Reviews of SuperCar Challenge

  • Thread starter amar212
Of course there`s a cheaper way, we all start using pads again. I think in the end there'll be separate racing league's for pad and wheel users to prevent any `disgruntled´ racers.

LOL, considering that this thread is now in a SuperCar Challenge forum, you guys should come up with new names for associations.

FEDSUPCARCHALPU looks a bit long :lol:
Can you coun't me out of the FEDFECPU, my subs have lapsed anyway. I personaly don't like using the pad, I haven't got the "feel" I have with the wheel. Now I'm not quick on FC or SCC but on a good day I run in the middle of the pack consistantly. Theres allways someone in the field who's as quick/slow as me and dukeing it out cleanly for a few laps is what I enjoy be it against a wheel or pad user. I have no problem with not coming first, it's me not the control system I use. I find usualy it's consistancy that gets me LOL
What I will say though is FC and SCC can be a bit of a handful with the wheel, when your in a corner theres not a problem, I have problems on the straights, theres a little too much feed back from the wheel. Try driving in a straight line in a real car at 70mph, no problem, try it on GT5p....still no problem, now try it on FC or SCC, that smooth race track is suddenly very very bumpy and moveing the car around way too much, maybe it's the deadzone exadurating this but it's certainly an issue at times.

But anyway I'm not putting down SCC or FC there very good, very tactile titles with the wheel or the pad. And I've enjoyed both for many many hours. But it dose have it's problems (as dose 99.99% of all games) and many of those issues are subjective and thus down to personal preferance, What I may see as a problem others may not, and vica versa.
Post moved.
Don't ask, everything went pete tong LOL
Of course there`s a cheaper way, we all start using pads again. I think in the end there'll be separate racing league's for pad and wheel users to prevent any `disgruntled´ racers.


I'm not sure who's disgruntled here: I haven't heard wheel users complaining about pad users being faster - but just stating it as an observation. I don't know about the presence of a pad "steering assist" in FC/CSS, but the fact that there is a dead-zone issue with the FFB makes it easy to understand how wheel users might suffer a bit of a disadvantage. The wheel has a tendency to "have a mind of its own" when steering from one side to the other, making it harder to precisely guide the car through linked turns (like a chicane). This effect is stronger with some car/tracks than others.

In spite of this fact, I use a wheel because it's definitely more immersive & fun with a wheel, & the great feel of the FFB in FC makes up for the lack of precision. In fact, I think the lack of precision in FC creates a sense of the grittiness & unpredictablity of RL racing. I have no problem with racing against wheel users OR pad users. My preference is to race with other drivers (wheel or pad) who run more or less at a similar speed to me - there are quite a few of those online - because it makes for more interesting races.

I do feel kind of bad for you, as your exceptional speed means there is almost nobody that you can have a close race with. I amcurious though: do you play other racing sims, & are you equally fast at those?
#2 Part of review is up in the first post for those who're interested, see you online in days to come :)
Oh great Amar, now I have to buy the thing because of your write up....I hate you as the sun hates the moon!
Uh-Oh ... Amar, I was at peace and now I'm not. What to do, SCC and Shift, and Sturmovik this month, and GT5 (hopefully) before the end of the year?

I ask you two things: a) please compare the handling from "SCC final build" to the handling in "SCC Beta"; b) you were very citical of the agressiveness of the AI cars in FC, now you seem to praise the AI in SCC, care to elaborate on that?
good review Amar thanks,there from' optimism :)
I have read different negative criticisms toward SCC ,but they seem exaggerated.

unfortunately in this period I cannot use the steering wheel :guilty: but SCC with the pad seems me excellent .
only a question: can the replay be saved? also of the competitions online?

I hope to buy the game to the more' soon :)
thanks , regards:tup:
and it have the best rain-racing ever seen and felt in racing genre on consoles
I know that you know what youre talking about, but judging from the beta, F1:CE beats it in this regard, big time.

Too bad they havent fixed that strange understeer and pad assist problem, kills the whole experience for me.

Will rent it though.
ive just stopped playing the demo, and i must say that i really only have one problem with the game so far, and it is just the same problem i had in FC, its the terrible steering, seems to me that it is some sort of liniarity problem (i have a g25 by the way), it is impossible to be accurate, and it seems to have some sort of bungee effect, so it is very difficult to hit those entries and apexes, and makes me take many stabs at every turn instead of beeing smoth like i can in forza or gt5p, is it just me or anybody else feel the same ? i really think its such a shame cause the game have a lot going for it, if they could just fix that i think i could really love the game, now im gonna hold out for NFS shift instead
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I'm sick to death of people saying that pad users are only fast because of certain technicalities. For example, SEGEL and i think mingoturbo both use pads and are very quick and consistent. They take excellent lines, have good turn-in and braking points and rarely make mistakes. So surely that's what counts when racing. If the pad was such an advantage, all of the pad users would be top of the leaderboards.

