Religion/Philosophy Thread

Your religion? (select more than one if you want)

  • Christianity

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • Islam

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Confucionism

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Zoroastrianism

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Wicca

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • A Native American Religion

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Agnosticism (don't know, don't care)

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Atheism

    Votes: 16 32.0%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by LoudMusic

I'll have to read it when I get home, but I WILL READ IT. I try to read anything that is directly sent to me, especially from people I have intellectual respect for.

Just wanted to tell you so you'd know why I didn't respond about it for the next hour (:

This is how evolution works. A random process, mutation, causes variants, many of which aren't functional at all. But some variants exist. Changing environmental conditions select among variants, favoring some and not others. Favored sets of instructions, even altered ones, become a part of the organism's genetic instructions. Complex sets of developmental instructions represent an accumulation of successful mistakes.

Very well written. My wording would be something to the effect of:

Some outside force causes the organism to react and produce a variation from its normal routine. If the variation is accepted and is possitive for the organism's existance, it may be replicated. Evolution is the process of the acceptance of outside interfierance.

Because without outside interfierance, the organism has no need to change. "Random mutation", in my mind, does not exist. If you want to claim that "it could be dormant genetic mutation", well, something in the organism's history had to place that dormant mutation in the gene - it didn't get there by itself. And I'm not refering to the supernatural (God), just anything that is not part of the organism.

Which is interesting because I was watching StarTrek last night (recorded new Enterprise episode from Wednesday ...) and they were talking about genetic mutations in one species that did not exist in another species of similar but uncompatible type that both lived on the same planet. The referances to evolution and genetic mutation seemed to heavily imply that these things take place purely out of random acts, no external forces working on the species. It bothered me greatly, but I chose not to say anything to the group of guys watching becase a) they wouldn't get what I was trying to say and b) one of them would argue unrational points just because he likes to argue about stuff - man that irritates me. I've got a good StarTrek rant that I'll type up sometime involving him and why he doesn't like the new serieses (sp?) as much as TNG (Picard, Data, Warf ...)

In my opinion -NOTHING- is random, -EVERYTHING- can be predicted. With enough information everything can be mathematically proficied ... ( human decision making aside (: ). Example: a ping-pong ball being dropped into one of those boxes with nails in the side that the ball bounces through and ends up in a slot. If you have the exact location, diameter, density, frictional values, velocity, direction, gravitational levels, barometric pressure ... yadda-yadda ... you can predict without a doubt where the ball will land each time. It's a bunch of calculations, but it can be done. The same goes for any action of any scale. I wonder what testing has been done on this.

so you don't really agree that mutations are random .....that's interesting ....i'd like to convince you otherwise :) and i have a great appendix on mutations in my lab manual ......i wish i had a scanner right now's a couple of typed pages but it's a very concise summary of mutation's just a little bit of it

A mutation is a permanent change in the sequence of DNA. This word has a negative connotation for many people. What thoughts come to your mind when you hear the word "mutation"?
A deformity? An aberration? The image of a strange creature in a science fiction film? Although physical abnormalities result from some kind of mutation, most of them have no visible effect on the appearance (phenotype) of an organism. However, mutation does play an extremely important role in the web of life. Along with genetic recombination (the mixing of genes through sex), it is the ultimate source of all genetic variation, and therefore makes evolution possible.

How do mutations occur?

Mutations occur during the process of DNA replication. The tens of billions of nucleotide bases in each of the billions of cells in your body must all be duplicated every time a cell divides. Even with a well-designed and highly efficient replication mechanism, there are lots of opportunities for mistakes. Examples of such errors are the substitution of one nucleotide base pair for another, or the insertion or deletion of nucleotide bases from a strand of DNA (these are all called point mutations). Mutations can also occur among a group of nucleotides (structural mutations): small segments of DNA can be duplicated (copied and re-inserted), inverted (excised and re-inserted backwards), or transposed (excised and re-inserted somewhere else).

that's all i'm writing for now and me post like one post that would be like 500 for some other people ;)
Originally posted by Schumy
so you don't really agree that mutations are random .....that's interesting ....i'd like to convince you otherwise :) and i have a great appendix on mutations in my lab manual ......i wish i had a scanner right now's a couple of typed pages but it's a very concise summary of mutation's just a little bit of it

A mutation is a permanent change in the sequence of DNA. This word has a negative connotation for many people. What thoughts come to your mind when you hear the word "mutation"?
A deformity? An aberration? The image of a strange creature in a science fiction film? Although physical abnormalities result from some kind of mutation, most of them have no visible effect on the appearance (phenotype) of an organism. However, mutation does play an extremely important role in the web of life. Along with genetic recombination (the mixing of genes through sex), it is the ultimate source of all genetic variation, and therefore makes evolution possible.

How do mutations occur?

