Scaff's Gallery

  • Thread starter Scaff
I do have a bigger version, 6716 x 1607 and close to 7 meg, I can have a look at a place to upload it if you would like.

That would be cool, if, it wouldn’t be much of a bother. Thanks 👍

The last set is so amazing, I like them all, especially the Ford Castrol 👍
Hope you like them.

I do indeed. The Renault Gordini engine and the white Focus RS are probably my favourites.

With the RS shot I love the sense of speed, though personally I'd have tipped the shot at a bit of an angle for a bit more drama... or failing that, cropped a bit off the top and bottom of the frame to let the subject fill the frame a little more, which again would add to the movement in the shot.

But then, I like close crops (like this bike shot I took a year or two ago) and you might not!
I thought you wouldn't top that Audi, but I simply love that Lancia. Of the other shots, the red Mitsubishi and the Focus RS follow closely behind in the rankings. Also the Castrol Focus is lit quite nicely, and the photograph is taken from a nice angle. ^^
That would be cool, if, it wouldn’t be much of a bother. Thanks 👍

The last set is so amazing, I like them all, especially the Ford Castrol 👍
I will sort out the hosting and get a bigger copy for you, what dpi do you want it at, will it be for veiwing on screen or printing?

I also have a few more of the Ford Focus WRC to put up as well.

I do indeed. The Renault Gordini engine and the white Focus RS are probably my favourites.

With the RS shot I love the sense of speed, though personally I'd have tipped the shot at a bit of an angle for a bit more drama... or failing that, cropped a bit off the top and bottom of the frame to let the subject fill the frame a little more, which again would add to the movement in the shot.

But then, I like close crops (like this bike shot I took a year or two ago) and you might not!
The RS shot is a bit tight to do any justice to with any off the top or bottom, its not something I have a problem with, just don't think it will add anything to the shot.

This one however...

...worked much better with the top and bottom cropped.

I love that car.
So do I 👍

I thought you wouldn't top that Audi, but I simply love that Lancia. Of the other shots, the red Mitsubishi and the Focus RS follow closely behind in the rankings. Also the Castrol Focus is lit quite nicely, and the photograph is taken from a nice angle. ^^
The Lancia shot is one of my favorites as well, particulary glad at how well it came out, as I had seconds to get it before it headed out on track.

Thanks for all the feedback guys, and I still have some more to come as well.


I will sort out the hosting and get a bigger copy for you, what dpi do you want it at, will it be for veiwing on screen or printing?

Is just for screen viewing. The one posted is too tiny, I can't see much of the detail on it.

I also have a few more of the Ford Focus WRC to put up as well.

Looking forward to them, the Subaru shown in this post looks lovely also, though, I think it needs a little more brightness.
I have to echo everyone else’s sentiments about the Lancia shot. 👍
I’m really digging the pp style you are using for this set. It seems to work very well with the static car shots in particular.
Is just for screen viewing. The one posted is too tiny, I can't see much of the detail on it.
I will let you know as soon as I get it hosted. 👍

Looking forward to them, the Subaru shown in this post looks lovely also, though, I think it needs a little more brightness.

I have to echo everyone else’s sentiments about the Lancia shot. 👍
I’m really digging the pp style you are using for this set. It seems to work very well with the static car shots in particular.
I've actually done very little to them in PP, the lighting on the day had its pros and cons. It was very, very bright, but also clear and the sun was quite low. As a result the colours are very saturated and the contrast is massive, the down side was a lot of highlights burnt to hell and not a lot to be done with them.

I took a lot of shots on the day, many of which are beyond any help, which is a shame, but those that did work out seem to be producing some quite nice results.

Here's a few more on the Focus WRC and a couple of others.


The real thing that leads the eye here is not the row of leaves and bushes, but the cloudline above all. You realy lucked out with that, if it wasnt there, it would have been a solid shot, but not as strong. Good eye and very vibrant colors. I like.
Thanks guys, it was taken on my way to work, the mist was hanging around and the sun low and bright and I knew a good shot was waiting.

Only had about five minutes to wander around and grab a few shots and this one worked well, glad you like it.


I love your landscapes shots, they all have such great colours, specially the sky. I specially love this new one, it’s really amazing. Also, if you quickly look at the bottom left corner, that spike looks allot like an artist rubric. 👍
I love your landscapes shots, they all have such great colours, specially the sky. I specially love this new one, it’s really amazing. Also, if you quickly look at the bottom left corner, that spike looks allot like an artist rubric. 👍

Thanks - I really do appreciate that as I love shooting landscape but am always very critical of my own work, rarely being that happy with them.

