- 4,004
- Croatia
Despite I'll be posting my initial review of SCC, I also invite anyone to make it's own review in later posts, and I'll do a linking blow this original post in order to make everything coherent for future readings. Also, links to other reviews are also welcomed, but I invite to to make a visible copyright notice as well as providing an original link to the source.
Thnak you in advance and see you all in Supercar Challenge online race!
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GTsurgeons.com for GTPlanet.com
SuperCar Challenge Early Review
Part #1
First of all, I'd like to thanx Chandra from System 3 for all the support in last 6 months and his constant work in order to be in disposal for any kind of issues. In the great final, the retail copy of SCC has finally hit my PS3 and after 3 hours of playing here are early review notes. I'l l be doing this in few parts, in order to make it coherent and have some time to spend with the game. So, if you're interested, keep your eyes on this place. I'll be updating this review with new parts in following days so it can be read fully once finished.
As everyone probably know, SuperCar Challenge is a PS3 exclusive game, successor to Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli game. Interesting fact is that SCC arrives in around 12 months after first game, being as somewhat controversial move in today industry-praxis.
Reasons for that can be looked to from various perspectives, but in conclusion we got ourselves a new PS3 racer (generally console racer as well) that somehow has a honor to open "2009 Virtual Racing Season" which will bring us some of the most eagerly awaited titles of the genre in the next few months.
Many of us here had also a chance to participate in Beta testing of SCC where some initial impressions were gathered and widely discussed overthere at Euetchnyx's closed beta forums.
And in conclusion, almost 4 months late SuperCar Challenge is finally here. Released over PAL on 4th Sepptember (I really have no idea what will happen with NA/NTSC release, but System 3 semi-officialy have invited NA players to purchase and import PAL since game is region-free and it will allow them online racing) it will bring familiar world conceived in FCTP game, but with some twists. And with some new content to play with.
So, how it is?
It is good.
Is it perfect?
Nothing is perfect.
SuperCar Challenge has its flaws, but it also has its spectacular moments. So, let's start with them.
With the heritage of FCTP, Supercar Challenge brings us physics model witnessed in previous game. Same kind of load-oversteer, weight-transfer and torque-fight is present in SCC.
To be honest, I really can't say has the physics been upgraded because everything was feeling so familiar from the very first Tutorial Session on Nurb with Tiff Nedells guidance with new recorded voice-guides. And I can say it is more than good. I also have a feeling it is somehow more polished and natural when compared to Beta, but since I do not have Beta code on my PS2 anymore I can't make a final judgment. But, if that means something to anyone - it feels like you're back home to FCTP. And that is a good thing.
I didn't have time to pop-in FCTP disc and make a direct comparation, but next days will certanly bring very much discussion related to SCC physics. So, without going into subjective territory I will conclude that SCC comes with somewhat controversial - but still very challenging physics introduced in FCTP, that can satisfy the needs of hard-core drivers, especially those who drive on their wheels. I'll further discuss physics in the next posts when I'll do my view on the G25 handling, which is most important asset of the game in my book.
Audio is one of the superb aspects of SCC compared to any of other racers outthere. Great job done in FCTP was expanded, and all of the cars sounds great in final. Zonda, DBR9, Enzo, SLR Stirling Moss, 348 Challenge and diabolic 599FXX have very unique sounds, while your surround set-up will make you smile with every imput on the throttle. Only one who could be unhappy is your people at home, beccuase SCC just begs to be played lound - and then louder. With DTS support - I play on DTS 5.1 setup - SCC truly stands as audio-masterpiece.
SCC delivers great improvements in graphics compared to FCTP. Frame rate is now noticably higher, drops in cokpit view are almost non-existant and everything looks much better than in predecestor. However, I have to be honest and note that SCC can`t be compared with AAA production-titles suich as GRID, GT5
or upcoming Shift, Forza or GT5. Although game does deliver 1080p output, details and overall polish is somewhat below from standards of the competition. But it is very much improved over FCTP, and if you were satisfied with graphics of FCTP, you`ll have no problem in accepting graphics of SCC. And because we all know graphics are not most important part of racing games, in conclusion we can give passing grades for SCC visual component. I also have to say that new color-gamma - which get rid off "next-gen-yellow-filter" - looks more natural and all courses now look better.
Cokpit-view now offers two views, far and close - which we know from Beta -but after some playing I got back to far view because close view takes away too many FOW. Old bug in speed-tach displays - which is still there - does not irritate much, but it could be a problem when you decide to race with HUD off (which ia also one of the trophies/achevements of the game). HOwever, RPM tach works fine and that is only important in my book.
