Interview with father of Rafic.
Brainwashed kid
Of course he's brainwashed, so were the Germans, so were ISIS terrorists etc etc.
Why are you making a victim out of him though?
Rather than focus on the Ukrainian civilian's forced to take up arms to defend their homes??
I'm glad he is dead as its possibly saved a few innocent Ukrainians deaths at his hands.
He was a crap soldier, end of, bye. Don't care, plenty of Russians out protesting the War, why didn't he do that instead of dreaming about Russia taking over the world.....
Plenty more Putin Russians will die, Putin doesn't care, me sat here in England certainly doesn't care.
Right now its Ukraine vs Russia.
And most in the world want Ukraine....
That means loads of dead Russian soldiers. That is how it works and always worked.
Posting up individual images of Russian soldiers sob stories fills me with nothing but a warm feeling inside.
Because this is War, and you can virtue signal all you want and break out the white doves.
Putin is wrong. End of and the world reacts how it always has. It will crush him and anyone on his side.
You simply can not fight Putin with peace. It's demented.