Ride 4

  • Thread starter Jtheripper
One thing I find surprisingly realistic now when I can compare riding a real bike (althouth it is only a scooter, or underbone super cub) is that in the game, even more than in real life, if you don´t look far ahead when turning, you crash or mess up the turning big time, in real life, if you don't look ahead to where you are going, your turning is very ackward and doesn't flow naturally. So the same thing in the game, always look far ahead not in front of you on the cockpit or track just a few meters ahead. Also trail braking seems to work just like in real life, sudden, abrupt braking and you mess up the whole turning process, or can crash, both in the game and real life. I sometimes freak out in real life when suddenty in a blind corner there is traffic in the opposite direction and I hit the front brake too abruptly, which is a big no no. In the game, you often fall when doing this. Luyckily I haven't dropped my bike since I bought it two months ago, although made hundreds of small or bigger mistakes. Someone said there is too unrealistic understeer in Ride 3 and 4, so is it also in MotoGP latest series or did they make it realistic, as for understeering?
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The AI could need some work but in general it isn't too bad as long as you are patiënt. Running the AI around 50% for a couple of events and it works good. Not a lot faster than the AI on 20% but you'll get more XP.

I hate Cadwell Park with the bikes, just impossible to get smooth through the tight and winding s section and the AI is a pain here .

Bought myself a 90' Triumph Triple Speed. Such a sexy machine :bowdown:
Alright, so I fired it up and had a go, still picking my way through the NA license BS. First off, the game looks fantastic, really, really does, could do with FOV adjustment for the on-bike cams but it's liveable. It feels very much like a Ride game, as mentioned directly above you do have to look far ahead to plan your turns, just like in real life and the last three games, I find myself leaning into it a bit and occasionally catch myself sticking a knee out, so far so good. I turned motion blur off and have it on the setting for frame rate, whatever they call it, looks just fine in that setting to me (X1X, 30" gaming monitor).

Did the introduction at Tsukuba, did terribly until I figured out I could remap my controls to my normal layout, a rare luxury in introductory races, once I did that I aced it on the next lap. One other small mercy is in the stupid time trials, you have some access to tuning, etc, more on that in a minute. The license time trials- The track limits and constant restarting is idiotic. I'd actually go out and say, for the ones I've managed to do so far, the gold times are about right. They don't seem so out of reach for me as to be an unbelievable challenge were I interested in investing the time to get them. However, those silver and bronze times- a decent clean lap should get you bronze, and most players, especially in the introductory stage of a game, should be able to get silver with some effort and practice. It's taken a few laps of learning the bike and tracks and some tuning for me to get bronze, as someone not new to the series who's been riding IRL for 41 years. Getting someone slower or new to the series or bikes in general through these to even get to the career, that's ridiculous. I've read some comments here and there that we're a bunch of snowflakes complaining about it, guess what sunshine, if players can't even get to the career, alienating all but the very good to elite level, you aren't going to have players, and so much for your series.

Anyway, some tricks that may help people struggling a bit, although if I were you, I wouldn't listen to the idiot typing this:
Look well ahead, although I should think anyone here should already know that, but it's important enough to bear repeating
For the understeer- in the tuning menu, slam the front all the way down and jack the rear to the moon. A little bit of trail braking, even with a little gas on goes a long ways here as well. We can debate the relative physics of all this later.
Gear the bike down a click or two, but not too far.
Turn the ABS off completely, and the traction control is unnecessary with the small bikes. Turn it off as well.
In the menu options for smooth and aggressive braking and throttle, you really want aggressive. If you find it to be a little much when you get to the litre bikes, deal with it then, for a 300, aggressive all the way.

Anyway, too nice a day to be playing more, I think I hear my bikes calling.
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Great tips, @r_outsider !

The bikes have always benefited from the face-down, ass-up stance in all the RIDE games. Makes sense. Also, the higher the bike is overall, the marginally more ground clearance (lean angle) you can eke out of it. That means sacrificing some "rake"; if the bike turns in OK but suffers mid-corner, try raising the front a smidge.

Trail braking is super important and for this to work as expected you need to already be on the line you want to take. If you're trying to brake so as to "make" the turn, the chances are you'll plough straight on. This is realistic because you need to select your line first on a bike anyway. Eyes up, indeed. Work on tracing the perfect line first, then work on going fast.

