- 2,689
- Allentown, Pennsylvania
- TheColdWarriors
Hello I'm not sure found this. The news article is in game. I can't link you to it. Look at the bottom of the title screen.I Don't see the link for the article. Do you mind linking it ?
Hello I'm not sure found this. The news article is in game. I can't link you to it. Look at the bottom of the title screen.I Don't see the link for the article. Do you mind linking it ?
Must not have been a long shock then. Even the lowest end voltage of power lines are still more than enough to lethal. It's good the safety harness did its job. Hopefully he didn't take any damage to his nervous system. Any damage will probably be permanent. Since nor we or the body itself are great at repairing that stuff yet.Utility worker ended up being OK. It happened about a block away from our house, we are in a rural area, I actually heard that electrical shorting sound right before my power flickered then went out. He was hung upside down in a tree for about half an hour by his safety harness until rescue workers arrived. I'm guessing power had to be shut down too.
😒Suuuuuuk. Sorry to hear problems with GT7 right out of the box. I learned in the 80s not to experiment or guinea pig. The music industry gave out record contracts to the 💩iest metal bands... to many times wasting my money so I learned to let my friends pick it up first and if it was better than 💩, than I bought it. 👉🏼CW, I like your choice of music👍🏻 that said, sounds like I made a good choice, at least so far. If you got the digital version, how do you get your money back? I would never get a digital copy because I don't feel like I "own" it. Like money, if you put it in a "BANK", you GAVE them your money, HOPING they will give it back when you ask for it. Possesion is 9/10ths of the law🤓😉 I'll keep my eye out and if these problems get resolved, fastone's are more concerning to me, than I may invest. In the mean time, FYI: PubG is now FREE🤗🤗I would simply go back to GTS if that happened. I can't say that the wait for GT7 was worth it at this point. I am really hating the physics, the rear of the cars is way too loose,,the cars want spin under cornering with light acceleration and also under braking. I don't know if it is as bad on the DS4, if it isn't as bad the pad users will have a huge advantage. It's virtually impossible to drive without TCS. And what's with the music? The GT music has never been really important to me but this stuff now would have to improve just to be awful.
I bought the most expensive version because it came with a PS5 disc and PS4 digital voucher. As I eventually plan on buying a PS5. I also wanted the extra bonus content which included me starting with 1,120,000 cr instead only 20,000 cr. Along with some special avatars and the soundtrack.😒Suuuuuuk. Sorry to hear problems with GT7 right out of the box. I learned in the 80s not to experiment or guinea pig. The music industry gave out record contracts to the 💩iest metal bands... to many times wasting my money so I learned to let my friends pick it up first and if it was better than 💩, than I bought it. 👉🏼CW, I like your choice of music👍🏻 that said, sounds like I made a good choice, at least so far. If you got the digital version, how do you get your money back? I would never get a digital copy because I don't feel like I "own" it. Like money, if you put it in a "BANK", you GAVE them your money, HOPING they will give it back when you ask for it. Possesion is 9/10ths of the law🤓😉 I'll keep my eye out and if these problems get resolved, fastone's are more concerning to me, than I may invest. In the mean time, FYI: PubG is now FREE🤗🤗
This most recent patch has fixed a bunch of glitches. Unfortunately it also accidentally caused a glitch with all the off road license tests not putting you on dirt tires anymore. So I expect another patch very soon.Patch 1.06 was recently released and it appears they have fixed the Cafe Menu Progression Bug. It's worth trying again to see if it works.
Double Suuuuuuk, for the Gov. chump change😒 Just enough to keep you filled with canned and boxed food but not enough to afford fun. It's mess'd up, the US politicians think if you have a TV/Cellphone etc. your not poor. So don't get that PS5, you may go up a tax bracket🤣🤣 Seriously, we're being compared to tribes of Africa or super poverty stricken parts of Brazil😳🙄 What did that Russian comedian from the 80s say🤔 "Whot a kuontree."🙄 Sorry to digress😒I bought the most expensive version because it came with a PS5 disc and PS4 digital voucher. As I eventually plan on buying a PS5. I also wanted the extra bonus content which included me starting with 1,120,000 cr instead only 20,000 cr. Along with some special avatars and the soundtrack.