Mutations occur during the process of DNA replication. The tens of billions of nucleotide bases in each of the billions of cells in your body must all be duplicated every time a cell divides. Even with a well-designed and highly efficient replication mechanism, there are lots of opportunities for mistakes. Examples of such errors are the substitution of one nucleotide base pair for another, or the insertion or deletion of nucleotide bases from a strand of DNA (these are all called point mutations). Mutations can also occur among a group of nucleotides (structural mutations): small segments of DNA can be duplicated (copied and re-inserted), inverted (excised and re-inserted backwards), or transposed (excised and re-inserted somewhere else).

Ok, allow me to modify my statement (:
Unless a cell division FUCKS UP .... mutation can't occur without outside interfierance. (:

But seriously, even if a cell division goes wrong ... don't you think that something at some point would have to have caused that? The cells don't just decide to go crazy and do something outside of the DNA instruction set. Please keep in mind, I'm a computer guy. To me in my world, everything happens for a reason - because the computer was told to do so. It will do the same thing every time unless acted upon by an outside force ... either standard input (keyboard, mouse, barcode scanner ...) or unintentional natural or unnatural event (EMP, shotgun slug to the hard drive, bird poo ...). So outside force, cancer for example (non-positive cellular mutation ...), the cells mutate due to outside interfierance, which wouldn't have happened otherwise. Just because we don't [currently] know what is causing the mutation doesn't mean it doesn't exist (ha ha, tripple negative ... doesn't necassarily mean it's a possitive, ha ha ...). I don't see a cell doing something outside its preprogrammed routine unless something causes it to do so. This kind of files under one of my "explinations of God" in that we (down to the cellular level) are 'organic AI quantum computers' - following our preprogrammed set of instructions unless acted upon by an outside force.

that's all i'm writing for now and me post like one post that would be like 500 for some other people ;)

That is soooo true (: My former cause at GTP. I have since given up on account of the "GTFers" flooding the forums.

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Ok, allow me to modify my statement (:
Unless a cell division FUCKS UP .... mutation can't occur without outside interfierance. (:

But seriously, even if a cell division goes wrong ... don't you think that something at some point would have to have caused that? The cells don't just decide to go crazy and do something outside of the DNA instruction set. Please keep in mind, I'm a computer guy. To me in my world, everything happens for a reason - because the computer was told to do so. It will do the same thing every time unless acted upon by an outside force ... either standard input (keyboard, mouse, barcode scanner ...) or unintentional natural or unnatural event (EMP, shotgun slug to the hard drive, bird poo ...). So outside force, cancer for example (non-positive cellular mutation ...), the cells mutate due to outside interfierance, which wouldn't have happened otherwise. Just because we don't [currently] know what is causing the mutation doesn't mean it doesn't exist (ha ha, tripple negative ... doesn't necassarily mean it's a possitive, ha ha ...). I don't see a cell doing something outside its preprogrammed routine unless something causes it to do so. This kind of files under one of my "explinations of God" in that we (down to the cellular level) are 'organic AI quantum computers' - following our preprogrammed set of instructions unless acted upon by an outside force.

That is soooo true (: My former cause at GTP. I have since given up on account of the "GTFers" flooding the forums.

yeah, i saw your former cause .....some people post like 200 posts a day about nothing and never have anything intelligent to say

and with regards to your first statement that you modified, i think you misunderstood what a mutation is and i just wanted to clarify one thing: a mutation only occurs when cell division FUCKS UP're including outside interferences which is totally irrelevant .......but i understand what you're saying about computers's not the same thing but think of it like a expert typer at work and their job entails constant typing all day long random points throughout the day they are surely to hit the wrong key by mistake ......but i also wondered why you thought nothing was random .....didn't you take Finite Math in high school? .....the entire course deals with probability distributions .....the simple rolling of a dice is random and you cannot predict the outcome every time because basically there is no pattern .....the outcome is completely random

the notion that everything happens for a reason does appeal to me for most things such as what we do each day or what happens to us but mutations are pure chance .....they don't happen for any particular reason

just a few thoughts

People have long looked for the causes of phenomena in purposes . Evolution has no purpose and is the inevitable outcome of interactions between organisms and their environment.

Individuals do not evolve or adapt to their environment, because an individual is born and dies without any change in its genetic makeup. Only populations evolve.

Natural selection has no purpose, direction or goal, not even the survival of the species. Evolution and natural selection, like blizzards and gravity, just are!

you're entitled to your own opinion but if i had to stress one thing to you it would be that mutations are random .......i hope i haven't offended you any ........i like to talk about stuff like this :)
MOD is needed here again. People are yelling naughty words, mommy. Damn, where is the censor system???? Arrgh.

Originally posted by Schumy
yeah, i saw your former cause .....some people post like 200 posts a day about nothing and never have anything intelligent to say

and with regards to your first statement that you modified, i think you misunderstood what a mutation is and i just wanted to clarify one thing: a mutation only occurs when cell division FUCKS UP're including outside interferences which is totally irrelevant .......but i understand what you're saying about computers's not the same thing but think of it like a expert typer at work and their job entails constant typing all day long random points throughout the day they are surely to hit the wrong key by mistake ......but i also wondered why you thought nothing was random .....didn't you take Finite Math in high school? .....the entire course deals with probability distributions .....the simple rolling of a dice is random and you cannot predict the outcome every time because basically there is no pattern .....the outcome is completely random

the notion that everything happens for a reason does appeal to me for most things such as what we do each day or what happens to us but mutations are pure chance .....they don't happen for any particular reason

just a few thoughts

People have long looked for the causes of phenomena in purposes . Evolution has no purpose and is the inevitable outcome of interactions between organisms and their environment.

