S.N.A.I.L. Open-Wheel Shoot Out - Tuesday nights - Open To All

  • Thread starter Oshawa-Joe

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I just have to ask, what the hell are y'all talking about? You spent hours uninstalling Quicktime? Apples will pull massive bandwidth? Am I taking crazy pills?

Seriously though, Macs are PCs. There is no difference anymore. With the right computer and tools, you can install MacOS on a PC. You can install Windows on any Mac made after 2007. Dragon, the fact that your daughter is on a Mac has nothing to do with your disconnects. You'd likely have the same issue if she were on a PC or a tablet or an internet connected shoe watching videos.
I just have to ask, what the hell are y'all talking about? You spent hours uninstalling Quicktime? Apples will pull massive bandwidth? Am I taking crazy pills?

Seriously though, Macs are PCs. There is no difference anymore. With the right computer and tools, you can install MacOS on a PC. You can install Windows on any Mac made after 2007. Dragon, the fact that your daughter is on a Mac has nothing to do with your disconnects. You'd likely have the same issue if she were on a PC or a tablet or an internet connected shoe watching videos.

That's as may be dabney. But, I have 4 other computers, (3 wired, 1 wireless) all running one version of Windows or another. At least 2 Android phones and sometimes 3, 2 Kindle Fires, 1 Western Digital Media Player, 1 Sony Blu-Ray/Receiver, 1 Onkyo Receiver, and a Wii, which if I'm running the PS3, is turned off, all up and on the network at the same time. No D/C issues, modem doesn't de-synch, until that macdevilbook gets turned on and is used to browse the web, stream media or other bs. I will beg to disagree with you here dabney. I have empirical evidence to the contrary. I can literally tell when my daughter has it up and I can tell when she is streaming media to it, just by the level of d/cs I experience while playing GT5.

It happened last night. My modem de-synched in the early evening, and all that was actually using the internet was this machine (Win 7), maybe my wife's (Win XP), perhaps 3 android phones, and that macdevilbook. I am down here with the modem and as soon as google drive and GTPlanet wouldn't refresh I turned around to see the modem trying to re-synch. I waited a bit and decided to power cycle the whole network. Shut down everything. And I mean everything. Brought network back up and told my "users" it was back up. A couple hours later I tried to join D2 lounge to watch the last open wheel series race and didn't stay in the lounge long enough to type "wassup". Backed out, cleared GT5 cache and tried again. Same thing. Walked upstairs to ask my daughter what she was streaming. She immediately begins to kill it and I told her I wasn't racing tonight and not to worry about. This is not the first time this has occurred.

As for the quicktime thing. Every time I've had to install it to view some media file, it's tried to usurp file associations for every media extension known to man. Newer versions have improved this idiotic feature, but it's far to late for me to accept. If I have to view a media file that requires quicktime, it gets installed long enough to view, then gets scrubbed, again. Then there is the autoupdate bs it tries to do, and the service that starts at boot that is unnecessary for anything. Kind of like a default installation of JRE.

Nothing does anything on my machines unless I specifically tell it to, period. Not even Windows.

I keep an eye on running processes and if there's something there I don't know or want to run, I'm hunting it down and killing it. At one point I had my XP machines booting with 10 or less processes. They screamed, even with sub-par hardware. Win 7 kinda annoys me in this respect. A bone stock fresh install had somewhere near or over 30 processes at boot. All of them were apparently required for 7 to run. The systems we have at work, by comparison, have over 80 processes running on boot, they are all slower than molasses in January and have twice the hardware my Win 7 box has.

At any rate. Yes you may be stark raving mad, and I might be as well. But the evidence I have says, in this instance, me, not so much. What crazy pills you take however, is your business. :sly: ;) :D

And I will have to disagree with you on another point. Apple computers are not PCs. They are DCs, that does not stand for DisConnect either, although it easily could in my case.

You just had to ask, didn't you.
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I don't know doodly about that macdevilbook. If I had my way I would call down Gabriel and have him destroy the thing and everything associated with it. Don't even really want to know anything about it. Might get infected and have to avoid that at all costs. You wouldn't care to toss me a how to link I can then send to my daughter so she can do it? She's already completely exposed and highly contagious. ;)

There are a couple ways but as soon the macdevilbook is reboot the settings are reset.
There are a couple ways but as soon the macdevilbook is reboot the settings are reset.