As a poor man living off government chump change. I wouldn't pre ordering just anything from anyone. PDI is one of the few game developers I trust to pre order from. Every game release since GT5 has started with some bugs. They also have always quickly fixed their games. And they will fixed it for free.
If it was any other developer you would probably be waiting go month or more for a patch to be released. And after that wait you maybe asked to pay extra $20 for them to fix their mistakes. And that's if they company choose to spend the money to it fix. Some of of them are more than willing to pocket your $60 and ignore your complaints.
On release day GT7 already had a update waiting. And they just released another update Tuesday night to fix more things. PDI patched the game twice in less than week after release. This most recent patch has fixed a bunch of glitches. Unfortunately it also accidentally caused a glitch with all the off road license tests not putting you on dirt tires anymore. So I expect another patch very soon.
Yes I have also seen another player who I thought stopped playing in the rankings too. I haven't Rinsky appear online yet. He might just keeping to himself right now.Since this thread is about the Rinsky MSN races I just thought I would mention that I saw Mr. Rinsky's name on the ranking board for license tests, I can only assume he has started playing again??
Yeah I heard that new issue is affecting the driving missions as well. I'm wondering if it effects circuit experiences too.The update fixed the issues as you mentioned but I noticed the RH tire in place of D tire when trying some missions yesterday. If you really like a challenge, try getting Gold times on RH tires, managed a Silver with this glitch but no Golds yet. Also, what is with all the influencers on Youtube burning through the game on live stream? Why? Seems like they don't get much of a chance to enjoy the game as it was intended. No idea how everyone else feels about this but this game isn't going anywhere fast and I'll be taking it slow.
A few ideas for new cars, thoughts?
Corvette C2 Racecar
Formula Vee
Formula Ford
I initially started gaming with the Sega Genesis which is still at my Dad's place in unknown condition. All the controllers broke for it. So it hasn't been hooked up in probably 2 decades.Double Suuuuuuk, for the Gov. chump change😒 Just enough to keep you filled with canned and boxed food but not enough to afford fun. It's mess'd up, the US politicians think if you have a TV/Cellphone etc. your not poor. So don't get that PS5, you may go up a tax bracket🤣🤣 Seriously, we're being compared to tribes of Africa or super poverty stricken parts of Brazil😳🙄 What did that Russian comedian from the 80s say🤔 "Whot a kuontree."🙄 Sorry to digress😒
I'm grew up WITH video games, I had an Atari in the 70's... kick you ass in some TANKS🤣🤣 I got into girls and guitars by the time Mario Brothers came out. by Super Mario, I was focused on music, never playing video games. Then Sim racing happened.... still just that, no CoD, Zelda, Doom etc. Playing video games like I have been is only a few years old for me, now that my back is gotten bad. I've only spent $19 on apps. Again old school wasn't freemium/P2P. You just got the game and played. Now, like your saying, you can read the reviews complaining about this. Seems they'll collect fast but fix when they get back from the bank🤣🤣 I don't get the patches for a new product, like you didn't do it right the first time🤔 Greedy Bastards. Even I know what Beta testing it🙄 It reminds me of "New and Improved formula" etc. tells me you didn't do it right the first time or you've been holding new technology from us🤨
I didn't see the digital voucher, that's nice👍🏻 I'm not planning on a PS5 or that would be the deal. I'm not sure if it's harder to accumulate the Casheesh in GT7, but GTS I/you all should be able to make a million pretty fast. They should have given like 10m, being a little 🤔🤔🤔Stingy, to be PC, with the fake money🤣🤣 Damn, ThisFknGuyHere can ramble on🤣🤣
Surprisingly there are a lot of things I dislike about GT7. First and foremost is that it requires far to many button clicks to navigate thru every part of the game. It seems like you have 10 clicks just to exit a license test or mission. I also dont want cartoon characters talking to me everytime I make an on screen selection or fail to improve my license times. I also don't like all of the Comfort tyres and Hard Sport tires on most cars and tests. Yeah, I know, they are all road cars but the driving physics seem screwy, maybe I'm too used to GTS but I have never in my life had a FF car try to swap ends on me because I pressed the brakes without driving in a perfectly straight line. It is far too easy to lose the back end on all cars. I understand that tyres only have a limited amount of grip so if all of your grip is being used for turning you have no grip left to apply power but some of these 100 HP cars just don't have rough power to break the rear tires loose, especially when you are already going 70 MPH, you would be lucky to feel any acceleration at WOT going that fast much less enough to spin the car. And that old Fiat in the mission test with 17HP, I have a hard time believing that any car that is that unstable would ever be allowed in the hands of the public, where is Ralph Nader??? As soon as I find the stuff that makes me want to rush home and turn the game on I will let you know, my progress has been pretty slow so far. Kinda glad I didn't rush out and spend a lot on a PS5 right away.The update fixed the issues as you mentioned but I noticed the RH tire in place of D tire when trying some missions yesterday. If you really like a challenge, try getting Gold times on RH tires, managed a Silver with this glitch but no Golds yet. Also, what is with all the influencers on Youtube burning through the game on live stream? Why? Seems like they don't get much of a chance to enjoy the game as it was intended. No idea how everyone else feels about this but this game isn't going anywhere fast and I'll be taking it slow.
