
  • Thread starter husa
Okay heres a question for anyone that knows, if i wanted to take a car from one mod, and mke it usable in another mod, how would I go about that? As an example say I want to include the McLaren F1's from the McLaren F1 mod in the FIA GT mod, what would I need to do? I've had a look at the rFm files and I've copied the McLaren F1's into the C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\FIA GT Championship\GT folder which is the specified directory. But from there onwards, I'm at a loss. There's three mod files in the rFm folder, there's a BIK file, an RFM file and the TGA file which I won't need to alter. I can read the RFM file in notebook, but I can't read the BIK file, so I'm guessing it has something to do with that. Anu help would be appreciated 👍.
Go into the Mclaren F1 folders and look at what their short thing is (probs MCF1 or something) and in the RFM folder open the RFM file that you need and put MCF1 into the car classes.

Thats probably a bit vague, i havnt reinstalled rfactor since my reinstallation sdo dont have anything to hand for you but once ive installed it in about 10 minutes il be more specific.
Just installed it. The classes line in the Mclaren F1's .veh file needs to match the vehicle filter in the FIA GT rFm file. I will use Open wheel challenge as an example:

In the OWChallenge06.rfm file, Formula IS section, it has vehicle filter = FormulaIS, in the individual team folders for Formula IS there are 2 .veh files, each has the line "Classes" in the Formula IS case it has Classes = FormulaIS thus matching the vehicle filter line in the rFm. Change the Classes line in the Mclaren F1 .veh files so ti matches the FIA GT vehicle filter line in the rFm file. That should work.
For some reason I just can't get it to work, I'm doing exactley what youre describing there. I've tried and tried with the McLaren F1 but I just can't get it into the FIA GT mod.
I wanted to see the 24-hour cycle go to work. So what I did was set up a makeshift 24-hour race at Orchard Lake's road course. I chose this track to have my own little Rolex24 at Daytona action. While this fictional track is in New England and not the American southeast, it was the only "roval" available upon purchase and unlocking of rFactor. What I did was set up a 24-minute race and set the time scale to x60. This makes one hour pass in one minute. So it's a more accessible feature for gamers who have the time to burn. I probably could have set the time to 48 minutes and set time scaling to x30. That would mean that hours would pass every two minutes. But when I did the Hammer endurance I set up, let me get the first thing out of the way- I didn't win. Out of 20 cars, I was lapped twice (first-time ever lapped in this game. Also the first time since Gran Turismo 4's GTWC at Hong Kong in which I finished lapped). The 24 Hour experience was amazing. Remember I told you all that nighttime seems to go pretty slow on my PC? Well, I noticed that the time between 7PM to about maybe 5:30AM is the time in which the game slows from the darkness. I kind of wanted to challenge myself by making the sky more like what most nights look like. Being a city boy, the skies are pitch black up top at night, then the sky is kind of a dark shade of purple/violet. I think the skies are about your only salvation in trying to see from far away. The game does a great job of exhibiting the harsh reality of racing at night. The nighttime textures look very dark. Maybe darker than when you do the Spa-Francorchamps endurance race in GTR in the night stages. I'm still amazed at how realistic the track lighting is when it's a night race. You see the lights flicker on around the track. It is an amazing effect. The lights don't just all of a sudden turn on. Instead, the lights flicker on and instantly light up the corners and wherever else light up. The racing atmosphere could have been like Le Mans or the Nürburgring Nordschleife in that you see fireworks or something go off in the sky at night. The next best thing is when you do night racing at the Leinz tracks. You begin to notice searchlights (or spotlights?) light up. I really love rFactor's display of lighting in this game as well as the time simulation. Only "Enthusia Professional Racing" has better lighting effects. In fact, I'd say that Enthusia has the best-ever lighting if there was a kind of lighting and time simulation as rFactor provides.

