Reviews of SuperCar Challenge

  • Thread starter amar212
Would someone else please buy the Corvette and tell me if i am really the only one that thinks that the Vette is fantastic to drive.

Loved the DBR9 in the Beta, but the Vette is even much more fun to drive. Or are you all only playing the Beta?
I'll ensure it is one of my next cars purchased. However I hope it doesn't handle like the dbr9. It is way too twitchy. I much prefer how a lot of the street cars drive. The F333 though is pretty good.
The same thing has happened to me. the ps3 automatically restarted after exiting scc.

Third that. LOL programmers (this is how I 'programmed' back in the day. A good exit is for chumps.)

Anyway, got the 599XX. Wonderful car, but a bit expensive. I wish there was an easier way to earn fast money when you get tired of grinding. Like that rally on GT4. Powerleveling the bank FTW.
Would someone else please buy the Corvette and tell me if i am really the only one that thinks that the Vette is fantastic to drive.

Loved the DBR9 in the Beta, but the Vette is even much more fun to drive. Or are you all only playing the Beta?
I'm getting to it, hopefully later today. I've bought the 5 or 6 most expensive cars bar the F50 GT and nearly have enough money to buy the rest...still bar the F50 GT which costs an insane amount of money.
Third that. LOL programmers (this is how I 'programmed' back in the day. A good exit is for chumps.)

Anyway, got the 599XX. Wonderful car, but a bit expensive. I wish there was an easier way to earn fast money when you get tired of grinding. Like that rally on GT4. Powerleveling the bank FTW.
Any car, Homestead Oval, 1 lap all day long. The fastest way to accumulate credits I've found so far.
Hmm see I do that... At the end of the straight I just press the button down hard. I dont modulate the brakes at all. The car moves a little bit, but I use that to get the car pointing towards the apex.

Maybe it is different when using pedals?

AhA, I didnt even think of asking if you used a wheel or 6axis.. Sorry about that... but then I would recommend trying to get a wheel for this game... and any other racing game you have since it only adds to the overall experience... :D

Would someone else please buy the Corvette and tell me if i am really the only one that thinks that the Vette is fantastic to drive.

Loved the DBR9 in the Beta, but the Vette is even much more fun to drive. Or are you all only playing the Beta?

I have that car as well.. but honestly have not driven it because I cant get myself out of the F430 GT2... I just LOVE that car... the way it handles is just sensational IMO :D The 599FXX is also CRAZY.... took that one for a spin yesterday and I couldnt help but smile REALLY big the whole lap... :lol:
Any car, Homestead Oval, 1 lap all day long. The fastest way to accumulate credits I've found so far.


Honestly, they make this the quickest way to earn a few thousand bucks and make the delicious F50GT cost one and a half million?

I'd like to know what the testers thought of this whole monetary issue. Maybe it's just the developers trying to make the game last longer?
Would someone else please buy the Corvette and tell me if i am really the only one that thinks that the Vette is fantastic to drive.

Vette si senstaional I agree 👍 I've made a hard decision to finally imput the code that open all cars later today just to get my hands on 575GTC because I want to try my FCTP baby with this new physics.

Expect reports soon ;)
@Vincent: How many credits do you earn by doing this and in what game-mode do you have to do it ?
Quick Race fella. You earn about 5,250 (Perfect Score) if you do well and I hardly fail at finishing in 1st place with the fastest lap. A lap in a fast car is about 30 seconds so it's quickly done.
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I honestly dont notice much of a difference between abs 0 and 1. I was always driving with abs 1 then last night I raced with everything set to off. I was cautious at first thinking I was going to get brake lockups everywhere. But after a lap I realised there was not much difference and started driving like abs was on. I didnt notice any wheel lockups, and the car didnt really get out of shape anywhere under braking either. I am disappointed with it really.

BTW I only used the DB9. Maybe it is different with other less drivable cars.

I don't think you can lock your tires which is honestly dissapointing to me. You can slam the brakes without abs and come to a stop still steering the car if you try. Haven't looked at a replay to see if the tires have actually stopped rotating but if they had as they should under heavy braking without abs then there would be no more available grip for turning:tdown:
I don't think you can lock your tires which is honestly dissapointing to me. You can slam the brakes without abs and come to a stop still steering the car if you try. Haven't looked at a replay to see if the tires have actually stopped rotating but if they had as they should under heavy braking without abs then there would be no more available grip for turning:tdown:

Do you use a wheel and pedals or 6axis?