A few ideas for new cars, thoughts?
Corvette C2 Racecar
Formula Vee
Formula Ford
There's is a lot on their to fix list. The tire psychics aren't one of them. So they might be happy with the psychics.Surprisingly there are a lot of things I dislike about GT7. First and foremost is that it requires far to many button clicks to navigate thru every part of the game. It seems like you have 10 clicks just to exit a license test or mission. I also dont want cartoon characters talking to me everytime I make an on screen selection or fail to improve my license times. I also don't like all of the Comfort tyres and Hard Sport tires on most cars and tests. Yeah, I know, they are all road cars but the driving physics seem screwy, maybe I'm too used to GTS but I have never in my life had a FF car try to swap ends on me because I pressed the brakes without driving in a perfectly straight line. It is far too easy to lose the back end on all cars. I understand that tyres only have a limited amount of grip so if all of your grip is being used for turning you have no grip left to apply power but some of these 100 HP cars just don't have rough power to break the rear tires loose, especially when you are already going 70 MPH, you would be lucky to feel any acceleration at WOT going that fast much less enough to spin the car. And that old Fiat in the mission test with 17HP, I have a hard time believing that any car that is that unstable would ever be allowed in the hands of the public, where is Ralph Nader??? As soon as I find the stuff that makes me want to rush home and turn the game on I will let you know, my progress has been pretty slow so far. Kinda glad I didn't rush out and spend a lot on a PS5 right away.
I suppose that all depends on how many people complain about it. I am starting to notice some cars can be a dream to drive on SS while other are a nightmare. The ZL Camaro handles famously on SS while the Nissan Z is nightmarish even with less power. The Camaro doesn't spin with heavy throttle application and doesn't try to make a u-turn when hitting brakes, the Nissan Z locks up the rear tires constantly even under light braking. I have had the privilege to drive both cats in real life and the characteristics are not nearly as far a part as Polyphony would have you believe. I have never had a car make a left or right turn on me when hitting the brakes hard unless it has a locked up caliper, that is one problem Polyphony really needs to fix if they want to consider this any sort of a sim.There's is a lot on their to fix list. The tire psychics aren't one of them. So they might be happy with the psychics.
