Respect : Something the USA does NOT have

  • Thread starter VIPFREAK


Ok ok... yeah so it's not all that black and white but this country does not seem to have any of it.

Today I found out that my sisters '89 Toyota Camry was broken into for the third time (I think I lost count :rolleyes: ). My car has been broken into twice while I was home late at night. This time they didn't break into my car because eww... it's too ****ty of a car now. :rolleyes:

I was taught to threat others the way I want to be treated and while this is a very old and nice way to think it's pretty much extinct.

Cinyo de Mayo is apparently going on because I see all these Buicks and Escalades with mexican flags drapped all over their car. Now this is fine and all it's their heritage and I respect that. But it's funny how they can run around in their 12' gold plated wire rim lowriders with a flag on it and NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE would dare laugh at them because of the consequences. Yet if an Asian was celebrating their heritage or doing something just as flashy or obnoxious people would laugh their heads off.

This may be a big stereotype but then prove me wrong it isn't true the above wouldn't happen.

Anyway, I'll get off my high horse. What do you guys think about respect in this country?
Who takes bets on how long VZ will take to reply to this? :D

Seriously, I think this is an universal issue, not an American Issue, it just depends on the kind of neighborhood you're living in. Stupidity or lack of respect is not bound to any nationality, only to individuals. (Same is true, at the other end of the scale, for better values, which is even harder to understand for a lot of people, unfortunately)

Sorry for your car, also happened to me once. 👎

I was taught to threat others[...]

Who takes bet on how long VZ will take to reply to this? :D

Seriously, I think this is an universal issue, not an American Issue, it just depends on the kind of neighborhood you're living in. Stupidity or lack of respect is not bound to any nationality, only to individuals. (Same is true, at the other end of the scale, for better values, which is even harder to understand for a lot of people, unfortunately)

Sorry for your car, also happened to me once. 👎


That's a very sad truth. When people don't fear the consequences, why not be stupid and commit crimes?
Yet if an Asian was celebrating their heritage or doing something just as flashy or obnoxious people would laugh their heads off.

You mean like AZN PRYDE 4 LYFE?

And yes, this knows no nationality. If you think that other countries don't have this, well then you are mistaken.
Race Idiot
You mean like AZN PRYDE 4 LYFE?

Thanks for proving my point... :rolleyes:

Race Idiot
And yes, this knows no nationality. If you think that other countries don't have this, well then you are mistaken.

I know this doesn't make a difference but this country should have more respect since it is one of the principles I believe it was founded on since we are suppose to have "freedom" here. :rolleyes: This is Amerika... land of the free :dopey: we are suppose to set an example for the rest of the world.
i hate all types of racism, im a strong believer that even black history month is racist, any kind of "pride" day is racist, even if its white pride day, black pride, gay pride, whatever (gay isnt a race but it may as well be cuz they have less rights, the only "group" that cant marry themselves in US.).

BTW i wasnt calling vipdreak a racist for bringing this up, im calling the people who do nothing but seperate us as just people racist, but i know this is something that will never change, and no im not a hippie either (u know what i mean)


that being said, i hate the hiphop/rap culture, i hate rednecks, i hate the goth culture, i hate a lot of american sterotypes, but not once do i ever say i hate a race, but people in there heads are so racist that if any tall white business man ever said he hated the hiphop culture, a lot of blacks would take it as a racist attack im sure. I hate white people who do it, i hate asians who do it, or at least to an extreme. I hate gays who are TOO gay , like basically any word that comes out of there mouth is uber lisped and they act way too prissy, ive known gay people from childhood and for reason they just change from a normal everyday young boy and become a girl, why does that happen? I have no problem with gay people as long as you arent like "HELLO IM GAY OVER HERE"
Are you kidding me? I get laughed at all the time, not to mention laughed at because people think my truck is Mexican. I'm so sick of it.

But what I'm wondering is how May 5th and a broken in car relate to anything? But I'll take a stab in the dark at it. The respect level in America is fine, it's just like anywhere else in the world. It's not the country it's the people. You will always have those who respect one another, but you will have those who don't. All you can do it let it roll off your back or you will end up kicking someones ass.