Ah, Now that you mention it, I normally use a DFP as well... but for this instance I am borrowing a g25 now for a while from a colleague and I started playing this game with that.... yesterday and the day before I switched back to the old DFP and I must say the experience was a lot different... the brake doesnt have the same stiffness and feel of the G25 which I had to get use to and I also now get the sensation the wheels dont lock up... can anyone else confirm if there are wheel lock-ups in the game?? I'm starting to doubt it myself now...
Well, I'm hoping that GT5 is a much better game than FC or SCC, but if it isn't you can count on the GT5 fanboys coming up with all kinds of reasons why KY doesn't want proper damage, or decent AI, or realistic races, or responsive FFB etc. etc. because that's not GT! :rolleyes:
Well... the arrogance is irrepressible, it seems...
I received my copy of Supercar Challenge in the mail yesterday from GAME. I put the disc in the PS3 and played the game for about 4 hours straight. Here are my initial, early impressions.

The Good:

Load times have improved over Ferrari Challenge, especially the initial start-up. It was interesting to see all of the menus finally opened up and not locked as they were in the Beta. The first thing I did was run through them to see exactly what the options were and develop a familiarity with the controls and flow.

The options and features are MUCH improved over Ferrari Challenge. A perfect case in point, when running a time trial, you now have the option to change the car, change the track, or change the car and track. It's a welcome relief from having to back out to the main menu in order to restart. What's more, the car starts a time trial session on a tear, negating the need to do a full 'warm-up' lap in order to set a competitive time. As a developer, Eutechnyx has clearly listened to it's fan base and there are many welcome changes for the better.

But none of these changes are as welcome as the most basic and fundamental part of the game. Compared to the public Beta, there is a significant difference in the feel and physics of the cars. And it's truly for the better. Using a G25, I was amazed to feel how much smaller the deadzone is and how much smoother the cars are to control. Gone is the loose, disconnected feel. Done away with is the ponderous, guess work in transitional moves. It's wonderful and I love it. Great job guys! But it goes deeper than that. Eutechnyx clearly spent time further refining the cars. After running the first Challenge round and earning some money, the first three cars I purchased were the 355 Berlinetta, the 348 Challenge and the 250 GTO, all of which were available in Ferrari Challenge. Every one of these cars has been slightly tweaked and refined. They feel completely transformed and I couldn't be more thrilled. The 355 in particular has truly been given a new life. I was very critical of the handling characteristics of some of the road cars in Ferrari Challenge and felt that the team had simply gotten things quite wrong. This has been corrected in a big way. The 355 with all assists off is quite squirrelly, especially when under power but the way the four tires interact with the road has been completely remapped and it feels much more realistic. It's tricky but predictable and the way the suspension now reacts with the curbs is simply wonderful. I would buy this game just for this car alone and it was never one of my favorites.

Likewise, as much as I liked the 'classic' cars in Ferrari Challenge, I feel the 250 GTO in Supercar Challenge is now much more representative of a real 60s automobile. It's much more lively and interesting to drive with levels of detail in it's suspension movements that were simply glazed over in FC. It now requires more than just balancing the throttle and controlling the oversteer. The sense of weight seems to move back and forth and forward and back in an extraordinary way. I also had a chance to drive the F40 during the "invitational" Challenge event and noticed an equally impressive improvement in the car's behavior. It sounds better. It looks better. It feels better. The car is much more controllable in oversteer conditions (if you have a light touch) and seems much more three dimensional compared to the F40 in Ferrari Challenge.

Without going into too many details, I also purchased the Corvette, unlocked the McLaren SLR Moss & 599FXX--all of them are a lot of fun and interesting to drive. As a big fan of the ALMS series, it was a blast to drive the Corvette. Going down the back straight in Montreal in the playseat with the buttkicker going and the surround sound system screaming, my entire room was shaking! LOL! The 348 Challenge now feels like a genuine race car. Shifts are improved and the car feels much more 'lively'. I'm so happy that the Eutechnyx crew went back and refined these cars and truly for the better.