Now let me tell you how far I've gotten as of late. I cleared the ZR and ZR-Z races. I now have a Team Red 2005 Rhez to compete in the Rhez Amateur Derby. This machine is very peppy. I try to modify it as best as possible while staying within GT3 regulations. It probably has too much body roll for a hatchback. I still want to have the best chance of winning with the best of my abilities. I also have an ISI Works Ronin Hammer to compete in the Hammer class of racing. I think there's no limitation to how much a Hammer is modified. I think there are no American fictional makes in rFactor. Almost all companies of rFmotors are European. But the Hammer has American muscle car capabilities. I say that the car is a cross of a recent Mustang and an RX-8. I'd hate to imagine if the Ronin Hammer was a real car by sitting in the back seats. It wouldn't seem too comfortable in the back seat. The ultimate modifications for this thing make it more like my kind of American race car- a Trans-Am race car. That would be my dream Hammer for the series.

Should be fun.
More rFactor talk now. I'm trying to clear the Hammer Mixed Series with my maxed-out Hammer. This car looks like a Trans-Am race car when fully tuned. Only this Trans-Am has functional headlights. It produces a sugar-sweet engine roar. A roar American car fans will love. I sold my Team Red Rhez Vayline so I had more money to work with for the Hammer.

I tried out that class of racing with all the available cars in the game ranging from superminis to formula race cars. You had to have certain amounts of experience in order to race the Howston H6 cars. These machines already look like pure GT race cars. They are even more so when tuned fully. Maybe it's just the Sports Car GT in me, but I do sort of wished the ultimate race cars in the game would be more like the pure GT1 machines of the 1995-1999 era. Remember machines like the 1998 Porsche 911-GT1 and the Panoz Esperante GT1? I'm still not taking ANYTHING away from the H6 when fully equipped. It is a rocketship with a nice roar. It's almost everything you'd expect to see in a highly-capable, race-tuned, European GT race car. My ultimate test with this car is when I took it for a one-off run around the Long GP course at Leinz.

I considered Road Atlanta as my test track in SCGT. In rFactor, my Test Track is Orchard Lake Speedway's road course. I considered it a great test course because of the tricky corners and for the high-speed oval. The combination of cornering ability and high-speed prowess makes this my test track for both cornering and high speed. Something I don't really like about Leinz is that if you overshoot a corner, it can be very tough trying to get back on track. A few times, I overshot a corner and fell off the road and into the infield. I've been unable to find a way to get back on the road. What I would have liked was an (dare I say) SCGT system in which you could reset the car after a crash and back on the racing line.

I do think that if we can sort of get a modding community going, we might have an rFactor forum on here. The game is that good and addictive. Believe it or not, I've been playing this game more than I've been playing GTR. Never touched "Live for Speed" recently since getting rFactor. So check this thing out if it's on the stands waiting to be bought.
Just wanna share with you a picture. I'm the yellow car waiting for online practise to end, so thought I would burnout. Tires went a long time ago and those glowing rear brakes..... 3000 degrees celcius. lol


I think the guy in the black car was amazed at my uberskills and spun out. lol
Well, I bought rFactor and downloaded a few mods. My first impression after a few days? To be honest: "Meh, I've spent $40 on worse things."

Historic Rally Championship and Caterham Cup are fun, and being able to play what is basically Starforce-free GTR2 makes me laugh...but the limitations and niggles of the F1-2002-sourced engine still bug me, namely the somewhat-labyrinth-like menu system and inability to steer more than what seems like a few degrees in either direction.

I know the object of the game, especially in such a racing-focused game like this (compared to more "open-ended" sims like Live for Speed where drifting is popular), is to never find yourself in an oversteer situation to begin with, but the ability to countersteer out of it would be nice, albeit less realistic. I'm sure it doesn't help that rFactor doesn't communicate to me nearly as well as LFS does and lags my steering input a bit no matter how low I turn the graphics settings...