Throttle and brake together makes sense as it keeps the rear jacked and the chassis stable, maintaining front-end grip at the apex. I really doubt I could get my head around even attempting this in real life, though, and it would take a bit of brain power to learn it in the game too!!
My review after playing the game for about half an hour out of the box.
People, this is a completely different game! How come nobody told us. Firstly, the graphics is like a different generation. Not a few more details, it is a different gen, sorry. Secondly, the controlling the bike is also like a different game. Much much more detailed. In Ride 3 the bikes seem to have about three ways to react to your inputs, extremely simplified as compared to Ride 4. In Ride 4 the bike is maybe too twitchy, but it definitely reacts to the most subtle inputs of your fingers. Compared to Ride 3, in Ride 4 I almost feel I actually ride a real bike, just not sure about the twitchiness of supersports, which are twitchier than my real scooter. My real scooter PCX 125 feels heavier than the supersports in the game. Another thing that I like very much about Ride 4 - when I tried the French Riviera course for the first time riding a 250 cc bike, I didn't crash once during the first three laps. In Ride 3 I would crash about twenty times during the first three laps. Not sure why it is so much closer to real life riding, where I suppose I could also manage riding a 250 cc somewhere for the first time without crashing into a wall. In Ride 3 when you have to squeeze in between walls and houses, it is very likely I will crash within a few minutes, here I had no problem to navigate through corners I had never seen before. Well done, Milestones. Now some complaints, the menus are almost as complicated and confusing as Gran Turismo Sport, including the tiny letters I cannot read from my sofa... must be a new trend, tiny letters, menus so confusing as the latest Microsoft software, just make sure the user has no idea what to click on. Ride 3 was like 100 years ago from that point of view, and I mean I prefer 100 years ago when it comes to menus being simple or complicated. I miss Ride 3 already in this respect. As for time trials, I could ride basically all bikes in Ride 3, whereas in Ride 4 I think I am limited to a couple of boring bikes from the offer that is limited anyway compared to Ride 3. So to sum up, mixed feelings, but basically it is a very different game to me, really am surprised nobody seems to agree with me.
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Want to comment on the “look up the track to fix understeer” thing. I don’t agree. The game has an issue on how it controls. As someone who rides a lot on the track my problem is that Milestone games don’t make sense when I try to ride like I would for real. The problem is you have to coast to much in the game to get the bikes to turn and hold a line. When I’m on track I don’t wait until after apex to get back on the throttle. As soon as I’m off the brakes I’m back on the throttle. You can’t do that in Milestones games. Secondly the braking is WAY OFF. When braking the brake don’t slow correctly and are WAY too reliant on engine braking. Again when I’m at the track I’m not dropping gears while I’m in the corner. I get all my shifting done before I release the brakes. Additionally I’ve got the clutch in. So this milestone thing about engine braking is better at stopping than brake braking is stupid and foreign to me. My Corning gear choice is about drive through and out of the corner. It is not something that controls if the bike holds the line. There are corners where I carry high revs because of the layout of the track. There are others were I’ll short shift and build speed throughout the corner. But neither situation has anything to do with the gearing determining if I can hold a line a not

Third and most importantly is the 1st person view pivot/contact point is based off the riders head and not the tires. So the bikes sway instead of lean. To pass the stupid track tests I have to switch 3rd person to get the bike to run the line that I want. Otherwise the 1st person view which is my preferred view is insanely hard because you have to compensate for the sway.

None of these have items have anything to do with looking up the track. Knowing how to ride in real life shouldn’t be a requirement for a bike game, but it shouldn’t be a negative for a game that tries to imply that it’s a realistic handling experience. The only way for to make any progress in Milestone games (SX/MX ones as well) is to try to turn off my natural instinct to do things I would do in real life. Because the game is wrong.

One thing I’m just simply shocked (well not really because it is Milestone) is that they haven’t come out with a Motorcycle controller. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated either and no offense especially not like that monkey bar thing that one guy has been working on forever( again motorcycles lean they don’t sway, so having a controller based off swaying is silly). To me the issue is the throttle. A simple controller with a twist throttle would go a long way. This isn’t a sales/funding pitch but I designed one , heck there was an old one from a long time ago that did the same thing. But it was a twist controller so you could modulate the acceleration better.

But none of that really matters when the AI is total crap. There is simply no point in “racing” with the AI. Because it’s not a question of challenge. It’s a simple matter of they do not acknowledge you are in the game. You watch them adjust to the other AI bikes but will not do the same for you and just ram you. It’s freakin 2020 and there is no excuse for that. Not one.