Although I had only limited time to try it, I'm very impressed with the new replays. They give you so much more control compared to the one-way shows we had in Ferrari Challenge. At any time you can pause, fast forward, reverse, take a picture or alternative in real time between different views and vantage points. You can therefore review an incident from various different angles over and over again. It's brilliant.

The Bad

The most important part of Ferrari Challenge to me, or any racing game for that matter, has been it's physics engine and Force Feedback implementation. And Supercar Challenge seems to have nailed it. There's no tire wear or pits stops, as we long since knew, but I'll take what I can get and relish it. But one area where I'm quite disappointed is in the graphics. Yes, there has been noticeable improvement over FC as far as the in-cockpit graphics and certain aspects of the track and surrounding area.

But frankly, I'm terribly disappointed in the background images. Simply put, they're awful and the faux forced perspective doesn't work. I know it's a cliche to say it, but it's worse than a PS2 game. I don't know if this was done on purpose to preserve the frame rate and be able to dynamically switch views, but the compromise is all together unacceptable. I'm sorry but it's horrible. The 'top view' of the car during replay mode is particularly bad with the entire car looking like a pixelated mess from the late 90s. It's probably not possible to correct something like this and we just have to hope that Eutechnyx's art team does a better job on future titles because this really detracts from the game like a fly in the wine. Unfortunately this poor graphics showing also extends into the game as well with low resolution backgrounds mixing together with well rendered high resolution foregrounds and it goes as well together as oil and water. Why are there mountains in Montreal??? Please, get them out of there. The mountains and backgrounds at Mugello in Ferrari Challenge looked like a work of art by comparison. And if one looks at the mountains in GT5P, the art team should be embarrassed to release something like this into a game that otherwise has such wonderful attention to detail.

Likewise there are a lot of little touches that I was hoping would be corrected from the Beta. I always assumed that awful world map and small front graphic of the DBR9 were just temporary for the Beta and would be replaced with higher detail images and nicer backgrounds. If this game had come out in February we could accept that it was rushed. But I hope they something about this in a patch. Granted it doesn't add anything to the actual gameplay but it's like driving through a slum on your way to a nice hotel--it just leaves a bad taste. The opening video in Challenge mode is a nice overlay and shows what could be done. And get a decent map. LOL What is this? A 9K GIF image?

I also wish there was a clearer way to turn assists on or off before an off-line event starts. Once they're set, they're set, although perhaps that's not a bad thing. But I realized upon starting the first Challenge event that I had left the racing line and ABS on max and had no way to disable it except to exit.

And upon trying to leave the showroom after purchasing two new cars, the PS3 froze on me and I had to do a hard reboot. Things like this are a little troubling.

And I don't quite understand the need for a "Leaderboard" and a "Champion List". I forgot the actual names. But the list that shows the top 100 times where you can choose the track and car, etc is enough. I don't see the point to have two.

Over All:

After a few hours with this game, I feel much, much better. I've been somewhat silent lately in regards to SCC. I must admit, I was rather underwhelmed with the Beta and I'm thrilled to see that the final release is much improved. I can now proudly and confidently recommend this game with no footnotes attached. Even to my Ferrari Challenge loving friends who are still sitting on the fence.

I'll post more when I've had some time with it.
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I received my copy of Supercar Challenge in the mail yesterday from GAME. I put the disc in the PS3 and played the game for about 4 hours straight. Here are my initial, early impressions.

The Good:

Load times have improved over Ferrari Challenge, especially the initial start-up. It was interesting to see all of the menus finally opened up and not locked as they were in the Beta. The first thing I did was run through them to see exactly what the options were and develop a familiarity with the controls and flow.

The options and features are MUCH improved over Ferrari Challenge. A perfect case in point, when running a time trial, you now have the option to change the car, change the track, or change the car and track. It's a welcome relief from having to back out to the main menu in order to restart. What's more, the car starts a time trial session on a tear, negating the need to do a full 'warm-up' lap in order to set a competitive time. As a developer, Eutechnyx has clearly listened to it's fan base and there are many welcome changes for the better.