Don't get me wrong -- I'm glad I bought rFactor, and the sheer awesomeness of the Touring Car Legends mod will no doubt overshadow any faults when it comes out...I just kinda wished rFactor would have exceeded my expectations, with its ISI engine and all...but it didn't.
rtracker.org is host to a wealth of mods including the one your after. It's a bottorrent download site and you need to register but it's worth it.
Before my 24th birthday, I had my first "real" race in rFactor. I set up a 24-lap race at Mills Grand Prix - Normal. I enabled pit stops and set up a race against Howstons and Hammers. I didn't set up my car to have as few fuel stops as possible. Out of 20 cars, I finished 8th. I also wanted it to be a daytime race, but I set the time factor too far as it became a late evening race at the end.

Now for some things I'm planning. I'll be looking for certain opportunities to enjoy painting up blank cars. I loved this for SCGT. Now I'm going to try my best in rFactor. Too bad I don't have any remaining pictures of SCGT cars I painted up. I was planning on making my own Howston bearing two shades of blue (navy blue and royal blue) and gold accents. * I am even thinking about making my own custom helmet. I do kind of imagine that I could make my own special racing outfit. But for team cars, there's seperate racing outfits. I couldn't really find a helmet I liked for my driver. So I may just come up with a custom. You know, much like how Tiff Needell has his own helmet from motorsports events I've seen him compete in. Such events include that Fifth Gear episode when him and Vicki Butler-Henderson raced in this Radical endurance at Brands Hatch, and even the Goodwood Revival one time. * I am even looking at updating my personal web site with advice and info on the default tracks in rFactor.

Now for some random stuff on rFactor.

* The thing I applaud about rFactor is that it has the customization element. I think the more you make things in a game YOUR game, the more enjoyable it can be. The game still has to be good on its own. Customization is why games like Forza Motorsport are great to play with. FM2 is supposed to be much more in depth, so I'm sure Forza 2 will be another classic unless they completely tank the concept. I always make the correleation between rFactor and SCGT because the two seem so much alike. I've seen rFactor as an evolution of SCGT. Both games are great.

* Just that there are certain elements that make rFactor overshadow SCGT. I think Image Space should continue pumping out great content like this. Maybe they should look at a model that makes for snow and rain. I like the projected headlights a lot. Cars in the dark had some simple light designs. The design in rFactor has a bit more realistic feel. I sometimes just feel like someone should just make blinding lights like in "Le Mans 24 Hours" for darkness.

* Too bad my 3D accelerator doesn't work too well with DirectX 8 or 9.

* But if there was something I missed from SCGT compared to rFactor, it would be the ability to keep confirm leaving the race by pressing Escape and pressing Enter to end the race. Basically, you're quitting the race when you press Esc in rFactor. Maybe it's just me, but I can't seem to win any races with the Formula 1 cars. I don't know if it holds the usual b:censored:ing about no passing in Formula One or not. I have the Preseason package for my *free* rFactor Formula car when all cars and tracks are enabled. Just can't seem to win a race with those cars. Formula 3 is a different case. I once attempted to race Formula 3 cars around the longer Lienz courses. I love those Formula 3 cars. There is just something about Formula 3 that seems to be great fun to all who race them. I loved them in "ToCA Race Driver 3." The modifications you can fit on them in rFactor are sort of strange for me. Is there any real difference with where the intake is placed? The intake is usually on the left side, but is there any difference to them being on the right side?

Thanks for reading.
Cool looking Lambo Gallardo mod been released, liveries look borrowed from other racing cars like the Silk Cut Jag and Castrol Rally Toyota, but its looking good.
If you guys are looking for a good place to run races with I would suggest www.rf-racer.com;

And iDT is a very good mod team...They are coming out with a grand-am game and a Champ car game this year
Mr. r8man, you need to remove the semicolon. The site you were trying to type up is:


