Rx-7 lm race car colors thread

Sorry Crit, I would've taken you up on that if I had seen it before we did the deal.
Sorry Crit, I would've taken you up on that if I had seen it before we did the deal.

Don't sweat it, man. I'll gladly trade tomorrow if I can't find el blacko.

Anyone have Black, Green, Orange or Silver? Your choice of Furai colors, FGT colors, or dozens of fabulous prizes.
You're not telling me anything I don't know. This has been my favorite car through out the GT franchise and I can't get it in GT5.

Same here, i'm sorta like a rotary junkie. My fav. rx7 so far in-game got's to be Amemiya FD3S. I really wished they put Revolution Time Attack FD3S in this game. Have you seen Amemiya 2011 time attack fd? 600ps :D
If anyone wants to trade a 7 LM, I've got the '04 Asparadrink (STD) with no miles or switches. Yes, I'm a rotard too ;)

Can trade blue, red, silver, white or yellow for black, green or orange.
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I've got 4 slots left before reset (RX-7 LM, road cars, FGT and F1, and X1s) and looking for Black, Green and Orange.
sniper black is going to u correct?

on a different note does anyone have a green/white veyron

one slot left with White 0miles and green WITH miles RX-7 LM Race Cars
With an hour and a half to go before reset, I've got every FGT color, Ferarri F40, Toyota 7 and GT-One, and X1 (Vettel and Red with 0 miles, 0 switches / Proto with 0 miles and 1 switch / Copper that's been put through the ringer) and a Green Camaro LM. With the exception of the X1 Proto and Copper, they're all virgin cars.

I'm looking for Black, Green and Orange RX-7 LMs.
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