Reverse Lights!

Never mind reverse lights, what about indicators? My life will be over if PD doesn't include indicators :(:(:(:(:(

Dont get me started on working cigarette lighters, i won't be responsible for my actions.

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There. Before being a racing game, GT is a simulation.

I've always thought even though it marketed itself as the Real Driving Simulator, it always has fallen under the category of 'game'. I've never considered it a simulator, its more about the racing and the driving experience, but its not a simulator.

Another thing you have to consider is, if they haven't started putting reverse lights in, I don't think they will at all. Sure, the attention to detail in this game is great and makes reverse lights seem like a no-brainer. But the attention to detail also dictates they accurately represent it ingame for every car that has them. This might involve going back and re-photographing every car in the game. They take images of the brake lights on when they photograph the car for the modelling team. This begs the question, do they take pictures of the car with the reverse lights on?

Does anybody remember the video showing the PD team photographing the SLS AMG, taking images of the rear lights? Can anyone dig it up, or does anyone remember if they photographed the car with the reverse lights on?

As a simulator, it is one of the game's priorities to have them. But as a player, no, I honestly don't need them. I would love to have them, though! :lol:

They would be a nice addition. But i don't think anybody will be too disappointed if they don't make it into the game :lol: .
Woah, there. I never said reverse lights had anything to do with racing. But they are related to a driving simulation, so they should function "properly" (turned on/off, meh).

EDIT: I just understood what you mean, Terronium. Thanks for explaining. 👍

It's a simulation of circuit racing (may change now with WRC in GT5) where it's not necessary to have properly functioning reverse lights.
You bring up something interesting.

That may be the reason why they misplaced the California's brake lighting, because they probably (I'm merely assuming) don't take pictures with the various lights on...which alludes to them having to infer.
You bring up something interesting.

That may be the reason why they misplaced the California's brake lighting, because they probably (I'm merely assuming) don't take pictures with the various lights on...which alludes to them having to infer.

On the california it may have just been a mistake, they just got it mixed up with the rear lights, which is understandeable as a lot of cars have them in the same place, and just get brighter when brakes are applied (i think, at least thats how it looks lol). The chances are we will see some form on night racing in GT5 that requires the lights to be on, so they will be photographing the rear and brake lights. But i'm curious if they do the same for reverse lights. I'll try and dig up the video i'm referring to...

But reverse lights are positioned differently to the brake/rear lights on just about every car. They would have to check each car to get them right.

EDIT: Found it: (Watch from about 1:55)

They are indeed taking photographs of the reverse lights, i think (The one below the license plate if i'm not mistaken). They're even taking pictures of the indicators :embarrassed::gtpflag:
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I've always thought even though it marketed itself as the Real Driving Simulator, it always has fallen under the category of 'game'. I've never considered it a simulator, its more about the racing and the driving experience, but its not a simulator.

I don't know how much of a simulator it is, other than based on reviews and things like that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't close to reality. Sure, it may be marketed as the Real Driving Simulator, but Forza 3 was marketed as the definitive racing game. We all know neither are truth (at least the former isn't, the latter may be truth until GT5 or a better game comes out). It's mostly the reviews that make me think of GT as a simulator. But of course, on a console, the meaning of simulation is kinda lost. For example, I went to a friend's house the other day, to play a flight simulator. GT4's, and more than likely GT5's level of detail were nowhere near it.

Another thing you have to consider is, if they haven't started putting reverse lights in, I don't think they will at all.

That's what I'm starting to believe, too.

Sure, the attention to detail in this game is great and makes reverse lights seem like a no-brainer.

Precisely. I won't be asking them to do their job again, but if they decide to do it (unlikely), I will be grateful.

They would be a nice addition. But i don't think anybody will be too disappointed if they don't make it into the game :lol: .

:lol: I think some people got me wrong in that aspect. I won't be disappointed if reverse lights aren't in the game. All I will say is "maybe in GT6", and then jump into my favorite car.

You're just nitpicking.