Cars and damage
SCC brings us 44 supercars, but majority of cars are Ferrari models from FCTP game. Lamborghinis have dissapered from the game, and 2 new inclusions are SLR SM and 599FXX. All cars can sustain visual damage, with broken chasis parts, windows, scratches on bodywork and dents, but there is no mechanical damage. However, damage is shown as percentage in some modes and damaging a car over 75% leads to disqualification.
In the next post I'll post details regarding cars, tracks, game design, gameplay structure and online.
In the meantime feel free to pop any question.
Part #2
I am so busy these days that I almost had no time to play, and especially no time for writing anything consistent
And since release date is tomorrow, I am just going to do a quick sum-up and overview of the most important parts and conclude everything. I hope from tomorrow on we'll get much more oppinions of other playeres here.
So, about the G25:
I have just discovered a whole new world. I was keeping my wheel settings as in Ferrari Challenge - steering: low, pedals: low, force feedback: medium. And then something completely different happened - I've chaned my settings to steering: high, pedals: medium, force feedback: high just to see what will happen - and from that moment onward I completely fell in love with this game. First of all, dead-zone is now almost non-existant, while overall handling is much smoother. With going into full subjective territory I can say that SCC suddenly became legendary F355 Challenge Arcade Cabinet.
Even I have to admit SCC still have the same handling issues as FCC - "corner tracking" still persists (when you go into the corner and loose force feedback due to understeer, game somehow "rails" the car out of the corner by itself, getting you into control when FF effect is applied again - hard to explain, but FCTP players will know the deal) and fine manouvering (such as in GT5P) is just out of question, SCC remains a very pleasurable game for all wheel-drivers.
Expect the same handling witnessed in FCTP, but made much smoother and more hard-core. In other words: you're just going to love the way you do Mugello laps with F348 Challenge. It is love at the first sight.
Game Structure
SCC features a much more interesting SP modes than in FCTP, and game has a great deal of different achievements that can be collected throughout the game, together with PS3 Trophies. If I did a good numbering, there are 4 different types of collectibles, ranging from in-game trophies for Tournament mode, separate batch of PS3 Trophies, in-game achievements in Challenge mode and fourth one I can't remember now. In short, you'll do lots of driving - and for collecting all Tournament trophies you'll have to do familiar 3-races format with every of 44 available cars, which can't be done fast.
There are Quick Race mode, Arcade mode (4 tiers as usual), new SuperCar Challenge mode with 5 tiers and interesting structure of sub-achievements, Tournament mode (all 44 cars on 3 tracks) and Tutorial mode for all 16 tracks, with Tiff Nedel and separate achivements as well. So, lots to do.
Online is usual - LAN and Online, create, join and invite to race, in-game chat is stil there (thank you Eutechnyx) while all the rooms I wisited tonight (and there was plethora of them I have to admit) had racing-line on and all assists on. So, I just came back to SP mode in await of this weekend
Game structure also have a new thing - Race Points (RP) system - that you collect in Challenge mode - and those unlocks a new cars or tracks. However, I presume that many of locked cars and tracks can be also unlocked by playing other modes, as it was in FCTP.
BTW Misano track is now reverse, as far as Time Trial session is concerned. Don't ask why, but we'll just have to learn to live with the new layout I guess.
For the End
In conclusion I have to say that SCC is a great step forward for Eutechnyx/System 3 and their "Challenge" series. Although many FCTP players could find SCC lacking a true new content when compared to their previous purchase, I have to admit that SCC deservers a place in their collection just because it fixes almost all of the technical issues of FCTP while bringing improved handling, looks of the tracks, new lightning, few new cars, new SP challenges to play with and same fierce AI we know from last game, toghether with upgraded online support.
SCC maybe does not have graphics on standard of upcoming competition, nor it has overall polish of menus, presentation or variety of content or licenses, but it have the best rooster of Ferrari cars ever sen in a videogame, it has unique and controversial but in the same time recognizable handling/physics model made to meet the demands of wheel-hard-core players and it have the best rain-racing ever seen and felt in racing genre on consoles (PGR series is out of the comparison because it is arcade racer).
I know that next days will bring upon us a plethora of opinions, comments and discussion regarding SuperCar Challenge, but in the end this game does one very important thing - it establishes "Challenge" series in the genre where many newcomers in past years have failed. Like I said in the beginning, SCC is far from being a perfect racing-game, but there is no perfect racing game.
