Belated Happy New Year all!
And a very very belated congrats to @buybon355
I'm definitely up for a repeat of this. Personally I don't mind if it's later eg 2300GMT which gives you another hour is bed!
Happy to test some cars if you give me a list?
There was some chat about doing some non series race nights before the series started. I'd blow the dust off the PS3 for a crack at that...
I have a nice 2000GT already setup.
I'll be there and I'll take on the CR-X
Hi Joe
I'm changing my mind about my car. Can I have the countach instead of the camero please. Surprisingly the Lambo seems to be easier to run. Thanks
It sure is! And there sure are!!!server is crap tonight guys, lots of DCs
The games a bogey!
Very kind of them
A whole one day. Very generous!
How much is PS+ on the PS4 Colin? You need it for online gaming now of course.
I'm actually home.I'll have the R5T2!