It was either that, or you were going to call me troll. But it's funny you waited this long to tell me that. It's the only thing I have "ever" complained about the GT series. I don't understand how's that being nitpicking.
This really doesn't deserve its own thread.

Racing isn't about going backwards, it's about going forward. And if you don't crash, or your driving a Toyota, you'll never see your reverse lights, and if you do crash, look at the ugly 2-d trees instead.
This really doesn't deserve its own thread.

Racing isn't about going backwards, it's about going forward. And if you don't crash, or your driving a Toyota, you'll never see your reverse lights, and if you do crash, look at the ugly 2-d trees instead.

No, I'll do you one better than my original post.

By your merit, racing isn't about customization in any sense but the mechanical, it isn't about weather because weather can postpone, or cancel a racing event. It isn't about going through several licensing tests, or taking pictures. Perhaps GT should become one of those barebones racing games where you only race on a track and that's that.
It was either that, or you were going to call me troll. But it's funny you waited this long to tell me that. It's the only thing I have "ever" complained about the GT series. I don't understand how's that being nitpicking.

I'm saying you're nitpicking about GT being a simulator, not about the reverse lights. It's just a way to say it's not an arcade racer, it doesn't change anything. You've played the game, you know what difference the inclusion of reverse lights would make.
By your merit, racing isn't about customization in any sense but the mechanical, it isn't about weather because weather can postpone, or cancel a racing event. It isn't about going through several licensing tests, or taking pictures. Perhaps GT should become one of those barebones racing games where you only race on a track and that's that.

What??? By the mere definition of racing, none of the above apply. Your comparing racing to customization and weather??? I stated racing isn't about going backwards, not racing isn't about customization.
Reverse lights or not i'll still buy the game. I don't think theres anyone who won't buy it just because theres no reverse lights.

I think PD know this, so its probably not worth the extra time and money to include it, because it won't improve sales.

Then again, Kaz is a perfectionist, so maybe he'll put it in just to satisfy himself.
I am really tired of everyone discussing about small details about the game, it just causes an argument, sure, it might be entertaining, but its tiring to see every single thread in here just full with arguments about what should be in gt5, what is, and things like that. If you don't like what PD is doing, then just GTFO, its not gonna make a difference. This is horrible, why can't we just talk about GT5 without arguing or bringing up the same things all the time?
If reverse lights is what concerns you the most, you've got nothing to worry about. You, lot, are ridiculous.
Honestly, I think we should definitely discuss missing features and areas that could be improved in GT5 but this whole reverse lights thing is about as stupid as tire deformation.
Why oh why can anyone care about a completely useless thing?

You do realize we are on a forum about a video game right? We all care about and arguably useless thing.

And personally it's not so much that I care about reverse lights, but rather that it's so reasonably simple to have them that it's just ridiculous not to.
You do realize we are on a forum about a video game right? We all care about and arguably useless thing.

And personally it's not so much that I care about reverse lights, but rather that it's so reasonably simple to have them that it's just ridiculous not to.

We are not discussing how useful video games are...

I'm referring to the usefulness it has in the game. It doesn't change your gaming experience, not even a little bit.
I am really tired of everyone discussing about small details about the game, it just causes an argument, sure, it might be entertaining, but its tiring to see every single thread in here just full with arguments about what should be in gt5, what is, and things like that. If you don't like what PD is doing, then just GTFO, its not gonna make a difference. This is horrible, why can't we just talk about GT5 without arguing or bringing up the same things all the time?

Well first off KY said straight up user demand contributed a lot to the damage model that's going in to GT5 so saying it won't make a difference is kind of right out the window.

Then you have the whole "just GTFO if you don't like it" thing going... in the same post where you complain how you hate seeinng all this whining in every thread on this forum... seems like there might be some sage advice in there that might help you with this whole situation.

If reverse lights is what concerns you the most, you've got nothing to worry about. You, lot, are ridiculous.
Honestly, I think we should definitely discuss missing features and areas that could be improved in GT5 but this whole reverse lights thing is about as stupid as tire deformation.