I can the game another shot today for a few hours and yeah it’s really not worth it. I can actually deal with the controls it’s just a matter of remember it’s a game. But the AI and stupid game design just kills the fun. If I want homework I don’t want to do I’ll go back to school. Having to grind through stupid tasks that are the same tasks that have been repeated over and over since the first Ride games with Bikes I have no desire to use. What is the point? None that I can think of. Just lame. Until they release a patch that opens the game up (which I know they won’t) I’m pretty much done with Ride 4. And my goal for 2021 and beyond is to never purchase another milestone game again
Reading some of the various and contrasting opinions, I'm starting to wonder if there's a difference between the XB1 and PS4 versions. Maybe the controllers? I do know the biggest problems any bike game faces, the lack of feeling, and trying to put the control, which we use our whole bodies for IRL, into a controller with little fidelity. The game design sucks either way, though.

@RZ05 - I ride on track as well, not likely as much as you, but have, as mentioned, been riding for many years. Looking up the track, you're absolutely correct, does not fix a poor handling bike. What it does do, and I know I'm not explaining it very well but I'll do my best, is get people planning on how the bike is going to fall into a corner and stand back up on the way out. I believe many (not you), and this is just a hunch based on how I've seen others in multiplayer and on Youtube and such, aren't accounting for it enough, taking a bad entry, and really hurting themselves because once you commit to a turn, making corrections is really tough, much tougher than actual fact and certainly much tougher than in a car. And a bike does not do side to side transitions anywhere near as quickly as say, a GT3 car would, requiring considerably more planning to get through, not a simple side to side flick of the wheel. If you watch multiplayer and videos, it's often the second or third curve catching people out. I'm over-simplifying and doing a terrible job articulating my thoughts, but generally people don't look up far enough anyway and we're trying to teach a bunch of car guys how to ride a slightly rubbish motorcycle.

Other things I think we can agree on:
The braking is pretty bad here. I found it much better once I switched to aggressive though. The bike is far too dependent on engine braking, IRL the back wheel is barely touching the ground if you're braking right, engine braking and rear brakes are fairly ineffective at slowing the machine down. It's worth noting that bikes, due to their very high COG and short wheelbase, don't brake as well as cars do, though.

The handling is a bit wrong as well. IRL, bikes turn on throttle. You can carry the brakes deep into a turn, but you pivot the bike on throttle and drive out. You never, ever, coast. In Ride, the bike doesn't turn on throttle, they turn on brakes or neutral throttle. You can get them to brake to apex, get it pointed where you want it, and drive out, when it runs wide, You can let off the gas a little and drag the brake a little to tighten things back up. This is a workaround, not a fix. A motorcycle has a lot of complex and competing forces acting on it and with it, considering the struggles even MotoGP teams have with chassis and suspension development, it's no wonder the game designers can't quite get it right.

As for controllers, there's always this for the PC guys: http://iasystems.tk/hs3-pro-he/
For us console guys, I guess the three of us who might buy one aren't enough of a market.
Just done almost all nationals, this opens up the game. There are events ....plenty .....:crazy:

Ride 4_20201010184955.jpg
Personally, I don't think a dedicated motorcycle controller would ever work with a video game unless it was a full-sized bike that could lean on hydraulics. You'll never properly work in counter-steering to get the bike to initially turn. It won't ever feel natural to do with a controller. IMO of course.

ON a separate note, they really need to patch time trials to let you do multiple laps until you hit a target time. I'm sure its done that way in Ride 3?
How much credits have you gotten? Did you have to buy many bikes?

I have about 300.000 credits and I've bought 2 bikes. Won 1.

When you've gathered enough points in your regional races, all other continents open up and also the international level. There are some real though nuts to crack. Pretty much overwelmed by the choices of events.

There are multiple events which provide a bike.
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Had another go this AM, had PLENTY of time on the ZX6-R in the VIR track test (glad they're making some adjustments to those because that was not enjoyable at all and a HUGE barrier to entry), and made it to career, purchased an RC390, a bike I'm fortunate enough to have access to (albeit a modified standard version, not an R, though). I take it back, the physics have improved from 3 (you still shouldn't have to run the suspension in full stinkbug mode to get around a turn, though). The braking is still wrong, though, all previous comments with regards to those still stand, although aggressive does make a noticeable difference (is it the brakes or suspension and chassis not pitching forward enough to load the front wheel and unload the back? Will have to play with this a while...). It's still more Forza (and Horizon at that) Motorcycles than Project Bikes, but that's not a terrible thing. The more I think about it, it may well the PS controller letting some down but I don't have access to a Playstation or a PC with both controllers so I can neither prove nor disprove this theory. The AI is really bad, don't think I've been taken out that many times in a single race, ever.

