Reefer Madness! Saturday Classic Racing 10pm GMTOpen 

  • Thread starter reefer
Cooper is good for 450 pp, nice and sort, quite easy with a couple of tricky corners to remember. Crawfield works at 450 on cs tyres. I like forthview in a gt300 car, it's pretty fast, as is kinacres. Let me know if you like them
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The Stratos flies round Suzuka! I'm sure there's a 2:15 in it in the right hands especially with a fresh set of rubber and low fuel load.
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Still haven't tried it yet, I'm a wee bit scared to be honest - it's historically been a bit of a handful. Might squeeze in a quick shot tonight, but wont have time for a race run until Saturday.
It's okay for 5 laps then it gets angry. Having said that, after 20 min it's still 15 seconds faster than my pony
It's never filled me with confidence. All my cars used so far have let me attack in a controlled manner to the end. I've got a feeling this one would spit me off. Ambition exceeding ability springs to mind.
The Stratos - caress it into the corner, floor the throttle on the exit. I actually like it when the tyres start to wear, but not to low though.

I might try one race in the Lancia (again) and one race in the Renault. It'll be a fast and slow show. (But both fun)
I'm another no show this evening guys, sorry but my diary has changed last minute.

Have fun and good luck!

Had a few laps today in my stratos, offline, was doing early 16's. Tried your set up venari but couldn't get it to work for me. Tried the R30 and was in the 18's but a much smoother and easier drive and less likely to get spat off. I'll try another couple of options later, sacrificing absolute pace for safe consistent running. Need to see how they go in race trim.
I'm going with Stratos as well, I won't be as quick though. I had very little time to practice this week (only once for a few laps). But all I need is to have someone to race with. As long as it's not a lone race for me it's good. I'm like a dog, give me a car to chase and I'm happy
I'm lucky to nail a 2m18 in race trim. However, I can only do it in the Jag now under metronomic concentration. The BMW, Toyota, and, surprisingly, Golf are all faster than the R30 for me. Golf is fun, actually, once you get the line right. Tyres aren't bad either.
Some last minute testing from me - still can't decide. I want to be competitive but at the same time I want to stay on the track. It's a crucial time in the championship for the top 4 and mid-placed runners and choosing the right car couldn't be more important. Looking forward to a cracking race! Room open....
Unfortunately I couldn't participate today. I've ran into an old friend and we had a couple of beers. I hope you had a good race :)
That was good touring-car type action. Joe, you must have been swearing every time I was around, while you were fair hustling that big Skyline, I was driving pretty hard and made my cars very large in your mirrors and very wide when in front. Race 1 lap 2, we were dead level but the BMW swung its tail going into Casio 2 and we were just too close. The real bummer if if you'd have peeled right instead of left going off you'd have hit the escape road and could have made it back on track at some speed! A real shame. I think if I hadn't have backed off and waited a bit, I might have stolen a win, but c'est la vie. The Bimmer was being handled with the softest touch after repassing buybon to save the tyres but I smoked them out of the hairpin, lost the rear and then clipped the oppostite armco. Blue and yourself just blew by fair and square then and it was just hang on 'til the end for me.

Race two was a Battle Royale and most enjoyable, even though after a lucky early maneouvring into the lead thanks to a slow exit of Degner from blue, I got properly mugged later. Joe, I gave you very little space on the entry to Degner after my mugging/flails, I'm not sure I knew you'd made up so much ground. After two fast offs at 130R I settled for fifth but cruel fates! First suts, and then when I saw If and Joe off at T1 on the last lap I almost missed my braking point and had to smoke it to stay on which must have been entertaining, if not consolation.
Setups as promised.


RH 98 / 88
SR 3.95 / 3.25
DC 9 / 9
DX 9 / 9
ARB 7 / 7
CT 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Race Brakes 7 / 7

Trans, after power modifications, set max Final, min Speed then:
First 2.750
Second 1.950
Third 1.400
Fourth 1.100
Top 0.919
Final 3.550

LSD 8 / 13 / 45
Plus triple clutch/carbon prop

Power, no oil change, 100%
Stage 1 tune,
Sports Computer
Sports Exhaust
Iso Manifold
Sports Cat
Intake Tune
Stock Turbo
Makes 256hp @ 6,500rpm, 34.4kgfm, change at 7k.

Body stage 3 lightened, carbon bonnet, window weight reduction,
68kg ballast @ -50% = 971kg with 52:48 balance.

