upgrading the car in question and testing it for myself

So, I'd like to personally thank raVer for what he's provided. Far more useful than a simple link to a program that, as proven, doesn't accomplish anything the default ratios already do.
I found his comments very helpful.
A: He saved me the time
B: He saved my internet bandwidth
C: He saved my hard drive space
D: He let me know how to reach 208mph in 10 seconds without some program that clearly doesn't do anything more than the default Top Speed Auto-Set can already do
E: He saved me in game credits, by biting the bullet and buying/upgrading the car in question and testing it for myself

So, I'd like to personally thank raVer for what he's provided. Far more useful than a simple link to a program that, as proven, doesn't accomplish anything the default ratios already do.

Actually he hasn't shown any of that.

First off he hastnt topped 208, it's the cars max speed. He's only proven the calc will do what you ask of it. Dial in top speed and you get it, it Also shows the actual top speed not fudged almost going to get there top speed as the in game Top Speed Tuner does. if the car can get 209mph without a wing, dial it in and the calc will produce gears that hit it.

Most importantly it spaces the gears and can tune the gears to peak power, or red line, or rev limiter depending on what you ask of it.

So he's shown nothing at all, congratulations Adrenalin for seeing what you want, when you want. Again, you've brought nothing that helps, congratulations again. I say the calc does better then the auto tune. Post a gear set you think auto tune or you can tune better, spend as much time as you like, then see if the calc is comparable. If even comparable It would seem quite helpful to people looking for help with gears, if that's not you two, and or you have NOTHING to ADD look at another thread.

You can always post what you think will be helpful to the OP, there is no need to bash others help, especially when you haven't helped at all.
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Actually he hasn't shown any of that.

First off he hastnt topped 208, it's the cars max speed. He's only proven the calc will do what you ask of it. Dial in top speed and you get it, it Also shows the actual top speed not fudged almost going to get there top speed as the in game Top Speed Tuner does.

Most importantly it spaces the gears and can tune the gears to peak power, or red line, or rev limiter depending on what you ask of it.

So he's shown nothing at all, congratulations Adrenalin for seeing what you want, when you want.

Again, nothing that helps, I say the calc does better then the auto tune. Post a gear set you think auto tune or you can tune better, spend as much time as you like, then see if the calc is comparable.

It would seem quite helpful to people looking for help with gears, if that not you two, look at another thread.

I see, what has been shown.
The CSL will reach 208mph with the default gearing auto-set to 230mph.
You're making claims of what this program can do, but haven't shown any of them. Therefore the only things that have been shown are that both the in game auto set, and noobs program can reach the same top speed.

The point, is that the auto-set is already in the game, doesn't have to be downloaded, understood, or have inputs applied.
Set a number and go. Less time, same results.

If you'd like to discuss acceleration, then by all means, be my guest. The only thing having been discussed thus far, is the car's 'maximum speed possible'.
I see, what has been shown.
The CSL will reach 208mph with the default gearing auto-set to 230mph.

You're making claims of what this program can do, but haven't shown any of them. Therefore the only things that have been shown are that both the in game auto set, and noobs program can reach the same top speed.

I posted the calc to help the OP. I stated what it has done. If using the auto set can get you the same top speed guess what, so can ANY top speed record, in fact most posted are by using the auto tuner.

Does that make the auto tuner better then every tuner on GTP and the calc? No because as you said, and I agreed, it's about more then that ;) . I simply stated that it calculated a gear set that that hits 208mph when you dial in 208mph (not 230mph to get 208 ;) ) It makes no difference if the auto tuner can achieve the same top speed, it will 90% of the time anyways. As you said it's about more then that.

The point, is that the auto-set is already in the game, doesn't have to be downloaded, understood, or have inputs applied.
Set a number and go. Less time, same results.

The calc does better then auto tune if you don't believe it, put it to the test, until then you can keep on thinking auto tune or anything is better, the op already knows about auto tune he's looking for help here, feel free to post what YOU think is helpful, DON'T bash what I think is helpful unless you have something to show it's not, you currently have diddly squat.

If you'd like to discuss acceleration, then by all means, be my guest. The only thing having been discussed thus far, is the car's 'maximum speed possible'. .

It's only been pointed out it can hit top speeds, if you want to question it's ability to tune acceleration, test it or really what's your point????

It seams your just bent up on trying to prove the calc doesn't work without ever using it, and with absolutely nothing to show it doesn't.
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You're arguing a completely different point, as you always do.
No one is disputing the helpfulness of your link to the OP.
What is being discussed is this Top Speed Record' that you brought up.
Your standpoint of why the program worked, is because you supposedly set some top speed record with it. raVer quickly tested and proved that the auto-set can obtain the same 'record'. That's what my point was. I thanked raVer for saving me the time.
If you want to go back and change your stand point that the program works, because it does X, Y & Z, then fine. But don't throw a temper tantrum with me, because I directly responded to what you said. If you're saying something different now, then like I said above, 'be my guest'. That's a completely different discussion, more importantly one I'm not arguing. As for what has been 'shown', the burden of proof is on those who claim to have a superior method. I never said I had a better gearing method, nor that anything was wrong with your tuning program. What I said, was that Auto-set obtains the same 'record setting' speed. No more, no less. But as always you want to turn a mole hill into a mountain, because you have the raging hormones of a 15 year old girl. So continue to rage on as you please, my point was clear from the beginning and I have no doubt, that the majority of readers comprehended it, even if you didn't. But I suppose that's the benefit of not being emotionally involved; things are always clearer. :) You can continue to respond, edit and re-edit your posts, over and over again. This shall be my last, in regards to you.