Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
"Trump is a Russian" is trending on that there social media, and that amuses me, because Robert Rankin established in his Brentford Trilogy novels that "Russian" was Brentford Rhyming Slang...
Robert Rankin
'Russian Front' - errr
So here we are:

Who knows where we will end up?
@Biggles, this is where we are: The US (and its minion Israel) now votes in the UN General Assembly with Russia, Belarus and North Korea.

The "free world", as we old folks used to call the western democracies back in the cold war era, is just a memory. Its natural leader (the USA) have turned.

Where we will end up I'm not sure. But I hope european states and european peoples are ready and willing to arm themselves to the teeth and make Europe a stronghold against the colluded plotting being made by powers to its East and West. Tall order I know but until the majority of american citizens regain common sense in their electoral choices, the US cant be trusted and is in fact an allied of Russia and therefore a global (and even mortal) danger for european states and democracies. Starting with the ones placed in the East and North, but we all (including the peaceful easygoing litle Shire to the southwest where I live) will be affected sooner or later.
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