Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
This situation is heartbreaking, it seems dire but I hope somehow Ukraine pulls through this.

Seeing the President, the former president, the Klitschko brothers (had no idea one of them was Kiev's Mayor), and so many citizens say f-it we're defending out country has to be the most inspiring thing I've seen in modern history.
I condemned what had happened in Ukraine with all my strength. This is what had me been staying up on early Thursday.
Heroric indeed but also relatable. The Ukranian people are infuriated as ****, in a way outsiders can only begin to imagine.
Yeah... these people managed to overthrow the corrupt Yanukovich (he fled to Russia) government and fend off the first Russian attack in 2014. Now they are fighting again...
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Ukrainians have no choice but to fight.

The alternative is to live under a dictatorship and thats not living. You may as well be an ant living in one of those countries. Zero quality of life and zero rights.

Still amazes me that half the worlds population live in these circumstances

The sooner democracy is installed world wide the sooner we can all live in peace.
It’s not really though. When you fire a weapon you are responsible for any damage it causes, regardless of where you were trying to aim. Incompetence is no excuse from guilt.
Negligent homicide and homicide are different things, afaik. Still homicide and there isn't excuses for this.
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Negligent homicide and homicide are different things, afaik. Still homicide and there isn't excuses for this.
It’s not negligent homicide when you shoot to kill but hit someone else. It would be negligent if they tripped and fell on the trigger.
EDIT: Looks like it's an accidental hit.

Kyiv, Lobanovskyi avenue 6


Reports say- 6 people injured.


There's a school and a lyceum behind the building.

EDIT: The armored vehicle running over the car was an accident. Several army vehicles were taking the corner at high speed. Before the car accident, a AA truck went offroad, Ukrainian defense force opened fire. Then the armored vehicle oversteered in to the car.
(Rumors appeared that it was actually Ukrainian friendly fire or that these vehicles were stolen by Russian saboteurs. I don't know if that's true.)

Anti-air truck goes straight instead of turning left...

Stops here. A guy behind the white van opens fire at the truck.

One AA vehicle passed them.
Ukrainian guy aiming at the truck while the second AA vehicle backs off from the car it crashed into.
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RIGHT NOW I'm watching a stream on YouTube where a guy from Kyiv talks about the situation and he says there are multiple cases of looting, robbery and shooting with the guns taken on that free giveaway.
Would love to see a link to that.
I could imagine people looting food or water. But I highly doubt people are looting 42 inch TV's and Nike trainers whilst the country they know and homes are destroyed and taken over by home made vodka SCUM Russian soldiers....

You are in every post a disgrace, a disgrace to true Russians who want a democracy and a better system and want rid of Putin.

You are trying to sow a seed that giving guns away to civilians whilst under attack of their way of life, they then are choosing to go and rob stuff.....

Now why would you do that?

For the same reason that Hitler tried to make a case for the Jews he was killing being criminals....
Honestly, I am going to rejoice at every Russian soldiers death.

Do you realise that Putin will not recover from this, he is done.
Even if you win the battle, because make no mistake by the way you talk on here this is your battle.
Putin will not win the War....

I can see a lot of mercenaries' willing to go to Ukraine just to kill Russian soldiers...... Putin made Russian's an even bigger target.

And I'm only sad for the real Russians, the brave who oppose Putin......

I am fine with freedom of speech, so carry on, but don't expect freedom from consequences of the drivel you spout...
It’s not negligent homicide when you shoot to kill but hit someone else. It would be negligent if they tripped and fell on the trigger.
Its war after all. If Ukrainian rocket, by mistake, hit civilian building no one would call it war crime, yet this still would be act of incompetency.
Seeing the President, the former president, the Klitschko brothers (had no idea one of them was Kiev's Mayor), and so many citizens say f-it we're defending our country has to be the most inspiring thing I've seen in modern history.
When I see those videos it's with the grim realisation that there's a good chance they'll end up dead, made an example of.

On another note: Putin is done for, it's now a matter of time. His local friends are slowly backing out, the Chinese are withdrawing support (effectively these are sanctions without calling them such), so very few friends left. The Ukranians are not backing down. While not actively supporting under the NATO flag, many countries are sending weapons and other support. Lashing out at Sweden, Finland and Canada seems like grasping straws, the only thing it did was unite the West. As I said earlier: in peace the west is extremely individualistic and opportunistic, but when the **** hits the fan we stand together. Even though some **** politicians (looking at Belgian, German, Italian leaders among others) are not realising it, the general population is willing to make economic sacrifice in order to stop Putin.
Its war after all. If Ukrainian rocket, by mistake, hit civilian building no one would call it war crime, yet this still would be act of incompetency.
Your failing to read the room...
Let me help a little.

