Sardegna Leaderboard: Grind Times for 45 Cars, Strategies, Tunes & FAQ's (post 1.31)

  • Thread starter BobDx123
Yeah i think your right doing the extra lap to get away from the traffic would save time, i think i only started doing the short stint at the start because i started chasing the lower lap times, trying to figure out how fast i could go, so if i only managed high 1:27s i would restart the race and try and get in the groove, once i hit 2x 1:26s i knew i had to finish the race as i was on for a good time. I want to try again now that i know the tune is good for a 1:26 laptime i can work on the consistency i have worked out the short stint needs an average lap time of 1:27:5 and the long stint needs an average lap time of 1:28:5 to achieve 22:40 overall
New PB - 22:54.517
FL - 1:28.293
The R34 GTR goes alright with the engine swap its hard to stop the bloody thing though
Nissan R34 GTR swap
Race time: 24:11:241
Fastest lap: 1:32:110
View attachment 1264214

Very impressive right out the gate. That around what I was expecting/hoping for us to see at some point for the R34 (~24min).

I only took it for several laps around TT (with 12x tire 8x fuel turned on) but struggled to get any lap times like yours, much longer than I would like. Indeed the brakes make it super difficult, I suspect not having the braking points down was adding more than I thought. Did you start out with Praiano’s tune for the suspension?

So far I’ve experienced similar difficulties on the handful of 787b/R92CP swaps. I took a number of them out quick for fun to see what ballpark they would be in. Was really hoping there’s someway to overcome with amazing fuel savings thy have.

I haven’t tried any of the Gr.2 engine swaps Larzi brought up yet though.

Cool you’re branching out to all different cars like the CLK & R34; excited to see new times up for others to chase 👍
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Couple new sub 24s.


Porsche 919 Hybrid '16


Toyota GR010 HYBRID '21

I discovered that if I put hards in the Toyota and increase the power to the engine, the battery of the hybrid consumes less and it lasts the whole race. Last time battery was empty after 10 laps. I also added full front ballast to make it more understeery and get more pp to traded for power.

Porsche's hybrid system is little bit different but it also got more pace with racing hards and max ballast to front.

I tried to add max front ballast before with gt500 cars but it didn't work. Front engine Lexus and Nissan just became more gas-guzzling and tire-wearing but lap times did not improved because they were too understeery. Only the Honda was faster, but it is a mid-engine car.
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With the r34 gtr i just lowered the ride height front and rear all the way and set all the suspension to max hard even with the brake bias forward it will still pivot too much under heavy braking
I mentioned in a previous post that tuning the L750R was an inherently glitchy process, with numerous combinations granting extra pp to work with for reduced “Rotational G’s”. I created a variety of different tunes which testing revealed all performed quite well; so much in fact, I’m confident it’s currently the fastest car at Sardegna, behind only the Escudo & Group C options.

It’s important to note that even the most successful combinations are not remotely close to “full on” glitches we’ve seen in past updates, like the ridiculous Apline A220; they’re not even in the same league. For those not familiar, these past glitches were very specific in nature and allowed a ~740pp car to race at 600pp events Every aspect of the tunes (including anything attached to the car) had one “solution” that had to be exact. Even downgrading tires would deactivate the glitch, causing the pp level to skyrocket back up ~150 points! When all was said and done, the “Rotational G” would dip astonishing amounts, from ~1.35 to <.80 to provide the otherwise impossibly low pp level

At best, changes to the L750R are only enough to place it somewhere between other contemporary Gr.1’s and the Classics, leaving 6 cars at the same pp level much faster. While it may aid over original performance (whatever that is), it does not provide an advantage above/beyond the competition that would make it feel like a true glitch that doesn’t belong in the race.

I made several different tunes and included the two I tried in the event below to share, one with RH’s and one with RM’s. They were all capable of laps in the low-mid 1:30’s in TT with event settings on so race times should be able to get to the 23 teens. I only brought out each tune once, and even with mistakes, they were fast races. Both tunes come with options for short and longer 1st gears and were done with Controller, not a wheel. I 100% sure the suspension/LCD can be improved upon by others, possibly lowering the time to break 1:30, I just found a starting point to work with.
Again, these were my first races out with both of them, not my best work. I had traffic in some unfortunate places as well causing a couple pretty rough laps. Shouldn’t be difficult to get 23:20’s and I’m sure will end up in the teens if no mistakes are made.

Hope this helps someone, if anyone has questions just ask.

- RM Tune: I used the Longer 1st gear option. Amazingly short breaking, grip and very responsive. Requires changeout after 7 or 8 laps

- RH Tune: I used the Longer 1st gear option. Good braking, grip and acceleration. The ballast is in rear for grip and to help the rear tires slide for turns. I did the 15 laps on the same tires, which saves 5 seconds or so. They could be changed out depending on preference.

Both Tunes: I reserve 6th gear and sometimes 5th as an “overdrive” to save on fuel, using it after reaching desired speeds in each section. Sometimes I’ll rev 1st and 2nd gear near the top but not the others, there’s gobs of torque and usually not necessary. Should be able to get a handle on gear changes and fuel consumption pretty easily. FM1 for the whole race.

