The screen on the 5, yes just beats it. The retina is just sharper and colors are more accurate. Colors is sort of preference tho because it does look cool having the colors just pop so much for more and have the blacks so rich against them. Camera is debatable. All phone cameras suck really since even the smallest lack of light drastically reduces quality. Battery is the one thing that is not close.
Personal preference perhaps, if you don't mind woefully incorrect color rendition. Fixes for it have some concerns about burn in. The camera on the iPhone 5 is quite nice compared to anything I've seen from Android devices, and do keep in mind I own a professional grade camera and lenses.
Iphone 5 battery is 1440mAh with the S3 having a 2100mAh. It's a pretty drastic difference. Most things I read say the iphone 5 battery although bigger than the 4s' performs the same. Makes sense since the screen is now larger and a lot more power inside to eat up more battery life.
Battery size is only a part of the battery life deal. Despite having 70% the battery of the iPhone, the S3 doesn't beat it out by much, if at all. Software optimization is much better on iOS because of the very limited hardware configurations that need to be considered, unlike Android.
The S3 shines in all the hidden not talked about features. Like the ability to plug a HDMI cables into it and broadcast the full screen on your tv. It even gives full screen rotation anywhere when you do that because they knew you wouldn't want to view you phone in portrait mode on a TV.
This feature has been around for years with other high end Android devices. My old EVO 4G has HDMI out as well, so not sure why this is much of a feature.
It also has dlna built right into the settings so again you can stream movies, photos, whatever you want to dlna devices such as a ps3. You can plug a ps3 controller into it and play games, no extra drivers or anything needed. Awesome for playing all the gran theft auto games.
Again, this is also pretty damn easy to manage on most any Android device - I've used my PS3 controllers on a few different phones now to play SNES games.
SD card can be added. Mine is now a 80gb and it only cost me $40 to upgrade to it rather than over $200 more to get a 64gb iphone.
This is nice, though despite how much media I have on my desktop, I don't see much need for a ton of space with streaming services as they are these days.
The camera looks at your eyes when the screen is on and if it sees you are reading it won't turn the screen off. Super handy since we all know how annoying it is to be reading and have the screen timeout just go off in the middle. Again with the camera looking at your face to see what angle it is at to decide whether it should rotate the screen or not. Everyone knows how annoying it is when you're laying down and texting on an angle than all the sudden the phones screen rotates.
Keeping a camera on all the time sounds like a great way to wreck the battery life in a hurry. HTC added a great deal of features to the One, and it apparently has appalling battery life.
The list goes on and on for features never talked about mainstream that actually make a big difference in real life use. That's why the S3 is most sold android phone and the first true iphone killer. The S3 does all this now, I can not wait to see what the S4 is bringing.
Oddly enough, my cellphone savvy friends have all given up on the S3 and gone back to iPhones. The handful of people here are the only ones talking about the S3 being an actual iPhone killer that aren't reviewers getting paid.
Also side note China has a iphone 5s knock off already lol. Only cost $99 too.
And they are probably complete trash, so not sure why the price matters.