Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
Two ammo sites exploded today.





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Russian RS-28 Sarmat ICBM test fail at a launch site in the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

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Gotta be honest, these images look reversed. That blinding white concrete and dark black asphalt is brand new and there is no evidence of either of them in the image with the crater. So unless the shiny concrete image is several years old, this is showing me that the crater shot is the old one, and the shiny concrete and asphalt is actually new construction.
Gotta be honest, these images look reversed. That blinding white concrete and dark black asphalt is brand new and there is no evidence of either of them in the image with the crater. So unless the shiny concrete image is several years old, this is showing me that the crater shot is the old one, and the shiny concrete and asphalt is actually new construction.
Everything is covered in dirt from the exploded missile silo.
Ah, so it blew up while it was still in the silo. That would definitely create a huge dirt geyser then. You can see the outlines of buildings and it looks like the tracks in the upper right show some of that bright concrete underneath.

But hey, one less missile silo to worry about then, so that's nice.
You didn't see a crater in the ground because it isn't there!

They may as well just go ahead and mothball all their ships at this point, before the Kremlin Gremlin decides to continue his plan of permanently reducing military upkeep by letting the entire country's navy get promoted to artificial reefs.

41 year ago Stanislav Petrov saved the world. "Eye" early warning anti ICBM system did false warning of multiple US ICBMs launches on 26.09.83. Petrov decided that it was false alarm and didn't report about situation, situation didn't escalated into thermonuclear war. Investigation said its sunlight mirrored by clouds was reason for system to decide that its time to end our world.

"sunlight mirrored by clouds" installation artwork on photo, Saint Petersburg, today.
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41 year ago Stanislav Petrov saved the world. "Eye" early warning anti ICBM system did false warning of multiple US ICBMs launches on 26.09.83. Petrov decided that it was false alarm and didn't report about situation, situation didn't escalated into thermonuclear war. Investigation said its sunlight mirrored by clouds was reason for system to decide that its time to end our world.

"sunlight mirrored by clouds" installation artwork on photo, Saint Petersburg, today.
Also Petrov decided it was a false alarm because, by his reckoning, if the US really was launching an attack he figured there would be a lot more missiles than what the system was detecting. There's a certain measure of irony in saving the world by deciding we weren't destroying it enough for it to actually be happening.
Putin wants the war to end, he just wants a fair transaction is all, a deal that works out for everyone. Just completely normal things to say on behalf of the invading country.
Zelenskyy is not a tall man. He's about the same height as my wife (5'5"), and as a 5'10" at-best human I can rest my chin on her head if I tilt it a bit.

How tall does Trump claim to be again? Only judging by that shot of them he's not a wasp's gonad over 6'1", if that.
I'm going to put this here so more eyes see it.

Ruskie dude just placed himself in a one-circle with an F-16 which he would never escape all the way to the ground. Lucky we respect rules of engagement. US pilot immediately lines him up because you never know what command is going to come over the radio.
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"It would be well for your government to consider that having your ships and ours, your aircraft and ours, in such proximity is inherently dangerous. Wars have begun that way, Mr. Ambassador."

Incidentally, is that F16 shadowing a Bear?
"It would be well for your government to consider that having your ships and ours, your aircraft and ours, in such proximity is inherently dangerous. Wars have begun that way, Mr. Ambassador."

Incidentally, is that F16 shadowing a Bear?
Yep, TU-95. Bears near Alaska is probably a weekly occurrence but a fighter getting that cocky is abnormal.
I can think of a Russian word the B in B2 stands for, but I don't think it's AUP-friendly. 😊