This is the kind of post that makes me crazy, because it contains a number of different statements that don't quite add up to me!
IMO the "steering" in FC (with a G25) is perhaps the single best feature of the game - without that "terrible" steering, I don't really see how the game would "have a lot going for it"!
On the other hand I do understand what you're saying: compared to GT5P, FC heavily models weight transfer & instability under braking, which means the cars tend to sway & bobble around the track going into corners. FC also heavily models snap oversteer coming out of corners, which means you have to be careful on the throttle as you exit the apex. Combined with this is the "dead-zone" effect with the wheel, which leaves you with some play in the wheel where you can't easily tell what-the-hell the car is going to do.
On the positive side, FC has stronger & way more descriptive FFB, which allows you to make fine adjustments to your line & speed on the fly, because
you can actually feel what the car is doing. Good FC wheel drivers have learned to brake early, work with the weight transfer & wrestle with the wheel dead-zone to produce fast & consistent lap times. It isn't easy, it takes time to master, but it provides a physical, gritty, seat-of-your-pants racing experience that I find more exciting than GT5P.
However, so far I have not been impressed with the feel of the physics/FFB in the SCC beta - it seems to take the feel of the steering in FC & exaggerate it. So I totally agree with you about the steering in the SCC beta 👍, while disagreeing with you about the steering in FC! 👎 I guess the real comparison will be when it's possible to try the same car in SCC as in FC...