The car will light the rears pretty easy, but going through S you can change up early and let it lug if you wish. The car doesn't have any more rear grip to give, if you soften the rear ARB it just understeers off at the end of the S-curves and at Spoon 2. Just be gentle with the throttle as the tyres wear and it will largely behave itself.
Entry to 130R is stay right, then turn towards the kerbing and lift when you're halfway across the track, reapplying throttle as soon as you've clipped the kerbs. You can carry over 120mph through it. Later, do the same, just don't reapply the throttle as hard/fast. The LSD will keep it from squirreling out and it will simply track the racing line. Celica does the same...


RH 95 / 90
SR 3.25 / 2.50
DC 9 / 9 (8 / 8 if twitchy)
DX 9 / 9 (8 / 8 if twitchy)
ARB 6 / 7
CT 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Race brakes 7 / 10 (but this is very aggressive into Spoon and T1 with a bit of wear, try 6or7 / 8or9)

Trans, after power modifications, set max Final, min Speed then:
First 3.300 (actually too short - try getting closer to 3.000)
Second 2.050
Third 1.475
Fourth 1.175
Top 1.000
Final 3.300

LSD 8 / 11 / 25 (try a higher decel also if it's too tailhappy into T1/Spoon - but this will mean less turn-in going through S-curves on lift of throttle)
Triple clutch / carbon prop

Power, no oil change, 100%
Stage 3 tune,
Sports Computer
Race exhaust
Iso manifold
Sports Cat
Intake Tune
Mid-rpm turbo
gets you 236hp @ 6,500rpm. 29.0 kgfm

I changed gear at 7krpm, 7,500rpm AND NO MORE is closer to the mark for maximum accleleration.

Body stage 3 lightened, carbon bonnet, window weight reduction,
60kg ballast @ +50% = 886kg with 55:45 balance.

Just enough weight to match the power and get within the 55:45 'rule' I set myself. This car is a bit skittish everywhere, but on a steady throttle will simply track through Spoon 2 on the line and not fall off. A lighter version of the BMW, slightly nimbler if anything, and slightly better on tyres, yet not quite as grunty at the top end. I warmed to it, it's pretty fuss free. As mentioned, it will rotate a little quickly towards the end of the braking zone if you trailbrake aggressively. Worth winding that off a tad and/or adding LSD decel to help. The entry into Spoon is your guide for this.
I almost missed my braking point and had to smoke it to stay on which must have been entertaining,
I spotted that and yes it was. Well held sir. ;)

Don't worry about the contact Joe. I was probably braking a bit earlier than normal because my rears were going off.

A good race everyone. :cheers:

Have a picture...
Suzuka Circuit_22.jpg

Note @reefer Richroo's post above.
Both those races are the most determined I've been to win anything ever so I was being even more strategic than usual. The first race took a bit more skill since I didn't have the fastest car so I had to go at least 70 percent just to keep up. I let some people by at the start since I didn't want to be pressured and wear my tires more than necessary. I'm not sure if I could've caught venari and joe if they didn't have their issue either. But luckily they did and I knew I was at least a second a lap faster than buybon if I pushed it so my strategy was just to keep him in striking distance and just cruise. So I did, and once venari got back by him I started pushing and got by him and venari within a few laps (I could tell venari's tires were getting worn) and managed to hold off joe while simultaneously trying not to make a stupid mistake at the end. Luckily he got sideways on the last lap which gave me a 2 second gap to work with.

The second race, that esprit is just so much faster and consistent than everything else, especially with venari's tune (first time I used one of his. It was great, made an MR car fun to drive almost. I needed that Celica tune at spa!). I really just toyed with everyone for that race really. Suts and if in the Strati were faster on fresh tires but I knew they'd wear them out. I was a bit worried about if though since I know he's a good conserver. I probably went as slow as 40 percent at the beginning, letting venari and suts by when they caught me. I let suts and venari race for a while and then when suts started to pull out on venari I pushed to catch venari and passed him at kind of a bad spot but I guess it's just where I caught him. I then drove up to suts and was content to just ride on his bumper until he either made a mistake or wore out the tires. I think both happened. Like I said I was happy with venari stuck in fifth place near the end of that race, the best possible points result for me, but of course he snuck into second at the end. At least suts and if were 3rd and 4th so I gained a few on joe and buybon this week.