All in all, if they patch the AI and make the stupid tests a bit more forgiving, I'll be happy with it. It is just a video game after all, nothing will ever take the place of a real bike but it gives us something to do over the winter. So, don't overthink, and just enjoy it!
I agree with the weird swaying thing. But how about the fixed first person camera? I suppose that is just pure leaning, no swaying there. There is a few guys who do real riding on real tracks with real motorcycles, what is your opinion of the fixed first person camera? It is maybe a bit static, but at least nothing wrong with it, it is fixed to the bike, not the head. What camera do you guys real riders use and can you explain why you chose that camera?
I agree with the weird swaying thing. But how about the fixed first person camera? I suppose that is just pure leaning, no swaying there. There is a few guys who do real riding on real tracks with real motorcycles, what is your opinion of the fixed first person camera? It is maybe a bit static, but at least nothing wrong with it, it is fixed to the bike, not the head. What camera do you guys real riders use and can you explain why you chose that camera?

That's the only camera I use. In all games with helmet cams (Pcars, etc) I prefer the camera fixed and I'll do the looking on my own, thanks. Always as close to first person as possible but I do like to decide where my eyes go myself. I find the helmet motions universally unnatural. They can give me migraines.
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What is the difference between advanced and simplified physics? I know someone mentioned this before, but I cannot find it and see no difference when riding with these two modes. Also, where is traction control in PS4 version of the game, can I turn it on or off?
Regional league and world league all licence pass and gold


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Now that the bikes aren't locked up and you can buy any of them I don't care about career. But now there's an issue of the prices of the bikes and the low awards you get when you aren't in career.

I'm not sure if it would work but if first person camera would follow the bike instead of the head it might be easier. When trying it now it feels like the bike moves right when you turn left. Does it get easier with practice?

When does DLC start... so many bikes need to be put back in the game..
Have any patches been released for Xbox yet because I haven't received a single one?

We're probably a few days out. Microscrap has been slow on the approvals lately.

Just updated on ps4 here, now you won't get instantly disqualified for riding off the track.


The medals are still insanely difficult

Good to hear about the instantly DQ'd, was there any fix for the AI? Little tired of being run over already. As for the medals, keep hammering that facebook page.
We're probably a few days out. Microscrap has been slow on the approvals lately.

Good to hear about the instantly DQ'd, was there any fix for the AI? Little tired of being run over already. As for the medals, keep hammering that facebook page.

I hope the Xbox patch doesn't take as long as Project Cars 3 patch to come out that was nearly a month!!
Now that the bikes aren't locked up and you can buy any of them I don't care about career. But now there's an issue of the prices of the bikes and the low awards you get when you aren't in career.

I'm not sure if it would work but if first person camera would follow the bike instead of the head it might be easier. When trying it now it feels like the bike moves right when you turn left. Does it get easier with practice?

When does DLC start... so many bikes need to be put back in the game..

Did you notice one of the head cameras is fixed to the bike? No swaying. I wonder nobody seems to be happy about this "at last they got it" feature, it was absent in Ride 3 and in MotoGP until MotoGP 19.
Seriously, guys, please comment on this. I was playing Ride 3 for two years or so, I have played Okayama about 1 000 times, mostly on time trials, have been in the fastest ten in some leaderboards at Okayama. Today with Ride 4 I tried to race "very easy", the easist setting there is, at Okayama, in some 600 cc category. Could not keep up with AI. Seriously, what is wrong with the brains of Milestones? Like someone new to motorcycle games sets it to very easy and the AI goes vrooom, good-bye? Imagine you buy Fifa, your first football game, set it to very easy and you lose the first match 0 -12? So Milestones are playing some kind of let's piss the **** out of them game?
Seriously, guys, please comment on this. I was playing Ride 3 for two years or so, I have played Okayama about 1 000 times, mostly on time trials, have been in the fastest ten in some leaderboards at Okayama. Today with Ride 4 I tried to race "very easy", the easist setting there is, at Okayama, in some 600 cc category. Could not keep up with AI. Seriously, what is wrong with the brains of Milestones? Like someone new to motorcycle games sets it to very easy and the AI goes vrooom, good-bye? Imagine you buy Fifa, your first football game, set it to very easy and you lose the first match 0 -12? So Milestones are playing some kind of let's piss the **** out of them game?
Please post this comment on their Facebook page. Nowadays it's the only way to be heard. If enough people complain they will have to do something about it.
It's a shame actually because the game has so much potential.
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