RiMS Racing

  • Thread starter nobfung
No I don't agree. A perfect example is Tourist Trophy 1st person or even the first 1st person option in Ride 4. Actually the last MotoGP 4 game by Namco (arcade I know but still fun) had a helmet view that just nailed it) The rider isn't the important part the bike is. You can hang of the bike and still go straight. If you are going for realism and immersion then you don't see both sides when you are on the side of the bike. When I'm at the track I'm hanging off the bike in a corner I don't see what's on the opposite side. More importantly I am looking ahead up the track. WAY up the track. I am not looking down right in front of me

So this sway is what makes games harder than then need to be because you have to anticipate how much the camera is going to move the bike off the line you are on. Again when I ride and lean the bike the bike stays on the line and my head goes off line. A newbie picks up the game and goes to a turn and crashes and can't figure out why. It's because the bike moved from the line that he was on and expected it to be on. So he runs off the track, misses a corner or just crashes and goes WTH?!?!?!

I don't know that it would be even be worth buying at a discount. I played those fantasy tracks and they aren't anything special. They only reason to buy they game is if they do some having patching. but history has shown most devs won't swallow their pride and admit they were wrong. And being the how "do everything little thing" was a big part of their marketing it would make it even harder for them to change the game and save face. So you are looking at RIMs 2 which probably won't happen because I don't see this thing selling well enough to warrant a follow up. But I've been wrong before
No I don't agree. A perfect example is Tourist Trophy 1st person or even the first 1st person option in Ride 4. Actually the last MotoGP 4 game by Namco (arcade I know but still fun) had a helmet view that just nailed it) The rider isn't the important part the bike is. You can hang of the bike and still go straight. If you are going for realism and immersion then you don't see both sides when you are on the side of the bike. When I'm at the track I'm hanging off the bike in a corner I don't see what's on the opposite side. More importantly I am looking ahead up the track. WAY up the track. I am not looking down right in front of me

So this sway is what makes games harder than then need to be because you have to anticipate how much the camera is going to move the bike off the line you are on. Again when I ride and lean the bike the bike stays on the line and my head goes off line. A newbie picks up the game and goes to a turn and crashes and can't figure out why. It's because the bike moved from the line that he was on and expected it to be on. So he runs off the track, misses a corner or just crashes and goes WTH?!?!?!

I don't know that it would be even be worth buying at a discount. I played those fantasy tracks and they aren't anything special. They only reason to buy they game is if they do some having patching. but history has shown most devs won't swallow their pride and admit they were wrong. And being the how "do everything little thing" was a big part of their marketing it would make it even harder for them to change the game and save face. So you are looking at RIMs 2 which probably won't happen because I don't see this thing selling well enough to warrant a follow up. But I've been wrong before
I agree with you on many points as you probably noticed in the past i did write up a lot on this, but in the end i suspect it's mostly an illusion or an effect of the rider view shifting,sideways and making us turn more than we need too.

And then the momentum of a started turn and changing back to the other one makes it feel like sway, although there is definitely some in milestone games , especially ride 3, as even in 3rd person you can notice a little tire sway when initiating a turn.

I wanted to test one of the more classic styles in ride though, with a more straight up style in turns to see if it's less hard on the perspective feel.

Although i love the side low lean of the rider into curves.
But even with that style and tucked in in curves as i like, i did manage to undo my impression of so much sway, and just adapt to initiate a turn for a smaller duration, anticipating the momentum of changing direction.

But nevertheless it is for sure overly finicky in ride and milestone games. The feel/impression is way too sensitive for steering.

Compare that to iom tt1, it just flows where you want on your racing line naturally, easily.

Maybe cause also the momentum is simpler in that game but of course the cam in rider view is more fixed as you said in the middle.

Motogp 19 is easier on this, in the rider view before the last.

