Scavenger Hunt Week 12 - check post 1 for details.

  • Thread starter Boz Mon
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This is a pretty cool idea! I feel like an idiot, because I saw an SVO the other day.... :crazy:
Well since we are all just suggesting thing lets put something down in writing. Feel free to add, change, whatever to this, but at least it will give us a direction.

- A generic, yet interesting, theme will be picked by the previous week's winner, much like the photomode competitions.
- Themes have to be world based.
- The previous week's winner will pick the winner of that week, and you can't participate that week either.
- All photos much have a time stamp with them and when possible a distinguishing mark of some kind (sign, your hand, your personal vehicle in the background,etc.)
- Each round will be a week, let's say Monday to Monday?
- Cheating will result in expulsion from the competition.
- There will be a leader board, which I (or whoever) can keep up.

There, let's get this rolling so we can start on monday.
Can you elaborate on this world based themes? I dont understand what you mean. On the note of the theme and winner picking, are we absolutly doing a theme based hunt as opposed to a list based one?
I mean it has to be a theme everyone in the world can participate in. Like I couldn't make a theme of "Oddest looking Saturn" since most of the world doesn't have Saturns. Or the Europeans could make "Coolest French Car".

There would have to be themes like "rarest sports car", "ugliest car", "orange cars" something to that effect.

I don't know what we are doing, it seem like the theme based one went over pretty well so I rolled with it. I think a theme based on would be easier to do then find a specific car. Plus you'd get more participation.
This is true. I think we should do multiple themes at once though. Like maybe 3 or 4 just to make the game last all week from monday to monday. Just a suggestion...
I'm feelin just a one theme contest per week, but lets see what others have to say.
I'd say go with multiple themes. Maybe two fairly easy ones, and then one odd-ball one for 'bonus' points. Example:

- I4-powered American 'Muscle'
- Oldest Car
- NSFRU (Not Safe for Road Use)
- Strange Brands (ex in the US, Dihatsu, Alfa, Peugeot, etc)
I think the best verification (And most convenient) would to simply take the picture.
Then, you'd have to post:
-The full size original
-A resized picture/thumbnail
-The approximate time of the photo being taken
-The date of the photo being taken (Verified by the photo properties)
-The location of the photo being taken

I, personally, don't carry a pen/paper or just a pen around all the time. Furthermore, when you're taking from a cameraphone and have a limb (thumb/hand/arm) in the photo, it doesn't leave much room for the subject of the photograph.

Anyway, I'd be game for a game.

As for the topic, I think a 'world' theme would be interesting, but a region-specific topic could also be great. If you, for example, have to spot an Orange Toyota or something like that for a global theme. Otherwise, a C2 Corvette for North America/A Lotus Elan for Europe/ etc. Something rare, but not impossible to find.

Edit - YSSMAN's got an idea, there. A good one.
Hey guys - I'm banned for the week so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be posting here - but here's a better idea to verify authenticity: rather than write your name on your finger, how about just take a few shots of the location? For instance if you see the car at a certain corner, take a few shots of that location from different angles, etc. More shots would be able to prove that you were indeed at the location and didn't just swipe the photo.

See you guys in a week - looking forward to the competition!!
A ban is a ban, Doug. It's not the username that's causing trouble, it's the person behind it... With that 3rd re-registration to try and loophole over the rules again, it's permanent this time. The rules are there to be followed, even if you're an older member than everyone else here.
I think the best verification (And most convenient) would to simply take the picture.
Then, you'd have to post:
-The full size original
-A resized picture/thumbnail
-The approximate time of the photo being taken
-The date of the photo being taken (Verified by the photo properties)
-The location of the photo being taken

Ok so, these sound good as well as multiple themes at once, and the contest lasts for a week (monday to monday). Anyone else have a good idea before this thing gets rolling?
I wouldn't keep it a car specific theme, like no "find a Civic and take a picture" theme. We need something so we get a wide range of cars.

Also would we put up a poll and let the community pick the best spot? Or would we have the previous week's winner pick? Or would we have a points system based on how rare the model that was spotted was?
I was thinking about this too. Heres my take on that.....The previous weeks winner picks the next winner. There will be a leaderboard run by someone other than myself because I wouldnt know how to do that. The winner gets some points (5 or so?) and the leaderboard just keeps getting updated. The themes would be like YSSMAN said IE:
- I4-powered American 'Muscle'
- Oldest Car
- NSFRU (Not Safe for Road Use)
- Strange Brands (ex in the US, Dihatsu, Alfa, Peugeot, etc)

The winners would pick the next themes too. I think 4 or 5 would be adequate for what we are doing. As far as the pics go, shot composition should not be a subject when choosing a winner.
Sounds good to me 👍!

If there is enough people I think there should be 1st, 2nd and 3rd places as well. 5 pts for 1st, 3 for 2nd and 1 for 3rd.

And I'll run the leader board if you want, give me something to do at school.
Ok heres the final rules/regulations for the scavenger hunt:

1. There will be several themes choose by the previous weeks winner
2. The previous weeks winner will choose the next winner
3. Points are as follows 1st 5pts, 2nd 3pts, 3rd 1pt
4. The points will be kept track of by Joey D on the leaderboard
5. You must prove that the shot is authentic by one or more of the following ways:
-The full size original
-A resized picture/thumbnail
-The approximate time of the photo being taken
-The date of the photo being taken (Verified by the photo properties)
-The location of the photo being taken
-A paper with your GTP username in the pic
-Your username written on your finger in the pic
-A hand in the pic
-Ask for permission to use other methods
6. The contest will run from monday to monday (no late submissions)
7. Anything else you can think of ???

I just thought of a problem while I was brushing my teeth. It has to do with judging the pictures from the multiple themes. The winner would have to win in all 4, 5 or however many theme categories there are in order to be crowned the winner and to be able to start the next round. This is really difficult for me to put into words for some reason, do you guys know what I mean?
I think I know what you mean.
So, how about this:
We have a winner in each category every week. That winner cannot participate in the category that they won in the previous week.
I don't think this should apply for the second and third places, though. Let them try again.
Each winner would have to pick a category and judge it.

But it's Sunday, we are going to need some themes.
I would like to take part, unless anyone objects.
Agreed. Don't know why, but he seems to be able to take any picture of any car anywhere.

shame he's banned then isn't it?

ill play
Ok sorry for the late start but I guess Ill post up some categories (sorry for the bad quality of categories for the first time)
1. Why is that still on the road? (anything that is questionable)
2. Smallest car (probably a winner on each side of the pond?)
3. Redneck trucks with lots of stuff in the bed :dopey:
4. Best flame paintjob?

Thats all I got for now hopefully the winner will have some better ones, good luck everyone 👍
Sounds like good themes.

And Boz you should put the rules and current theme in the first post and I'll edit the second post for the leaderboard.

And I'll go ahead an point this out, clearly mark your final entry for the competition so we don't run into problems.
How do I display when the photo was taken? Do I just click on the properties?
1. Why is that still on the road? (anything that is questionable)
2. Smallest car (probably a winner on each side of the pond?)
3. Redneck trucks with lots of stuff in the bed :dopey:
4. Best flame paintjob?

I'm in. 1 and 2 are the only realistic ones for me here. I'm going to struggle with the other two, especially the flame job one.
Just get whatever you can. Something is better then nothing and who knows you might come across something. Remember anything really goes as long as you snap the picture.
I hope a bunch of people go at it I cant wait to see what everyone comes up with. This gives monday a new light 👍
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