Next week is probably my favourite track, or at least joint favourite along with ascari and trial mountain. I'll almost certainly be using the RUF for one of the races, which could be interesting, since I think there will be a few other RUFs on the grid as well. I originally planned to use the Cosmo this week along with the esprit but it didn't handle as well as I wanted it to (yes, I actually practiced) so I've got that as an option for race 2, or maybe the bluebird which I've never driven. Or the R30. Or the Jaguar. Who knows.

I spent a lot of time doing the Matterhorn seasonal today. I managed to get down into the 1:48s, don't think I can do any better than that. No clue how people can run 1:44s.
Suzuka Circuit.jpg
Congrats to blue on his two wins at Suzuka. Very well driven indeed mate and a well earned 50 big points is deservedly yours.

Those races had everything.... except naked spectators unfortunately! Maybe my favourite meet to date? Blue with his strategy, Venari with his smoke-it-till-you-choke-it approach, rock steady buybon, stratospherically fast Suts and If, and rear gunner Tommy. Running battles all over the track with overtaking manoeuvres that held the attention throughout. Great stuff guys. Except, that is, for me rear ending If when he was heading for second place AND for tapping buybon sending him off. Yes, If, I never expected you to brake at that point and I couldn't react quick enough to avoid you. As it's always the fault of the guy behind, apologies mate. Same to buybon and I'll be reversing our places for that Colin. I never felt or heard any contact so carried on but on watching the replay there is the slightest of taps. Whether that actually caused you to go off or not, I'm not sure. I've watched the replay a dozen times from various angles (in photo mode, in car etc) and can't pinpoint the exact timing of the tap in relation to you going off. I noticed my speed went 68, 69, 70, 71 then down to 70 and then climbed to 71, 72, 73mph... without me lifting and I can only surmise that that 1mph drop in speed was the tap and cause of your sideways jaunt onto the grass. Apologies mate! 5th place for buybon and 6th for me.

Except for the above two incidents, I had a great time especially in the second race. Suts and If were going great guns which was great to see, Venari as usual was giving 100% every corner, blue played a cool waiting game which paid off, buybon drove a great race and was so unlucky on the last lap. Tom had very little seat time in the Stratos which always takes time to gel with.

Venari, that was another couple of great battles we had! Thoroughly enjoyed them; you were all over me again! I thought I'd repay the compliment mid part of race two. However, I can't believe some of the situations you put your car in and and manage to come out alive. Other mere mortals would have been toast, but not you. Incredible stuff. Take lap 8 (?) of the second race:

...and then when I saw If and Joe off at T1 on the last lap I almost missed my braking point and had to smoke it to stay on which must have been entertaining...

Go watch it from my cam, exterior view. First, I was kicking myself for dunting If off, then I heard screeeeech............ as you went sailing by. Watching it from my exterior cam shows that if I'd stayed where I'd just been 1 second before, I would have died and gone to heaven. I watched that smoke 'em-turn-in about 10 times and fell about laughing each time. Then I watched the after effect from buybon's exterior view. You left a trail of tyre smoke to be proud of mate. Too funny, and would even funnier if I hadn't scunnered If's second place!

Great racing all round guys. Next week is our last week in the GT6 Winter Classic Car Championship and things are shaping up very nicely indeed for a great finale.

Suzuka Circuit_1.jpg
Suzuka Circuit_2.jpg
Suzuka Circuit_3.jpg
Suzuka Circuit_4.jpg
Suzuka Circuit_5.jpg

Suzuka Circuit_6.jpg


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    Suzuka Circuit_6.jpg
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MEET 7: Suzuka

Race 1 Results

1st bloodyboyblue____25
2nd joe__kerr_______18
3rd GTP_Venari______15
4th buybon355______12
5th Sutsagrd________10
6th iamtooma________8
7th IfAndOr__________6

Eran003 _________DNS

Race 2 Results

2nd GTP_Venari_____18
3rd Sutsagrd_______15
4th IfAndOr________12
6th joe__kerr_______8
7th iamtooma_______6

Eran003 _________DNS

*The best 14 results from 16 races (8 week championship/2 races per meet minus the two lowest scoring races) will count towards the driver's total points score.

updated 13 Dec

Driver Standings
(after 7 meets/14 races)

1st buybon355 ______235
2nd joe__kerr _______235
3rd GTP_Venari ______235
4th bloodyboyblue____208
5th iamtooma _______ 94
6th Sutsagrd_________71
7th IfAndOr__________58
8th dave76543210 ____51
9th Michael-O-Pear____44
10th glenn_cullen_____32
11th bcd73 __________26
12th JockeP22 _______12
13th GTP_VEXD_______6
14th Eran0004 _______0

*The best 14 results from 16 races (8 week championship/2 races per meet minus the two lowest scoring races) will count towards the driver's total points score. All previous results and Driver Standings can be found on post #3 and 4.
Hi,can i get in have a try ? psn gu1tar3rich

Hi, richroo, I never got your message in time, sorry mate. Next week is the final week in the championship so it might be better to wait until the next one. Thanks for your interest though and hopefully we can catch up online sometime:tup:
235 each! So venari needs 2 dnfs lol.

