RiMS Racing

  • Thread starter nobfung

What's with the guy in the mask !!?
He reminded me of that weird character from MGS ha ha.

I think this game is only going to appeal to a small audience and as such will probably be a one off, but I think it will be one hell of a game, it looks and sounds pretty special to me.

I'm not great at motorcycle games but I'm eager to see the finished result.
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I've been trying to keep an eye on this game, but despite the fact you can now buy it on Xbox (not sure of other consoles/pc) there is a disappointing lack of information out there. I've been looking on YouTube and there doesn't seem to be a single video released in the last few days of the final build, with reviews/previews from established creators that would normally have been sent preview builds.

Even Team VVV hasn't got any up to date information, which is made more bizarre by the fact that I'm sure it's Alan that has been doing voiceovers for their videos showcasing the bikes. Makes me extremely wary when a game launches without any reviews or recent information.
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I've been trying to keep an eye on this game, but despite the fact you can now buy it on Xbox (not sure of other consoles/pc) there is a disappointing lack of information out there. I've been looking on YouTube and there doesn't seem to be a single video released in the last few days of the final build, with reviews/previews from established creators that would normally have been sent preview builds.
Review copies are out now, but the embargo is Thursday morning.
Hmmm, so they encourage pre-ordering, then release the reviews after some people will have bought the game? I'm out for now in that case. Thanks for the info!
Well TeamVVV just put up a lot of content but not trying to be mean it's hard to take anything he says about a bike game seriously. When it comes to car games he's ultra critical of stuff but will give a pass to the same item in the bike games. I have no idea what he's going on about when he's talking about the different handling between games like TT, Ride, MotoGP. What he should say is they are WRONG. Whether you like it or not is subjective, that the physics of all of them are screwed up isn't. What good is all the options and depth if the actual gameplay sucks? Bikes lean they do not sway, yet here we are on the magical mystery swaying bike tour. If F1 2021 slid around like a WRC game everyone would crap a brick, but the swaying bike stuff is accepted? I'm not saying make some ultra hard sim. Just an accurate bike game. Riding a bike is easy. Riding one fast is pretty easy to. so I don't get why Devs think if you make an accurate game it has to be hard. The current games to me are harder than they need to be because they aren't accurate . And for someone like myself who rides a lot it's hard to adjust.

And yes that "innovative" feature looks more tedious than anything. At best that should be part of some tutorial but to have to go through all that crap just to change/upgrade a part? Nah I'll pass.

Then when you look at the footage, he always seems impressed by fluff when it comes to bike games. My laptop, ipad, iphone all must be broken because all the vids I've seen for this game look terrible. especially the framerate. My god the rider looks like a newbie leaning off the bike with only his upper body while keeping his butt in the middle of the seat. It is 2021 isn't it? This is the best we can hope for in a bike game? WTF?!?!?!? This thing looks dreadful and the gimmick of having to remove screws, really that's your big selling point? isn't anywhere near enough to make me interested in this thing. Too bad cause I'm really desperate for a good bike game that actual tries to be a bike game for bikers instead of a bike game for car people
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I'm giving this a miss for now I think. I do think they may have done a great job with the handling but the tracks seems a little uninspired and I am not convinced using Kylotonn's engine was the best idea in the world.

But the biggest put off for me is the lack of bikes. In most racing games I'm never a fan of the fastest cars or bikes. I like to use lower class ones and really push them as hard as I can. In the Ride series it's all about riding the bikes I have owned in the past. Just having screaming fast bikes isn't really what I'm interested in.
Well TeamVVV just put up a lot of content but not trying to be mean it's hard to take anything he says about a bike game seriously. When it comes to car games he's ultra critical of stuff but will give a pass to the same item in the bike games. I have no idea what he's going on about when he's talking about the different handling between games like TT, Ride, MotoGP. What he should say is they are WRONG. Whether you like it or not is subjective, that the physics of all of them are screwed up isn't. What good is all the options and depth if the actual gameplay sucks? Bikes lean they do not sway, yet here we are on the magical mystery swaying bike tour. If F1 2021 slid around like a WRC game everyone would crap a brick, but the swaying bike stuff is accepted? I'm not saying make some ultra hard sim. Just an accurate bike game. Riding a bike is easy. Riding one fast is pretty easy to. so I don't get why Devs think if you make an accurate game it has to be hard. The current games to me are harder than they need to be because they aren't accurate . And for someone like myself who rides a lot it's hard to adjust.