My truck has been broken into and I bet it was some white trash kids looking for a smash and grab so they could buy drugs. I say this only because that is who always breaks into cars around here and they get caught, get paroll and are back on the streets.

that being said, i hate the hiphop/rap culture, i hate rednecks, i hate the goth culture, i hate a lot of american sterotypes, but not once do i ever say i hate a race, but people in there heads are so racist that if any tall white business man ever said he hated the hiphop culture, a lot of blacks would take it as a racist attack im sure. I hate white people who do it, i hate asians who do it, or at least to an extreme. I hate gays who are TOO gay , like basically any word that comes out of there mouth is uber lisped and they act way too prissy, ive known gay people from childhood and for reason they just change from a normal everyday young boy and become a girl, why does that happen? I have no problem with gay people as long as you arent like "HELLO IM GAY OVER HERE"

Congratulations! You are just prejudice 👍
i hate all types of racism, im a strong believer that even black history month is racist, any kind of "pride" day is racist, even if its white pride day, black pride, gay pride, whatever (gay isnt a race but it may as well be cuz they have less rights, the only "group" that cant marry themselves in US.).

BTW i wasnt calling vipdreak a racist for bringing this up, im calling the people who do nothing but seperate us as just people racist, but i know this is something that will never change, and no im not a hippie either (u know what i mean)


I agree with you about black history month or latin history month or anything else that puts up more of a barrier between the races. I find it LUDICROUS that black people have a national anthem. There was a time when it was needed, but that time has passed. BTW, I'm black.

But you other comments that I snipped out are just as racist as the history months. I have a very close friend that went through the Goth thing. She really didn't change her personality, she just liked to wear a lot of black. Now you would've dubbed her a goth chick and written here off. Not knowing she goes to an Ivy league school and is graduating with honors.

Be careful what you say you "hate" it can come back to haunt you.
Holy crap, blacks had a National Anthem? OOOOH boy, that would not settle well if the whites had one.

I think respect in America is diminishing- the crime:Population ratio is just way too high. Even Canada has a lower employment rate with a lower crime:Population ratio, and we're your neighbours (ala Ned Flanders)!

i hate all types of racism...
K. history month is racist...
...any kind of "pride" day is racist...
BTW i wasnt calling vipdreak a racist...
K. calling the people who do nothing but seperate us as just people racist
im not a hippie...
...i hate the hiphop/rap culture...
...i hate rednecks...
...i hate the goth culture...
A pattern?
...i hate a lot of american sterotypes...
...not once do i ever say i hate a race...
...people in there heads are so racist that if any tall white business man ever said he hated the hiphop culture, a lot of blacks would take it as a racist attack...
But you just hate everything else.
I hate white people...
...i hate asians...
I hate gays...
Oh, here we go.
who are TOO gay
Oh, just the really homosexual ones.
like basically any word that comes out of there mouth is uber lisped and they act way too prissy
Or maybe you're too redneck/hick?
just change from a normal everyday young boy and become a girl
No thanks.
I'll bet.
^^^ :lol: Good one PS, I was going to do something along those lines but the "Congratulations your are just prejudice 👍" just felt more sarcastic :lol:.
Over here in the Netherlands this situation really was on a ridiculous level. Kids would get kicked out of school for rocking an image of the flag on the Netherlands on their clothes, because that would mean they were trying to provoke the immigrants and other people not from Dutch heritage. Yet Moroccans and Turkish people consantly drive around in their pauper Benz's all labeled up with their country flags and T-Shirts with that image on it. Can you imagine a school in the USA kick someone out because of wearing the American flag?
i throuyghly enjoyed that quote session, lol, good work. are u an editor for the times?

anyway, yea i really do hate all that, but im not racist *thumbs up*

am i prejudice? prolly not, i wouldnt choose one over the other, there is no normal, but there are really dumb ignorant ********s out there who cant stay off my ass when i dirve and i hate that too!

i also hate potatos, who invented that **** anyway?

oh oh oh and big red, dumbest thhing ive ever had in my mouth ever!

Every country has its own problems. At least here in America you don't have to take your radio with you each time you leave your car – in Thailand, if you leave the radio in when you step out of the car, it's just about guaranteed to be stolen.

