Ride 4

  • Thread starter Jtheripper
Can you tell me about RIDE 2?
Right now RIDE 2 is pretty cheap on PSN. The only bike game i had played so far is MotoGP 19. Although is a great game, i'm not very good at it. :lol:
What can i expect from RIDE 2? It's more arcade than RIDE 3? Easy to play?
Well i don't have ride 2, but i have ride1 and 3, and 2 i think is pretty similar to 1. I haven't played them in a little while right now but 3 feels more real and lively, and natural especially in helmet view. The sport bikes are much harder i think in 3, easily unbalanced compared to 1 on throttle with wheelies etc.

But you do have aids in 3, i haven't tried them so i can't say how easier it feels.

For sure motogp19 is much harder, i love it hehe.
Ride3 has much better sounds and look and natural feel from the bike than 1 to me, and probably 2 is similar to 1. But for sure it's harder.
Edit: although i haven't gone so deep into ride 1, and into the higher modern performance bikes, but i have tried some in 3, so could be I'm misjudging or can't be sure. But 3 is more believable to me so you can expect more when and how you could lose control, even if the bikes are more lively and agile.
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From Steam page



Funny how the rider keeps starting put his foot down, then thinks better of it -- "oh 🤬, right, wrong bike." :lol: WIP indeed. :)

The physics appear about as forgiving as Ride 3. It might still not be the most hardcore motorcycle simulator around. That's not exactly a bad thing, because with the new details I was a bit concerned Milestone would bite off more than they can chew in aiming for authenticity.
Funny how the rider keeps starting put his foot down, then thinks better of it -- "oh 🤬, right, wrong bike." :lol: WIP indeed. :)

The physics appear about as forgiving as Ride 3. It might still not be the most hardcore motorcycle simulator around. That's not exactly a bad thing, because with the new details I was a bit concerned Milestone would bite off more than they can chew in aiming for authenticity.

Funny thing about Ride, you couldn't call it a sim, but I know more actual riders who play it than almost any other game in a given genre. And I think that might be some of the highest praise you can give a game. Has its flaws to be sure but it's just easy and approachable enough and still manages to give that sense of riding somehow. Ride 4 is the only upcoming game I will preorder.
I would. It's not the most realistic one I've tried, but it's well ahead of Tourist Trophy. Not that TT was a bad game -- weird and limited as it was anyway. :)

And welcome to GTPlanet. :gtpflag:

Thanks! And yeah, might not be the most realistic but it is the one that gives me the most sense of riding a bike (which is exactly why actual riders like it). So I guess you could say it's more "sim" than the "sims?" Whatever those are. I figure it can't really be said to be a simulator if a fall doesn't result in a virtual broken leg, a few grand in damages and some time off the machine.

TT was a great game, 14 years ago, considering what they had to work with at the time. Thinking about the effort I was willing to put into winning that stupid '03 TZ250 still gives me cold sweats.
Picked up Ride 3 Gold edition in the sale finally, sale finishes midnight Tuesday (tomorrow). Not sure when I'll get round to playing it though, backlog never ends :lol:

Not going to complain about the extra content from the season pass itself as there's lots of it 👍.

But... One thing that is a real irritation is having to go through the really time consuming rigmarole of downloading EVERY SINGLE DLC pack individually. It took around 30 minutes to get through the installation of 24 packs.

And then you have to deal with 24 emails from PSN afterwards :crazy:
RIDE 3 had the all time worst grind/locked content ever. I gave up on unlocking bikes I wanted to ride in that game. I only can hope RIDE 4 doesn't follow suit.

Yeah, that's what killed the game for me. Loved the bikes, the tracks etc., but the career structure was so disheartening, as it seemed near impossible to unlock a good proportion of the reward bikes.

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