Simulation genre is and always will be strictly subjective one, where some will praise same others will hate. But in such genre, I'm certain that Supercar Challenge will certanlly find many players who will find its positive aspects much more important than negative ones. And in the end, it is the most important thing of all.
Thnak you in advance and see you all in Supercar Challenge online race!
GTsurgeons.com proudly presents
GTsurgeons.com for GTPlanet.com
SuperCar Challenge Early Review
Part #1
First of all, I'd like to thanx Chandra from System 3 for all the support in last 6 months and his constant work in order to be in disposal for any kind of issues. In the great final, the retail copy of SCC has finally hit my PS3 and after 3 hours of playing here are early review notes. I'l l be doing this in few parts, in order to make it coherent and have some time to spend with the game. So, if you're interested, keep your eyes on this place. I'll be updating this review with new parts in following days so it can be read fully once finished.
As everyone probably know, SuperCar Challenge is a PS3 exclusive game, successor to Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli game. Interesting fact is that SCC arrives in around 12 months after first game, being as somewhat controversial move in today industry-praxis.
Reasons for that can be looked to from various perspectives, but in conclusion we got ourselves a new PS3 racer (generally console racer as well) that somehow has a honor to open "2009 Virtual Racing Season" which will bring us some of the most eagerly awaited titles of the genre in the next few months.
Many of us here had also a chance to participate in Beta testing of SCC where some initial impressions were gathered and widely discussed overthere at Euetchnyx's closed beta forums.
And in conclusion, almost 4 months late SuperCar Challenge is finally here. Released over PAL on 4th Sepptember (I really have no idea what will happen with NA/NTSC release, but System 3 semi-officialy have invited NA players to purchase and import PAL since game is region-free and it will allow them online racing) it will bring familiar world conceived in FCTP game, but with some twists. And with some new content to play with.
So, how it is?
It is good.
Is it perfect?
Nothing is perfect.
SuperCar Challenge has its flaws, but it also has its spectacular moments. So, let's start with them.
With the heritage of FCTP, Supercar Challenge brings us physics model witnessed in previous game. Same kind of load-oversteer, weight-transfer and torque-fight is present in SCC.
To be honest, I really can't say has the physics been upgraded because everything was feeling so familiar from the very first Tutorial Session on Nurb with Tiff Nedells guidance with new recorded voice-guides. And I can say it is more than good. I also have a feeling it is somehow more polished and natural when compared to Beta, but since I do not have Beta code on my PS2 anymore I can't make a final judgment. But, if that means something to anyone - it feels like you're back home to FCTP. And that is a good thing.
I didn't have time to pop-in FCTP disc and make a direct comparation, but next days will certanly bring very much discussion related to SCC physics. So, without going into subjective territory I will conclude that SCC comes with somewhat controversial - but still very challenging physics introduced in FCTP, that can satisfy the needs of hard-core drivers, especially those who drive on their wheels. I'll further discuss physics in the next posts when I'll do my view on the G25 handling, which is most important asset of the game in my book.
Audio is one of the superb aspects of SCC compared to any of other racers outthere. Great job done in FCTP was expanded, and all of the cars sounds great in final. Zonda, DBR9, Enzo, SLR Stirling Moss, 348 Challenge and diabolic 599FXX have very unique sounds, while your surround set-up will make you smile with every imput on the throttle. Only one who could be unhappy is your people at home, beccuase SCC just begs to be played lound - and then louder. With DTS support - I play on DTS 5.1 setup - SCC truly stands as audio-masterpiece.
SCC delivers great improvements in graphics compared to FCTP. Frame rate is now noticably higher, drops in cokpit view are almost non-existant and everything looks much better than in predecestor. However, I have to be honest and note that SCC can`t be compared with AAA production-titles suich as GRID, GT5
Cokpit-view now offers two views, far and close - which we know from Beta -but after some playing I got back to far view because close view takes away too many FOW. Old bug in speed-tach displays - which is still there - does not irritate much, but it could be a problem when you decide to race with HUD off (which ia also one of the trophies/achevements of the game). HOwever, RPM tach works fine and that is only important in my book.
Cars and damage
SCC brings us 44 supercars, but majority of cars are Ferrari models from FCTP game. Lamborghinis have dissapered from the game, and 2 new inclusions are SLR SM and 599FXX. All cars can sustain visual damage, with broken chasis parts, windows, scratches on bodywork and dents, but there is no mechanical damage. However, damage is shown as percentage in some modes and damaging a car over 75% leads to disqualification.
