Rob's Trade Thread

  • Thread starter Rob192005
The bin!

Tins of paint from me too.

Lol,so true but they made me buy something before I could borrow Andy's 458..

Thanks guys It feels awesome to be in such good hands. Long live the planet!! :gtpflag::gtpflag:

0-13 in one race?! that was pretty cool.👍
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If you need any help man, let me know, I'll be glad to help.
Don't worry about our trades we had scheduled.👍
They were just to add to the duplicates I already had.

Good luck with the recovery process.:nervous:
Thanks Teecro an M5 has already found it's way to my ucd and I have an M3 on my other account,so all is not lost with our proposed trade?

Thank you Charley for the gear/paint you sent me,much apriciated.👍
We can do our trade if you come across them, I just meant it as you didn't have to work to locate them. When the day before the trades come just let me know what you'll be sending, I will still send you the tickets no matter what.👍

If youd like a diff choice of tickets just PM me.:)
Thanks man,you're a star.I still think I can make the 26th with the M5.👍

@ Milldrum I will accept now,Thanks alot.:)
You just need someone to take your Bobs out for a spin now. I can't log my widget in for some reason.
I hadn't even thought of that...I was at level 38 2/3 too..>.<

Going to get some sleep,a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped me today,Kudos to this great community! for helping a driver in need.:)👍
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I have a red CZ-3 tarmac, it has 85.6 miles 0 changes.
I sent a FR if you want it let me know, I can send it in the next 7 hours or this time tomorrow 👍
I had a trade scheduled with you on the 27th for a Nismo 400R yellow(You was sending me a Altezza). Do not worry about the trade but I can still send the car to you for free. Let me know if you prefer something else and I'll send you any tradable car that I have. I'm pretty booked up at the moment and can only send you one car now.
Sorry to hear about your corrupt savegame. If u need a car(1300+) or a ticket(9/12/17/21/22/23/24/67/69/09/10) let me know.

I can send some on 25-7. Send FR with requested.
Il boost up your bspec drivers if you set them online, get you a few levels on your way
I have a red CZ-3 tarmac, it has 85.6 miles 0 changes.
I sent a FR if you want it let me know, I can send it in the next 7 hours or this time tomorrow 👍

I would appriciate that,thank you very much.👍

Thanks To everyone once again, @ Skyline how do I use the widget?

@ Abstrakt I Have 700k now so I can check my ocd I can't guarantee which colour my Altezza is though.

@ Lammy I will take a 9 please,I loved my Tamora I know its a new car but ya never know, Thanks man.:)

@ Milldrum thanks for the ticket.:)👍

You're all top guys. This is a great community. At this rate I'll be back on my feet in no time.:D :gtpflag:
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Hey rob we were on for August 10 (my 370z for your gt-r academy). Anyway I feel bad about you losing your save, and I will still send the car

I will send more stuff when I get a chance.
Hey Rob.
Check the links in my sig, anything I can do to help just let me know.
add Darrell-ere happened to me and no one helped so just check my sig and say what you'd like
Thanks alot guys I really appreciate the help,anything you don't need would be fantastic.

@ Skier thank you so much.👍

Gadgy I can send your car at reset. Courtesy of Nattdood. (thanks again!)

@ Abstrakt I got lucky my Altezza racer is Yellow second time around so I can keep the trade.

@ Andyh_2010 I can send your CSL at reset(via his account) courtesy of Doncowleone1 (thanks buddy:tup:)
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Send Fr to VR6-dubbers and ill send a car tomorrow morning or would you prefer a ticket have modern muscle and rally and 67 ticket.
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If you need any specific car... Send me a message via PSN and it`s online asap. 👍
I can offer not only "The Ugly Beauty". :lol:
Sent you all the suits I had, and as many helms as I could stand to send before the confirm send sound drove me up a wall.

Sending lvl23 ticket soon as reset happens, or a CSL M3 to Andy.
I know right! It drifts pretty good though at La Sarthe(I did two laps in the rain at night in sports hards).

@ Don thanks alot buddy,I'd rather have my trades covered so please send the CSL to Andy.👍
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