It's weird how different everyone is about cameras. It's usually framerate and FOV that gets me more than anything, can usually deal with whichever camera. None of them are or have ever been very good, really. Would like to see a company stick cameras on some helmets, use that view and put in adjustable FOV.
well once again I don't agree lol (I just crack myself up ), seriously though I don't agree that it's an illusion. The question is if you can deal with it or not. It annoys me so I don't. It's why I hated those old Xbox MotoGP games. But I only play 1st person and it's no illusion because it's clear to see how the screen moves. The rider's head stays on line and the bike moves. So with the screen moving like that you have to account for that with your steering inputs. if you don't you crash. When you use the front camera where you only see the track , the game tracks true. because again this again is based off the tires contract patch with the track. There is no compensation needed. Admittedly this bugs me because I ride so much and tend to try to use real life mindset on how to do things and that doesn't work. I can't go into video game mode. This isn't a problem for me so much with car games because I've only been on the track a couple of times in a car.

I don't really have a problem with FOV most of the time accept the occasional track that has extreme elevation changes. But again the problem here for me is the lack of a decent motorcycle based controller that would allow proper head movement. While it's not my preferred view ( I like the helmet cam) the first 1st view in Ride 4 is pretty good. But on that note that is the why we get the sway stuff now. Because they put cameras on helmets and base the view off that, which puts the camera as the pivot. I do agree with framerates. It's said that it's even a discussion today and there is no excuse for RIMs to look like it does. Not one

In the end it's really about preferences and what people are willing to accept and adapt to. But deep down you all know I'm right cause if you're not first you're last!!!! They really should make a Ricky Bobby game.. that would be a NASCAR game I'd buy lol
Like I was trying to say- There isn't a single game now nor has there ever been, where the camera was right. So we're aggressively agreeing with each other, again. You can either deal with it or you can't
Excerpts from hardcore gamer site review:

"Testing the limits of grip while maintaining speed constantly changes based not only on the wear and tear of the individual parts, but on the specific manufacturer part your selected. Old parts can be sold for money, but the more wear they have, the less you net. As parts such as the suspension or tires wear, the bike will behave differently and become more difficult to manage.

The trigger design is the best for any racing game yet on the platform. Braking with the left trigger apply the resistance up front and it trails off in the end, which is the way it should be designed. Accelerating is fluid, but the biggest aspect is when the rear wheel breaks loose. You can feel a burnout and ride it out with the right trigger, but properly feeding the gas can save you if the bike starts to come out from under you.

The audio captured from the bikes is some of the best audio ever heard in a racing game. The team at RaceWard Studio went through an elaborate and detailed route to properly replicate not only how the bikes sound stock, but also changes with different exhaust setups from different manufacturers. These bikes roar just like they do on the streets and the full experience needs to be captured with a headset."

Sounds cool enough for me, will get it once its all updated and maybe on sale, depends also if ill wait to have a ps5, not sure if ill wait that long.

The ai seems not so great though, he says its better on pc, strange, maybe its more updated.
On sale std ed. Is just 33cad on psn for ps4, tempting, as it just got a big update improving the game quite a bit it seems.
Then again, it will get even lower i guess in not so long.
i would wait to buy it. They will probably have the deluxe edition on sale during the holiday season
There is a free trial on console right now so I tried it...

Who thought quick time style mini-games was a great idea to put in a game that is supposed to be more realistic than other bike games?

'Wiggle left stick + press buttoNS Racing'

I really wanted to like this but it was very disappointing. Riding bike solo in time trial was the only fun part, racing AI that clearly was not using same physics and career mode not so much.
There is a free trial on console right now so I tried it...

Who thought quick time style mini-games was a great idea to put in a game that is supposed to be more realistic than other bike games?

'Wiggle left stick + press buttoNS Racing'

I really wanted to like this but it was very disappointing. Riding bike solo in time trial was the only fun part, racing AI that clearly was not using same physics and career mode not so much.
Thanks for the notification of a demo, i don't see it on the app, and didn't see any news of that.
Only found it when going on the console store itself.
Was hoping to try it, downloading now.
Do you know if it's temporary or with a time limit?
Edit: seems it's until nov 1st for a 3h limit play.
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Did try it now, on std ps4.
Well, i like the helmet and next on-board pov, and the feel, on intermediate physics, with no electronics aids.
Feels like a more sim ride game.

Sadly you can't try the most sim physics setting in the demo lol, what's a demo for, if not to try it well...
And you can't even switch to manual trans, pretty silly.
Also auto tuck in is locked on.

The look is nice too, but on std ps4 it isn't running smooth enough for me, less than 30 for sure, and the image could be sharper.
And there is some stutter on some spots on some tracks.

So I'd be inclined to wait to have a newer console 1st before getting it now.

