Well, I've driven the R35 Sneezy Fanboi Express, and…I don't know, really. It's mixed emotions in this car. I like it in the respect that it is genuinely, mindbending-ly fast. I mean, it's not exactly unexpected, having 800hp under that bloody ugly snout of its, but it does control it with all the GTR-esque grace the R35 should have had in the first place. But at the same time, I still hate it, it still has a slight remoteness to it. It just doesn't seem to do fun like I want it to. It's either slightly short shift into the next gear to keep it stable or let the 800hp dictate the direction of travel with a trail of smoke behind. The former makes it a R35, which is the worse sin any car could commit, the latter slows you down. It's not the tune, in fact, it's the tune that saves it from me pummeling it into a million bits. It's just…too much R35, not enough racecar. So yea, good try, car is immensely better than any R35, and I might be ready to say that I like it, but I still feel the urge to do a very quick lap, and then get out into something less R35-ish.[/rant]
And besides, my CT230R still kicks this R35's arse to hell and back on the TGTT by being 2 seconds faster. By the way, make first gear longer. Not too long that it bogs, but not so short that you may as well start in second.