I'm trying to look for a mod featuring Le Mans prototypes and maybe some GTP cars as well. I guess something to tidy me over until the Radical sportscar mod is complete. Any suggestions? Any sort of mods that have something like open-top prototypes in the mold of LMPs and such?
Nothing that is out now that I'm aware of, there are some awsome looking LMP and group C type mods in developmet, including an ALMS mod with the two prototype classes as well as the GT classes. But as I said, nothing so far that I'm aware of. These two mods are closed top prototype class cars.
http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=ProtoRacer Proton
http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=ProtoRacer Demon
A fun mod to tide you over if you don't already have it would be the Caterham mod.
And just in case you or anyone else is interested but moving away from sportscars is the American Muscle mod.
http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=American Muscle
It's not finished yet though.
Thank you, live4speed. You're a reliable bloke (if my British is up to par). I would really like to download that Radical mod for rFactor. If not that, then maybe look for something similar to the Sports Racer classes in the SCCA, the fun-to-drive Global GT Lights, or the VERY cool Palmer Jaguar JP1 prototypes. But I'll take the advice you've given out.
I'm trying to look for a mod featuring Le Mans prototypes and maybe some GTP cars as well. I guess something to tidy me over until the Radical sportscar mod is complete. Any suggestions? Any sort of mods that have something like open-top prototypes in the mold of LMPs and such?

Check this out, if you haven't seen already:


(Group C and IMSA GTP from the late 80s and early 90s).

Mind you, it's just a WIP. Don't ask me (or anybody else for that matter) when will they release it :)
Drifting in rFactor? Boy. Take any racing game and someone will try to make it a drift heaven. I'm not hating on it. Just a strange occurance. This mod-happy game will likely need to be properly tuned so that a proper drift system could be implemented. I'm thinking of a system in which one car leads while the other tries to follow. I would be interested as to how this all gets implemented. From that same link, there's a link to a YouTube video showcasing a couple of R34 Skylines getting sideways. This should be VERY interesting.

I've been seeing a few other YouTube videos when I have free time at school with rFactor. Some of these videos are in better quality than what I normally see on my computer monitor. DirectX 8 and 9 don't look all that great on my PC. In fact, just looking at the rotating car slows things down. Keep in mind that I have an SiS 760 as my 3D accelerator. It obviously isn't the best of the bunch (thank you for stating the obvious). I usually do wish I had the same hardware as most other people with tricked-out PCs. I use a Sidewinder game pad for steering and such. So the wheel in in-car views rotates very fast in that direction. The game still runs and feels very great. Speaking of great, check out this work-in-progress courtesy of rfactorcentral.com: < http://rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=ProtoGP > and its parent thread < http://forum.rscnet.org/showthread.php?t=234782 >. Looks very exciting and a potential answer to the ProtoRacer Championship. Speaking of the ProtoRacer Championship, the design of those cars are more like Daytona Prototypes (like the ones we will see this weekend at the Rolex24). Sure like to see how the final build shapes up.

Now let's talk about modifying.

* I've been toying around with a pack of custom skies for rFactor from rfactorcentral.com. I've been looking for the sky combination that I could best work with. I especially wanted to change the morning skies to something better. I usually love clear and beautiful skies. I also kind of work with a mostly clear sky with some starry touches. Why? It's because I love nighttime and stars. So I've tried to find a happy medium between real skies and a "forever nighttime" approach.

* I'm also thinking about changing up the racing outfits from the orange-like "Half-Life" suits to something better. I haven't thought of or created something better as racing outfits. My usual favorite colors for outfits would be blue, black, or even red. I'm also still working on my own personal helmet to use for races. My usual scheme is two shades of blue, then gold accents. It's semi-inspired by Subaru's colors like when Colin McRae was putting Subaru on the World Rally map back in the good old days. Then too, Subaru has nighttime influence since their logo represents the Stars of Plieades, a cluster of beautiful and bright stars.

* I even want to try to create my own team cars for racing events. I'd love to be able to make solid styling jobs to represent different teams. When I tried to modify a car's skin, everything came up white. So I'll have to find another way to paint up cars and have everything visible.