Individuals do not evolve or adapt to their environment, because an individual is born and dies without any change in its genetic makeup. Only populations evolve.

Natural selection has no purpose, direction or goal, not even the survival of the species. Evolution and natural selection, like blizzards and gravity, just are!

you're entitled to your own opinion but if i had to stress one thing to you it would be that mutations are random .......i hope i haven't offended you any ........i like to talk about stuff like this :)
Originally posted by Schumy
yeah, i saw your former cause .....some people post like 200 posts a day about nothing and never have anything intelligent to say
Yes, and it has only gotten worse with our recent mutations (fuck-ups ... ) known as GTFers. Just kidding guys! I think you're great! Keep up the good work (just not in my threads ...).
and with regards to your first statement that you modified, i think you misunderstood what a mutation is and i just wanted to clarify one thing: a mutation only occurs when cell division FUCKS UP're including outside interferences which is totally irrelevant .......but i understand what you're saying about computers's not the same thing but think of it like a expert typer at work and their job entails constant typing all day long random points throughout the day they are surely to hit the wrong key by mistake ......but i also wondered why you thought nothing was random .....didn't you take Finite Math in high school? .....the entire course deals with probability distributions .....the simple rolling of a dice is random and you cannot predict the outcome every time because basically there is no pattern .....the outcome is completely random
Ok, I am generally bad with terms because I don't agree with most terms that are applied to a definition (backwards I know, but that's the best I can explain it). I'm a rebel, man! w00t!

Mutation ...
With your example, and I understand it's just an example, but an expert typist won't mess up unless they are caused to - something distracts them (visually, audibally, physically, mentally ...). Otherwise they should always be consistant in their acuracy toward following their routine and guidelines. A cell with a very spacific set of instructions (DNA) -should not- error unless acted upon by an outside force. I guess I could put my foot down on that, but it would just get stomped on by some nerd in a white trench coat and huge plastic frame glasses.
the notion that everything happens for a reason does appeal to me for most things such as what we do each day or what happens to us but mutations are pure chance .....they don't happen for any particular reason
I think I missrepresented 'cause' as 'reason'. Allow me to define my use of the term: an action that results in an observed effect. The reason would only be 'because the objects aligned' - if you willl ... there is no reason, per se.
  • cause (kôz) n. The producer of an effect, result, or consequence.
  • ef·fect (-fkt) n. Something brought about by a cause or agent; a result.
However, since you brought it up, reason as in fate or The Fates is yet another deep conversationalizing topic - for some. I just throw the whole thing to God and Satan. They're always medling in the affairs of humans ... like they've got good sense or something ... sheesh! (:

{please don't strike me down! it was only a joke!}

just a few thoughts

People have long looked for the causes of phenomena in purposes . Evolution has no purpose and is the inevitable outcome of interactions between organisms and their environment.

Individuals do not evolve or adapt to their environment, because an individual is born and dies without any change in its genetic makeup. Only populations evolve.

Natural selection has no purpose, direction or goal, not even the survival of the species. Evolution and natural selection, like blizzards and gravity, just are![/

you're entitled to your own opinion but if i had to stress one thing to you it would be that mutations are random .......i hope i haven't offended you any ........i like to talk about stuff like this :)

Jackass! I'm right and you're wrong! Admit it asshole!

Just kidding, back to reality ...

People have ... blah blah blah ... check
Individuals do ... blah blah blah ... check
Natural selection ... blah blah blah ... check
you're entitled ... blah blah blah ... check

mutations are random ... blah blah blah ... And we have a bit of an issue (:

As I stated above, depending on how you view a mutation, you define if it is random. Also, you have to decide if random really exists.
the simple rolling of a dice is random and you cannot predict the outcome every time because basically there is no pattern
'Randomocity' (I love making up words) as I see it isn't based on pattern alone. As I stated in my last post, I feel it is based on knowing the values of the many variables relevant to the outcome. Example: A projectile from a 15 inch cannon on a US Navy Destroyer can be targetted within inches of its destination from many many miles away, at sea. This is because scientifically they have close to exact values for most of the variables related to the outcome (ka-boom!). They know the length of the barrel, the size and weight of the shell, the force that the projection blast exerts on the shell, the wind speed and direction, the heading and speed of the boat, the curvature of the Earth, atmospheric conditions ... yaddidly-blah. They've got most of the information, so they can closely predict the outcome - mathematically.