And yes that "innovative" feature looks more tedious than anything. At best that should be part of some tutorial but to have to go through all that crap just to change/upgrade a part? Nah I'll pass.

Then when you look at the footage, he always seems impressed by fluff when it comes to bike games. My laptop, ipad, iphone all must be broken because all the vids I've seen for this game look terrible. especially the framerate. My god the rider looks like a newbie leaning off the bike with only his upper body while keeping his butt in the middle of the seat. It is 2021 isn't it? This is the best we can hope for in a bike game? WTF?!?!?!? This thing looks dreadful and the gimmick of having to remove screws, really that's your big selling point? isn't anywhere near enough to make me interested in this thing. Too bad cause I'm really desperate for a good bike game that actual tries to be a bike game for bikers instead of a bike game for car people
What is the differences of a sway and a lean?
I don't think the games riders animation should be a game killer.
There are many things I would like too.
My god the rider looks like a newbie leaning off the bike with only his upper body while keeping his butt in the middle of the seat.
As the embargo has passed now - I'm writing our review right now - I can say that this isn't my experience; maybe it's to do with the riding style selected?

My guy is worse. He definitely moves his ass, but it always recentres on the seat after a lean. That makes chicanes a real pain in the... well, ass, because the change of direction is turgidly slow. I'm also baffled by the decision to have the front brake on a lever-like trigger, but the rear brake on a digital button; worse, I reassigned it to the other trigger and it's still either always coming on or letting off - no degrees of application at all (but at least it feels more natural to use to slide the back of the bike with the right trigger than mashing the circle button).
What is the differences of a sway and a lean?
I don't think the games riders animation should be a game killer.
There are many things I would like too.
The difference is simply these. A bike leans and pivots off its tires. So when you lean the bike it is one the line that the tires are on. Take a pencil put the eraser end on the table and lean it. Sway take that same pencil and hold it by the other end lift it off the table and let it swing like a pendulum. The problem with too many bike games that base the contact patch or pivot point off a go pro perspective. So you when you turn the bike you don't turn on the line the bike moves or sways. because of this you have to compensate when where and how you turn. if you are on the edge of the track and turn you'll crash and not understand why. The why is because the way the is designed, you are turning on the line you think you are because the game pivots off the riders head instead of the tire, so the bike goes off the track while the riders head stays on the intended line.

This is again because of camera views based off a video camera. As a rider this is not why you see but has become the defacto physics model for bike games and it sucks. When they have a view from the front of the bike it is ore accurate but then you get the titled earth view which is a pain on the eyes. Its stupid and a situation that is easily fixable but devs seem to stick to video footage instead of using a little common sense and adjust the physics to a more realistic . As a rider it's annoying and frustrating because I prefer the 1st person view.
So I got a chance to play the game and I don't understand the point. The gameplay actually isn't terrible but it's no more a "sim" than the Ride games. The rider action is jerky and odd. The slowness in turning I've read people speak of is simply this. Most bike games from the 3rd person view choose one of two steering methods. The rider or the bike. When bike based steering is used the bikes turn fast sometimes too fast for people. When using rider based steering (which is realistically wrong for a zillion reasons) the bike turns slowly and awkward because your are moving the rider which then turns the bikes. Perfect example is Tourist Trophy. I love that game but to me 3rd person is unplayable because it's rider based steering. But when you switch to 1st person the handling is sublime! and also shows how 1st should be handled in bike games

But anyway with the below average graphics and limitied bikes/tracks there really isn't a reason to buy RIMs because while it's not terrible it's not necessarily good either and you get far more bang/fun for the buck with Ride or the MotoGP series. The flagship feature is the "sim" function and it simply falls flat on it's face. Insanely poorly executed and is more tedious than fun. Again I am a bike and yes I like wrenching on my bike. but there is nothing fun about doing an oil change or brake pad change. It's one thing to have the parts wear. that's fine but to have to remove bolts and all that other crap and then put it back on..... is stupid. For a game that is supposedly about the details they miss a lot. For example. Dainese is known for their inside their inside the leg boots. They have that in the game but when selected they are outside the leg. Or for the R1 you select the Racing Line exhaust from Akrapovic but when installed it leaves the cat installed.