About Grip~ When I bought🤔🤔🤔F1 97'(?? somewhere around there) It came with this little book full of awesome tips to racing. I bought the next F1 game and it didn't have it. The biggest thing I took away was about grip and here it is; The only thing that can keep the car moving are the tires. It's the only contact with the ground. If you break down what the tires do you get Brake, Acceleration, Turning. If you have a new set of tires, you have 100% grip. You have 3 things that need that grip, think of it like this, you have 1/3 Brake 1/3 Acceleration, 1/3 Steering. If you use more that your 1/3 of any of the 3 your in trouble. When you enter a corner if you smash the brake beyond the 1/3 than you have taken some grip away from turning or acceleration if you need it. This is why you go straight instead of turning when you slam on the brakes. You went over the 1/3 and took it from you turn in. So blanace the 3 and you'll be faster than fastone, who probably knows exactly what I'm try to explain🤔 Don't ya🤣🤣 I have this 1/3 thing on the brain after understanding it. I think about it when I'm driving (in RL) thinking, am I going over my 1/3 acceleration taking away from turning/braking going into this corner? I tried using it for RC racing, but you don't have the same contact as you do w/RL car or sim racing. I hope that made since🤷🏼♂️ I'll see if I can find the booklet and post all the tips.Surprisingly there are a lot of things I dislike about GT7. First and foremost is that it requires far to many button clicks to navigate thru every part of the game. It seems like you have 10 clicks just to exit a license test or mission. I also dont want cartoon characters talking to me everytime I make an on screen selection or fail to improve my license times. I also don't like all of the Comfort tyres and Hard Sport tires on most cars and tests. Yeah, I know, they are all road cars but the driving physics seem screwy, maybe I'm too used to GTS but I have never in my life had a FF car try to swap ends on me because I pressed the brakes without driving in a perfectly straight line. It is far too easy to lose the back end on all cars. I understand that tyres only have a limited amount of grip so if all of your grip is being used for turning you have no grip left to apply power but some of these 100 HP cars just don't have rough power to break the rear tires loose, especially when you are already going 70 MPH, you would be lucky to feel any acceleration at WOT going that fast much less enough to spin the car. And that old Fiat in the mission test with 17HP, I have a hard time believing that any car that is that unstable would ever be allowed in the hands of the public, where is Ralph Nader??? As soon as I find the stuff that makes me want to rush home and turn the game on I will let you know, my progress has been pretty slow so far. Kinda glad I didn't rush out and spend a lot on a PS5 right away.
I think some call it the friction circle.About Grip~ When I bought🤔🤔🤔F1 97'(?? somewhere around there) It came with this little book full of awesome tips to racing. I bought the next F1 game and it didn't have it. The biggest thing I took away was about grip and here it is; The only thing that can keep the car moving are the tires. It's the only contact with the ground. If you break down what the tires do you get Brake, Acceleration, Turning. If you have a new set of tires, you have 100% grip. You have 3 things that need that grip, think of it like this, you have 1/3 Brake 1/3 Acceleration, 1/3 Steering. If you use more that your 1/3 of any of the 3 your in trouble. When you enter a corner if you smash the brake beyond the 1/3 than you have taken some grip away from turning or acceleration if you need it. This is why you go straight instead of turning when you slam on the brakes. You went over the 1/3 and took it from you turn in. So blanace the 3 and you'll be faster than fastone, who probably knows exactly what I'm try to explain🤔 Don't ya🤣🤣 I have this 1/3 thing on the brain after understanding it. I think about it when I'm driving (in RL) thinking, am I going over my 1/3 acceleration taking away from turning/braking going into this corner? I tried using it for RC racing, but you don't have the same contact as you do w/RL car or sim racing. I hope that made since🤷🏼♂️ I'll see if I can find the booklet and post all the tips.
I wouldn't doubt it, I will have to see what test that is again. Was I close to the top of your leader board on that one??I'm thinking you two @fastone371 #QTip8329Wags own me a bit of a thank you for your times on License A-5.
🤣🤣I knew you would know what I was explaining. Have anything to add or correct? I'm not sure if I hit it right on the head or just close enough to get what I was saying. I can explain it verbally no problem if any of you want to hear my sweet sweet ear candy🤣🤣I think some call it the friction circle.
I'm not sure what you mean. This is still the same forum we were using. It's just closed for racing activities. When I open a new forum in GT7's league section I will announce here. Along with Rinsky's old forum and my old forum. So I wouldn't completely ignore this forum.Hey CW, why am I getting notifications about races from Rinsky still? almost everyday🤔 I disabled emails To stop it. Is anyone else getting this?
I had to have a look at that test. I'm 2nd or 3rd on my leader board with Qtip immediately behind me by less than a 1/10 or maybe even a 1/100th of a second, I forget the gap but it's a virtual tie.@fastone371 @QTip8329Wags License A-5 is your license introduction to wet conditions. Using the first chicane and following right-hander at Spa. Turns 5, 6, and 7 believe thee track counts. Didn't happen to retain knowledge from a previous series event at all. Rumors I hear say that it will be helpful for license S-10 as well.