And the sound is a little disappointing for me, it seemed great in the few gameplay videos i saw.

Some bikes sound better to me, like the kawi.

But im liking the more realistic sim ride game feel. Too bad i cant really try the manual, clutch in full manual, and full sim physics.

Going to wait most probably for a newer console and further improvements perhaps.

But i like it, the parts quick events is silly but somewhat immersive i guess.
I could do without but doesnt bother me too much if its limited.

Edit: the ai, i cant tell if their speed and handling was believable cause i wasn't keeping up with them as i was just still getting a handle on the game.
But they moved smoothly and never hit me.

Edit2: anyone know if the demo on ps4 matches the latest version of the game?
In the demo it says 1.05, and the game is up to 1.5 , i dont know if it's equal..
It had a 1.3 and 1.4 updates before too.

I ask cause hoping the optimization and audio maybe aren't up to the latest improvements in the demo.

Edit3 lol dont want to be flagged for double triple posting i don't know hehe:

Just want mention, trying it a little more now again, the Ducati sounds pretty nice.
And suzuka seems to run a little better, although im only in testing mode now, thinking of it.. anyhow im getting itchy to get it lol, im getting into it, really liking the handling and feel on board even on intermediate physics of the demo.
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Free play weekend for this on Xbox.

Downloaded it, boy do I wish I hadn’t. I have to give anyone who likes this game credit for sticking with it because it is hot garbage in my opinion. The handling is terrible, the sounds are not good at all, it’s visually pretty horrendous on next gen consoles and there’s such a lack of content, it hurts any point of playing it.

So glad I skipped buying this. Ride is far from perfect but my word it’s a million times better than this.
Free play weekend for this on Xbox.

Downloaded it, boy do I wish I hadn’t. I have to give anyone who likes this game credit for sticking with it because it is hot garbage in my opinion. The handling is terrible, the sounds are not good at all, it’s visually pretty horrendous on next gen consoles and there’s such a lack of content, it hurts any point of playing it.

So glad I skipped buying this. Ride is far from perfect but my word it’s a million times better than this.
Thanks for being the test pilot! Had been thinking of trying it, I'll save myself some bother and go play something I enjoy instead.
It's a bike game and it's free to try so yeah. Not much hope that I'll actually enjoy it though hahaha
I haven’t noticed a performance level on either PS4 or PS5. Honestly just think they missed it big time with this game and got too focused on that every part QT event think instead of making a good game. There was a link about a review for the “sim” elements and I don’t get that. Really wonder if the person who wrote it rides

The game doesn’t seem real in the slightest. The controls are overly sensitive and basically. Hard doesn’t = real. Even on the PS5 it’s lame. Ride 4 while not perfect uses the PS5 controller to kind of help you feel your level of traction. It’s not realistic but basically when your tires spin or bike red lines the trigger gets loose so you have a indication of feel.

Honestly I’m not a Milestone fanboy who’s hating on RIMs cause it’s not Milestone. I just want a decent bike game that is to the level of car games and sadly RIMs misses the mark by a bad margin. And the level of support they’ve “put” behind it shows that they don’t have faith in it. So I doubt I’d consider a RIMs II if it is in the plans.
RIMs is like assetto corsa... Play it with a yolk and real clip on's or not at all, ya console plebs! haha
Like I was trying to say- There isn't a single game now nor has there ever been, where the camera was right. So we're aggressively agreeing with each other, again. You can either deal with it or you can't
Ride 3 pretty much nailed the helmet cam. So did MotoGP 20 and 21.
I haven’t noticed a performance level on either PS4 or PS5. Honestly just think they missed it big time with this game and got too focused on that every part QT event think instead of making a good game. There was a link about a review for the “sim” elements and I don’t get that. Really wonder if the person who wrote it rides

The game doesn’t seem real in the slightest. The controls are overly sensitive and basically. Hard doesn’t = real. Even on the PS5 it’s lame. Ride 4 while not perfect uses the PS5 controller to kind of help you feel your level of traction. It’s not realistic but basically when your tires spin or bike red lines the trigger gets loose so you have a indication of feel.

