Ok, no. This is a LOGICAL contradiction. A belief in God IS faith. How can you say you believe in a spiritual being and don't have faith? Outside of Jesus christ, there have been no physical forms of God on earth(except for a few instances in the old testament). And since you weren't alive during the time of Christ...how is it not faith to believe in God?
BTW, believing in God is very illogical to someone that hasn't opened themselves up to him yet.
I can't tell if the first part is sarcasm or what.
Anyway, I never said I believe in God. I said it may not be un logical.
Just because something cannot currently be dealt with by logic, does not make it un logical, does it? If there is no logical answer, is it automatically defaulted to un logical?
Even if you think or know it does, it really doesn't matter, because logic is clearly exhausted on the subject, and not the way to the answer for us. (until we die).
I'll get into the whole in-ductive vs. de-ductive thing later, but for now:
There are plenty of things people use inductive reasoning for to believe in God, and it doesn't make them stupid, or irrational.
Many people believe that science has proven the earth to be between 6-10 thousand years old, people have looked through history, and found 2 hr (I think) gaps missing in the time frame, only to find that in the Bible, it states God set the sun back 10 degrees one day, long ago. The very dinosaurs that science states to be billions of years old, are mentioned in the bible. In fact, I don't think there's nary a fact science has found that isn't covered in the bible, and if there is, it is certainly not common knowledge, especially to the followers.
And while one might say they "turn away from known facts" at times, the Bible also states repetitively that the world will try to sway you with false facts and knowledge. Given that, it wouldn't be to wise for a biblical follower to "open their eyes", now would it?
Also take the fact that many people are exposed to religion by their parents, the most influential of people to them, at a very young age, when their parents are like gods to them, there is no reason to doubt it. By the time they get older, it is already embedded in their brain.
Add to all of this, that the thought of being able to go live in the clouds after you die, in a perfect world, is the most comforting of thoughts in the world, especially when compared to the alternatives of A. Possibly being brought back as a rat, or cow, or B. Dying, everything ends, you no longer get to ever do anything again, and a sense a finality that my words cannot elaborate clearly enough, anybody would rather be cuddled in heaven, while all the meanies go burn in hell.
Don't forget human nature, to try to rid our world of anything and everything the scares us, because fear makes us angry, and we don't like being scared, because it's scary. The fear simply makes us try to kill the scary things, like death.
And then religions provide rules, some are stupid, most are sensible. While a pain in the ass, many, many things in the Bible are
fantastic tools for everyday life advice, whether you believe in any god or not. If you read and think many of the rules through, you may find that even though the rule itself seems stupid, their lies a greater purpose beneath it, that can make you say "ooh, that's why" over and over again throughout your lifetime.
And then their's the rules everybody appreciates, such as the ten commandments. almost everyone in the world supports most or all of these, regardless of race, religion, or any other factor. presumably for the same reasons a child born in a Jewish family does not believe in Christ, and one born into a Christian family wonders why the Jewish kid does not believe in Christ. Parental influence, and early teachings.
And lastly, the ugly side, the side that starts wars. The side that says anybody who infringes upon your beliefs, and your people, should be killed, without second guessing. This has a reasonable side to it as well. If somebody who believes that murder and rape are ok, imposes on you and/or your society, would you not fight back? Well, since religious beliefs, or rules, guidelines, are looked at in the same manner as morals by non-religious people, they will fight for them the very same way. So for the very same reason people would fight someone who tries to impose on your belief, or moral, that murder is ok, religious people fight when people try to take their holy land, or the land given to them by god, that god told them to fight for, or go to war for.
In closing, it may seem to some people that religious people are "wackos" or "un sensible", or "irrational". But the truth is, they are acting the exact same as anyone else. The psychology behind their actions is the same.