Figures. I may set a time limitation on the router for that thing's MAC address so she flat can't get internet access when I'm scheduled to race.

While perusing my current running processes I noticed one that hadn't been there before, which led me to another process that needed killing. Stupid toolbar piggybacking on other installations is just insidiously annoying. Had to boot into admin profile to scrub the hard drive of the files after killing the processes that were using them. What a pain in the arse. Back down to 46 processes at boot.
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Figures. I may set a time limitation on the router for that thing's MAC address so she flat can't get internet access when I'm scheduled to race.

While perusing my current running processes I noticed one that hadn't been there before, which led me to another process that needed killing. Stupid toolbar piggybacking on other installations is just insidiously annoying. Had to boot into admin profile to scrub the hard drive of the files after killing the processes that were using them. What a pain in the arse. Back down to 46 processes at boot.

Limiting the MAC is the best way around it. I myself have gotten rid of the Bloat on my Alienware an I'm currently sitting at 26 process to boot on Win 8 64 bit ....
Wow. Wouldn't have thought you could get it that low. Not and run any anti virus or anti malware software.
Late again, sigh.

Anyone interested in running 100's tonight?

Maybe, gasp, tune the transmission? That way we could run some larger tracks.

Late again, sigh.

Anyone interested in running 100's tonight?

Maybe, gasp, tune the transmission? That way we could run some larger tracks.


Yes and yes yes yes!!!

Motegi's small track would be fun. Not the oval not east. The other one. Off to see what it's called.

Motegi West
Yes and yes yes yes!!!

Motegi's small track would be fun. Not the oval not east. The other one. Off to see what it's called.

Motegi West

Sweet, track one down, next :)
Two tracks now:

Motegi West
Madrid Mini Reverse

One to go.

Edit: I've got to very different tracks in mind, London or Spa? Or another?

K, had another thought, road course daytona.
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Any thoughts on a Kart thread?

What Karts this week?

Go back to Jr's but allow Trans tuning
Any thoughts on a Kart thread?

What Karts this week?

Go back to Jr's but allow Trans tuning

I'll be getting a thread up tomorrow 👍

And I like tuning the trans, it's not overly complicated and allows some tinkering :)

I'll make the first week the Juniors and we can progress through the Karts weekly.
I'll be getting a thread up tomorrow 👍 And I like tuning the trans, it's not overly complicated and allows some tinkering :) I'll make the first week the Juniors and we can progress through the Karts weekly.

The Trans allows us to use any track basically. :)

As well encouraging an open tune. Basically if someone had something they think works. Share with the room. Helps keep the "spec" aspect there.

Also, anyone not break in their karts. I highly. Recommend doing so.

Start a race at say at a track with no put. Like London. Set the laps so your total mileage is 200+. Start the race. Hit pause. Let it drive around. I do some laps myself and then pause let it go.

Maybe be smart to do 100 miles then 100 miles in case a DC happens like 180 miles in and you lose the entire effort.

The Trans allows us to use any track basically. :)

As well encouraging an open tune. Basically if someone had something they think works. Share with the room. Helps keep the "spec" aspect there.

Also, anyone not break in their karts. I highly. Recommend doing so.

Start a race at say at a track with no put. Like London. Set the laps so your total mileage is 200+. Start the race. Hit pause. Let it drive around. I do some laps myself and then pause let it go.

Maybe be smart to do 100 miles then 100 miles in case a DC happens like 180 miles in and you lose the entire effort.


👍 I'd like this to be competitive, but relaxed :D Sharing ideas is a great way to do that!

Opening up the variety of tracks is a big plus for the tune.

And the Karts will, as you've said, help people learn. They have a way of accentuating your mistakes. But you can take that information and use it 👍

Something else I've heard people do for break in os go to Indy with a ds3, put a rubber band on the steering to hold the wheel right and let her go. Not great for the paint though :sly:

Edit: and tape the accelerator too.
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