That's a very nice car you have there, It would be a shame if something were to happen to it……
Outtakes- the fun stuff
*insert wall of text here*
……But what the best thing, I think, about this car is that, even though it has been converted to a proper sports cruiser, it still retains its…mafia-ness. It's the sort of car you could go around town and have the other idiot in the Hummer back out of your way. It has presence. It's something I use to collect overdue debts with. Speaking of which…
Hit list-
Name/Occupation/Car/Amount due
M. Po - Air hostess - Audi TTS '09/$700,000
So, if you'll excuse me, I have a job to do.
The unlucky lady's car has been towed away to an abandoned stretch of highway at the dead of night. It's been abandoned in a shopping mall, looking all lonely and unappreciated. And now, I'm going to give it some tough love.
Hmmm……Let's inspect the damage.
……Lurvely, but I still…don't feel like that's enough…yes, I feel like attacking it even more!! So please allow me to indulge myself in some childish destruction and brace yourselves for some very blurry pictures.
*heavy sigh* Right, I think we'd all agree that that's a job well done. Just look at the thing
Hit list- Updated
M. Po - Car? What car? Look at it! - Amount due - 700,000 702,500 with the inclusion of the new paint.
--------------------------------- Outtake end ------------------------------------
I know, RJ, you won't be very pleased with all these pictures cluttering up RKM, but I just felt like it