But none of these changes are as welcome as the most basic and fundamental part of the game. Compared to the public Beta, there is a significant difference in the feel and physics of the cars. And it's truly for the better. Using a G25, I was amazed to feel how much smaller the deadzone is and how much smoother the cars are to control. Gone is the loose, disconnected feel. Done away with is the ponderous, guess work in transitional moves. It's wonderful and I love it. Great job guys! But it goes deeper than that. Eutechnyx clearly spent time further refining the cars. After running the first Challenge round and earning some money, the first three cars I purchased were the 355 Berlinetta, the 348 Challenge and the 250 GTO, all of which were available in Ferrari Challenge. Every one of these cars has been slightly tweaked and refined. They feel completely transformed and I couldn't be more thrilled. The 355 in particular has truly been given a new life. I was very critical of the handling characteristics of some of the road cars in Ferrari Challenge and felt that the team had simply gotten things quite wrong. This has been corrected in a big way. The 355 with all assists off is quite squirrelly, especially when under power but the way the four tires interact with the road has been completely remapped and it feels much more realistic. It's tricky but predictable and the way the suspension now reactions with the curbs is simply wonderful. I would buy this game just for this car alone and it was never one of my favorites.

Likewise, as much as I liked the 'classic' cars in Ferrari Challenge, I feel the 250 GTO in Supercar Challenge is now much more representative of a real 60s automobile. It's much more lively and interesting to drive with levels of detail in it's suspension movements that were simply glazed over in FC. It now requires more than just balancing the throttle and controlling the oversteer. The sense of weight seems to move back and forth and forward and back in an extraordinary way. I also had a chance to drive the F40 during the "invitational" Challenge event and noticed an equally impressive improvement in the car's behavior. It sounds better. It looks better. It feels better. The car is much more controllable in oversteer conditions (if you have a light touch) and seems much more three dimensional compared to the F40 in Ferrari Challenge.

Without going into too many details, I also purchased the Corvette, unlocked the McLaren SLR Moss & 599FXX--all of them are a lot of fun and interesting to drive. As a big fan of the ALMS series, it was a blast to drive the Corvette. Going down the back straight in Montreal in the playseat with the buttkicker going and the surround sound system screaming, my entire room was shaking! LOL! The 348 Challenge now feels like a genuine race car. Shifts are improved and the car feels much more 'lively'. I'm so happy that you guys went back and refined these cars and truly for the better.

Although I had only limited time to try it, I'm very impressed with the new replays. They give you so much more control compared to the one-way shows we had in Ferrari Challenge. At any time you can pause, fast forward, reverse, take a picture or alternative in real time between different views and vantage points. You can therefore review an incident from various different angles over and over again. It's brilliant.

The Bad

The most important part of Ferrari Challenge to me, or any racing game for that matter, has been it's physics engine and Force Feedback implementation. And Supercar Challenge seems to have nailed it. There's no tire wear or pits stops, as we long since knew, but I'll take what I can get and relish it. But one area where I'm quite disappointed is in the graphics. Yes, there has been noticeable improvement over FC as far as the in-cockpit graphics and certain aspects of the track and surrounding area.

But frankly, I'm terribly disappointed in the background images. Simply put, they're awful and the faux forced perspective doesn't work. I know it's a cliche to say it, but it's worse than a PS2 game. I don't know if this was done on purpose to preserve the frame rate and be able to dynamically switch views, but the compromise is all together unacceptable. I'm sorry guys but it's horrible. The 'top view' of the car during replay mode is particularly bad with the entire car looking like a pixelated mess from the late 90s. It's probably not possible to correct something like this and we just have to hope that Eutechnyx's art team does a better job on future titles because this really detracts from the game like a fly in the wine. Unfortunately this poor graphics showing also extends into the game as well with low resolution backgrounds mixing together with well rendered high resolution foregrounds and it goes as well together as oil and water. Why are their mountains in Montreal??? Please, get them out of there. The mountains and backgrounds at Mugello in Ferrari Challenge looked like a work of art by comparison. And if one looks at the mountains in GT5P, the art team should be embarrassed to release something like this into a game that otherwise has such wonderful attention to detail.

