Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
Yeah, we get the idea. There's some graphic videos out there (it's almost like it's a war), which you won't be sharing (it's almost like that's required by the AUP).
Indeed its an awful war. Im just going to share news and updates as I can. I havent been posting any combat footages I also believe that might violate the rules here since it shows violence happening even if its not graphic.
I don’t think the Russian troops necessarily deserve violence per se, but unfortunately it’s the only way to stop the invasion.

Also, the more casualties that Russia suffers, the more likely the home opinion is to turn against Putin.
Now would be the time for the russians to overthrow their dictatorship.

They have never be exposed as much and shown to be so weak.

It looks like putin has called this wrong massively.

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Sad, but true

Officials saying there isn't any casualty's at all from our side.
What is this, “Mothers of Russia” I’ve been reading about? Every piece mentioning seems to imply they know something is up.

Might not be reading as it literally implies, but they get referred to like they’re an actual group.

Interview with father of Rafic.

Brainwashed kid

Of course he's brainwashed, so were the Germans, so were ISIS terrorists etc etc.

Why are you making a victim out of him though?
Rather than focus on the Ukrainian civilian's forced to take up arms to defend their homes??

I'm glad he is dead as its possibly saved a few innocent Ukrainians deaths at his hands.
He was a crap soldier, end of, bye. Don't care, plenty of Russians out protesting the War, why didn't he do that instead of dreaming about Russia taking over the world.....

Plenty more Putin Russians will die, Putin doesn't care, me sat here in England certainly doesn't care.
Right now its Ukraine vs Russia.
And most in the world want Ukraine....

That means loads of dead Russian soldiers. That is how it works and always worked.

Posting up individual images of Russian soldiers sob stories fills me with nothing but a warm feeling inside.
Because this is War, and you can virtue signal all you want and break out the white doves.

Putin is wrong. End of and the world reacts how it always has. It will crush him and anyone on his side.
You simply can not fight Putin with peace. It's demented.
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There has to be a way to counter the propaganda that Putin and lovers is spreading with the actual facts. If anonymous can hack a military database and ddos important sites, there has to be a way to redirect those sites to sites with actual news.
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Because he is victim? Its our brainwashed younglings. Thanks God he is alive and could spread his great experience to other idiots.
War just doesn't work like that though. If he were alive still he'd be hell bent on killing Ukrainians.
You know this surely?

He is not a victim. (at least to me an Englishman)
Don't get brainwashed would be a good start.
He was feeble minded.
If we are excusing him then you are in territory of excusing the Nazi's.
Now I'm pretty sure you would not be going down that route. At least i hope not.

Told ypu they had no choice but to fight. Russia created this and have left innocent people trying to defned their selves

"" The people of this city are mobilising. But they all say it’s not because they wanted any of this; they’ve been left with no choice. ""
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Here's a weird one for you.

Obviously Belarusian elections can't be trusted but I'm not sure simply declaring yourself to be the leader is a good way to get around that. It's brave, surely, and a great way to get disappeared. Apparently this lady has actually met with various world leaders so she's well-known but unknown to me and presumably most of us.

I also like the "Lukashenka" bit. Does the Belarusian language have masculine and feminine words? If it's anything like Spanish then I'm definitely referring to Lukashenko as Lukashenka from now on lol.
For what reason? Targeting and hiting are different things. Please, do not exaggerate things.
No idea of the reason, but Amnesty International is pointing to Russia targeting civilian structures. Even if they aren't specifically targeting, international law dictates that combatants need to do precision targeting in order to avoid civilian casualties. Russia doesn't know the meaning of precision targeting and they just lob ordinances without much thought.

So no, it's not an exaggeration in the slightest to say what's happening. The exaggerations are coming from the Russian side, like claiming some fictional thing like genocide.
Russia doesn't know the meaning of precision targeting and they just lob ordinances without much thought.
Before the brunt of the invasion even started, American ex-commanders were on the news telling people to expect civilian casualties for this specific reason. Sewing chaos and panic is part of their modus operandi, always has been.

Germany finally made a decision!...kind of.
Before the brunt of the invasion even started, American ex-commanders were on the news telling people to expect civilian casualties for this specific reason. Sewing chaos and panic is part of their modus operandi, always has been.
I'm guessing we probably watched and/or heard the same thing. I've been mostly listening to CNN in the car and watching BBC while at home. CNN has had numerous former military commanders on as guests and I remember a few of them saying this too.

I have to assume Russia does have smart weapons, but watching the Grads on TV just indiscriminately shoot off salvos of rockets I'm guessing they're just choosing not to use them. Or maybe Russia doesn't. I know its military hardware is still a bit Soviet in nature.
Does the Belarusian language have masculine and feminine words
Yes, but this isnt the case. She clearly says Lukashenko. You can call him Cockroach or Chik-Chirik.

Apparently this lady has actually met with various world leaders so she's well-known but unknown to me and presumably most of us.
She is elected president of Belarus.

If we are excusing him then you are in territory of excusing the Nazi's.
But we excusing lower rank Nazi's thats not directly connected to something war crime tier, its ordinary practice when we talk about war.
I'm just going to share briefly, I think some folks may need a quick breather from this thread. Some of the discourse is at the point of just saying, "All Russians bad, kill all Russians" & creating strawman responses against those who are showing some sort of opposing view or small sympathy. It's plainly obvious a large portion of Russia is against the war & there are reports of Russian soldiers surrendering and/or admitting they were given different orders. This could of course, be points they're told to say, but a level of belief can be granted as many of these soldiers are young conscripts whose own mothers are asking of their whereabouts. It's easy to say, "Don't get brainwashed", but that's a difficult task in a country where propaganda runs rampant, speaking out is a bold decision with real consequences, & military service is mandatory for the young (tmk). I would expect had Rafic spoken out whilst under conscription, he'd be labeled a traitor, & I'd prefer to not know how Russia sentences those it deems as such.