Because of the lack of content they seem to have employed tricks in the hope no one notices. What tricks? Glad you asked. Using the R1 go to your parts inventory to see what you have available. Pick sections and you'll have a sort list. Compatible A-Z, Z-A or ALL. pretty straight forward right? I'm assuming to try and hide a lack of content the compatible list lists a bunch of stuff that isn't actually compatible with the bike. So while it might initially look like wow I've got 15 different exhaust options for the R1 you only actually have a couple. If they simply only showed the actual parts for the bike the list would look pretty bare. there is a lot of stuff like that going on in the game. The whole game layout seems to have been designed to be as tedious as possible to navigate as to give the impression of depth that simply isn't there. There is just a lot of tedious busy work that really adds nothing to the experience. In Ride you select your bike mod it or whatever and when you use it in any mode (unless some spec race) it is as you set it. But here you do a single race or test and configure the bike, it doesn't carry over to the career. with the way the game is setup it's a pain to go back and setup the bike again.

So no I don't see a point to this game. From a straight gameplay perspective it's not even close to Ride or MotoGP and for me those tedious quick time events aren't something that's going to make me switch from Ride or MotoGP to spend time with this. Limited to bikes, tracks and gear..... the game is lacking and sadly not worth the time or money. Glad I didn't buy it, suggested to my friend to wait and he's pissed that he didn't.
The way the game flow was designed is absolutely unbelievable, I have to agree with everything @RZ05 said. It's one thing to try something new. It's another to absolutely do something that makes little to no sense from a fun / game standpoint. It's like it was never play tested. The fact you can bypass these quick time mechanic actions through minimal leveling up is just laughable. Why couldn't it just be like that from the first place?!
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@maikoheart great now you make me feel bad that my OCD/ADD kicked in and I couldn't get to that point that the QT were bypassed. I'd go back and do it but I don't want to!!!! lol but agreed I don't mind trying something new, but this? Who thought this would be fun and/or interesting. But I'm pretty sure they knew it was a stinker and that's why they deleted my post simply asking about if the QT could be disabled or bypassed because it seemed like it would be tedious. With that being the only thing really being brought to the game.......you'd think someone early on would have put the brakes on and thought about a reset to the project plan/idea. I'm just shocked they didn't make you do QT events to make the rider get into and out of their riding gear. lol

What I've noticed is that when it comes to bike games , devs are still lost. 21yrs on they still don't know how to reach this nirvana of a huge crossover mass volume seller. Sorry it's just not going to happen, so they should focus on pleasing their core market. the other thing is that their definition of sim is different from mine. to me "sim" relates to how the bike actually handles. Period. But to devs it seems "sim" is about everything outside of how a bike handles.

I still say that if anyone makes a bike game that actually handles like bikes do for real that game would be more accessible to more people because it's natural. Riding motorcycles is not hard. But you wouldn't know that by playing any of these games. Just look for clips of Toprak stopping and turning his bike (in races not just showing off ) with the back wheel off the ground shows this mandatory rear braking in bike games is stupid. No doubt it can help settle weight transfer but it is not the dominant source of stopping power. In 21years of riding I don't think I've ever changed a rear brake pad on any of my street bikes. So you get a casual gamer who gives a bike game a try and they have to do Street Fighter like combos to do something as basic as slowing down a motorcycle they get turned off pretty quick. RIMs doesn't bring anything to the table to attract the casual gamer and for the diehard gearhead the execution of the concept of part management makes it more hassle than it's worth.
My theory is, they were looking at games like Car Mechanic Simulator and My Summer Car and thought they'd attempt to bring some of that into it. Not wasting my time with this one.
obviously there is a market for those but I don't get it. Well never actually played one of them but don't get the concept. I stopped playing sports games when they started putting commercials in them. I hate watching commercials in real life so why would I want them in a game? Who dude I have to buy the new Madden they have these sick commercials in them. Maybe RIMs is actually great and I'm just to old for gaming now. A gamer of an age that has long past! lol
Wonder why no ones ever thought to make a bike game with motion control steering? Seems it would be the perfect control method right there.