This one however has come close, I captured good lead in lines in both the sky and ground, maintained foreground interest and love the way the mist seems to blend the sky and ground together.

Oh - I have put a copy of the panorma up on a file sharing site for you to download.

Sorry it took a while, but things have been a bit mad around here since TGS and work and home have kept me occupied as well.


Two more landscapes, neither what I would consider my best, but just wanted to pop them up.


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Absolutely adore that landscape photo in post #130, Scaff. Great work! I also love the B&W landscape photo. I can only imagine how good that would look if it would've been foggy.

Great stuff! 👍
Absolutely adore that landscape photo in post #130, Scaff. Great work! I also love the B&W landscape photo. I can only imagine how good that would look if it would've been foggy.

Great stuff! 👍

The mist had just started to lift when I took the B&W one, which is why the sun hasn't totally burnt out the sky, however you are right that a bit more mist would have added more to it.


I like the way you framed the first shot with the two trees. It’s a little different to the “normal” in terms of composition and thus works very well. Great colours as well 👍

The second one is a good shot, good composition leading the eye well but it sort of lacks a bit of pizzazz in comparison to the first shot.
I like the way you framed the first shot with the two trees. It’s a little different to the “normal” in terms of composition and thus works very well. Great colours as well 👍

The second one is a good shot, good composition leading the eye well but it sort of lacks a bit of pizzazz in comparison to the first shot.

The first shot with the two trees is actually a stitch of two images, neither of them worked well alone, but together they added a nice frame to the overall image.

The second one actually looks better in print, as the texture of the foreground adds a bit of interest, but as I said I not really happy with either of them (but I am my own worst critic).

Love the colors on the #130 shot, very nice. 👍
Thanks :)


Out of the two, I actually like the black and white shot better. I just find it more surreal and so it appeals to my own personal taste more. However, both shots are absolutely beautiful. And a the ground detail and colouring of the first is magnificent. So is the composition with the two trees.
Thanks for that LongbowX, always good to get feedback on my pictures. 👍

Early start today as I had a 100 mile drive to start the course, but I had to stop and grab this on the way.

Stitch from 3 seperate shots, but I do love it when the sky gets like this just before the sun rises, makes getting up at half five worth it.


That looks great Scaff! I'm not sure whether I'd want more sky, less tree or the opposite, but the stitching technique seems to work very well in this particular shot. You're shooting a Fuji, weren't you? The quality is really good, and the natural colours aren't blown out in Photoshop, if you took it in Photoshop that is. Wish my G9 could capture the colours so good. Great stuff!
That looks great Scaff! I'm not sure whether I'd want more sky, less tree or the opposite, but the stitching technique seems to work very well in this particular shot. You're shooting a Fuji, weren't you? The quality is really good, and the natural colours aren't blown out in Photoshop, if you took it in Photoshop that is. Wish my G9 could capture the colours so good. Great stuff!

Thanks for the feedback Bram.

It was shot on a Fuji, my S2 Pro, and it has had a bit of work in Photoshop, mainly just to balance the three stitched images and bring out the colours a little.

It was however quite minor work, as the credit for the colours here most certainly belongs to nature itself.

Made getting up at 5.30am for work today worth it.

we need a clapping emoticon! Nothing like a good sunrise landscape shot. The stitching is brilliant and colours are well balanced and not over processed in anyway. 👍 I don't have any constructive criticism for this shot. It works very well just the way it is.
we need a clapping emoticon! Nothing like a good sunrise landscape shot. The stitching is brilliant and colours are well balanced and not over processed in anyway. 👍 I don't have any constructive criticism for this shot. It works very well just the way it is.

Wow, I consider that high praise indeed.

Not bad for a shot that came into being after I looked in my wing mirror and saw that sky, just had to pull over at the next lay-by and shoot around the trucks driving past. Gets you a few funny looks doing this at that hour of the day, but it does make me glad I carry my camera will me as often as I can.


Wow, I consider that high praise indeed.

Not bad for a shot that came into being after I looked in my wing mirror and saw that sky, just had to pull over at the next lay-by and shoot around the trucks driving past. Gets you a few funny looks doing this at that hour of the day, but it does make me glad I carry my camera will me as often as I can.




There we go, clapping. ^^

That's simply beautiful. And it makes me want to try stitching things together too. I once saw the most gorgeous sunset I had ever seen, but didn't have my camera. It's always good to have your camera...