RH Tune was the 23:37 & RM was the 23:39




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Nissan GT-R LM my tires are gone NISMO '15

Audi R18 '16

Toyota TS050 - Hybrid '16


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R92cp tune works for all the group c cars
My basic understanding of the tuning system is when tuning to a pp limit around sardegna which is basically a big square track
Lower the front downforce and raise the rear downforce to lower the high speed rotational g which then allows you to add more hp to gain time on the straights. Then you use the suspension settings to encourage as much rotation as you can get because the aero balance makes the car understeer. So i just make the car super stiff, lower the front and raise the rear. This style of tuning doesn’t seem to work with cars that cant add enough rear downforce to stop the car loosing the back end at high speeds
Does anybody have an XJR-9 or 962 C settings?
@Turbodatsun is spot on; I actually didn’t learn about the extreme suspension (low front/high rear) until after the 1.31 update that added so much understeer to the Gr.1 Classic cars.

Here’s his setup in the link below. Unfortunately I still haven’t organized all the tunes everyones posted in the thread…. on my “to-do” list. He’s made a number of them you can find on other pages as well with different tire setups and they’ve all been successful for a number of people on here
Post in thread 'Sardegna Leaderboard: Grind Times for 35 Cars, Strategies, Tunes & FAQ’s (post 1.31)'’s-post-1-31.418227/post-14026828

It’s funny you brought this up… I was just thinking recently to ask @Larzi- about his 962C setup as he somehow has got that car significantly faster than most others. IDK if he did anything different or if its the usual pattern mentioned above for the other cars. Also, Turbo figured out that the understeer (even after tuning) is better corrected when using a wheel rather than a controller, not sure if that affects you or not. I don’t think settings for the controller have quite been perfected yet
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Peugeto 908 HDi FAP '10

Very snap oversteery in 2nd gear. I was able to drive only 3 completed races during the approx. 500 km (one race is +70km). So I took about 5 races worth of restarts. Not a very easy and fun car. I had to use open diff (5, 5, 5) settings with this one.


Toyota TS030 Hybrid '12

Surprisingly slow. All other gr1 cars from the 2010s are significantly faster.
Really don't find how you guys get 1:31/32 laps..1:36 is my pb so far.
Are you using manual transmission or automatic? Especially in the Sardegna tunes, it is important to use correct gears, because in setups the gears are very optimized and the engines may be significantly down tuned, so they do not have the torque of the top revs.

All my gr.1 times use the same Turbodatsun setup as a base, but for cars other than group c, I put max ballast in the front and use harder tires, so I can add more power of the engine. Max ballast to front make cars more understeery and free up more pp to make the car faster on straights. However, this only works with MR and RR cars and when you don't have to start saving too much gas.

I will happily share tunes if asked, but basically I just copy the same thing from car to car, so I've left them out.
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22:38 with tune
Thank you for that tune - my first attempt at Sardegna WTC800 and it was a pleasant drive. Thanks to it, I've set up my best lap time and overall time during a WTC800 event. I'd probably also recommend it if someone wants to start grinding this event :D


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Well, I'm back to grinding because there's a Green Metallic McLaren F1 on the dealership that I want to buy, and after seeing some posts, I decided to follow @Turbodatsun Tune in the R92CP. So credit and props to him for the hard work in finding the best tune for this car.

It really comes down to luck of the draw with the AI, I did a 22:42.316 with a best lap of only 1:27.793 and I can easily get a 1:27.5 or less, in fact, I only did 1:27s 2x during all 15 laps. I got a lot of trouble with traffic on the 2nd stint, literally all of them I had to slow down on arguably the sequence of corners where there's the most lap time to gain, on turns 12 and 13. 3 laps in a row... And I did some little mistakes on some other laps when I was a bit throttle happy and slided the car a bit.

I was very consistent on my first stint, short shifting at around the halfway mark or just over it to conserve fuel to last for 8 laps. And on the last 7 laps I went all out. I used FM1 all the time.

Anyone else notice the ai seem to be getting a little faster as in overtaking them further around the track then before, not sure if it just me?
Anyone else notice the ai seem to be getting a little faster as in overtaking them further around the track then before, not sure if it just me?
Funny you say that, the last few days i thought my car was going slower, i checked the gears today,still the same,so maybe....
Really don't find how you guys get 1:31/32 laps..1:36 is my pb so far.
Practice comes down to it, along with using manual gears. I’m far from the best GT driver out there but getting 1:32s with a well set up Group C car is very attainable once you’re consistently hitting your braking points, apexes, carrying the right gear through the corner etc etc
Anyone else notice the ai seem to be getting a little faster as in overtaking them further around the track then before, not sure if it just me?
Not just that... An AI that is being lapped, actually tries to outbrake you into a corner lol.
Sticking with the audi dtm seeing where that gets me, was on for a low 25minutes possibly in the 24minutes area earlier. But slipped on abit of dirty track and lost 20odd seconds on a lap. Ended up being 25:35 which is my best so far..does make the grind a little more entertaining this challenge.