Likewise there are a lot of little touches that I was hoping would be corrected from the Beta. I always assumed that awful world map and small front graphic of the DBR9 were just temporary for the Beta and would be replaced with higher detail images and nicer backgrounds. Come on guys. If this game had come out in February we could accept that it was rushed. But do something about this in a patch please. Granted it doesn't add anything to the actual gameplay but it's like driving through a slum on your way to a nice hotel--it just leaves a bad taste. The opening video in Challenge mode is a nice overlay and shows what could be done. And get a decent map. LOL What is this? A 9K GIF image?

I also wish there was a clearer way to turn assists on or off before an off-line event starts. Once they're set, their set, although perhaps that's not a bad thing. But I realized upon starting the first Challenge event that I had left the racing line and ABS on max and had no way to disable it except to exit.

And upon trying to leave the showroom after purchasing two new cars, the PS3 froze on me and I had to do a hard reboot. Things like this are a little troubling.

And I don't quite understand the need for a "Leaderboard" and a "Champion List". I forgot the actual names. But the list that shows the top 100 times where you can choose the track and car, etc is enough. I don't see the point to have two.

Over All:

After a few hours with this game, I feel much, much better. I've been somewhat silent lately. I must admit, I was rather underwhelmed with the Beta and I'm thrilled to see that the final release is much improved. I can now proudly and confidently recommend this game with no footnotes attached. Even to my Ferrari Challenge loving friends who are still sitting on the fence.

I'll post more when I've had some time with it.
Be interesting to hear your thought on the A.I.
Well, the AI is ridiculous, isn't it. They just kind of sit there, befuddled, and on the first few corners you can easily pass 3, 4, or 10 cars--even on the harder levels. It's not very realistic. But I've always had a love-hate relationship with the Ferrari Challenge AI. It was brilliant in the sense that it was dynamic and responded to you. But it wasn't particularly clever. In FC if you are more than 1.5 seconds behind another car, approaching a chicane, the AI will blast through the chicane and take off into the distance at full speed. And unless you hit it "just right" they'll pull away from you like you're standing still. If you were less than 1.5 seconds, they'll plant themselves in the middle of the track, slam on the brakes, right in the middle of the chicane, sometimes coming almost to a standstill, and basically forcing you to hit him. You can't drive around them and there's no way to stop or slow down in time. I found it dirty and ridiculous. And frankly, rather annoying. If real drivers drove like that they would be black flagged. At least on the 2nd corner. It should be about racing, not homicide. So I found it more aggravating than challenging.

But there has to be a compromise in the middle somewhere.
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Very interesting to hear your thoughts, jjaisli. I played the beta (the most recent update as far as i'm aware) and the DB9 was drivable, whereas the McLaren F1 and the Enzo were utterly hopeless and completely joyless in every single way. They were so understeery I literally thought my G25 must have broken.

You say there is a marked improvement between the beta and the full version, but going on my first impressions, is the improvement enough to warrant purchasing this? I read the OPM review of it, and although normally I don't read too much into these type of reviews, this particular one seemed to be more or less from a sim-racer's perspective and he hated it. He said the game was a step backwards in most departments from FC and that even FC fans would probably hate SCC.

What do you reckon? :indiff:
I also wish there was a clearer way to turn assists on or off before an off-line event starts. Once they're set, their set, although perhaps that's not a bad thing. But I realized upon starting the first Challenge event that I had left the racing line and ABS on max and had no way to disable it except to exit.

Just so you know if you push start during a race or qualifying you can access the driving assist area.
Unfortunately you can not access the pits so if you get a wet race there is no way to change your setup.
Very interesting to hear your thoughts, jjaisli. I played the beta (the most recent update as far as i'm aware) and the DB9 was drivable, whereas the McLaren F1 and the Enzo were utterly hopeless and completely joyless in every single way. They were so understeery I literally thought my G25 must have broken.

You say there is a marked improvement between the beta and the full version, but going on my first impressions, is the improvement enough to warrant purchasing this? I read the OPM review of it, and although normally I don't read too much into these type of reviews, this particular one seemed to be more or less from a sim-racer's perspective and he hated it. He said the game was a step backwards in most departments from FC and that even FC fans would probably hate SCC.