If the man rolling the dice had the corresponding information about the dice, he could tell you what would turn up on the dice every time. He would have to know the values of the angle of decent toward the table, the hight of release, the weight of the dice, the resistance of the table surface, the altituide of the event (for gravitational effects), the possition of the dice before release, and the centripital force applied to the dice by his hand yaddidly-doo. Then dump it all into a computer because ain't NOBODY gonna do that math on a sheet of paper (:

If you have all the information, random no longer is an option for explination. Hmmm ... sounds similar to something I heard about God a while back. Science is acurate information. Acurate information removes the need for God. Therefore ... God ~ Random. I just throw the whole thing to God and Satan. They're always medling in the affairs of humans ... AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Heh, or maybe I'm just rambling. Good discussion, but I don't know that I can keep up the pace. I still have to finish the time trials in GT3 (:

Originally posted by Stealth Viper
MOD is needed here again. People are yelling naughty words, mommy. Damn, where is the censor system???? Arrgh.

Oh, cool yer jets, man. It's not like anyone is going to bore their way through this thread long enough to read all the way down here (:

Originally posted by Stealth Viper
MOD is needed here again. People are yelling naughty words, mommy. Damn, where is the censor system???? Arrgh.

chill Stealth, a rat is no more desired than someone who uses profanity .....i'm simply using Loud's words
Originally posted by LoudMusic

Yes, and it has only gotten worse with our recent mutations (fuck-ups ... ) known as GTFers. Just kidding guys! I think you're great! Keep up the good work (just not in my threads ...).

Ok, I am generally bad with terms because I don't agree with most terms that are applied to a definition (backwards I know, but that's the best I can explain it). I'm a rebel, man! w00t!

Mutation ...
With your example, and I understand it's just an example, but an expert typist won't mess up unless they are caused to - something distracts them (visually, audibally, physically, mentally ...). Otherwise they should always be consistant in their acuracy toward following their routine and guidelines. A cell with a very spacific set of instructions (DNA) -should not- error unless acted upon by an outside force. I guess I could put my foot down on that, but it would just get stomped on by some nerd in a white trench coat and huge plastic frame glasses.

I think I missrepresented 'cause' as 'reason'. Allow me to define my use of the term: an action that results in an observed effect. The reason would only be 'because the objects aligned' - if you willl ... there is no reason, per se.
  • cause (kôz) n. The producer of an effect, result, or consequence.
  • ef·fect (-fkt) n. Something brought about by a cause or agent; a result.
However, since you brought it up, reason as in fate or The Fates is yet another deep conversationalizing topic - for some. I just throw the whole thing to God and Satan. They're always medling in the affairs of humans ... like they've got good sense or something ... sheesh! (:

{please don't strike me down! it was only a joke!}

Jackass! I'm right and you're wrong! Admit it asshole!

Just kidding, back to reality ...

People have ... blah blah blah ... check
Individuals do ... blah blah blah ... check
Natural selection ... blah blah blah ... check
you're entitled ... blah blah blah ... check

mutations are random ... blah blah blah ... And we have a bit of an issue (:

As I stated above, depending on how you view a mutation, you define if it is random. Also, you have to decide if random really exists.

'Randomocity' (I love making up words) as I see it isn't based on pattern alone. As I stated in my last post, I feel it is based on knowing the values of the many variables relevant to the outcome. Example: A projectile from a 15 inch cannon on a US Navy Destroyer can be targetted within inches of its destination from many many miles away, at sea. This is because scientifically they have close to exact values for most of the variables related to the outcome (ka-boom!). They know the length of the barrel, the size and weight of the shell, the force that the projection blast exerts on the shell, the wind speed and direction, the heading and speed of the boat, the curvature of the Earth, atmospheric conditions ... yaddidly-blah. They've got most of the information, so they can closely predict the outcome - mathematically.

If the man rolling the dice had the corresponding information about the dice, he could tell you what would turn up on the dice every time. He would have to know the values of the angle of decent toward the table, the hight of release, the weight of the dice, the resistance of the table surface, the altituide of the event (for gravitational effects), the possition of the dice before release, and the centripital force applied to the dice by his hand yaddidly-doo. Then dump it all into a computer because ain't NOBODY gonna do that math on a sheet of paper (:

If you have all the information, random no longer is an option for explination. Hmmm ... sounds similar to something I heard about God a while back. Science is acurate information. Acurate information removes the need for God. Therefore ... God ~ Random. I just throw the whole thing to God and Satan. They're always medling in the affairs of humans ... AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Heh, or maybe I'm just rambling. Good discussion, but I don't know that I can keep up the pace. I still have to finish the time trials in GT3 (:

hehe.....yep this is good classic fun but i can't keep up the pace either .....pretty soon we'll be writing essays back to each other ........i think that post took you a good 45 minutes to write that's a quality post! .....i'll think we're getting too technical now anyways .....i accept some things are random in life and you disagree or get sadistic pleasure trying to prove me wrong 😈 we'll leave it at that thing you didn't tell me was your religion .......anyways :cheers:
Originally posted by Schumy
hehe.....yep this is good classic fun but i can't keep up the pace either .....pretty soon we'll be writing essays back to each other ........i think that post took you a good 45 minutes to write that's a quality post! .....i'll think we're getting too technical now anyways .....i accept some things are random in life and you disagree or get sadistic pleasure trying to prove me wrong 😈 we'll leave it at that thing you didn't tell me was your religion .......anyways :cheers:
Yeah, it's been too long since I've done this. I spend a lot of time pondering things on my own, but it's always nice to bounce ideas off of someone else. Also, I don't recall doing randoms/finite math in high school. I also didn't take Physics like I wanted to because someone talked me into Chemistry instead - BAD MISTAKE. I wasn't the greatest student, mostly because I didn't do homework. If I couldn't finish it before I left school, it didn't get done.
i accept some things are random in life and you disagree or get sadistic pleasure trying to prove me wrong
I guess we'll never know ... MUHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAhahhhahahaaaaaa .... *cough cough*
one thing you didn't tell me was your religion
I guess we'll never know ... MUHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAhahhhahahaaaaaa .... *cough cough*

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Yeah, it's been too long since I've done this. I spend a lot of time pondering things on my own, but it's always nice to bounce ideas off of someone else. Also, I don't recall doing randoms/finite math in high school. I also didn't take Physics like I wanted to because someone talked me into Chemistry instead - BAD MISTAKE. I wasn't the greatest student, mostly because I didn't do homework. If I couldn't finish it before I left school, it didn't get done.

I guess we'll never know ... MUHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAhahhhahahaaaaaa .... *cough cough*

I guess we'll never know ... MUHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAhahhhahahaaaaaa .... *cough cough*

you didn't take Physics or Finite but you took Chemistry ......did you take Biology and Calculus? .....if not, what the heck did you take? :)

and yeah're a sadist :P
Originally posted by Schumy
;) you didn't take Physics or Finite but you took Chemistry ......did you take Biology and Calculus? .....if not, what the heck did you take? :)

and yeah're a sadist :P

Actually, I took Chemistry and Biology the same year ... maybe that was my problem my senior year. Oh my gosh! I figured it out! Whew, I thought I just got completely apathetic right before graduation. I took Trig/Pre-Cal in high school, and started Calculus in college. However, that was the semester of college that I decided SCHOOL STILL SUCKS, and got a job instead. Two jobs later I landed where I am now, and have been for the past three years - System Administrator at the largest advertising agency in Arkansas (woohoo!).

Ok, for the sake of staying on topic ... what do YOU think *I* believe? I'd like to know what kind of an impression ... or witness I have been in my discussion with you.

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Actually, I took Chemistry and Biology the same year ... maybe that was my problem my senior year. Oh my gosh! I figured it out! Whew, I thought I just got completely apathetic right before graduation. I took Trig/Pre-Cal in high school, and started Calculus in college. However, that was the semester of college that I decided SCHOOL STILL SUCKS, and got a job instead. Two jobs later I landed where I am now, and have been for the past three years - System Administrator at the largest advertising agency in Arkansas (woohoo!).

Ok, for the sake of staying on topic ... what do YOU think *I* believe? I'd like to know what kind of an impression ... or witness I have been in my discussion with you.

oh so you graduated with grade 12 .......see, the fun doesn't begin until 13 and then university where they offer a full course on the "Randomocity" of Mutations ..'s a good course ;) ..... umm probably believe in ying and yang, i don't know ....just tell me's not a secret and you don't have to be ashamed of your beliefs ....
Originally posted by Schumy
oh so you graduated with grade 12 .......see, the fun doesn't begin until 13 and then university where they offer a full course on the "Randomocity" of Mutations ..'s a good course ;) ..... umm probably believe in ying and yang, i don't know ....just tell me's not a secret and you don't have to be ashamed of your beliefs ....
Alright, you've talked me into it. My life history as far as 'religion' is concerned:

I was raised as a Southern Baptist gentleman in Houston, Texas. I attended a very large church until the age of 6. My family moved north to central Arkansas where we joined a 'not-so-big' Southern Baptist church. I guess I always knew "something about this just ain't right". It didn't settle with me some how.

I was encouraged (forced) to join a Bible study group for highschool guys when I was in 11th grade (junior, second oldest age group in public school). Our group leader always had a Bible study lesson ready for us to go over in our hour and a half to two hour meetings ... but some how we managed to always finish up in about 15 minutes and spend the remainder of the time just talking about God and what it meant to be a Southern Baptist, and what our church believed, and expected of us. We were all doing a lot of growing up at the time, and this seemed like the perfect place for us to get some answers.

The group of ten or fifteen guys rapidly realized that we (individually and as a group) did not agree with the majority of things that made our church a 'Southern Baptist Church'. The members quickly dropped off in attendance, and encouraged other friends in the high school group to "ask questions". Attendance decreased from there ... and small Bible study groups started cropping up at school during lunch hours, and at homes in the evenings. That's basically how new Churches are formed. Someone finds out something they don't agree with and go start their own Church. My Geography teacher (college) last semester said he read through the phone book and found over 20 different religions represented in our small town. That doesn't mean 7 or 8 Baptist churches, and 2 or 3 Methodists ... it means different religions. The 20+ Baptist churches all count as ONE religion. I was a bit shocked by those figures.