Joe, really no need to reverse our positions, I never felt a tap, and as I said in the room I could see my proximity indicator flashing red so wound some lock off to give you some space and think I ran out of road on the exit.

Tyres were my main issue this week. Managed to conserve them a little better in race 2 but still over cooked it coming out of 2nd degner and spun it out of 3rd place.

Love apricot hill, great choice for the final round. Let the battle commence !
235 each! So venari needs 2 dnfs lol.

Or to suddenly be unable to find 3rd gear.. we can live in hope eh..

Four title contenders as of 13 Dec going into the last race:

Venari________235 minus nothing = 235
joe___________235 minus 18 = 217
buybon________235 minus 22 = 213
bloodyboyblue__208 minus nothing = 208

Yeah, it's mighty close! I think under the circumstances it's only fair to reverse the places. Have a look at the replay; it's hard to tell conclusively but looks dubious.

It's looking something like this for the GT6 Winter Classic Car Championship 2015 title:

Venari to win
  • Needs 33 points (?) to secure the title. 1st and 6th to win the championship / or a 2nd and 3rd

buybon355 to win
  • Two 1sts and hope that Venari doesn't pick up more than 27 points
  • 1st and 2nd and hope that Venari doesn't pick up more than 20 points / joe doesn't pick up 43 points

joe to win
  • Two 1sts and hope that Venari doesn't pick up more than 32 points
  • A 1st and 2nd hope Venari doesn't pick up more than 25 points
  • Two 2nds and hope Venari doesn't pick up more than 17 points / buybon doesn't pick up more than 40 points

bloodyboyblue to win
  • Two 1sts and hope Venari doesn't pick up more than 22 points / joe doesn't pick up more than 40 points / buybon doesn't pick up more than 44 points
  • A 1st and a 2nd and hope Venari doesn't pick up more than 15 points / joe doesn't pick up more than 33 points / buybon doesn't pick up more than 37 points
I think........

And of course there's a cracking battle mid table too;)
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One of the best races I've had in a while. :lol:
First race my tuned (a la me using venaris guide ) merc 300sl was fast for one lap but realised my tyres went down one point per lap!! I don't think I troubled anyone in the first race and amazed to still finish 5th after a pit stop.

Now, 2nd race the Stratos with venaris tune on it :bowdown: was absolutely amazing. I've never been that fast before so I forgot about tyre management and revelled in leading the race. Until I realised my tyres were 7/5 at around half distance and tried driving smoother and slower. Blue caught up and got me as my braking was getting more scary after the high speed straights and sure enough I nearly threw it off and Blue breezed through. However I got back on his tail and with 2-3 mins left made another slipstream pass on the start:finish straight. One car length in front and braked for the corner and held a high speed drift, over corrected, spun off and realised my skills were all down to venaris amazing tune and not really me! :dopey:

Joined back near the back and resigned myself to 6th but then last fews secs/ last lap everyone seemed to be having incidents so amazingly ended up 3rd.

I have 2 huge apologies.

To @buybon355 as I hit him twice in the back in the opening laps 2nd race :dunce:but thankfully he kept his place

To @IfAndOr who should really have got the 3rd place rather than me as I took a very scenic 130R route in the final lap!:embarrassed:

My best memory will be overtaking @Venari around the outside between the hairpin and spoon. :sly:

Thanks Reefer and everyone for making this race series amazing fun and making me a better racer.

Looking forward to final race. I really hate Apricot Hill. Always get the first high speed turn and the chicane wrong!!


Well you were definitely in me but I never felt a thing. It's normally me hearing that lol

Incidentally, here's my milage driven on apricot hill! Note my funny looking Enzo, is this a glitch?
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Hi, richroo, I never got your message in time, sorry mate. Next week is the final week in the championship so it might be better to wait until the next one. Thanks for your interest though and hopefully we can catch up online sometime:tup:
cool that's fine ...send me update for new season when ready ,have bud interested too as start time good ...hope hear soon
