Round 21: London 12 Hour

  • Thread starter AJ
That's probably because there are cars going along the start finish straight. The Ai won't release you until it's clear, because of where the pit exit is.
That's probably because there are cars going along the start finish straight. The Ai won't release you until it's clear, because of where the pit exit is.
Its a commen glitch, happend to someone in the FGT series im in last Thursday.
86 Dart
Executed DC as usual. Left pit after Green was given.
Hit an out of control car in T3 - which ruined lap. Entered pit for repair and car would not leave. Left pit, came back - no change still stuck in pit.
Never got a qualifying lap.
It's happened to me many times, everything seems normal in the pits and in the pitstop, but the "Lollipop" man never releases you. As for the cars going past the pit straight theory, it's happened to me in a solo session.... how can we fix this issue if it occurs during the race? Thats what i don't know as the simple hop off track then rejoin will still hurt a team alot, plus refuel the car past what you may want...
I've never seen that happen in any race I've done, held in pits yes but not being able not to join track.
It's happened to me many times, everything seems normal in the pits and in the pitstop, but the "Lollipop" man never releases you. As for the cars going past the pit straight theory, it's happened to me in a solo session.... how can we fix this issue if it occurs during the race? Thats what i don't know as the simple hop off track then rejoin will still hurt a team alot, plus refuel the car past what you may want...
Spa 6 hour was red flagged i belive because a driver was stuck in the pits. So I assume the race would just be red flagged.
It's happened to me many times, everything seems normal in the pits and in the pitstop, but the "Lollipop" man never releases you. As for the cars going past the pit straight theory, it's happened to me in a solo session.... how can we fix this issue if it occurs during the race? Thats what i don't know as the simple hop off track then rejoin will still hurt a team alot, plus refuel the car past what you may want...
Couldn't exiting and re-entering due to a pit glitch be treated as a setup change? although instead of typing DC, we could use PG (pit glitch) instead?
Really nice session!
I, very noobly, managed to get a track limits warning at literally my first flying lap :lol:, but I managed to be precise and in control for the rest of the session, which went smoothly.
Also, I'm really satisfied of the time I managed to get, just at the last lap before the coming of the SC called in by AJ, that's just so gratifying :D
Nothing Noob-ish about that, VERY impressive work mate!!!! :lol: I shall buy you a drink for your efforts :cheers:

Looking forward to this one sooo much even if our Megane is facing a mountain to climb with the pace of the 2 lotuses so far! Bring it on fella's! :dopey:
The 'Lotii' are quick and it is Scar teams backyard so it's definitely a challenge but you guys are up to it!

Can't wait for this one, what a season finale it will prove to be for GT Cup!!!
Good couple of QP sessions for Swift Autosport... Sadly we have a bigger mountain to climb than we would have liked, but the pace of the VW is good and the guys in the team have been super!

I might be the only Brit in the team, but with the grit and tenacity of a bulldog, one's more than enough... So watch out! ;)
Very excited for this weekend, but it's clear we've got a lot of work to do in order to get our Orange CRZ to the pointy end. I'm sure my 4 drivers, @skywalker, @TNR_KING_FILO, @Konnor and @warrior2167 can get it done, both classes will be extremely exciting, however much care will be needed in order for passes to be made. Brands Hatch isn't the widest of circuits so I hope we wont see cars being speared off in a blue flag incident. Good luck to everyone, in particular my mates the #88 Green Hell Heathens Renault, the title is there for the taking!
I was planning on making a preview video for this race instead of a post race highlights montage... however I am no longer am planning to do either one.
Very excited for this weekend, but it's clear we've got a lot of work to do in order to get our Orange CRZ to the pointy end. I'm sure my 4 drivers, @skywalker, @TNR_KING_FILO, @Konnor and @warrior2167 can get it done, both classes will be extremely exciting, however much care will be needed in order for passes to be made. Brands Hatch isn't the widest of circuits so I hope we wont see cars being speared off in a blue flag incident. Good luck to everyone, in particular my mates the #88 Green Hell Heathens Renault, the title is there for the taking!
Wow, that's a good driver line up... going to be a fun fight. :D

Can't wait for the race. I am so anxious to race my first GTPES race. :cheers:
What car are you in?

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