There is even a semi-recent startup church here that ... when boiled down to the basics ... has three laws of doctrine. God is the creator, Jesus is the savior, and the Bible is the final answer. Pretty simple, eh? Well they've even had problems in the recent past that about caused a massive split of their tiny congregation.

Oh wait ... back to me ... those three laws of doctrine I listed above? Yeah, that's close to how I've been doing things lately. I'm not an active member of my church anymore, though I haven't "removed my letter", or whatever the heck they say. I've been attending a Bible study group with some friends that attend the above mentioned church. I have no desire to go with them on Sunday mornings though. "Organized religion" rubs me the wrong way. But after saying that, I'd like to point out that I have some strange respect for the Catholic Church. It kept humanity human for a very long time, and in recent times has had highly suggestive power. There have been several occations that I wished the Pope, or other high ranking Catholic figures, would come forward on current events and express the Church's opinion. It just seems that most of the time they sit back and wait for someone to go to them. It seems to be becoming less and less active in a world that needs the Catholic form of order and direction.

My personal doctrine, of which I've never really come out and said before (because I honestly don't know what it would be ...) would probably fall along these lines ...

  • A supreme being is watching me [and everyone else], judging my actions for later review.
  • Their is an afterlife. An indivudual either goes to the 'happy place' usually called Heaven, or ceases to exist all together. Eternal tortue in firey pits of sulfuric acid just seems a bit harsh, even for God.
  • The Bible [old testiment] is filled with men's stories about their encounters with God, and lesson on how to improve your own life/existance.
  • The Bible [new testiment] is a story about a dude named Jesus of Nazerine (sp?), as told by the men that were closest to him while he walked the Earth. For me, the jury is still out on the whole "Christ" bit. I like to believe that Jesus was the son of God, but the Bible is quite vague and dodgy in areas that I feel should have been given more attention. I guess this is where faith comes in (:
  • I try to live my life like Jesus lived his. "Christ-like", as the Bible instructs us. Because even if you are not a believer in the Trinity, the Bible has some really good advice on how to be a better human being. It just makes good sense is all.

So, I guess my answer would be ... I'm a Christian. I do not belong to a church because I do not agree with organized religion. I attend Bible study groups when invited, but do not actively seek them. I know I should because the Bible instucts us to ("When two or more are gathered in my name ..."), and by my above bullet point, "it just makes good sense". I guess when you have several people with similar interests in mind coming together to talk, the results can only be possitive. I mean, look at you and I!

On "God" ... the Sci-Fi plots I mentioned in an earlier post seem more and more realistic to me. I'm crazy like that though. I do, however, believe a supreme being is 'taking care of things'. With regard to sounding like a freaking weirdo, God has presented/reveiled himself to me ... on several occations. Examples would be: during those depressed states that we've all been through, I get the gentle reassurance that everything is alright, you're doing ok, just keep plugging along, things will get brighter much sooner than you could expect - sure enough, something livens up my life and things get back to normal before I have a chance to think about it; or I'm crusing through life being my usual deviant self when - BAM - out of the blue I get this very awakening thought Hey, you're not being Christ-like - this pisses me off greatly, and I get back to where I belong in a rush (: There are other less 'fatherly' experiences that I've had, such as driving down the highway or riding my bike through the country hills and God 'says', "Hey, check this out" and some crazy thing in nature shows up in front of me ... like a some groovy wild animal just chilling on the road, or a cool thing in the sky like clouds or the sunset, or something man made like a neat building (I'm a hobbiest photography, love architecture). But stuff that I normally don't think would have caught my attention.

With all of that said, there is a part of me that has a strong desire to just throw all of these exprierences, feelings, thoughts, ideas, and emotions toward the side that says it is all caused by chemicals in the body and resident programmed responces in the brain. God is your conscience ... or visa versa. And that is how I came up with my Sci-Fi plot that 'life' is the result of an alien civilization that set out to populate the Universe with intelligent beings. They sent out a pod that was to replicate life on distant planets with the simple instruction to repeat the process when the capabilities were realized/achieved. I think we're already in the process of making that happen. Did you see the poll (officially hosted by NASA) asking what NASA should do next? Collonize the Moon, human landings on Mars, or collect more information about other planets?

I guess I could break it all down to this - there is something more powerful than anything we've ever seen that is controlling the fate of all that we know, including death. I'd like for it to notice me, and perhaps, not piss it off. If at any point in my life it chooses to ask a favor of me, I would like to be prepared for the task.

one thing i do know is that you're uncertain about some things in life as am i

You have no idea how true that statement is. Well hopefully you do ... otherwise you wouldn't have made the statement. My friends and I have gone over that many times. I think the 'uncertainty' falls into two catagories - equally. One is called "Growing up", the other is called "faith". Both must be dealt with rationally and daily. If either is neglected, the body and soul will deminish, leaving a frail whithering shell of a human being.