If someone broke into a persons home and the home owner defended themselves and killed the criminal,
If the criminal killed the homeowner, then they are scum, a murderer, should be beaten to death.....

It's quite simple and personally I think its a basics of a moral compass....

One which sadly Putin supporters clearly can't possibly have....

Any death, any collateral damage and even if some were now looting 42 inch TV's (as if)
It is all because Putin sent in an invading force......
No one is to blame but that scum Putin and his cronies and his scum soldiers...
Which i will take joy in seeing KILLED in a slow painful death as they cry vodka tears.......

And I hope every time I call YOUR soldiers SCUM, that it hurt's even just a little bit.
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It's quite simple and personally I think its a basics of a moral compass....
There is gradation between kinds of evil deeds. Its very important to separate actions like genocide and raping from shooting into regular army. You currently using logic behind Putin invasion -
Ukrainian army hit civilians in Donbass=>genocide=>"peacemakers" assaulting Kiev. There is difference, of course, but analogy is here.
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There is gradation between kinds of evil deeds. Its very important to separate actions like genocide and raping from shooting into regular army. You currently using logic behind Putin invasion -
Ukrainian army hit civilians in Donbass=>genocide=>"peacemakers" assaulting Kiev. There is difference, of course, but analogy is here.
What are you on about??
I am talking about hating Putin and i always have, thus i hate any Russian who supports Putin.
I already said i am biased in that.

Putin has invaded Ukraine, many Russians don't agree with what Putin has done, many many around the world see it as a terrible act.

You are actually honestly believing that Russian soldiers are 'peacekeepers'!!!!!!!!!!!??

Incredible, what a shame this thread gets 2 pro Putin Russian's posting.
A shame for all the good Russians' of which there are many.

There was no 'genocide' in the Donbass, SCUM Russian soldiers are not 'peacekeepers'.

YOU are the invaders, so in my analogy YOU are breaking into someone's home.......
And i hope many of the invader's DIE, painfully......
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Poland refuses to play against Russia for the World cup 2022 qualifications. The head of the Polish football union claims that it's no longer a time for words but for deeds.
Yep these sporting gestures may seem like they are pointless.
But if they did still carry on with them it is a huge win for Putin.

Can I ask a question, how does voting work in Russia.
I know Putin corrupts the vote, but do people actually vote for Putin?
Like does he have real supporters?
I'm guessing for the two on here he must have.
Incredible, what a shame this thread gets 2 pro Putin Russian's posting.
You ok? Take some sedatives maybe. There isnt anyone supporting this mess and stariy bunkerniy ded in thread. Even loyalist RR not a fan of this, as you can see if you actually read what we posting here.

I am talking about "the boy who cried wolf", dont be that boy, plz.

I know Putin corrupts the vote, but do people actually vote for Putin?
His rating was 47% in November, stats by statistics agency with foreign agent status.
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What are you on about??
I am talking about hating Putin and i always have, thus i hate any Russian who supports Putin.
I already said i am biased in that.

Putin has invaded Ukraine, many Russians don't agree with what Putin has done, many many around the world see it as a terrible act.

You are actually honestly believing that Russian soldiers are 'peacekeepers'!!!!!!!!!!!??

Incredible, what a shame this thread gets 2 pro Putin Russian's posting.
A shame for all the good Russians' of which there are many.

There was no 'genocide' in the Donbass, SCUM Russian soldiers are not 'peacekeepers'.

YOU are the invaders, so in my analogy YOU are breaking into someone's home.......
And i hope many of the invader's DIE, painfully......
@inCloud has been pretty consistent in this thread condeming Putin and wishing for no invasion since before it all went down... Take a breath and read his post history.

Yes there's lots of reasons to be angry about this... But why shout at and insult the only Russians bothering to cross the aisle and extend the olive branch of discussion? They have come here to hear us out as much to post their own side, that's what a discussion is.

Don't put all Putin has done at the foot of ordinary people, even if they do say some things he agrees with, they live under and have to disseminate their crooked media (which is true here in the west too). For all Russians to think no one in the west cares about what they care about, that we think they are all hoodwinked idiots supporting mass murder, is exactly the kind of division Putin wants.

Chill, respect your fellow man, they are not the ones behind all this... No one here is.
You ok? Take some sedatives maybe. There isnt anyone supporting this mess and stariy bunkerniy ded in thread. Even loyalist RR not a fan of this, as you can see if you actually read what we posting here.

