I will try and make it.@Sutsagrd, @IfAndOr, @tooma, @buybon355, @bloodyboyblue, @Venari, @JockeP22, @bcd73, @VEXD, @gerber
If you're about tonight, Saturday 10pm (UK), for a play in the Stratos and above cars then let's get it on. Her Majesty says I'm good to go for a couple of hours then need to go out..
Thanks for the extra speed on the straights, Colin.Jocke! Get yourself in mate, not seen you for ages
Thanks Joe, it was my first go at an Eifel track. It was good to try it out in a race, you never know what they are like until then.All good fun and Paul has done a great job with the Eiffel Tour track
No not quite. That jump before the final tunnel is my nemesis!Can you beat my time?
It's not that easy at 550pp in the BTR to get into the 1.29s. I'm sure there's a 1:28.9 in there somewhere and maybe @buybon355, @Venari or @gkgamer can do it.
After the RUF TT I thought it was time for something more laid back so the Pozzi got a run out. That should make Mr Venari feel at home now that he's gone all stateside on us.
But now it's back to business with the Ferrari F40 '92 at TsukubaAgain, I know there's a 54-sec lap in there, but I couldn't manage it.
It seems like I'll be struggling to get on at 10pm UK on Saturday nights. Even midnight ain't great hence the recent addition of the Time Trials. If there's enough interest we could make a wee comp/leaderboard out of it?