If you're wondering what that has to do with this thread, that's disrespect for other people's property (and certainly, I'd rather have somebody laugh at me than take my radio, because at least I can ignore the laughing).
I agree with you about black history month or latin history month or anything else that puts up more of a barrier between the races. I find it LUDICROUS that black people have a national anthem. There was a time when it was needed, but that time has passed. BTW, I'm black.

But you other comments that I snipped out are just as racist as the history months. I have a very close friend that went through the Goth thing. She really didn't change her personality, she just liked to wear a lot of black. Now you would've dubbed her a goth chick and written here off. Not knowing she goes to an Ivy league school and is graduating with honors.

Be careful what you say you "hate" it can come back to haunt you.

yea so once upon a time i never hated your friend personally, ok? she prolly is a really good person, u gotta remember im not talking about personalities, im trying to talk about how people will take a sterotype they see, like, and want to be, and run with it, then take it to an extreme, i hate those people

ive met tons of goths kid, i used to be one in 11th grade back when i was "depressed" and "lonely", back when i didnt know what it meant to even feel depressed or loney, being young does that to you tho i suppose.

Goths, boy do i hate most of em tho, most of them ive run into are crow wannabes, cheating lying assholes who do nothing but want to overpwoer you/the world. They think everyones out to get them or something, like they cant have someone to love (being very specific here) or etc.

Goths, they just crave attention FOR THE MOST THAT IVE MET anyway, no personal attacks against your friend, there are many types of goths, those who do it cuz its cool, those who do it cuz its different, trendy, its what marlying manson will wear, or even the new emo, some people really do have problems and being goth is a cry for help, some ppl will exploit that cry for help and will willingly tell u there personal secretal problems at the drop of a hat without u even asking pretending to be sad to want attention.

Like this guy i used to work with at a fast food place, he did NOTHING but be annoying and was extrremly prissy , in every movment, action, and anything he said. My friend said he prolly has this thing where he craves attention, its a thing, and since he isnt talented, or charming, he ahs to be annoying to finish his craving for attention

so yea, i didnt insult your friend, nor did i say goths were horrible people who cant graduate from highschool/college, most the goth kids i knew were actually intellegent, just a little scewed (from my opinion)


oh, and no matter what u say, people will dislike u by profiling you, no matter who u are, someone dislikes the way u dress/act/etc, but maybe if that person gets to u know u the story will change.
Oh boy, here we go.

are u an editor for the times?
School newspaper. But just about.
i really do hate all that
im not racist *thumbs up*
Oh boy.
am i prejudice?
Sounds like it.
there is no normal
Evidentally not.
there are really dumb ignorant ********s out there
Shouldn't you have a " *whistles inconspicously* " tag beside that?

stay off my ass when i dirve
i hate that too!

Can't make up your mind, huh?
i also hate potatos
I get the idea.
who invented that **** anyway?
God. Or the Irish.
oh oh oh and big red, dumbest thhing ive ever had in my mouth ever!
And who is "Big Red"? Is he really that big?
Or maybe you're too redneck/hick?

Ur assuming that all rednecks and hicks hate gays. I dont hate gays, like i said above, gayness and all its gayety are great ways to express your sexualness or whatever but never will i ever HATE someone for being gay, or a certain race, but i will hate u if your a dip****
its what marlying manson will wear

Ok, people aren't THAT fashionable.

But in all seriousness, you'd probably get arrested or beaten if you wore what he wore. That, and if you can find the ring he wears, I'll give you 10 extra points (because it's custom made).

Oh, and Manson isn't a goth. Some wannabe's who like him are, though.
Well you've not only proved to me that you are prejudice, sterotypical, hypocritical, and just plain dumb sicbeing 👍. I really didn't think it was possible but you proved me wrong...I am shamed.
PS, for once, you made me laugh :P

Seriously. I'm trying to figure out how someone that has such vile comments in one thread can be so entertaining in another. Oh well.. :dopey:
I think the change in behavior on t.v. is another great example of how non-existent Respect is as well as a loss of other things. :rolleyes:
I blame education and parents. If someone was smart enough to build and maintain a meth lab, why aren't they smart enough to get good marks in chemistry and physics?

And if someone is smart to plan a way to not get caught by cops while robbing a bank, why aren't they smart enough to get a job or make a resume?

America is a paradox indeed.

*I do not in any way condone building meth labs, robbing banks, or being (overly) stupid (when consciously avoidable).