Also agree with @RZ05 regarding back brakes. Never once even touched the back brake on any of my race bikes. Only ever used rear brake on motox and supermoto bikes. So why do bike games brake so bad? One thing about good brakes on modern bikes are that they stop on a dime with only one or two fingers on the brake lever!
Wonder why no ones ever thought to make a bike game with motion control steering? Seems it would be the perfect control method right there.

Also agree with @RZ05 regarding back brakes. Never once even touched the back brake on any of my race bikes. Only ever used rear brake on motox and supermoto bikes. So why do bike games brake so bad? One thing about good brakes on modern bikes are that they stop on a dime with only one or two fingers on the brake lever!
If you try iom tt 1, you might be surprised how well the front brakes work, almost too much, need be carefull alot using it, but it's fun and a good challenge. Im loving it on the isle course, and all other smaller ones too.
Also it controls so smoothly to turn, no twitchiness at all. Easy as in real life, just need avoid overdoing things and not let the floaty sliding of out control happen.

Anyways, just my 2 cents, worth a look to me. Its amazing on the main course especially.
No swaying at all too.

You can feel and hear it well when it wants to lock up. Just need make sure to not be tuckin in front when applying the smallest front brake to not crash.
Not perfect by any means but it steers so easily, smoothly, you can follow the line you want easily with the pad joystick.
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If you try iom tt 1, you might be surprised how well the front brakes work, almost too much, need be carefull alot using it, but it's fun and a good challenge. Im loving it on the isle course, and all other smaller ones too.
Also it controls so smoothly to turn, no twitchiness at all. Easy as in real life, just need avoid overdoing things and not let the floaty sliding of out control happen.

Anyways, just my 2 cents, worth a look to me. Its amazing on the main course especially.
No swaying at all too.

You can feel and hear it well when it wants to lock up. Just need make sure to not be tuckin in front when applying the smallest front brake to not crash.
Not perfect by any means but it steers so easily, smoothly, you can follow the line you want easily with the pad joystick.
Funny enough I just tried MotoGP 20 on game pass and low and behold the front brakes are on point, can stoppie like Toprak! Big improvement in braking over the older games.
Don't you mean Stoprak? I've given Ride 4 a lot of crap but I am fair. They have the braking pretty good if you figure out how to use them. At first I had to use the clutch a lot to get the bike to slow because that was the only way to make it feel natural. but I later found out that if you stay on the brakes long almost to the apex (and this isn't realistic example of trail braking at all) the big bikes stop better and are more stable without the rear washing around all the time. Again you look at that Toprak vid. He is turning the bike with the rear off the ground and the bike stays in line.
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My main issue with the TT series is that it's so focused. I'm not a big fan of long road circuits, so it loses a bit of the appeal to me. But that is a game that uses bike based steering vs rider based steering.

What I don't understand is with as many bike games Milestone has made they haven't partnered with someone and made a bike controller with a twist throttle and actual levers for the braking, clutch, etc...... It doesn't have to be some monstrous rig either. it could be something that basically sits on your lap that swivels from side to side and maybe the bars twist. It's been posted before their used to be an old Yamaha branded one. Never tried it but looks like it would be functional if programmed correctly. One of the big issues I have right now is
  1. No real good button layout. RIde, Supercross, MotoGP, RIMs are adding all these functions, f-brake, r-brake, clutch, etc..... but not a way to use them comfortably or naturally for me
  2. The which I was glad was finally mentioned somewhere in a review (thx GTPlanet!!!) the controls lack finesse. look at that Toprak vid that is not done by just grabbing a hand full of brake, You need to be able to control it all. Having only 2 analog triggers isn't enough. So the on or off stuff doesn't work. Street or dirt I'm always working my throttle, brakes and clutch

So again to be fair the while nothing special or ground braking the actual gameplay of RIMs isn't terrible, it's just the not nearly worth the hassle of dealing with the game design and low quality graphics. The focus is just placed in the wrong area. I mean set my bike up took the mirrors, plates off, made some mods, only to find that when I went to start a career it says my bike isn't to spec...(though it doesn't tell me what the spec is WTH!?!?!?). The game is such a pain no away in hell I'm going through all the pain to put the bike back to stock.