I am talking about "the boy who cried wolf", dont be that boy, plz.

His rating was 47% in November, stats by statistics agency with foreign agent status.
Boy who cried wolf?

You just called Russian soldiers 'peacekeepers' and claimed genocide in the Donbass by Ukraine.
Give your head a wobble.

@inCloud has been pretty consistent in this thread condeming Putin and wishing for no invasion since before it all went down... Take a breath and read his post history.

Yes there's lots of reasons to be angry about this... But why shout at and insult the only Russians bothering to cross the aisle and extend the olive branch of discussion? They have come here to hear us out as much to post their own side, that's what a discussion is.

Don't put all Putin has done at the foot of ordinary people, even if they do say some things he agrees with, they live under and have to disseminate their crooked media (which is true here in the west too). For all Russians to think no one in the west cares about what they care about, that we think they are all hoodwinked idiots supporting mass murder, is exactly the kind of division Putin wants.

Chill, respect your fellow man, they are not the ones behind all this... No one here is.
I have made a very clear division form those in Russia that oppose Putin, and those that fight for Putin and support him.

Also one is trying to claim that Ukraine's are thieves looting whilst their country burns and the other is calling Russian scum soldiers 'peacekeepers'.

I'll continue to try to make them feel bad if that is ok with you...
History will see Putin up there with Stalin and Hitler.

We don't do things perfectly in the UK and neither does USA.... but we have never had anyone even close to Putin. Not even close.
And even so I have never ever felt the need to defend my governments bad behaviour, I still have to feel guilt over our part in Imperialism.

So to see people defending Putin is galling to me...sorry about that.
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I have made a very clear division form those in Russia that oppose Putin, and those that fight for Putin and support him.

Also one is trying to claim that Ukraine's are thieves looting whilst their country burns and the other is calling Russian scum soldiers 'peacekeepers'.

I'll continue to try to make them feel bad if that is ok with you...
History will see Putin up there with Stalin and Hitler.

We don't do things perfectly in the UK and neither does USA.... but we have never had anyone even close to Putin. Not even close.
And even so I have never ever felt the need to defend my governments bad behaviour, I still have to feel guilt over our part in Imperialism.

So to see people defending Putin is galling to me...sorry about that.
I literally just think you've made some reading comp errors, man, let's remember that English is not the first language in Russia and the standard of English is not really high compared to foreigners we are more used to dealing with.

When I read @inCloud 's post I took it to mean more like;

Its very important to separate actions like genocide and raping from shooting into regular army.
Meaning, yes obviously missiles hitting blocks of flats is tragic and bad, but it is an active warzone dense with actual military targets and it's more believable that a large building gets hit accidentally when missiles are flying all over a city, than it is likely that there's any justification for genociding civilians and burning villages (like the Nazis did when they had their turn rolling thru this part of the world).

You currently using logic behind Putin invasion -
Ukrainian army hit civilians in Donbass=>genocide=>"peacemakers" assaulting Kiev.

Here I think he is comparing your logic to Putin's and he is well aware the "attacks" on Ukrainian civilians were false flag used to try and give pretext to the invasion, and peacemakers is in quote marks here because obviously no one believed that was a peacekeeping force entering the Ukraine.

Obviously this is just how I read it but having read the thread I'd find it very odd if the poster in question had turned into a Stan for Putin overnight - he has been quite consistent in speaking out against him, as I said.

As for the other russian poster in this thread, that's a bit more difficult for me to figure out, but even still I think the way some posters in this thread have answered him and insulted him is not constructive to any meaningful reach across the aisle to understand each other, which as normal people living under this madness is what I feel we should be trying to do whatever possible, instead of dropping the actions of a megalomaniac with a hard-on for the 40s at the feet of his powerless citizens.

Hope that helps.
You just called Russian soldiers 'peacekeepers'
With quotation marks, its quote. Also, quotation marks could refer to irony or sarcasm. Officially, genocide of Russian speaking population in Ukraine is reason for Russian "peacekeeping operation". And, no I don't think its peacekeeping operation, its "peacekeeping operation" or just aggressive war.

Is it hard to understand my wording? @MaxAttack clearly understood what I want to say. Thanks
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Russia's logistic system is bloody s****

This proves once again how important logistics are now the Ukrainians are exploiting.

Russians sending convoys especially supply convoys gathered in groups which is making Ukraine's tb2 drones strike their prey.

There is video of a convoy that has been wiped out and its not pretty. I wont be sharing it even if its not graphic.
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