My Brazilian GTPlanet friend, Johnny would love this. There is someone making a mod featuring Brazilian Stock Car action. Have a look: < http://rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Stock Car Brazil >. I'm thinking about getting my Aussie on and racing the V8Factor deal. This package is the Australian V8 Supercar package featuring the hotly-contested Holden vs. Ford Australia with some of the world's wildest race cars. You could be your own Mark Skaife. You can be your own Craig Lowndes. You can pay tribute to the late, great Peter Brock. So I may think about downloading that and getting Bathurst to go with it. Then, I could use Bathurst and make my own 24-hour race on this punishing mecca of Australian racing. And shoot... I need more international locales. Racing in just America, Canada, and Europe gets a little old sometimes. The best way to extend a game's replay value is to get stuff for it. Good stuff, too. So I'll be branching out in modifying and downloading. And again, it would be pretty cool if we could get an rFactor forum going so we can probably discuss more mods and stuff. But... carry on.
If your ever curious as to how good or bad a mod is before downloading it don't hesitate to send me a PM, the chances are if it's not an open wheeler I've got it, or had it at some point and could let you know if it's worth having.
If your ever curious as to how good or bad a mod is before downloading it don't hesitate to send me a PM, the chances are if it's not an open wheeler I've got it, or had it at some point and could let you know if it's worth having.

these two please....

ORR Trucks
The Caterham mod is great imo, it's very fun and addictive, the cars are great to drive. Remember that they slow down a lot when they get over 100mph though, they arn't top speed machines. I whole heartedly reccoment this mod to everyone. Oh and the R500 is fantastic round the Ring.

The ORR trucks mod is one I've not really got into that much, they arn't realistic, they can lap a road track in a similar time to the Porsche Cup cars, they also seemto float in the air a bit too long. Some people have been having a blast with them, but they don't quite capture me. If your not fussed about them not being as realistic as they could be try it.
More rFactor talk for you all. I recently had the chance to download Jiading and Brianza to my computer. Now in case these tracks seem foreign to you, let me give you more recognizable names for these two (respective) tracks- Shanghai Circuit, and Monza. Let me give you my write-up on these two tracks.

--- Jiading ---
The inclusion of this track gives my rFactor collection a new continent to race on- Asia. I know and love Japan best, but this Chinese circuit is actually quite formidable. I'm used to the Grand Prix configuration. So my learning curve for the shorter courses was pretty high. What was Herman Tilke thinking with this track? Proper handling and good suspension tuning are absolute MUSTS for this track. The first section in all configurations is a sweeping right turn whose radius decreases gradually as you enter the turn. Then after this section is negotiated, you have to quickly go left. This track is certainly much different from most of the other Grand Prix courses. This track rewards attentiveness with keeping the car on the road as much as possible. It is a very tricky race track. Most tracks have one section that really matters towards better lap times. This track has about three. The first crucial section is after the sweeping Turn 1, the second is the acute-angled turn leading onto the long backstretch, and the third crucial section (most of all) is the needle-like hairpin at the end of the backstretch. You really need to concentrate here.

--- Brianza ---
Monza is one of my favorite circuits in the world. Again, different configurations are foreign to me. Let me tell you a GTR story. While I was busy trying to keep most GTR cars on the road, I raced Monza. When I went seriously off-course, I noticed some little oval section. I would be introduced to that section with this add-on track. I even raced some Stock Cars around the historic oval. An oval like this would be a nightmare in today's racing realm. You have that rinky-dink fence reminiscent of 1950s or 1960s racing. The oval surface itself kind of seems likea quarter of a pipe. Like, think of a half pipe that extreme sports folks normally use to execute stunts like spins and grabs. Now imagine one part of the half pipe being there, while the other side is not there. That's kind of like what the length of the oval is like. It's just like a quarter of a cylinder. The different configurations are all pretty interesting. Racing the Historic B circuit kind of serves a purpose as to why today's Monza doesn't feature the oval as part of the course. In fast cars and after getting onto the oval, you come in with so much speed. The slow chicane of the Grand Prix course is not there. So you'll be doing a hellishly fast amount of speed. I'm talking 180 mph at least heading into a moderate-speed Turn 1. Can you believe it? You'll be going so fast that you can easily overshoot the corner and stuff your car into the tire wall. But it's fun! ^_^ The full course utilizes both the oval and the current Grand Prix course. Think about starting out on a section of the oval course while winding your way into the Grand Prix course (minus the chicane of today's course). Then when I did the Grand Prix course of today, I used the BMW Sauber. I will admit something- I'm almost completely terrible with F1 cars. They are extremely quick and capable. Maybe it's why I am terrible with the Formula IS cars. I need to really practice using these machines. Other than that, I love using Formula 3 machines. But all six courses are great for any and every level.