If they patched the game to make the QT stuff optional, cleaned up that inventory list mess I don't even know if the game would be worth playing. Ride 4 has a better bike track and customization selection. while the design layout has it's faults as well (at least RIMs does have the pricing model decent) the overall package is still 20x better and more enjoyable than RIMs
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@RZ05 You hit the big nail right on the head with this one: "the controls lack finesse." A dedicated bike controller, or a motion controller like @FrankieStail mentioned, would be perfect. The physics might all be a little off but it's exacerbated by us, mostly motorcycle enthusiasts first and not video gamers, trying to control these stupid things with ridiculous controllers. And I really think us XBox guys have it a little better than you PS4 guys, not sure about the PS5 controller but I genuinely can't manage a PS controller with my old hands. And enough with the button presses for everything and dual stick controls and all this other crap, too!
obviously there is a market for those but I don't get it. Well never actually played one of them but don't get the concept. I stopped playing sports games when they started putting commercials in them. I hate watching commercials in real life so why would I want them in a game? Who dude I have to buy the new Madden they have these sick commercials in them. Maybe RIMs is actually great and I'm just to old for gaming now. A gamer of an age that has long past! lol
I don't get it either, never got the attraction of those games at all. I'm thinking RIMs isn't all that great and doesn't have enough redeeming qualities to justify a time consuming, overly expensive mess of a game.
Honestly unless you just collect bike games just to have them, there really isn’t any reason to buy this game. Ok it has a couple of tracks that‘s aren’t in other games but those aren’t that great and overcome the faults of the game. If you’re interested in this type of non-licensed game Ride 4 is easily a better choice
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To be honest, I think Milestone has the controller feel right with Ride 4. I used to not play a single bike game before and in a few hours I'm starting to watch riding tip videos on youtube and it's helping a ton -- already getting some great times around some courses I could do in a car. I think that game is a good starting point for anyone wanting to get into bike games since 3 and below feel a bit primitive now.

It sucks, they need competition and PD isn't doing it anytime soon... but, this is almost like entering a scooter in a super bike race
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The difference is simply these. A bike leans and pivots off its tires. So when you lean the bike it is one the line that the tires are on. Take a pencil put the eraser end on the table and lean it. Sway take that same pencil and hold it by the other end lift it off the table and let it swing like a pendulum. The problem with too many bike games that base the contact patch or pivot point off a go pro perspective. So you when you turn the bike you don't turn on the line the bike moves or sways. because of this you have to compensate when where and how you turn. if you are on the edge of the track and turn you'll crash and not understand why. The why is because the way the is designed, you are turning on the line you think you are because the game pivots off the riders head instead of the tire, so the bike goes off the track while the riders head stays on the intended line.

This is again because of camera views based off a video camera. As a rider this is not why you see but has become the defacto physics model for bike games and it sucks. When they have a view from the front of the bike it is ore accurate but then you get the titled earth view which is a pain on the eyes. Its stupid and a situation that is easily fixable but devs seem to stick to video footage instead of using a little common sense and adjust the physics to a more realistic . As a rider it's annoying and frustrating because I prefer the 1st person view.
The sway/lean is done in a way it has to be. Unfortunately, when you lean into a corner the camera keeps the rider in the center so you can see both sides in front of you. If the camera kept the tires in the middle you would Lose site of the side you are turning into. I Suppose in chase cam they could have the camera move to a better angle.

Sounds like the o lyrics reason to buy this game is for the fantasy tracks when it is heavily discounted.
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