What do you reckon? :indiff:

Well, everyone has to decide this for themselves. And I don't want to say too much because I haven't really spent that much time with the game--just a few hours. And my impressions may change over time. But from what I saw of the Beta and the fact that most of the cars and tracks were already represented in Ferrari Challenge (added to the fact that it was already obvious in the Beta that they really butchered the 3rd person visuals) plus minor issues such as:
- The missing DLC from Ferrari Challenge still eating at me.
- The fact that this game was delayed, over and over and over and over again with no clear time frame.
- The fact that after putting all this work into the Beta, an NTSC release didn't look likely
Well, it all added to the fact that when I put the disc into my PS3, I wasn't expecting much. And I ended up being quite surprised and it far exceeded my expectations. I remain disappointed with the background visuals. They're abominable.

The way I look at it is this. Considering the Enzo and the McLaren are road cars on road tires, the fact that they understeer so heavily and blatantly when really pushed into corners is probably more realistic than most people would like to believe. It's probably because sitting in front of a screen you just don't get the same sense of speed. Drive the F599 in GT5 and put on N1 tires and see how it drives. Terminal understeer? You bet. But my issue, among many with the Beta, or let's say, the last edition of the beta, was not so much that the Enzo and McLaren understeered but the fact that the cars seemed so 'heavy' on their suspensions. They took a line and just ploughed. The Enzo in the final release game probably understeers just as heavily. But the chassis seems to react in a much more compliant manner. It's easier to induce oversteer. But again, keep in mind that I did not make ANY adjustments to the suspension settings when I played last night. As it was not possible to make suspension adjustments in the beta it's possible they didn't really change these cars all that much but perhaps in their default settings (in the beta) they were running absolutely hopeless set-ups.

I'll put it to you this way. I wish System 3 had just continued to develop Ferrari Challenge and patch it until it was the game it should have been. But based upon the few hours I spent with SCC, (1) I have no regrets about buying it and (2) I doubt I'll be playing FC much any more.
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Just so you know if you push start during a race or qualifying you can access the driving assist area.
Unfortunately you can not access the pits so if you get a wet race there is no way to change your setup.

Very helpful! I didn't know that. 👍
thanks jjaisli: 👍
your critique has reassured me, I will buy 'SCC (next month I have a bonus to spend in shops gamestop...:))
in the meantime I have had..... shift preorder

hi: cheers:
Just for the record, I now have both the 250 TR and the 250 LM unlocked. And I don't feel there is much difference with these two cars compared to FC. The LM seems a bit more realistic in how it reacts to inputs but not by much. It reacts "quicker" and more directly to steering inputs in SCC. But overall, it's still the same, wild and unruly beast that it always was. And although it's fun to drive, I'm not sure how much resemblance it has to the real car. I will only say that Jochen Rindt must have been a genius to win the 24hrs of Le Mans if this car really behaves in real life like it does in FC/SCC. Back to back comparisons with the 250 TR between FC and SCC yielded little difference in my opinion other than the difference in steering feel, which I think is clearly better in SCC.

I'm very interested to try the 550 M (not the 550 GT) next as I thought this was probably the worst 'feeling' car in FC in the sense that it was very disconnected from how the real 550 drives. Maybe I'll go for the 365 GTB after that.

A few more interesting (or not so interesting) points.

- I'm VERY pleased that they tightened up the penalty zones in Montreal. There used to be so much blatant corner cutting going on through the 2nd corner complex by driving straight through the grass. This hole has been eliminated. And the final chicane now forces you to keep two wheels on the road. So I think the times that we now see at Montreal (Redwood Park) on the leaderboards will be much more representative of one's 'true pace' and not luck.

- The same goes for Monza. If you try to cut the 1st chicane you get hit with a penalty. And the 2nd chicane, after the Curva Grande, has been slightly reprofiled. It forces you to take a much tighter line. Likewise, there are now speed bumps on the right side and if you try to straight line it you'll get a penalty. Kudos! 👍 I do have to say though, having been to Monza in real life and having walked the track and having just watched it again on TV, I really think Eutechnyx needs to fly their Chinese graphics artists to Italy and have them sit at the track for a day. You know it's Monza by the track configuration but the surrounding area is pure fiction.