Honestly I’m not a Milestone fanboy who’s hating on RIMs cause it’s not Milestone. I just want a decent bike game that is to the level of car games and sadly RIMs misses the mark by a bad margin. And the level of support they’ve “put” behind it shows that they don’t have faith in it. So I doubt I’d consider a RIMs II if it is in the plans.
I tried the game on free play days. Very disappointing on all levels. The helmet cam was kinda nice but felt disconnected. The 30 fps looked so bad - whereas in other games it looks supersmooth (Horizon, Gears, other racing and shooters, etc)
RIMs is like assetto corsa... Play it with a yolk and real clip on's or not at all, ya console plebs! haha
RIMS is okay physics-wise. I wasn't impressed to be honest and neither were the people whom I know ride in real life.
I didnt have any problems in the demo per se, just the fps and stutter.
FPS was horrible, so were the bike sounds and overall flow of the game. Just disappointing on all levels. Ride 4 is better in every way.
Well it's a must have for me, the only bike game that has the rider helmet pov with hanging out side to side movement, AND/BUT that doesn't mess up my lining up my line.

Plus, at least it has pretty good grip feel, which ride has just about zero so..
Edit: and has some mechanical feel to it much more than ride, that you're sitting on a mechanical vehicle that reacts, with sound, vibration, feel feedback of many things.

A.i in tt1,2 and in demo of rims was already far better than in ride.

Tracks are cool.
Track detail is nicer.

Im glad it was made, just wish they would continue with it, support and dev more content etc.

Too bad the demo was time limited.
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Well it's a must have for me, the only bike game that has the rider helmet pov with hanging out side to side movement, AND/BUT that doesn't mess up my lining up my line.

Plus, at least it has pretty good grip feel, which ride has just about zero so..
Edit: and has some mechanical feel to it much more than ride, that you're sitting on a mechanical vehicle that reacts, with sound, vibration, feel feedback of many things.

A.i in tt1,2 and in demo of rims was already far better than in ride.

Tracks are cool.
Track detail is nicer.

Im glad it was made, just wish they would continue with it, support and dev more content etc.

Too bad the demo was time limited.
I would love to see a follow up. Helmet cam was very nice. Ride 4 needs to take note here. Grip feel was good too but the rider animation was kinda awkward... Took too long to lean from side to side and change direction of the bike. An okay start .. I think by the time they release the 2nd or 3rd game, might give Ride a run for its money. Ride has very well balanced physics though and the bike sounds are much better.
Played it a month agoor so on pc i found it ok i overall like the riding in ride 4 better and the sound plus i'm a huge fanboy of the down shift sound in ride 4 😀 rim didn't come close and then you have the bike count.

On the plus side rim does have Paul Ricard and that track is amazing.
Why not enjoy the best of both worlds :gtpflag:

And just in time before the sale ended. :D
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Lucky it's so low in your place, here it was 40 just for the base game.
Im wondering, same as for wrc10, if the ps5 version is a boosted up version or its the same just about as playing the ps4 version in backward compatible mode on ps5?

Cause in the store it says only the ultimate version is ps4 ps5 inclusive. And it's quite more expensive.
Just noticed now going thru deals and my wishlist on psstore for ps4, base game Rims regular price has dropped quite a lot, just 33$ cad now. The other more complete versions seem same as before.

Edit: the euro and Japanese bundles seem to be only ps5 now, only the base game and ultimate are for ps4.

Also since i got the demo before, the silly ps app store says download when i go to the base game version page, cant even buy it.

Need go to my ps4 directly it seems, bit of a mess again on the app.
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I got rims for ps5, played it a few short times, and im loving it, in helmet view, no aids, full physics.

I like the hardcore style gameplay, even if not perfect. Didn't like it at 1st but after trying it more, grows on me more and more.

You can feel well at the limit the handling and ride at the edge and a little over it.

Certainly much more than ride 4 for me, with it's floaty, arcade, slidy feel.

R4 is fun as well, in a more arcadey way, with weird quirks, like the rear brake when you use it barely approaching a curve, it slides/locks a little, you let go of the rear brake, 3 secs later you lean and the rear is still in it's rear brake slide lol, and makes it slide out like on ice...etc.

Back to rims:
Plus you have the wear and tear you can feel and check on the bike.

Pretty smooth on ps5, small stutters sometimes.

Replays have 2 tv track side choices, 1 with fixed cam which i like, where you can follow the lines you used.
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