Does anyone really know the percentage of the top 100 of the leader boards being pad or wheel users. Maybe it's time to do a poll?
I like FC. Dunno why, it annoys the bejeezus outta me.

But it has character, it's fairly realistic and SC sounds like it should be a more rounded game. I'll buy it.
ive just stopped playing the demo, and i must say that i really only have one problem with the game so far, and it is just the same problem i had in FC, its the terrible steering, seems to me that it is some sort of liniarity problem (i have a g25 by the way), it is impossible to be accurate, and it seems to have some sort of bungee effect, so it is very difficult to hit those entries and apexes, and makes me take many stabs at every turn instead of beeing smoth like i can in forza or gt5p, is it just me or anybody else feel the same ? i really think its such a shame cause the game have a lot going for it, if they could just fix that i think i could really love the game, now im gonna hold out for NFS shift instead

This is the kind of post that makes me crazy, because it contains a number of different statements that don't quite add up to me! :confused:

IMO the "steering" in FC (with a G25) is perhaps the single best feature of the game - without that "terrible" steering, I don't really see how the game would "have a lot going for it"!

On the other hand I do understand what you're saying: compared to GT5P, FC heavily models weight transfer & instability under braking, which means the cars tend to sway & bobble around the track going into corners. FC also heavily models snap oversteer coming out of corners, which means you have to be careful on the throttle as you exit the apex. Combined with this is the "dead-zone" effect with the wheel, which leaves you with some play in the wheel where you can't easily tell what-the-hell the car is going to do. :scared:

On the positive side, FC has stronger & way more descriptive FFB, which allows you to make fine adjustments to your line & speed on the fly, because you can actually feel what the car is doing. Good FC wheel drivers have learned to brake early, work with the weight transfer & wrestle with the wheel dead-zone to produce fast & consistent lap times. It isn't easy, it takes time to master, but it provides a physical, gritty, seat-of-your-pants racing experience that I find more exciting than GT5P.

However, so far I have not been impressed with the feel of the physics/FFB in the SCC beta - it seems to take the feel of the steering in FC & exaggerate it. So I totally agree with you about the steering in the SCC beta 👍, while disagreeing with you about the steering in FC! 👎 I guess the real comparison will be when it's possible to try the same car in SCC as in FC...
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I really loved FC and especially the FF and the steering. While it may not be 100% realistic and not as smoth as one whould expect, but i kind of fell in love with it. You just cant turn into a corner like you would in GT5P or in Forza 2, because you have to adjust your steering more often and the FF is much stronger. It sometimes feels like driving a rallycar arround some corners, because you are constantly moving the wheel and ajusting the heading.

The braking, the weight transfer and the oversteering are absolutely awesome. The FF gives you a very good impression of what the car is doing, but it forces you to be focused all the time. Its really hard but very rewarding.

I really would like to buy SCC, just because of the outstanding performence of FC, but iam a huge fan of GT and some other titels coming out this fall, so i have to pass SCC. I will definately buy it, but maybe next year in the summer season, when there is not much else coming out and maybe i can get it for 30€, just like FC. 30€ somehow is a better price tag for the game, since its a "low budget" game and the 70€ just is a bit too much, because the overall content somehow does not justify it.
Theres a Ferrari F40 in the game?

Yes. I have just unlocked it yesterday and it feels great.

Having a good-old "low-revs-gearhift-only" logic applied - and I know many people actully loved that in FCC, me amongst them - F40 is s great machine to drive around.
The F40 drives much better and "smoother" than it did in FC! Love the game!

Only did the 16 Tutorial Races and the first 3 Challenges. Handling of Corvette & 430 Scuderia is wonderful!
This is the kind of post that makes me crazy, because it contains a number of different statements that don't quite add up to me! :confused:

IMO the "steering" in FC (with a G25) is perhaps the single best feature of the game - without that "terrible" steering, I don't really see how the game would "have a lot going for it"!

On the other hand I do understand what you're saying: compared to GT5P, FC heavily models weight transfer & instability under braking, which means the cars tend to sway & bobble around the track going into corners. FC also heavily models snap oversteer coming out of corners, which means you have to be careful on the throttle as you exit the apex. Combined with this is the "dead-zone" effect with the wheel, which leaves you with some play in the wheel where you can't easily tell what-the-hell the car is going to do. :scared:

On the positive side, FC has stronger & way more descriptive FFB, which allows you to make fine adjustments to your line & speed on the fly, because you can actually feel what the car is doing. Good FC wheel drivers have learned to brake early, work with the weight transfer & wrestle with the wheel dead-zone to produce fast & consistent lap times. It isn't easy, it takes time to master, but it provides a physical, gritty, seat-of-your-pants racing experience that I find more exciting than GT5P.

