Scavenger Hunt Week 12 - check post 1 for details.

  • Thread starter Boz Mon
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I've got two entries:

1) Best flame-job:


(Currently available in my Facebook account for verification)

Taken: Monday April 23, 2007 at Centerpointe Mall, Grand Rapids, MI

2) Redneck truck:


(Also available on Facebook)

Taken: Monday April 23, 2007 at Centerpointe Mall, Grand Rapids, MI

3) Small car: Can I use the Rio from the photo above?
I guess I'll give everyone till like 11PM central time because that is probably when I will be going to bed.
Ok, its 11:04 central time right now and the results are in for week 1.

Why is that still on the road? the winner is Joey D, when I made the category, I was indeed thinking of the car in the worst condition, and of all of the submissions, I think that one is in the worst condition.

Smallest car...Once again, M5Power you cant argue with that.

Redneck truck: Though Joey D had a good entry, the Cabelas sticker on Yssmans entry did it for me. Winner: Yssman.

Best flames: Small turnout for this category so I had to go with the Focus submitted by Yssman.

So add up the points and lets get ready for week 2 👍
Alright, well since we had such a small turnout I take it we aren't going to do the first, second, third thing. Maybe we should keep it points for the winner so it doesn't get uber confusing.

Anyways I updated the leader board, and Boz once we get the themes you might want to put them in the first post...unless of course you want to make a new thread every week. But I'll PM you my theme suggestion.
Just write up who wins each week - I guess the real prize will be winning the most - this week YSSMAN took two of the four categories, and you and I each took one, so YSSMAN's the winner. So YSSMAN, it's your turn to come up with four ('several') new categories due for next week!
I'll try and compete this round, so that should boost the numbers.

And I reckon I could have the taken the "Why is that thing still on the road?" category easily. Wouldn't have had to even go out of my companies employee carpark!
Okay, some categories for this week:

1) '80s Japanese Sports Car: See what you can find, there are some interesting ones out there. I'd prefer more 'rare' models, or ones that are harder to find, but even your standard 'classic' '80s RX7 or 300ZX would do fine.

2) Best Stretch Limo: Its prom season, and they're around. I wanna see some crazy Limos, and I don't care what kind of vehicle it is...

3) Patriotic Vehicle: Its fairly simple, find a car or truck that is covered in flags, slogans, stickers, etc about the given country you're in, and you've got a submission

Bonus Photo (Can we do a bonus photo? My categories are kinda difficult...)

Best Vanity Plate: I see good ones and stupid ones all the time, and I'm sure its the same around the world. Lets see what you can dig-up!
Gah all the limos I come across are Lincoln Town Cars...hardly worth a picture.
Another week out for me. Patriotics are the only thing possible - though, after the 2nd Lebanon War fiasco, the number of patriotic stickers dropped substantially. Before, we used to have "I believe in Sharon" (who is now in a coma), which was popular, but I've still got a bunch to pick from.

But Limos are very rare (proms are on late june), and '80s, or in fact any sportscar is very rare in Israel. Even MR-2s and MX-5s are. And vanity-plates aren't legal in Israel...
I've got some better, non-exclusionary ideas that will hopefully foster more players. I just have to win first! Better get looking for that Range Rover limo...
Best Vanity Plate: I see good ones and stupid ones all the time, and I'm sure its the same around the world. Lets see what you can dig-up!

Damn. Too bad I didn't have my camera last year when I saw a 17-year-old kid driving a Honda Odyssey with the plates "1337HAX". Damn, damn, damn!
One time I saw a lisence plate that said something stupid, like R3T4RD or something.... Coincidentally, he drove like a drunked bear.

Also, I recently saw D3NT1ST.
Since I'm not allowed to submit this week, my plate photo was going to be of a friend of mine's at school. Hes got a plate on the back of his F-150 that says YNGJEDI. Sweet.

Although, my favorite has to be one I saw on a Chrysler Town and Country that read BOLLOKS. Sweet.

I found out I can grab a few cool license plates here (references to my favorite show, my school, my SN, etc), but the problem is that I have to use the crap-tastic new plate designs here in Michigan. I hate them...
Can we put forward more than one submission for each category, or is only one allowed?

And what's the cutoff, GMT?

OK, well here's my entries for this week.


R31 Skyline:

Toyota Supra:


Stickered and kitted Civic:


I posted two in the Classic section because I couldn't get a definative answer to whether I was limited to one submission. If you need proof on any of the pics, let me know. :) (First pic of the Civic is blurry because I was zoom zoom zooming passed in my Mini at the time.)
1980s sports car:

Datsun 280ZX 2+2.

Stretch limo:

Hummer H2. Yes I'm aware it's a horrible photo. Hopefully the quality of the vehicle will get me something. All I saw all day were Lincolns until I saw this. I caught a stretched Ford Excursion late in the evening, but it was too dark for a photo.

Patriotic vehicle:

I live in an urban area, not conservative suburban Michigan, so outward displays of patriotism are uncommon. Proving that, this vehicle - which is Japanese - had Utah license plates and was one of just two vehicles I saw all day from that state.

Best vanity plate:

If this isn't a hands-down winner, I don't know what is. From Virginia.
The excessive category was the one I submitted before I knew it was only going to be YSSMAN, I guess Boz just picked it up.

And the plate O SMACK wins.
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