Scavenger Hunt Week 12 - check post 1 for details.

  • Thread starter Boz Mon
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How do you guys not see cars from further away!? I saw two Alaskas and an Ontario just today!

I might be able to get a car from Sitka, Alaska. Though I don't think I'll be in the area where it is (my workplace) till Tuesday. Mabye tomorrow, I might be picking a friend up close to there.

1,409 Miles, bit... er... peoples.
I just have to go take it.

It's actually better than that - if you photograph an Alaska license plate it's automatically assumed to be from Anchorage, the largest city in the state. Which is 2,400 miles from Victoria.

However, if you photograph the plate elsewhere that fact should be presented so the distance can be altered accordingly. you have a burning desire to drive to Michigan?
Crappy Honda

(Completely filled with junk food and junk food wrappers. You can see some of it on the centre console...)

Might go out tomorrow licence plate hunting... you have a burning desire to drive to Michigan?

Who doesn't? Crappy road conditions and to-infinity-and-beyond straight roads certainly must be appealing to folks outside of our state.

Oh wait, whats that? Indiana has the same thing? Isn't that where Garry is? Oh yeah, Indiana automatically gets "Worst Roads in the Union" then...
How do you guys not see cars from further away!? I saw two Alaskas and an Ontario just today!

It's actually better than that - if you photograph an Alaska license plate it's automatically assumed to be from Anchorage, the largest city in the state. Which is 2,400 miles from Victoria.

However, if you photograph the plate elsewhere that fact should be presented so the distance can be altered accordingly.

OK, let's say it's from Anchorage, then. The car is about 30 KM away from me.
On a completely unrelated topic, it's going to be a complete rustbucket in not very long. It's a fairly new Golf (last-gen), but it's accompanying a 65 or 70 foot trawler that I've done some work on (hence why I know where it's from). It's kept on deck, with a small boat hung above it to drip salt water, and I'm sure it gets lots of spray when the boat is underway in heavy seas. Rust, Ahoy!
Sorry it's blurry, trying to drive and take a picture isn't easy...especially in the morning. But this one is an Indy plate which makes it 343 miles from Lake Orion. It was also funny because this guy had no idea how to make a Michigan left.


For reference:
Well I have some running around to do here in about an hour so I'm going to go hunting for some cars, I have to go back to the country club (no we don't belong to one) and there are always nice cars there...maybe some more 12 cylinders.
I saw an Alberta plate yesterday. But i didnt have my camera with me at the time because both my camera and my car keys were locked inside my car last night :banghead:
According to google maps,
Michigan to LA is 2218 miles.
Sidney BC to Anchorage, Alaska is 2223 miles.


But, in the end I win.



2778 miles FTW.
It's from Onterrible. Erm... Ontario. Toronto, presumably.
Final Entries

1. FURTHEST AWAY: Orlando to Auburn Hills 1199 miles, best I could come up with.


2. LEAST VALUABLE HONDA: Once again the best I could come up with, I honestly don't know if this is the same sh**box but they look close.








Furthest away : Califronia - Adelaide, South Australia ~8150 miles from my calculations :sly:

Counted? :P


  • ViperJayv.JPG
    88.5 KB · Views: 38
Wow - that plate hasn't got any legal validation tabs, required for rear plates in California - is it on a vehicle which is driven with those plates?

Or is it on your car for the moment? :D
Final Entries

Furthest away
Brisbane to Dandendong



Yeah, I didn't even attach it in that picture, it's just sitting there.

:lol: If that plate was on a Viper, it was on an early one - those plates were only issued through the end of 1994.

Next catergories should appear tonight, right?

Judgement tonight - and then if the winner wants to make the new categories appear, he can.
:lol: If that plate was on a Viper, it was on an early one - those plates were only issued through the end of 1994.

Wow that early! Apparently it was on a Red Viper RT/10 that was crashed, they ordered new plates for it when it was repaired and this old original one was left over. It was given to me last time I was in LA.
Wow that early! Apparently it was on a Red Viper RT/10 that was crashed, they ordered new plates for it when it was repaired and this old original one was left over. It was given to me last time I was in LA.

Since that's a front plate I wonder if it was ever even mounted on the car - not much of a place to do that on a Viper!
Wait! Wait! I've got a couple entries.

Crappy Honda:
Okay, okay, I know it says Acura, but buhleeeeve me. It's a Honda. And in some countries it was labelled a Honda.

Volvo V70R:

I made sure to include the massive tachometer, yes. Just imagine how the guy wired that thing, ugh!
Sorry guys - it's been a long day - here are the judgements:

FURTHEST AWAY - Slicks; Toronto to Vancouver area. Wow!
LEAST VALUABLE HONDA - Joey D, for either of his Civic sedans - Casio came close but in the end his still had stock wheels, so Joey got the win.
MOST VALUABLE AWD - chaser_fan; Diablo.
12 CYLINDERS - this is a tie between chaser_fan and Joey D; both of them spotted precisely one.

VOLVO V70R: point to Bubble Bunny, Joey D, and Keef.

So points here:

3 - Joey D
2 - chaser_fan
1 - Bubble Bunny, Keef, Slicks

Meaning Joey wins again. His turn!
w00t! Lets see about some new categories.

Who the hell would buy that?: A vehicle that makes you wonder why in the world someone would buy it, either really ugly or impractical. Anyone site Tibecca?

The most inefficient vehicle: The vehicle (has to have wheels meaning no tanks and no big semis. Cars, trucks, SUV's and vans please) that gets the worst fuel mileage. Also factored in is cargo space, interior room, and number of seats.

Slowest yellow car: Yellow typically means fast, not in this case.

Least valuable convertible: The crappiest convertible you can find, must still be running.

Mazdaspeed6 or Mazda MPS, anyone who gets a photo gets a point, same way the V70R was.

Once again all cars have to be in the wild, no dealers, shows, or whatever else.
I've seen a couple Speed 6s lately and I'm pretty sure I know the neighborhoods they're from. Also, I think I may have trouble with the crappy convertible thing. There's plenty around, but just noticing them will be the hard part! Now if they're burning oil or farting out the exhaust I might pay attention long enough to snap a picture.
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