However, so far I have not been impressed with the feel of the physics/FFB in the SCC beta - it seems to take the feel of the steering in FC & exaggerate it. So I totally agree with you about the steering in the SCC beta 👍, while disagreeing with you about the steering in FC! 👎 I guess the real comparison will be when it's possible to try the same car in SCC as in FC...

after i read your reply, you made me wonder if i had remember wrong about FC so i tried it again, and you are absolutly right, the steering in FC is much better than SCC demo, and i do like the weight transfer and general physics very much, so if they could get the steering at least up to FC standard it would be much better, but still a long way from perfect in my opinion, in my humble view the steering feel and force feedback of live for speed is pretty much spot on for my liking :)
SCC Beta-Demo hasn´t much to do with the final game! Rent the Game, at first buy the Corvette and the 430 Scuderia.....and then enjoy one of the best and most realistic driving physics that you can get for your won´t get it in Shift or in GT5 !
How does the F40 in Supercar compare to the handling dynamic of the one in GT5:Pro?

I wish i could get this game soon, i really enjoy it! It has great physics and the sounds are fantastic although i think that the Enzo is running without a catalytic converter due to the fact that it sounds so LOUD.
Alex, can you explain that a bit more? Today I played FC and SCC Beta (1.23 build) back-to-back and I must say I still enjoyed FC more. You say SCC (full game) is different from the Beta, could you elaborate a bit more on that?
Got the full game too... bought it today...

My english is not the best and I´m not an good writer so a short review from me.

I never played FC.I downloaded the beta a few months ago and played it only an hour.I don´t liked the beta...

So today I was bored and get that game. I´ve played now 3 hours and I´m happy that I bought it.I only played on Monza with the Corvette and its so much fun. The physics are phantastic! I drive with all driving aids off and ABS on 1 and its very fun and hard to drive the cars...

The graphics are ok.Nothing mind blowing but acceptable because the physics are really good. I drive with an DFP and dont feel any dead zone (is that only with the G25?)

The sounds are phantastic but you all know that from FC already.

But the AI in monza in corner 1 is crap... the AI brakes too late in corner 1 so there is a big crash in every lap... only in corner 1... the rest of the track the AI drives very well,makes some mistakes,brakes to late or get understeered...

Don´t know how the AI is on other tracks...

After 3 hours of playing,I like the game and I think I will have a lot of fun with that in the future...
Yes. I have just unlocked it yesterday and it feels great.

Having a good-old "low-revs-gearhift-only" logic applied - and I know many people actully loved that in FCC, me amongst them - F40 is s great machine to drive around.

Nice to hear that!, its my favorite car ever.

Btw i heard that the Lamborghinis are gone, is true?

Thanks again.
after i read your reply, you made me wonder if i had remember wrong about FC so i tried it again, and you are absolutly right, the steering in FC is much better than SCC demo, and i do like the weight transfer and general physics very much, so if they could get the steering at least up to FC standard it would be much better, but still a long way from perfect in my opinion, in my humble view the steering feel and force feedback of live for speed is pretty much spot on for my liking

After I re-read my reply I went online & tried the SCC beta again, "racing" (I was way off the pace!) with ENERGIYA & mhm. It struck me as very bad, & for the first time I thought: "is this the way FC feels to noobs? Cars wobbling & bouncing all over the place! No wonder so many of them can't stand it!"

In FC, although the weight transfer feels a bit "wobbly" (especially with some of the cars), I basically know, & can feel how to, control the cars. The SCC beta (even after the latest update) feels way different from FC, & I find it very difficult to control the cars.

So I really need to know, from Higgi & any other experienced FC racers:

is the finished game signicantly different from the beta?!

because if it isn't, I have serious doubts about it. :nervous:

(Many people have reported liking LFS a lot - I hope to be able to try it soon, now that I have my new windoze bootable Mac. 👍 )
Yes. I have just unlocked it yesterday and it feels great.

Ok I initially wanted to come here writing that the SCC BETA is pretty awesome and fun playing, which it really is... but amar, didn't you find it worth mentioning that the retail version has MASSIVE framerate issues where the whole screen stands stil for a split - second on certain parts of the track... very noticeable ? So far it's been on every track i've played, even if my car is alone on it!

There's also other stuff in retail version thats not as good as in the beta like steering and sound, but that's argueable, however the whole screen stop moving at certain points for sure is not.

Can I have my money back? Because I'm pretty sure they won't fix it...
I'm really angry because otherwise SCC could've been a pretty cool game, but how can something like this go unnoticed ??!