This is great of Image Space to still keep providing tracks and resources for this game. To me, I make the comparison that this game is the evolution of Sports Car GT. SCGT was a great game for modders. Even in my days on that crap-ass Speedsims message board I was on during the SCGT days, it was still a great game to modify. I enjoyed catching a glimpse of project cars for that game. It was even great getting news of newer tracks to the game. rFactor simply makes the modifying aspect better. A car can be greatly successful for tuner fans if it has potential that tuners can modify to greatness. Same goes for mods in rFactor. It's almost as if many mods are available while one can only just pick them like oranges on an orange tree. And once again... thanks to everyone for their support and recommendations to help me enjoy my rFactor experience even more than I have already. Love you guys.
Time for more rFactor.

--- ProtoRacer Championship ---
I recently downloaded the ProtoRacer Championship. But as I ran it on my computer, a few things made me want to delete this from my computer. Loading times were significantly greater. So I wasn't able to enjoy it longer. The cars are pretty fast as I could have competitive cars. The inclusion of these cars made for more of a sportscar-like feel since you have the class dominators in the series. It probably would have been better if ISI developed some LMP or GTP cars so that the Howstons wouldn't be the class dominators. It was a tough decision for me to drop racing the ProtoRacer cars, but I did.

--- Grand Valley Speedway in rFactor ---
I downloaded Grand Valley Speedway for rFactor. There was supposed to be some update to this track, but I didn't pick it up. I used to have a version of Grand Valley for SCGT. The rFactor job on this track closely resembles the Gran Turismo 1 and 2 versions of this track. I even played GT1 just to see how much the rFactor course looks compared to this one. The rFactor package of Grand Valley has the full course and East sections in normal and reverse. A lot of the course is reminiscent of GT1 and GT2's versions of Grand Valley. I criticized to PD that the GT3 version wasn't all that lovely. The buildings in the background weren't there in GT3 (though some say that those buildings seem out of place for a track like this). The GT4 version of Grand Valley is perhaps the best version that I've played. It was a throwback to the old school that just looks beautiful. You have more water, the background view of a village heading ino the southwestern end of the course... my only complaint was that more fans could have filled the stands of the GT4 version. There were some higher walls in the rFactor remake of this course in the southwestern section, though. Other than that, not a bad course. It is also great that rFactor has time cycles to it. So you could comfortably have your own 24 Hours of Grand Valley, even with more cars on track. Speaking of Gran Turismo and rFactor, take a look at this JSC project: < http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=JSC >. Think Japanese Sports Cars for this thing. It's essentially a chance to further a Gran Turismo-type atmosphere in rFactor. Thing is, you could have these cars with damage. So put these cars on the Grand Valley course developed for rFactor. Sounds like great fun.

--- Le Mans ---
I picked up Le Mans online for rFactor. The course doesn't look too spectacular, but does seem to be very faithful to the mid-June classic. I know there's an FIA GT mod for it, but I still think it would be great to have as many cars as possible to this thing. Maybe ISI would allow for class racing so that being first in your class gets you as much of a win as it is with winning overall. The course was pretty fun. GT4 recreated the bumpy roads when coming out of Tetre(?) Rouge onto the Hunadieres. It's pretty flat in this rFactor conversion from NASCAR 200?. But it still remains a great track to race on.

I'll be looking to add Bathurst for rFactor. But while I was looking around online, I found this YouTube video link: < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXKvIKVvP1Y&search=Bathurst >. It's supposed to be a comparison between the (then) latest Holden Commodore, Peter Brock's wicked Holden Torana from the good old days (1979?), and Mark Skaife's recent Holden Commodore V8 Supercar. This sounds like One-Lap Magic! One-Lap Magic! around an unforgiving Australian race course. Check out this older video. Of course, this was when we still had the great Peter Brock. But still check this out.
Back again. Ready for some more reading?

