that is just foolish, illegal immigrants are doing the jobs "we" are too lazy and proud to do. yes, they do waste quite a bit of money going to hospitals, but so do the homeless, where do we send them? back on the streets to allow them to go into a downward spiral. most people don't know that going to a emergency room costs thousands of dollars (by the day) and the homeless and immigrants go there because they are allowed to reach the point where they have to. what is better? spending 50 dollars on medicine? or spending thousands on expensive testing, medicine, and doctors? free clinics are something that should be built in many cities.
no one ever deserves to be treated in a racist manner, ever, period.
The American medical system is SCREWED. Healthcare should simply be a bonus for living in a civil and moral society, in the richest country ever to have existed in history. Thats not too nuts is it? I mean we've got Medicare here in Australia which is pretty much "health insurance for everyone" we pay a bit of tax and never have to worry about $$$ if we need an expensive operation/hospital stay etc. We also have kick arse hospitals. I have a really serious heart condition (had 3 open heart surgery operations) and I haven't had to pay any more than my little share of tax. Its awesome. Same with university, the government pays for us to go if we get good enough marks and we pay back some of the cost when we're working later on. (When we start earning over $21,000 per year). I swear we have a much more civilised system of EVERYTHING here in Aus, the British style of parliament has really worked well. Elections are about issues, not personality, or who won purple hearts in Vietnam LOL!
my Grandfather is from Cuba and he was actually room mates with casto, he said he was insane.
Sounds like my kinda guy! Can I have his phone number?!
P.S. America, your being a bully, let Cuba have some new cars for ****sake! Havana kicks arse, they have cool music. The nice, fun, but poor people don't deserve such a harsh trade sanction still in place... America isn't one to forgive lightly eh? Cuba poses zero threat to anything these days! No Russian missile silos etc! LOL!
Maybe George is concerned about where our money went during the Oil for Food scandal. Maybe he is worried about how UN countries had oil and weapon deals with Saddam.
I have already covered this. Kofi has the money in his sock. Got it?
Now, Saddam was initially America's puppet to get good oil prices and a consistent deal... Saddam got the taste of evil dictatorship and he needed to be replaced. That process took ENTIRELY too long. Bush Senior should've finished the job. A lot of Iraqis would still be alive if it had gotten sorted earlier... Ho hum.
Of course Bush was worried about how UN countries had oil and weapon deals with Saddam. Thats exactly why Bush would like to eradicate or at least prove the UN irrelevant to what his agenda is. Bush was obviously pissed at the UN when all he wanted to do after 9/11 was to drop some nice daisy cutters on Saddam's palace, cause he couldn't find Bin Laden. Second best is good enough. If you actually believe for a second that at ANY stage, Iraq posed a military threat to the USA, you've got to be insane, or the hardest of the hardcore unquestioning republican. The whole WOMD thing has been proven by now to be a joke. Yes I condone Saddam getting the arse, but not under any false premise of WOMD or a direct link to 9/11, which is just nuts. Bottom line: He was a really bad dictator who committed some seriously bad war crimes. Surely thats enough reason to screw him over, along with the oil? I just don't like the (proven to be rubbish) premise Bush was pushing. "He may be capable of launching a nuclear missile in as little as half an hour from his order!" said Bush, in a bit of a propaganda frenzy. That was, and is, total crap. Austalia just went along with it because we generally thought Saddam getting the boot was still a good idea, and we needed to insure strong military ties with the USA, which we need if anyone ever threatens Australia. We'd be screwed if the USA didn't help us out.
Btw, I'm not crazy, its just easier to cut through all the fear mongering, crazy American news reports and get to something more closely resembling the truth, if your not in America amongst the media hoo-haa and patriotism.