In the next post I'll post details regarding cars, tracks, game design, gameplay structure and online.
In the meantime feel free to pop any question.
Part #2
I am so busy these days that I almost had no time to play, and especially no time for writing anything consistent
And since release date is tomorrow, I am just going to do a quick sum-up and overview of the most important parts and conclude everything. I hope from tomorrow on we'll get much more oppinions of other playeres here.
So, about the G25:
I have just discovered a whole new world. I was keeping my wheel settings as in Ferrari Challenge - steering: low, pedals: low, force feedback: medium. And then something completely different happened - I've chaned my settings to steering: high, pedals: medium, force feedback: high just to see what will happen - and from that moment onward I completely fell in love with this game. First of all, dead-zone is now almost non-existant, while overall handling is much smoother. With going into full subjective territory I can say that SCC suddenly became legendary F355 Challenge Arcade Cabinet.
Even I have to admit SCC still have the same handling issues as FCC - "corner tracking" still persists (when you go into the corner and loose force feedback due to understeer, game somehow "rails" the car out of the corner by itself, getting you into control when FF effect is applied again - hard to explain, but FCTP players will know the deal) and fine manouvering (such as in GT5P) is just out of question, SCC remains a very pleasurable game for all wheel-drivers.
Expect the same handling witnessed in FCTP, but made much smoother and more hard-core. In other words: you're just going to love the way you do Mugello laps with F348 Challenge. It is love at the first sight.
Game Structure
SCC features a much more interesting SP modes than in FCTP, and game has a great deal of different achievements that can be collected throughout the game, together with PS3 Trophies. If I did a good numbering, there are 4 different types of collectibles, ranging from in-game trophies for Tournament mode, separate batch of PS3 Trophies, in-game achievements in Challenge mode and fourth one I can't remember now. In short, you'll do lots of driving - and for collecting all Tournament trophies you'll have to do familiar 3-races format with every of 44 available cars, which can't be done fast.
There are Quick Race mode, Arcade mode (4 tiers as usual), new SuperCar Challenge mode with 5 tiers and interesting structure of sub-achievements, Tournament mode (all 44 cars on 3 tracks) and Tutorial mode for all 16 tracks, with Tiff Nedel and separate achivements as well. So, lots to do.
Online is usual - LAN and Online, create, join and invite to race, in-game chat is stil there (thank you Eutechnyx) while all the rooms I wisited tonight (and there was plethora of them I have to admit) had racing-line on and all assists on. So, I just came back to SP mode in await of this weekend
Game structure also have a new thing - Race Points (RP) system - that you collect in Challenge mode - and those unlocks a new cars or tracks. However, I presume that many of locked cars and tracks can be also unlocked by playing other modes, as it was in FCTP.
BTW Misano track is now reverse, as far as Time Trial session is concerned. Don't ask why, but we'll just have to learn to live with the new layout I guess.
For the End
In conclusion I have to say that SCC is a great step forward for Eutechnyx/System 3 and their "Challenge" series. Although many FCTP players could find SCC lacking a true new content when compared to their previous purchase, I have to admit that SCC deservers a place in their collection just because it fixes almost all of the technical issues of FCTP while bringing improved handling, looks of the tracks, new lightning, few new cars, new SP challenges to play with and same fierce AI we know from last game, toghether with upgraded online support.
SCC maybe does not have graphics on standard of upcoming competition, nor it has overall polish of menus, presentation or variety of content or licenses, but it have the best rooster of Ferrari cars ever sen in a videogame, it has unique and controversial but in the same time recognizable handling/physics model made to meet the demands of wheel-hard-core players and it have the best rain-racing ever seen and felt in racing genre on consoles (PGR series is out of the comparison because it is arcade racer).
I know that next days will bring upon us a plethora of opinions, comments and discussion regarding SuperCar Challenge, but in the end this game does one very important thing - it establishes "Challenge" series in the genre where many newcomers in past years have failed. Like I said in the beginning, SCC is far from being a perfect racing-game, but there is no perfect racing game.
Simulation genre is and always will be strictly subjective one, where some will praise same others will hate. But in such genre, I'm certain that Supercar Challenge will certanlly find many players who will find its positive aspects much more important than negative ones. And in the end, it is the most important thing of all.
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