--- Track Update ---
I've downloaded something I'd call the endurance racing package. Last night when my classes were done, I downloaded these tracks:

Daytona - Road Course
Road Atlanta - Full
Sebring International Raceway

Away from endurance tracks, I picked up Barber Motorsports Park. It probably would have been more realistic to get the Daytona course before the Rolex24 began. I basically had the AI driver show me the way around the tracks. Road Atlanta and Sebring are the only two tracks I've raced on before in games. I did Road Atlanta in "Sports Car GT," "Forza Motorsport," and even "Le Mans 24 Hours." The package I downloaded said that there were some cone problems. I guess it mostly involves some of the internals for the tracks in the game. * Sebring looks very nice. This is a mostly flat track that's punishing to all who race it. And perhaps as far as I'm concerned, a joy to put serious car counts on, especially with FIA GT (they used to race there) or your own ALMS experience. Perhaps a nice track to race on with the Champ Cars even though Sebring is Champ Car's test track. * Now away from the ALMS and on to Grand-Am's Daytona course. Remember that I haven't physically raced this downloaded track yet. So all I did was let the AI driver do all the work. The high banks and tough corners are all there. I can proudly tell you that the experience is sensational. There is a bit of concern since there are two speedway courses in rFactor. Jacksonville Superspeedway seems more like Daytona. But if you look at Jacksonville Speedway in rFactor, there's no infield road course. Kind of weird for a track to be more like Daytona, but not have a road course configuration. * Barber Motorsports Park has three configurations to them. When my AI driver did the Sprint course in my maxed-out Howston, laps went by extremely fast. The club course is essentially the northern course. The full course is punishing and technical. Most of you know that I love Barber Motorsports Park.

But again, I haven't physically raced any of the tracks for myself at the time of this post. One last thing... Essington Park looks like it could have about two different configurations. Trouble is, you can't race the shorter configurations. I wished ISI would allow these two extra configurations. They made the track.

--- Formula 3 ---
I was looking around on rfactorcentral.com and noted a Formula 3 Euro championship. Maybe I was thinking about some races in the past. Compare the body styles of these Formula 3 body styles:

http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=rF3 (ISI's rF3 Championship)
http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=F3Euro (lo^'s F3 Euro)

The air intakes look wider on the real F3 cars compared to the fictional F3 cars. Again, does it make much of a difference on whatever side the air intake is on Formula 3 cars?

--- Random ---
I may look into getting that FIA GT package. I'd have to drastically bring down detail so that I could get more than 20 cars to work on my track. One time, I did a race at Jacksonville Superspeedway with 42 other National Stock Car competitors. It was incredibly slow. The nice thing about rFactor is that you can actually adjust the FPS level to an automatic degree. I found this to be extremely helpful in night races. For some strange reason, the action just seems to slow down my computer when it's a night race. I think any period between 7:00 PM and 5:30 AM in the game is when the game seems to be real dark. I would love to be able to change up the engine so that there are more realistic times to use the lights. I usually think the lights would be on around 5:00 PM as things melt into nighttime. On the morning side, lights should be off around 7:00 AM and almost guaranteed off around 8:00 AM.

Thanks for reading.
Well i figured id give rFactor another go and it worked this time!:D

So im downloading the Gallardo challenge, see what its like as itlooks pretty good then i may give the ORR trucks a good kicking.

Btw, Great write ups John!
Indeed, Johns write ups are fantastic and always a good read.

One mod I keep going back to is the HRC mod, the cars in that mod are just so much fun they keep me coming back. I had a long race in the ETCC mod the other day as well, that mod comes highly reccomended by me and supports grids in excess of 40 cars without repeat cars turning up. Once theres a mid race save feature I plan on perhaps doing a proper real time 24hr race in thoes at the 24hr Nordschleife. It'll take me perhaps 2-3 weeks to complete but still.