I ran the Riviera Circuit for the first time (part of the French Challenge) and I understand what everybody is raving about. It was the first time I had been on that track and with no practice I decided to keep the racing line on but it really flows very nicely. And the high speed section--wow--it must be quite tricky in the faster cars--sort of like the entry into the Homestead infield. (I ran the Challenge in the 250 GTO).

I ran the 2nd Challenge series (France). And let's just say, my opinion of Paul Ricard hasn't changed. It's somewhere between here: :yuck: and here: :crazy:

Edit: Oops, forgot to add that I also unlocked the 360 Modena as well. Just like with the 355 Berlinetta, I think this car is much more realistic in terms of handling and vehicle dynamics compared to how the car reacts and handles in FC. It seems to handle lower speed transitions better and it simply feels that there's more happening in the suspension and it's easier to stay on top of it. There isn't a huge change. It's subltle. But I urge those of you with both games to do a back to back comparison and see for yourself.
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I ran the Riviera Circuit for the first time (part of the French Challenge) and I understand what everybody is raving about. It was the first time I had been on that track and with no practice I decided to keep the racing line on but it really flows very nicely. And the high speed section--wow--it must be quite tricky in the faster cars--sort of like the entry into the Homestead infield. (I ran the Challenge in the 250 GTO).

I ran the 2nd Challenge series (France). And let's just say, my opinion of Paul Ricard hasn't changed. It's somewhere between here: :yuck: and here: :crazy:

Haha it's funny, in the OPM review the Riviera circuit was described as "muddy and lo-res, like a PS2 game" whereas the opening turns of Paul Ricard "feel close to perfect". However, just listening to you, I value your opinion far more than this guy. I gave the demo another go last night when I was in bed, this time just using my bog standard sixaxis and I had a few good races, and quite enjoyed it 👍

It's funny, I initially was quite underwhelmed with the handling in GT5P, then I switched to controller, enjoyed it, and then when I switched back to my G25 it started to make more sense, strange I know, but I suspect the same might happen again if I give SCC another go tonight only this time with the wheel.

Also, i've been playing nothing much else other than F1 CE recently and clearly had been spoilt with copious amounts of grip, so much so that it was hard to wean myself off of the idea of only driving cars that go extremely fast around a track like they're on rails. SCC was certainly a shock to the system at first. Also, with most people seemingly in agreement that there is a genuine improvement in the handling with the final product, I think i'd be daft not to buy this as i'm not much interested in NFS Shift or Dirt 2. Maybe this and F1 CE can just about keep me ticking over till GT5 comes out, which in turn will keep me ticking over till F1 2010 comes out, which will undoubtedly be a massive disappointment as it's being developed by Codemasters 👎
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Haha it's funny, in the OPM review the Riviera circuit was described as "muddy and lo-res, like a PS2 game" whereas the opening turns of Paul Ricard "feel close to perfect". However, just listening to you, I value your opinion far more than this guy. I gave the demo another go last night when I was in bed, this time just using my bog standard sixaxis and I had a few good races, and quite enjoyed it 👍

Well, I should clarify, my comments about Riviera and Paul Ricard were based entirely on the layout of the circuit and what they're like to drive and not the visuals. Parts of Riviera are clearly based on Monaco. But it now becomes much more interesting as it combine's Monaco's tight hairpins with a challenging and interesting high speed section. This track has low, medium and high speed corners, tight braking, off camber corners, up hill, downhill, just about everything. And it's wide enough that there are good passing areas. I prefer racing 'real world' tracks but as a fictious circuit, ti's just brilliant.

Paul Ricard, it's just a personal thing. I've never had a good flow around Silverstone. I always feel I'm taking the wrong line through every corner. And I'm not that quick there. But as a circuit I like it. And I just didn't find Autoclub Speedway to be particularly interesting. And I've always had difficulty stringing an entire lap together at Infineon without any mistakes at some point. But driving around Paul Ricard is like sticking a needle in my eye. It's almost painful. I just hate it. That's harsh, but yes, I literally hate it. I can't tell you how many times in FC I was sitting in a lobby waiting for a race from Spa or Mont Tremblant to finish and then the host ends up switching to Paul Ricard. :ouch::lol:
Ok I just played it again with the wheel and I was able to have some fun with the DB9, experimenting with different levels of driver aids.