Go ahead and disucss the bigger more important issues. Be prepared however to be told the final game isn't out yet and anything might be in so no judgements can be made, be prepaired to be told how those things don't matter, be prepaired to be told "KY will make the ultimate game, I just know that" no matter what you bring up.
Go ahead and disucss the bigger more important issues. Be prepared however to be told the final game isn't out yet and anything might be in so no judgements can be made, be prepaired to be told how those things don't matter, be prepaired to be told "KY will make the ultimate game, I just know that" no matter what you bring up.

:lol: You are the greatest! Opinions are elbows, or something like that.
Go ahead and disucss the bigger more important issues. Be prepared however to be told the final game isn't out yet and anything might be in so no judgements can be made, be prepaired to be told how those things don't matter, be prepaired to be told "KY will make the ultimate game, I just know that" no matter what you bring up.


Sorry dude but this one doesn't matter at all. If you disagree, then tell me how having it in the game would make any difference.

Sorry dude but this one doesn't matter at all. If you disagree, then tell me how having it in the game would make any difference.

The same difference every other piece of eye candy has in GT5. One: It's eye candy. Two: It's accuracy.

Remember the bicycle by the building on that tokyo track? The shadows being correct for the position of the sun on Suzuka? The advertisements on the sides of the building in London (or tokyo I forget)? Hand over hand steering? Animated guages?

They got fawned over because they were there and they are just eye candy.

When there are inane details in the game, they get fawned over like the a new born baby, but when details are missing, it's "they don't matter in the least".

Well obviously to some people they matter and for some reasons they are important and do make a difference.
remember though, this game is a "driving simulator" and last time i checked standard ford focus road cars had working reverse lights! I consider most of the races in the GT mode to be just amatuer trackday stuff which people do in their own cars,which have working reverse lights.

Funny, when I hear "Driving Simulator" I think the simulation of driving a car i.e. how fast a car goes, how soon it brakes, how well it turns etc. Reverse lights have nothing to do with simulating the drive of a car. Neither do skid marks, or visible tire deformation.

Now if they said "Ultimate Everything Simulator" then I would expect crazy things like that... alas it's not.
There are people who are repairmen. They don't care. And there are people who are artists. And they care. It's as simple. I do watch the replays with stunts and drifts or even crashes and returns to track. It makes them more interesting in my eyes watching the cars behave like in real life in these exceptional situations.

In the end, having reverse lights is not a big deal for me. They are just matter of fact in real driving, one of many steps to GT's perfection missing and thing I am very curious about why cars don't have them already since GT1. That's pretty much all I can say about them.
I didn't start this thread because I particularly care about reverse lights, I started it because some people care enough about reverse lights to bring it up in just about every other thread and my point is this:

When KY and PD have always put so much into the detail of the cars in GT it might just be possible that they have a legitimate reason for not having working reverse lights for cars racing on a circuit.
The same difference every other piece of eye candy has in GT5. One: It's eye candy. Two: It's accuracy.

Remember the bicycle by the building on that tokyo track? The shadows being correct for the position of the sun on Suzuka? The advertisements on the sides of the building in London (or tokyo I forget)? Hand over hand steering? Animated guages?

They got fawned over because they were there and they are just eye candy.

When there are inane details in the game, they get fawned over like the a new born baby, but when details are missing, it's "they don't matter in the least".

Well obviously to some people they matter and for some reasons they are important and do make a difference.

You've just said it all. Details such as these are great and people like them (I certainly do) but they don't matter the slightest. Would you complain that there's no ad in the building? Or that shadows are inaccurate? Or that there's no bicycle? I hope not.

And thus I go back to my previous statement: why can anyone care about it?
I do care when people moan continuously about Kaz's perfectionism.

I'm in no way complaining about it. His perfectionism is what sets Gran Turismo apart from other games. It just boggles my mind how can someone find a minor detail that miraculously is not in the game, and then proceed to say it's a horrible mistake not to include it. Maybe people are too used to have a lot of details and want every single one of them. Either way, I'm just trying to tell people to be reasonable. It's fine if you think reverse lights are cool and want them, but to say they must be in? That it's a problem not to have them? Then you're going too far.

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