The more I drive GT7 the more I realize that I have to relearn how to drive. I suppose it's not a bad thing, GTS had unrealistically high grip levels but there are still problems with GT7. I don't if it's my wheelbase that needs an update or what but the feedback is extremely muted so it's very hard to tell when a car is losing grip until you are sideways. My wheel felt good in GTS but it's lame in GT7, even when I purposely drive over curbs. And this thing where the cars dart around if the weight isn't exactly nuetral under braking is odd, I have never felt a real car do that, there would be massive wrecks on the freeway everyday if that was a thing. Also the wet driving has issues, I was going straight at RBR in the rain when the car turned sideways on me like the rear tires were spinning bad yet there was no increase in speed or RPM when it happened. I'm not sure if PD is simulating puddles or what, if they are they are they did a poor job, you would still see an increase in wheel speed or RPM's. I think the game still needs a lot of work, I would rather have a game that launched with great game play and made to look pretty with future updates rather than the opposite.@fastone371 I agree with you partly. The button thing is ridiculous as well as the talking heads during missions or if you try a few times and can't improve. Not a fan of having past F.I.A. event participants in my face constantly either.
I do like the cafe characters though because they are like an extension of the information option we can read about the cars in the garage when we collect them. This was always a big favorite of mine in the old GT games. Not only did you collect and race various cars, you learned about their production through each generation, various models, specifications, production numbers and more.
As for the tires, I do like the amount of slip on Comfort Tires and Hard Sports Tires. Also, if you think about how grip is divided between throttle, brake and steering, it can never exceed 100% as @ThisGuyHere mentioned in the F1 '97 game. Going by that rule, all inputs really seem to have to follow that rule in GT7. If I am turning hard in a hairpin at near lock, the throttle cannot be touched until I start opening up the steering angle on exit and even then, the acceleration increase is very gradual and mirrors the reduction in steering angle at the same time. Same with trail-braking, I go 90% brake, 0-5% steering and by the time I am at the apex of the turn, I am usually close to 0% brake, 90% steering unless I out brake myself. So in that regard, the handling and tires are great though I am not speaking about the tire wear model. I haven't raced long enough to test tire wear at all.
As for individual cars not handling as they should in real life, I can't help you there. The don't have Ford Taurus', Suzuki Forenzas, Grand Prixs, Crown Victorias, Chevrolet Cruzes or Nissan Altimas in the game as of yet. Drove a 2011 Dodge Charger to graduation about 10 years ago but that's the most "sports" car I have ever driven. Kia Stingers at work didn't really count either, never really drove them, just moved them in and out for washing. I'll have to take your word for it about the Z.
@Cold Warrior I will have to look at the License test later, currently saved in a championship and can't view it until I have finished it. Darn A.I. keeps spinning me around Mt. Panorama in the braking zones. They are on rails and can't be moved at all hardly but if you come up on them fast enough they can over correct their lines or widen them and drive straight into the wall on exit even if you give them the space needed but this is rare. I think it has something to do with the elevation changes.
You two are 2nd and 3rd on my leader board as well. My experience from the Spa wet race helped me as well. I got Gold on my 1st try. I probably ran it faster but, I was a little short on time.I had to have a look at that test. I'm 2nd or 3rd on my leader board with Qtip immediately behind me by less than a 1/10 or maybe even a 1/100th of a second, I forget the gap but it's a virtual tie.
And I'm the guy who decided to try a new control scheme on top of learning the physics and manual shifting.The more I drive GT7 the more I realize that I have to relearn how to drive. I suppose it's not a bad thing, GTS had unrealistically high grip levels but there are still problems with GT7. I don't if it's my wheelbase that needs an update or what but the feedback is extremely muted so it's very hard to tell when a car is losing grip until you are sideways. My wheel felt good in GTS but it's lame in GT7, even when I purposely drive over curbs. And this thing where the cars dart around if the weight isn't exactly nuetral under braking is odd, I have never felt a real car do that, there would be massive wrecks on the freeway everyday if that was a thing. Also the wet driving has issues, I was going straight at RBR in the rain when the car turned sideways on me like the rear tires were spinning bad yet there was no increase in speed or RPM when it happened. I'm not sure if PD is simulating puddles or what, if they are they are they did a poor job, you would still see an increase in wheel speed or RPM's. I think the game still needs a lot of work, I would rather have a game that launched with great game play and made to look pretty with future updates rather than the opposite.