And now something interesting for your viewing pleasure: Is human evolution finally over?. It appears ... we're done here. Time to find a new planet and hopefully we'll continue our human evolution there (:

Yeah, I think y'all managed to run everybody off a while back.

BTW, it was Jesus of Nazareth. People from Nazareth are Nazareans (I think I spelled that right).
Words of the Buddha:

"By reflecting on things that should be reflected on, and by not reflecting upon things that should be reflected on, defilements that have not yet arisen arise, and defilements that have already arisen in him increase. The he reflects unwisely in this way:

1. Did I exist in the past?
2. Did I not exist in the past?
3. What as I in the past?
4. How was I in the past?
5. Having been what, did I become what in the past?
6. Shall I exist in the future?
7. Shall I not exist in the future?
8. What shall I be in the future?
9. How shall I be in the future?
10. Having been what, shall I become what in the future?
11. Am I?
12. Am I not?
13. What am I?
14. How am I?
15. Whence came this person?
16. Whither will he go?
17. I have a Self; this view arises in him as true and real.
18. I have no Self; this view arises in him as true and real.
19. By Self, I perceive Self; this view arises in him as true and real.
20. By Self, I perceive non-Self; this view arises in him as true and real.
21. By non-Self, I perceive Self; this view arises in him as true and real.
22. This is my Self, which speaks and feels, which expereinces the fruits of good and bad actions here noe there, this Self is permanent, stable, everlasting, unchanging, remaining the same for ever and ever."

"This, bhikkhus (monks), is what is called becoming enmeshed in views; a jungle of views, a wilderness of views...Bhihhhus, the uninstructed ordinary man does not liberate himself from birth, aging, death, sorrows, lamentations, pains, greifs, despairs; I say that he does not liberate himself from suffering."


Now that I've pissed everyone off, I think you should think first about believing in what makes you happiest...and not worrying about what everyone else thinks if you are indeed, happy. The truly happy person does not hate, harm, nor lie.

I believe we have to follow some basic laws: humanity's present and future, self-perervation, truth-telling, and helping others whenever possible. By the latter, I don't mean working in a soup kitchen in all your spare time, it means to do the little things that prevent us from getting on each other's nerves to the point of going nuts. Laws prevent us from killing each other, ettiquette prevents us from driving each other mad.

There are thousands of arguments upon where we came from and how we got here. So far, no nobody's right or wrong, but we've managed this much in these various ways. We are blessed, but how many of us really feel that every day? If you want to find your god, look in the mirror.
Originally posted by LoudMusic
And that is how I came up with my Sci-Fi plot that 'life' is the result of an alien civilization that set out to populate the Universe with intelligent beings. They sent out a pod that was to replicate life on distant planets with the simple instruction to repeat the process when the capabilities were realized/achieved. I think we're already in the process of making that happen.

You're a raelian?
Originally posted by KevinPSX
Yeah, I think y'all managed to run everybody off a while back.

BTW, it was Jesus of Nazareth. People from Nazareth are Nazareans (I think I spelled that right).

Heh, but a few people still come around (: And thanks for the correction, I new something didn't sound right about it.

Originally posted by pupik
Words of the Buddha:

"By reflecting ...

... suffering."


Now that I've pissed everyone off, I think you should think first about believing in what makes you happiest...and not worrying about what everyone else thinks if you are indeed, happy. The truly happy person does not hate, harm, nor lie.
There are several teachings that say 'self-worship' cause corruption and decay in the individual, and this is reflected on the society. It's nice to think that you can not be concerned with what other people think of you, but this isn't true in our modern society. Can anybody say 'Rodney King'? Ok, that's a rough example, but the point is, he didn't care what anyone thought of him, broke a simple law, and got beaten by police because of his race. Those police officers thought a certain way of him and took action upon those judgements. In a 'perfect world', if everyone lived by the rule you've stated, it might work - but it's rather difficult getting to that point from where we are now. Outward appearance is very important in the many societys of the world today.
I believe we have to follow some basic laws: humanity is present and future, self-perervation, truth-telling, and helping others whenever possible. By the latter, I don't mean working in a soup kitchen in all your spare time, it means to do the little things that prevent us from getting on each other's nerves to the point of going nuts. Laws prevent us from killing each other, ettiquette prevents us from driving each other mad.
I would classify that as being "Christ-like", or possibly "Gandi-like", or "Buddah-like". They are all teachers of this one perception of 'good vs evil'. The good are humane and the evil are destructive. I agree with you completely.
There are thousands of arguments upon where we came from and how we got here. So far, no nobody's right or wrong, but we've managed this much in these various ways. We are blessed, but how many of us really feel that every day? If you want to find your god, look in the mirror.
See item 1. If you look in the mirror and see God, either God wants to talk to you really bad, or you're worshiping yourself. I don't think that you can worship yourself and be as humane as you possibly can. If I'm my God, then everything is going to by my way - and that's just tough poo for my neighbor.