However....I simply cannot get over how atrociously bad the McLaren F1 handles. I recognise your point about supercars being understeery if you put on road tyres, but this isn't so much understeer as the developers programming the car to not turn at all once you go past a certain speed, a very low speed I might add. Just to get up Eau Rouge I had to slow to 40 mph - that's honestly not an exageration. Not only that, but the brakes are rubbish. It handles like an oil tanker, just that it goes much faster in a straight line. Yet weirdly, I found it handled reasonably ok going through Pouhon, the understeer suddenly ceased, and then it hits you in the face again in time for the Fagnes chicane. In the OPM review he mentioned that the game consists of crashing from corner to corner in a series of straight lines, I can honestly relate to this in the case of the McLaren F1. It's not understeer, it's no-steer.

You say the handling in game is much better, but how exactly do you reconcile this? For a start, a McLaren F1 should easily be faster than a DB9 round Spa, but it is virtually impossible to get it to turn the corners, so you end up going round about a minute slower, again not an exageration.

Sorry, I realise that you're not working for System 3 and you're just giving your thoughts on a game that you enjoy. I just find it mind boggling how poor this car is, and yet you didn't mention it in your negative points about the game. I'm assuming you simply forgot to mention it as opposed to finding it tolerable (!!!), or is it genuinely the case that the car handles that much better in the final version? I was on the verge of buying this, but after that i'm feeling really negative about the game again :nervous:

EDIT: Of course, I forgot, you probably haven't unlocked the Macca yet. Sorry for the long winded rant, but you must be able to understand my frustration. It'll be interesting to see how it stacks up against the beta version once you unlock it.
Hi Shaggy,

You're correct. I don't have the McLaren and it isn't one of the cars in your stable with the final release version of Supercar Challenge. I don't remember if it has to be unlocked but it does need to be purchased through in-game credit and it's not one of the cheapest cars. So in that sense it hasn't really been a priority for me and I have not been able to make a proper comparison if it's really different now in the final release or if it's simply a matter of revised FFB mapping. That said, I haven't driven the DB9R more than a few laps to compare it with the Beta and I really should. :embarrassed: But I've just been more concerned with how the cars from Ferrari Challenge stacked up. There are a lot of Ferrari Challenge regulars here who are sitting on the fence if SCC is worth a buy. And my priority has been trying to give them an enthusiastic, but honest comparison.

I'm not really a big fan of the way the McLaren F1 handles and performs (in the Beta). But as with Ferrari Challenge, you'll find different cars handle and react in different ways and we'll gravitate toward certain cars over others. I've never driven a McLaren in real life and I doubt I ever will. I do know that Eutechnyx claims they actually gave that car higher corner limits than the real life version just to make it 'driveable'. Early in the Beta people complained bitterly that it was simply impossible to drive. So if we believe Eutecnhyx, the car you're driving it the Beta is capable of pulling higher lateral G-loads than the real car could manage. But there's more to it than simple numbers. And perhaps System 3 simply got it wrong and the car in the game just 'feels' wrong. This is the way I felt about the 550M/575M in Ferrari Challenge. But the McLaren is so powerful and builds speed so quickly that I suspect you're just simply driving much faster than you realize. But keep something in mind. The car was designed 15 years ago. And it was designed to be a very fast, very capable...road car. Granted there were racing versions. But the car in the game is designed to handle and mirror the performance characteristics of the actual road car with mid 90s era road tires.

Much of this is purely subjective. But you did make one statement:

For a start, a McLaren F1 should easily be faster than a DB9 round Spa...

And I can tell you without any doubt, this is false. The DB9R in the game is modeled around the Le Mans winning GT1 Aston Martin. It may look like a street going DB9 but it isn't. It's a pure bread racing car with racing slicks. Just like in the game, a real DB9R would absolutely trounce a road going McLaren F1 around Spa. Not even close. For that matter, a DB9R would also also handily blow by the Veyron. Maybe not in a straight line but the braking performance and corner abilities are on another level completely. Don't fool yourself into thinking that because the McLaren has >600hp that it can run neck and neck with the DB9R. Over a lap, it wouldn't even be close.

BTW, I posted this before, but here's a good example:

I'm sure Eddie thought the Enzo shouldn't understeer like that too. ;)
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