Regardless, I believe some of the dialogue could be done without. Even the member who is seen as the most defensive of Russia has still said, "I'm against the war", so it seems clear to me we're all still on the same page for the most part. But, posts with things like, it warms the heart to see dead soldiers, I think we can go without. If you feel that way, fine. But, this section usually operates well on a more... refined way of discussion.
Weird flex but okay.

Speaking so highly of a courageous man, that his dear Leader refused the courageous man's invitation to his inauguration 5 times, & told Pence to not attend either. Why? Because in Trump fashion, he only wanted to do it if he could get something out of it for himself.
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Its becoming apparent that Russia's army are utterly terrible, old kit, running out of fuel, drunk home made vodka addled soldiers.
It must be quite embarrassing to Putin no?

The sight of vehicles stranded with no fuel is quite bizarre.
So much for the Putin willy waving.
If it weren't for his nuclear weapon he'd of been squashed like a fly by now by proper countries.....

Oh and regards above post by McLaren, all i have seen is people at pains to make the division between Putin Russians and normal Russians.

No one is blaming all Russian's at all, we stand as one with those brave enough to call Putin for what he is...
The rest..... can go to the worms for all i care....
All clear?
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Or maybe Russia doesn't.
There's a big military intel community at Wright Patt here in Dayton. My buddies can never tell me exactly what they're working on lol. But one overarching theme is that they always suggest to never underestimate the capabilities of Russia and others. With respect to Russia, it sounds to me like a "can't confirm nor deny" which to me means they've got everything you think they've got, they just choose not to use it. A lot of thing about Russia lead to smart weapons simply not aligning with their main strategy - the place has never been blessed with wealth, their landmass is massive and they prefer contiguous borders, their terrain in the west is easily traversable, and they've long relied on creating panic to destroy morale and take control of areas at a low state of productivity and high state of desperation. Their war strategy has always been to first wilt the tree and then bite off the lowest hanging fruit which ultimately results in a massive orchard of crappy trees. And it kinda works. They are the largest country in the world and are getting bigger as we speak.

Anyway the point is that yes they've got smart weapons and stealth planes and extremely capable ordnance that can detect and take down the best America has to offer, but actually using these things is extremely costly so they avoid it. They don't really need it when all they've gotta do is load some tanks on a train and drive straight to Kyiv. They're very aware that if the US ever actually needs to fight Russia, first we've got to move all our people and equipment across entire oceans which is also very costly and time consuming. Respect to the Ukrainians for continuing to fight but the fact is the Ruskies got there in just two days with nothing but soldiers and tanks. They've still fired less than half the number of cruise missiles that the US did within the first two days of the 2003 Iraq campaign.

Yes, but this isnt the case. She clearly says Lukashenko. You can call him Cockroach or Chik-Chirik.
:lol: I imagine it's just a case of accents that determine the spelling. Wikipedia says both spellings are often used in English.
She is elected president of Belarus.
It seems like she only got 10% of the vote in the last actual election. Instead, she leads some sort of council which is challenging Lukashenko's government.

TASS reported that 3,500 soldiers were killed, wounded or captured.

The article was posted but then quickly deleted afterwards.

  • 14 aircraft (13 attackers (SU-25 and other CAS) and 1 IL-76)
  • 8 helicopters
  • 102 tanks
  • 536 armored cars and APCs
  • 15 artillery pieces
  • 1 Buk air defense system
  • 3500 soldiers (dead, captured, wounded)
Also seems like Ukraine is going to capture quite a bit of new equipment that Russia has abandoned in various places. Good for them. Hopefully that will bolster their losses a little bit.
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No one is blaming all Russian's at all, we stand as one with those brave enough to call Putin for what he is...
I'm referring to comments like this:
To get permanent results they'd have to go the full mile and bomb the **** out of them in their own land too. The Russians' neverending will to have a war has been going on for centuries and won't stop until the entire area west from the Ural has been turned into a radiating car park with the biggest crater being in the previous location of Moscow. Civilian victims? Why care one bit - that's exactly how much thought the Ukrainian civilians got from the Russians too.
Grossly unnecessary when there's enough information in this thread to show many do care about the Ukrainians.

The additional comments attacking other users as siding with Putin because they do not agree with harsh rhetoric are too far, imo.
The rest..... can go to the worms for all i care....
That's fine, would prefer you keep the thoughts to yourself because this forum once again, usually operates better than openly taking joy in death. I'm apparently not the first person to comment on this, looking back.

Only a suggestion as I will go back to reading & scrolling through such posts. I'm only interested in sharing updates & news that shows Ukraine/the world trying to turn the tide.
CNN reporters have observed thermobaric launchers near the southern Ukrainian border, which would yield some pretty intense destruction if launched into an urban area.

Janez Lenarčič, the European Commissioner for Crisis Management and Slovenian diplomat, offers up more confirmation of Russia targeting civilian structures:

Thankfully, it appears there haven't been any known deaths of civilians in Kyiv as a result of direct attacks per the Reuters link in the tweet. However, I'm guessing no one knows for sure at this point.
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