I think you're on the right track, and I very much appreciate the Buddah quote (nice to have something to talk about other than evolution and God), but I hope you're like the rest of us and realize there are some things we just don't have nailed down yet. (:

Originally posted by Stealth Viper

You're a raelian?

Is raelian similar to re-alien? Just kidding (: (but oddly quite accurate)
From The Raelian Revolution Philosiphy:

"We came from another solar system and created all life on earth scientifically, including man in our image....You mistook us for gods...

We loved you as our own children and sent you wisdom through the Prophets...You distorted our teaching and used it to fight...

Now that you can understand who we are, we would like to establish contact at an official embassy." -- The Aliens

No, that's not quite my take on things. Basically my Sci-Fi plot involves an alien race populating a planet through random selection. They have no desire to do a 'follow up' on their creation because, basically, they know it is going to succeed. And besides, it will be millions of years before their creation is worthy of communicating with. Everyone who cared would be long since dead and gone. And it wouldn't necassarly be 'in their own image' (physically anyway), because of the effects of evolution - it could be anything, and probably nothing like anything from their planet. But yeah, basically the plot line is the Raelien philosiphy ... (:

I don't believe that this is necassarily correct/true, I just think it makes a good story.

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Is raelian similar to re-alien? Just kidding (: (but oddly quite accurate)

No, that's not quite my take on things. Basically my Sci-Fi plot involves an alien race populating a planet through random selection. They have no desire to do a 'follow up' on their creation because, basically, they know it is going to succeed. And besides, it will be millions of years before their creation is worthy of communicating with. Everyone who cared would be long since dead and gone. And it wouldn't necassarly be 'in their own image' (physically anyway), because of the effects of evolution - it could be anything, and probably nothing like anything from their planet. But yeah, basically the plot line is the Raelien philosiphy ... (:

I don't believe that this is necassarily correct/true, I just think it makes a good story.


Oh. I thought maybe it was your actual beliefs...
Originally posted by LoudMusic

And now something interesting for your viewing pleasure: Is human evolution finally over?. It appears ... we're done here. Time to find a new planet and hopefully we'll continue our human evolution there (:

that was an excellent article .....i'm assuming you read it as well ......i would agree with both sides of the argument but probably lean more towards Prof. Stringer ......i don't think evolution can ever come to a complete halt .....but i totally understand what Jones is stressing

the thing about the uniform light brownish skin ......that's funny they mentioned that because i thought about that about 2 years ago ......eventually everyone will have the same skin colour

and like they said, the argument/debate only really applies to the Western world

:eek: i read your lengthy but insightful (is that even a word) response and pretty much agree with what you are saying

i like the fact that the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church readily accept evolution (which of course wasn't always the case ......but with the evidence of a modern world, a mockery would be made of Catholicism if they didn't agree) .....i know that i would be seriously questioning my faith if my Church disregarded evolution ....i would throw it right out the window and so would 85% of Catholics

i don't even know how Protestants (Anglican, United, Baptist, Presbyterian, etc.) or Jews view this issue but i am quite interested to know
Originally posted by LoudMusic
There are several teachings that say 'self-worship' cause corruption and decay in the individual, and this is reflected on the society....If you look in the mirror and see God, either God wants to talk to you really bad, or you're worshiping yourself. I don't think that you can worship yourself and be as humane as you possibly can.
I once read a story from Sri Ramakrishna that went a little like this:

A young man goes to a guru, and he says to him, "You are god, everyone of us is a god, god is in all of us and in all things..." So the boy suddenly feels very powerful, very enlightened. He thanks the guru, and walks off to go back home. On his way, he decides to test the theory, so he stands in front of a path where a man riding an elephant is coming towards him.

The boy thinks, "I am god, nothing can stop me...this elephant and man will move aside from me." The elephant comes closer, and soon it's right in front of the boy. The boy is resolute, and doesn't move. The man tells the boy in the road to move aside, but the boy stays put. Finally the elephant is close enough; it slams the boy with his trunk and pushes him aside onto his back, out of the elephant's way.

The boy is dumbstruck; so he runs back to the guru. "Why didn't the elephant move out of my way? I thought you told me I am god!" To which the guru says, "Why didn't you listen to god telling you to move out of the way?"


Clearly, we must discern how and when we use our powers. Otherwise, you are just another animal.
There are some decent points in the article. But I still think we continue to improve, even if it's in smaller ways. Look at how much faster people run now. I don't think it's just practice and health/diet.
I know I'm not going to convert anybody and I know nobody will believe it but all God and the Devil are is the good and the evil in all of us. That's it and that's all. I know this is the real truth.(because I'm God as much as anybody)

(I'm not playing with those words either, God-good, Devil-evil to make this up, funny coincidence though.)
i selected athiesm, cause im athiest, however you spell it.

i also selected wicca, cause its a funny word... wicca wicca slim shady.

i dont want to get into this debate. it makes people hate me.